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JYZ Deign produce renoned, gorgeou and olution-driven eite deign that deliver converion. Our Calgar eite pricing and proce i ea, tranparent and fat. Our Calgar eite deign compan i compoed of expert creative ho comine our trength in deign, copriting, e development, e-commerce, marketing and O to create indutr leading eite. We onl ork ith uinee e trul elieve in to uild digital preence that ecome a de몭ning competitive advantage. We utilize intuitive deign to hocae rand, ta on top of trend and ring digital viion to life through our execution-focued, innovative and holitic e deign trateg. We act a prolem olver, 몭nding o몭are application olution to improve uer experience and treamline uine operation. We integrate indutr knoledge ith the expertie and pecialized output of our team, alloing u to dig deep into the uer experience and drive long-term groth, increae converion, uild legacie and inpire cutomer loalt. xplore Kananaki Tourim Kananaki Nordic pa Weite
Calgar mploer Forum Trena Laine Online ducation Aleka Reort
tunning Cutom Deign Weite Application Moile and Talet Reponivene Weite Copriting Online tore earch ngine Optimization mall uine Weite $3,200-$5,500 Duration: 3-8 eek mall uine e deign price are meaured 5-6 page, containing a tructure imilar to: homepage, aout, portfolio, portfolio/galler, ervice, FAQ, contact, and log. Lead are generated through contact form and the ite act a an anchor for digital advertiement.
Corporate Weite $5,500-15,000 Duration: 6 eek+ Larger eite project tpicall require a dicover meeting ith detailed information on the cope. cope can include, ut i not limited to, 20+ page, ne releae, memerhip functionalitie, reource dataae, takeholder content, etc. A ite of thi calier ha take in operating correctl, and our Calgar e deign ervice o몭er ongoing maintenance. We Application $7,000+ Duration: 6 eek+ When a eite i part of the product of a uine, inightful developer are needed to integrate exiting plugin and o몭are or cutomize the e application to peci몭c requirement. Our approach ill tpicall include ourcing exiting WordPre plugin then cutomizing a needed to uite peci몭c client need.
Monthl Maintenance $250/month Plugin, theme and WordPre update erver hoting ecurit and Malare can Image and cache optimization Hoting arrant Once our eite i pulihed, it i important to rememer the 몭uidit of the Internet. Our maintenance package enure ongoing ite ecurit. In addition, e include contant optimization to enure optimal loading peed. D O W N L O A D D TA I L Troulehooting upport Ticket $200/month Text or image change Plugin or theme error Dedicated account manager Up to 10 ticket per month Additional ticket availale peciall if ou have a client facing eite ith regular tra몭c, error related to eCommerce, email, meage and other functionalitie can occur. Our ticketing tem enure e addre thee in order of everit. D O W N L O A D D TA I L earch ngine Optimization $900/month Internal anali & optimization Monthl 500 ord log PR log ditriution Weite content update xternal domain authorit acklinking Our O trategie are long term, to create qualit eite ith conitentl high ranking focuing on trategic keord et from our target audience, hich ill increae eite tra몭c a ell a rand aarene graduall. D O W N L O A D D TA I L
Ho long ill it take to uild m eite? Will I rank on Google? Can I chooe m domain? What hoting ill e ued? Can I have a uine email? Who ill have onerhip of m eite? Can I edit m eite? Will ou x m current eite? What do ou need from me? I'm on a tight udget, are there option? Can m eite take pament?
Name mail Phone Compan Weite (if an) udget (optional) Meage -- : -- -- Preferred Method of Contact UMIT FORM
QUICK LINK Digital Marketing randing We Deign ocial Media Management
HOUR Monda – Frida: 9AM – 5PM LOCATION Ingleood O몭ce – appointment onl 917 9th Ave uite 205 Calgar, A T2G 05 CONTACT U Text or Call: (403) 453-2990 mail: info@jzdeign.com Pleae note e get a lot of pam call. To enure ou get directed to the right team memer, pleae ook a conultation. Privac Polic | Term of ervice | Copright © 2021 JYZ Deign Inc. All Right Reerved.
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