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Home Explore Calgary Website Design

Calgary Website Design

Published by Jyz Design, 2022-01-07 12:28:50

Description: Looking for a strong and reliable Calgary web design company to read your imagination and convert them into reality? Rely on JYZ Design for fruitful designing, copywriting, website development and holistic SEO services. We help your business grow and reach its goal with a competitive strategic approach. Let us schedule an appointment with our experts now!

Keywords: Calgary Website Design


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JYZ Deign produce renoned, gorgeou and olution-driven eite deign that deliver converion. Our Calgar eite pricing and proce i ea, tranparent and fat. Our Calgar eite deign compan i compoed of expert creative ho comine our trength in deign, copriting, e development, e-commerce, marketing and O to create indutr leading eite. We onl ork ith uinee e trul elieve in to uild digital preence that ecome a de몭ning competitive advantage. We utilize intuitive deign to hocae rand, ta on top of trend and ring digital viion to life through our execution-focued, innovative and holitic e deign trateg. We act a prolem olver, 몭nding o몭are application olution to improve uer experience and treamline uine operation. We integrate indutr knoledge ith the expertie and pecialized output of our team, alloing u to dig deep into the uer experience and drive long-term groth, increae converion, uild legacie and inpire cutomer loalt. xplore Kananaki Tourim Kananaki Nordic pa Weite

Calgar mploer Forum Trena Laine Online ducation Aleka Reort


 tunning Cutom Deign  Weite Application  Moile and Talet Reponivene  Weite Copriting  Online tore  earch ngine Optimization mall uine Weite $3,200-$5,500 Duration: 3-8 eek mall uine e deign price are meaured  5-6 page, containing a tructure imilar to: homepage, aout, portfolio, portfolio/galler, ervice, FAQ, contact, and log. Lead are generated through contact form and the ite act a an anchor for digital advertiement.

Corporate Weite $5,500-15,000 Duration: 6 eek+ Larger eite project tpicall require a dicover meeting ith detailed information on the cope. cope can include, ut i not limited to, 20+ page, ne releae, memerhip functionalitie, reource dataae, takeholder content, etc. A ite of thi calier ha take in operating correctl, and our Calgar e deign ervice o몭er ongoing maintenance. We Application $7,000+ Duration: 6 eek+ When a eite i part of the product of a uine, inightful developer are needed to integrate exiting plugin and o몭are or cutomize the e application to peci몭c requirement. Our approach ill tpicall include ourcing exiting WordPre plugin then cutomizing a needed to uite peci몭c client need.

Monthl Maintenance $250/month  Plugin, theme and WordPre update  erver hoting  ecurit and Malare can  Image and cache optimization  Hoting arrant Once our eite i pulihed, it i important to rememer the 몭uidit of the Internet. Our maintenance package enure ongoing ite ecurit. In addition, e include contant optimization to enure optimal loading peed. D O W N L O A D D  TA I L  Troulehooting upport Ticket $200/month  Text or image change  Plugin or theme error  Dedicated account manager  Up to 10 ticket per month  Additional ticket availale peciall if ou have a client facing eite ith regular tra몭c, error related to eCommerce, email, meage and other functionalitie can occur. Our ticketing tem enure e addre thee in order of everit. D O W N L O A D D  TA I L  earch ngine Optimization $900/month  Internal anali & optimization  Monthl 500 ord log  PR log ditriution  Weite content update  xternal domain authorit acklinking Our O trategie are long term, to create qualit eite ith conitentl high ranking focuing on trategic keord et from our target audience, hich ill increae eite tra몭c a ell a rand aarene graduall. D O W N L O A D D  TA I L 

 Ho long ill it take to uild m eite?  Will I rank on Google?  Can I chooe m domain?  What hoting ill e ued?  Can I have a uine email?  Who ill have onerhip of m eite?  Can I edit m eite?  Will ou x m current eite?  What do ou need from me?  I'm on a tight udget, are there option?  Can m eite take pament?

Name  mail Phone Compan Weite (if an) udget (optional) Meage -- : -- -- Preferred Method of Contact UMIT FORM

  QUICK LINK Digital Marketing randing We Deign ocial Media Management

HOUR Monda – Frida: 9AM – 5PM LOCATION Ingleood O몭ce –  appointment onl 917 9th Ave  uite 205 Calgar, A T2G 05 CONTACT U Text or Call: (403) 453-2990 mail: info@jzde Pleae note e get a lot of pam call. To enure ou get directed to the right team memer, pleae ook a conultation. Privac Polic | Term of ervice | Copright © 2021 JYZ Deign Inc. All Right Reerved.

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