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Home Explore SSM Guidelines Final version 13May2016

SSM Guidelines Final version 13May2016

Published by maxwell, 2016-05-24 06:29:25

Description: Guidelines for the South African Small-Scale Mining to Comply with the Mine Health and Safety Act

Keywords: Mining,Mine Health and Safety Act


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No action shall be taken against an individual for making a complaint unless the complaint ismade maliciously or without reasonable and probable grounds. No employee or any otherindividual affiliated with this organization shall subject any other person to violence orharassment.Signature________________________ Name of authorised person Position or titleAdapted from: Interprovincial Insulation Inc (2013) Health & Safety Policy & Procedures Manual-Canadian Standards Association 201

Appendix C: Sample procedure for participation and consultation at the mineAimThe aim of this procedure is to ensure that workers or their representatives participate andare consulted in matters concerning their health and safety at the mine to comply with therequirements of the Mine Health and Safety Act 1996.The participation of workers will be ensured through their:(a) Appropriate involvement in hazard identification, risk assessment and determination of controls(b) Appropriate involvement in incident investigations(c) Involvement in the development and review of Occupational Health policies and objectives(d) Consultation where there are changes that affect their occupational Health and Safety(e) Representation on Occupational Health and Safety mattersSCOPEThis procedure is applicable to all employees, contractors and visitors working for or onbehalf of.................................................................................................PURPOSEThe purpose of this procedure is to:(a) To involve employees in the development and review of policies and procedures to manage risks.(b) To ensure that all employees are consulted where there are any changes that affect workplace health and safety.(c) To ensure that other interested parties, where required, are informed and(d) To ensure that employees are represented on health and safety matters.(e) To ensure that employees are informed as to who their Occupational Health and Safety Representative(s)(f) To ensure that employee involvement and consultation arrangements are documented.(g) The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that pertinent Occupational Health and Safety information is communicated to and from employees.RESPONSIBILITIES(a) Health and safety representatives and health and safety committee:.........................................will establish a health and safety committee comprising ofmanagement and employees to promote participation and consultation on Health and Safetymatters; facilitate election of Safety Representatives to represent employees under their 202

control and ensure that there are systems in place to effectively involve employees in aparticipative programme(b) Supervisors and Managers will:Ensure that Health and Safety Representatives are given reasonable opportunities toparticipate in the consultative process and employees have the opportunity to participate inthe process for improving Health and Safety in the workplace.PROCEDURE........................................................ will involve and consult employees, contractors andexternal interested parties on the following:(a) Risk assessmentEmployees will take part in the risk assessment for there are of operation. Management willensure that employees are involved in the development and review of risk assessmentprocedures(b) Changes that could affect health and safetyAny change in the organization which may have a potential to affect the health of employeeswill be communicated to the general workforce by means of, meetings, memos, EBMS andemail.(c) Incident investigationAll relevant employees will take active part in incident investigations. Management willensure that the outcomes of the investigations are communicated to all employees(d) Development and review of policiesRelevant employees will be involved in the review of policies and procedures. The outcomesof the reviews will be communicated to the rest of the workforce by means of memos, email,meetings and tool box talks.Representation on health and safety mattersSafety representatives will take part in forums where:(a) Risks are being assessed, and when risk assessments are being reviewed(b) Decisions are being made about measures to eliminate or control risks(c) Decisions about facilities for welfare of employees are made(d) Changes are proposed which could affect the health and safety of employeesConsultation with contractorsManagement will ensure that all contractors working for or on behalf of the mine areconsulted on matters related to their safety and health while on siteRecord-keepingRecords of the consultative process will be kept as per records control procedurePrepared by: _______________________Authorised by: _______________________ 203

Appendix D: Legal appointments templateName of person204 Mine No. Designation Title Department Area of Responsibility CV Effective date of appointment Expiry date of appointment Description of responsibility Applicable Regulations


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