What is Unmish? What we do? How we do?UNMISH is committed to clinical We offer following therapies: Through sensitization of parents/ schoolexcellence with compassionately teachers.coordinated care for children. Our PAEDIATRIC PHYSIOTHERAPYexpertise and multidisciplinary team, SENSORY INTEGRATION THERAPY Through sensitization of medicalenable us to meet the constantly OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY professionalsincreasing, complex needs of our SPEECH THERAPYspecial ones. We believe if given Creating awareness for early detectionaccess to these facilities every child has SPECIAL EDUCATION of problems in children of urban &a better chance to bloom and evolve rural milieu.into ray of hope for those parents. PRE VOCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING By treating everyone who comes through our doors with dignity, respect,The genesis… Who would benefit? supportiveness and care.Unmish embarked its journey in Autism Our Mission:August 2009, based in South Kolkata, Cerebral Palsyis a non-profit organization, offering a Learning Disability Creating a society where “Socialcontinuum of care. Being a self-help Hearing Impairment Inclusion” is not just a concept, but alsogroup specializing in assistive and PDD practiced.rehabilitation technology, dedicated to ADHDimprove the quality of lives of parents Sensory issues To make the life of a special child easyand their children. Behavioral Problem and independent. Post-operative rehabilitation All types of Developmental Disorders To be a moral support for every parent who is rearing a child needing special and Syndromes care. Undetected vision problems in To enhance lives, maximizing function, preschool children inspire hope, and impart dignity and well-being of the children coming to us with expertise and affection.
Help our programs: How to donate? CENTRE FOR SPECIALISED THERAPY FOR CHILDRENRural Health Program: Through Cash. INTEGRATE YOUR CHILD’S Through Cheques in favor of DREAMS….It is a program for identification &detection of disabilities amongst \"Alipore Unmish Society\".children of rural area so that the Direct transfer to:growing number of such children canbe minimized; thereby the burden to the A/c No. 031201002800society can also be reduced. ICICI Ltd, New Alipore BranchSponsoring Therapies: RTGS/IFSC -ICIC0000317 80G and 12A facilitiesTherapies can also be sponsored forunderprivileged children. It cost up to 98 ND, BLOCK E, New Alipore.Rs.5000/- per month per child as Kolkata- 700 053.assigned. Phone: 9831252226,8420154540Equipment & Aids: Email: [email protected] Visit us at: www.unmish.comState of art paediatric rehabilitationequipment like adaptive seating Alipore Unmish Societydevices, toddler elbow crutch,ranging from 3000/- to 3,00,000/- Registration No. S/ILI 96645INR
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