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Home Explore July 2018

July 2018

Published by Burhani Library, 2018-07-12 08:54:58

Description: July 2018

Keywords: July Eco-newsletter


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VOLUME 100 | ISSUE 106 | JULY 2018 Page 4 Established by H.H. Dr. Syedna Environment Wellness & Lifestyle Monthly Newsletter Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) How can you make A Compost Bin? in 1992A really sustainable way to reduce your householdwaste is to start composting. Along with your recycling Biogas Energyit’s easy to get your own compost heap started, if youhave outside space. A surprising amount of the food At a time when the viability and safety of energy alternatives is being debated,(and random household items) that is often thrown Biogas may provide a perfect renewable energy alternative. Biogas isaway in the rubbish can actually be composted and primarily methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen, which can be combusted orprocessed into fertilizer for new life. oxidized with oxygen. The energy thus released, allows biogas to be used as a fuel; it can be used for any heating purpose, such as cooking. It can also be usedThe Basics: Any of the compost bins on the market should produce compost as in a gas engine to convert the energy in the gas into electricity and heat.long as they exclude rain, retain some warmth, allow drainage and let in air.Make sure you mix together its contents regularly, at least every week. A well- Biogas plants– The Energy key for Rural Indiadrained area with a soil base will ensure the heap doesn’t get too soggy and alsothat worms can get in. If you have to place the bin on a paved surface, add a The Government is extending substantial subsidy for setting up of new Biogas plants. Thespadeful of soil into your mix. A spot that gets a lot of sunlight will absorb the inspiring features of biogas are its production potential, environmental benefitsmost heat, speeding up the process though a shady area will be perfectly fine too. (avoiding large scale methane and carbon dioxide discharge to the atmosphere) and using bio-methane to substitute fossil fuels.Food and drink you can compost: You can compost your coffee grounds andteabags, soya, oats, coconut milk as well as discarded egg shells can be thrown in For rural India, Biogas is a means for sustainable source of energy, employment, healthyas long as they are crushed up. Nut shells, vegetable or friut peelings, shells from lifestyle, organic farming. It is the key to utilize the immense potential trapped in abundantcrab or lobster can also go in. Old cotton fabrics (including old jeans) can be quantity of waste feedstock, primarily in form of animal manure.composted, as long as you rip them apart first. Same goes for well-beaten oldleather gloves and wallets and woolen socks. In recent time, India is bringing novelty into biogas by exploring new and unique feed options such as rotten potatoes, vegetable waste, fruit waste, rotten grains and agriculturalWhat to do with your compost: Don’t expect your compost to be ready over- waste. Thus, effectively biogas in India is mainly through “Waste to Energy” route.night – it can take months for everything to break down properly. You’re lookingfor it to be dark brown and crumbly, and to have a lovely earthy smell, like wood- Small and medium sized biogas plants are one of the common sites in rural India.lands. While composting outdoors, don’t fear the worms. Welcome them, as they According to the latest survey there exists an estimated potential of about 18,240 millionspeed up the process. Stand back and let nature do it’s thing as the nutrients cubic meter of biogas generation annually. About 4.9 million family type biogas plants havetrickle down into your soil. already been installed against the potential of 12 million biogas plants in the country which is mere 39% of the potential of biogas plants in the country just based of cattle dung. Burhani Foundation (India) has partnered withRecycled Paper Used Recycled Paper Used BURHANI FOUNDATION (INDIA)Amatullah Manzil, 65 Bazargate Street, Fort, Mumbai-1.Phone: 22678480 / 22634326 Youtube: Burhani Foundation India ChannelWebsite: Facebook: Burhani-Foundation-IndiaEmail: [email protected] Twitter: BFI_environment Instagram: [email protected]

Page 2 Page 3 India sets the pace in global race Best air-purifying houseplants to beat plastic pollution House plants are an easy affordable and beautiful alternative to combat indoor air pollutants. They are easy to keep and have two big advantages:05 June 2018, New Delhi – India went big in their commitment to Beat PlasticPollution today, with an announcement to eliminate all single-use plastic in the 1. They purify air, alleviating sick building syndrome caused by formaldehyde,country by 2022. This unprecedented ambitious move against disposable plastic benzene, ammonia and other common irritants found in homes and offices.will drastically stem the flow of plastics from 1.3 billion people and businesses inthe fastest growing economy in the world. 2. They help maintain humidity levels and stabilize them at recommend levels for allergy sufferers.“It is the duty of each one of us, to ensure that the quest for material prosperitydoes not compromise our environment,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said. “The Areca palm It’s aesthetically pleasing appearance and easy to carechoices that we make today, will define our collective future. The choices may not for nature makes the Areca palm an appealing house-be easy. But through awareness, technology, and a genuine global partnership, I plant. The Areca palm adds a tropical feel to youram sure we can make the right choices. Let us all join together to beat plastic pol- home while also work as a natural humidifier. Itlution and make this planet a better place to live.” requires bright indirect sunlight because direct exposure to the sun can damage the leaves. It needsSolidifying India’s leadership of global sustainability, Dr.Harsh Vardhan, Minister of temperature between 60F and 75F. Exposure to coldEnvironment, Forest and Climate Change pledged to “achieve the India of our can also damage the leaves. Take care not to over-dreams,” announcing that single-use plastics would be banned in all Indian states water your Areca palm and ensure its pot has plenty ofby 2022. drainage.“This has been the biggest, most resonant World Environment Day ever, thanks to Gerbera daisies If you like a splash of color with your air purification,the leadership of our global host India,” Erik Solheim, Head of UN Environment, go for the sweet Gerbera jamesonii (Barberton daisy)said. “India has made a phenomenal commitment and displayed clear, decisive that is native to East Africa. It gets rid of benzene,and global environmental leadership. This will inspire the world and ignite real formaldehyde and trichloroethylene in the air. Barber-change.” ton daisies prefer full sun, plenty of water and well- drained soil. Be sure to keep the soil moist as often asThe announcement was a powerful finale after weeks of activities around the possible, without overwatering it. It is able to with-country, seeing millions of Indians – policymakers, celebrities, business Moghuls stand a wide range of temperatures, so you don’t needand small entrepreneurs, innovators, environmentalist, and activists – come to be concerned with keeping your home at a specifictogether to collectively take action on plastic pollution. temperature.After months of preparations and thousands of events, the culmination of commit- Weeping fig Best known as Weeping fig, Ficus benjamina lets youments and action have made this World Environment Day the most successful to bring a bit of treelike grandeur into your home in adate, setting the bar for governments, public and private sector, and individuals manageable size (they don’t exceed 6 feet). This par-around the world to step up and Beat Plastic Pollution, once and for all. ticular ficus comes in a variety of styles. With proper care and the right type of soil, these plants not only - Edited article from the website of UN Environment help brighten the room, but also help cleanse the air ofRecycled Paper Used many chemicals that are common in homes. Not all Recycled Paper Used ferns make good indoor choices, but the Boston fern, Sword fern and Chrysanthemum morifolium are exceptional.

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