VOLUME 94 | ISSUE 100 | JANUARY 2018 Page 8ENVIRONMENT NEWS Established by H.H. Dr. Syedna Environment Wellness & Lifestyle Monthly Newsletter Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) in 1992Kittiwake PuffinOverfishing and changing sea temperatures are pushing seabirds to the brink of BURHANI FOUNDATION (INDIA) WISHESextinction, according to new data on the world's birds. Birds that are now globallythreatened include the kittiwake and the Atlantic puffin, which breed on UK seacliffs. Worldwide, over a quarter of more than 200 bird species reassessed by theInternational Union for the Conservation of Nature have been moved to higherthreat categories while a similar number have been downgraded. Three female rhino calves that were rescued from Kaziranga National Park area during the devastating monsoon floods in 2016 will find their new homes in Manas National Park. After a period of careful moni- toring they will be released into the wild.Rhino CalfTo create infrastructure for electric Tata’s Electric Car Charging Stationsvehicles, Tata Power launched twomore electric vehicle charging stations On the auspicious occasion of 107th Milad Mubarak of- one at Palladium Mall in Lower Pareland another at Phoenix Market City in 52nd Dai-Al-Mutlaq great visionary,Kurla. This takes the number of charg-ing stations in the city to three. The HIS HOLINESS LATE DR. SYEDNA MOHAMMED BURHANUDDIN SAHEB (RA)first was set up in Vikhroli in August. & 74th Milad Mubarak of 53rd Dai-Al-MutlaqTwo more charging stations are slated to come up, one at Bandra-Kurla Complexand the other near Western Express Highway in Borivali in a few weeks. With the HIS HOLINESS DR.SYEDNA AALIQADR MUFADDAL SAIFUDDIN SAHEB (TUS)Union government encouraging the shift to electric vehicles by 2030, powerutility firms are setting up a seamless network of electric charging stations.Recycled Paper Used INDEX Recycled Paper Used BURHANI FOUNDATION (INDIA) Bottle water is not safe 2 Plant a Veggie Garden 5 Amatullah Manzil, 65 Bazargate Street, Fort, Mumbai-1. Protect your heart Benefits of Water Melons 3 Producing Fiber and Paper from Banana 6-7 Phone: 22678480 / 22634326 Website : www.burhanifoundaƟonindia.org 4 Environment News 8 E-mail: bfi[email protected] / bfi[email protected] Subscribe On Youtube : Burhani FoundaƟon India Channel
Page 2 Page 7BOTTLE WATER IS NOT SAFE BANANA FIBER PRODUCTION Widespread contamination with plastic was found The outer sheath from the banana stem is first peeled off, the inner layers are flattened and fibers are stripped off either manually or through machines. HeapsA latest world wide study about bottle water reveals shocking information. The of banana stems are piled up near at the processing unit and workers begin slic-world’s leading brands of bottled water are contaminated with tiny plastic particles ing the banana stems into thin strands.that are likely seeping in during the packaging process was found in the study, ledby microplastic researcher Sherri Mason of the State University of New York at These sliced stem pieces are then passed through the machine on the fixed plat-Fredonia, according to a summary released by Orb Media, a US-based non-profit form that separates the gummy lignin and water content from it. The shreddedmedia collective. fiber is then cleaned and dried in the sun before being bundled into yarn that makes notepads, stationery items, lampshades, and handicraft. Researchers tested 250 bottles of water in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Steps in fiber production Lebanon, Mexico, Thailand, and the Unit- ed States. Plastic was identified in 93% of the samples, which included brands such as Aqua, Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, Nestle Pure Life, San Pellegrino, Bisleri, Epura, Gerolsteiner, Minalba and Waha- ha. The three-month study used a technique developed by the University of East An- glia’s School of Chemistry to “see” microplastic particles by staining them using fluorescent Nile Red dye, which makes plastic fluorescent when irradiated with blue light.The plastic debris included polypropylene, nylon, and polyethylene terephthalate Items made from banana fibers(PET), which is used to make bottle caps. In this study, 65% of the particles foundwere actually fragments and not fibers. “I think it is coming from the bottle itself,from the cap and from the industrial process of bottling the water. Particle concen-tration ranged from zero to more than 10,000 likely plastic particles in a singlebottle,” said Mason in the report.Experts cautioned that the extent of the risk to human health posed by suchcontamination remains unclear. There are connections to increases in certain kindsof cancer to lower sperm count to increases in conditions like ADHD and autism.Recycled Paper Used Recycled Paper Used
Page 6 Page 3BANANA FIBER PRODUCTION PROTECT YOUR HEARTPlastics and paper are sourced from non-renewable sources such as petroleum What really causes heart diseases?and forest trees. There is an urgent need to find alternatives to plastic polymerssince they are non-biodegradable. They which persist in the environment for ag- Heart disease is a set of conditions that affect the heart, including blood vesseles. Paper consumption was expected to go down steadily with the onset of the diseases, like coronary artery disease; heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias);electronic age, but it is nowhere near reduction. and heart defects one is born with.Further, the conventional method of making paper is highly polluting, which uses Even though it is a generallynumerous chemicals for treating the wood fibers to form pulp in the process of accepted fact that diseases are agetting papers of acceptable properties. result of high blood cholesterol, it is actually not the case. The mainTypically in banana cultivation, the stems of On the other hand, the agricultural culprit is a diet that is high in poly- Unless there is an inflammation in the body,the plants are chopped off and thrown sector in India produces a vast unsaturated fats (omega-6 vegeta- there are no chances of accumulation ofaway once the fruits are sold. Now, howev- range of natural fibers that can be ble oils like soybean, corn, sun- cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, thater, a new technology has managed to man- utilized to produce both fiber and flower) and highly-processed car- would lead to strokes and heart disease.ufacture eco-friendly paper out of these ba- paper. Natural fibers can be bohydrates (sugar, flour and all thenana stems. defined as substances that are products made from them) that in- obtained from plants such as aga- jures the blood vessels leading to ve, banana, jute, cotton, etc. chronic inflammation and diseases. which can be spun into filaments, So heart diseases are a result of threads or ropes and can be wo- the inflammation in the artery ven. Among these, banana fiber wall. has emerged as a new eco-friendly innovation since it is produced So how do we prevent heart disease and improve cardiovascular health? from banana stem, which is a waste material after harvesting the 1. Consume a healthy diet banana fruit. 2. Avoid all kinds of processed foods 3. Limit the intake of carbohydrates and sugar The machines can be 4. Make sure your snacks are healthy easily operated by semi- 5. Control other health conditions, like high blood pressure, skilled persons, has less high cholesterol, and diabetes maintenance, and is safe 6. Practice good hygiene to operate. 7. Regularly detoxify your body 8. Maintain a healthy weight Around 5-6 stems are 9. Reduce and manage stress needed to extract 1kg of 10. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day several times a week fiber, depending upon 11. Learn the warning signs their quality and the water content in them.Recycled Paper Used Recycled Paper Used
Page 4 Page 5BENEFITS OF WATER MELONS PLANT A VEGGIE GARDENWatermelons–a tropical or Grow veggies in your balcony garden this summer!subtropical plant are 92% water.The juicy fruits are also rich in : Starting an edible garden is not as hard as it seems. It just requires time, pa- tience and care. Even if you don't have space for a garden, even a small balcony♦ Vitamin A and window sill can work well as long as it's warm and gets lots of natural light.♦ Vitamin C♦ Sodium What can you grow?♦ Potassium ♦ Vegetable like cucumbers, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes,♦ Iron & Every 2-cup serving has about 15 –20 mg of peppers, zucchini, summer♦ Calcium lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. squash, Celery, BroccoliLycopene which is a powerful antioxidant, can lower the risk of heart disease, ♦ Greens like lettuce, kale,prostate cancer and improve bone health. Lycopene and vitamin C in watermelon mustard, spinach, bok choyalso lower inflammation and oxidative damage. These components of the fruit al-so help prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD). ♦ Herbs like Mint, Rosemary, What will you need? Cilantro, Lavender, Parsley,Watermelons also keep skin and hair healthy, improve digestion and relieve Basil, Tarragon ♦ Seeds or Kitchen scrapsmuscle soreness. Eating watermelon in reasonable amounts has no negative sideeffect and is actually highly beneficial to your health. ♦ Fiery chillies, radishes, ♦ Pots, appropriately sized for the spring onions amount of root space the plants willHowever, some people argue that the melons have high sugar content and can needhave a negative impact on the body especially when eaten in huge quantities. Planting properly is the keyAccording to the American Cancer Society, lycopene, if consumed more than 30 ♦ Materials for vines to climbmg daily, can trigger nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and bloating. People who aresuffering from hyperkalemia (high Potassium content in blood) are advised not to ♦ Hanging baskets or troughs to saveeat watermelon because of its high content of Potassium. space ♦ Gloves for keeping your hands clean and unscratched ♦ Trowel for digging ♦ Watering can ♦ Soil & Organic fertilizerPeople who are looking forward to losing weight should also be careful about how ♦ Always arrange your containers before you pour the soil.much watermelon they are consuming. Eating more fruits and vegetables of any ♦ Pour in your organic potting soil and mix in a little organic fertilizer.kind naturally helps decrease overall calories (energy) of the diet. We know that ♦ Plant your seeds or seedlings only as far down in the soil as recommended.people that eat higher quantities of fruits and vegetables typically have healthier ♦ Keep the compost moist after sowing.body weights. However, eating only watermelon is not recommended. You will ♦ Be sure to keep the water off the leaves as the plants grow.lose weight, but that weight will be mostly muscle. ♦ In about a month when the seedlings are bigger, you can plant them in largerRecycled Paper Used Recycled Paper Used terracotta pots to grow on to maturity.
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