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Home Explore Prestige_Shantiniketan


Published by Vivek Solanki, 2019-07-22 12:14:29

Description: Prestige_Shantiniketan


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Renoriya INVOICE GSTIN: 22BITPP2296K1Z8 INVOICE #[46] DATE:JULY 21,2019 BILL TO: Light & craft Technologies Pvt. Ltd 4-2, new no 1,1st Cross, Chandra reddy layout,ST bed,4 block Koramangala, BLR-560034 GSTIN: 29AADCL8584G1ZZ DESCRIPTION SAC Code TAXED AMOUNT 440197 7200 Stall fee YES TOTAL 7200 7200 Taxable 648 648 SGST (9%) CGST (9%) ₹8496 IGST (18%) TOTAL If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Renoriya Thank you for your business! Computer generated no signature required

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