illustrations and layout design by Tini Borja
Philippine Birds of Prey An Illustrated Guide
INTRODUCTION The Philippines is considered one of the by their conservative life strategy. None- 17 megadiverse countries in the world, theless, they have attracted an interest containing atleast two-thirds of earth’s from the point of view of con- biodiversity and a high population of servation biology because fauna and flora species. Birds, especial- many populations have ly raptors, play an important role in the been close to extinction. ecosystems. They are referred to as in- Hence, it is vital to cre- dicator species because threats like hab- ate a national agen- itat loss and climate change have the da for these species. most dramatic impact on top predators. Birds, especially raptors, play an impor- tant role in ecosystems. They are referred to as indicator species because threats like habitat loss and climate change have the most dramatic impact on top pred- ators. They also play an important eco- logical role by controlling populations of rodents and other small mammals thus,creatingawell-balancedecosystem. In comparison with other avian species, raptors are an uncommon study model, mainly due to the limitations imposed 14
Eggs and Nest The nest site is usually selected by the female and the nest is built by the two partners. Afterwards, the male hunts and provides food for the female which must be fit for laying, incubating and protecting the young. 26
Birds have a tendency to come back to Once the nest is built, materials are added nest at the same place that they were on year after year. If the couple does not born. This also means that the are- come back the following year, the nest will as used by certain species are well es- probably be used by another couple of tablished. Large raptors usually nest in the same species or by a different animal. tall trees or on cliff ledges, and may use Some nests can grow to very large sizes. branches or leaves as nesting material. 27
Amphibians: Smaller raptors and those that prefer habitats near water often feed on am- phibians such as frogs, toads, and salamanders. Reptiles: Snakes and lizards are popular prey for desert-dwelling raptors. 30
Small Mammals: Small mammals such as mice, voles, shrews, and gophers are the most popular prey for medium and large raptors. Small Birds: Many small birds including finches, sparrows, and songbirds are prey for larger birds. Depending on the raptor species, they may surprise smaller birds on the ground or catch them in mid-flight, either through diving or after an acrobat- ic aerial chase. Accipiters are specialists at hunting small birds. 31
Endemic Raptors of the Philippines 39
Philippine Eagle CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Pithecophaga jefferyi The Great Philippine Eagle, also known as the “Haribon Eagle” is one of the largest eagles, and continues to be one of the most endangered birds of prey in the world. Description: an adult eagle has a dark face and a creamy-brown nape and crown; huge, broad rounded wings and long tail; massive arched blu- ish-gray bill; blue-grey eyes; underparts with dark brown shaft streaks; tail above and flight feathers are dark brown with black bars; and, heavy legs are yellow, with large, powerful, dark claws. Habits: often found in lowland montane forests Range: Leyte, eastern Luzon, Mindanao, and Samar Diet: monkeys, bats, civets, flying squirrels, ma- caques and other birds of prey, snakes and lizards Population: 180-500 Threats: deforestation and wildlife poaching Conservation Action: The species occurs in sev- eral protected areas including the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park on Luzon, Mt Kitanglad and Mt Apo Natural Parks on Mindanao. 42
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