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Published by unmish.therapy, 2015-07-30 02:16:31




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What is Unmish? What we do? How we do?UNMISH is committed to clinical We offer following therapies: Through sensitization of parents/ schoolexcellence with compassionately teachers.coordinated care for children. Our  PAEDIATRIC PHYSIOTHERAPYexpertise and multidisciplinary team,  SENSORY INTEGRATION THERAPY Through sensitization of medicalenable us to meet the constantly  OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY professionalsincreasing, complex needs of our  SPEECH THERAPYspecial ones. We believe if given Creating awareness for early detectionaccess to these facilities every child has  SPECIAL EDUCATION of problems in children of urban &a better chance to bloom and evolve rural milieu.into ray of hope for those parents.  PRE VOCATIONAL & VOCATIONAL TRAINING By treating everyone who comes through our doors with dignity, respect,The genesis… Who would benefit? supportiveness and care.Unmish embarked its journey in  Autism Our Mission:August 2009, based in South Kolkata,  Cerebral Palsyis a non-profit organization, offering a  Learning Disability Creating a society where “Socialcontinuum of care. Being a self-help  Hearing Impairment Inclusion” is not just a concept, but alsogroup specializing in assistive and  PDD practiced.rehabilitation technology, dedicated to  ADHDimprove the quality of lives of parents  Sensory issues To make the life of a special child easyand their children.  Behavioral Problem and independent.  Post-operative rehabilitation  All types of Developmental Disorders To be a moral support for every parent who is rearing a child needing special and Syndromes care.  Undetected vision problems in To enhance lives, maximizing function, preschool children inspire hope, and impart dignity and well-being of the children coming to us with expertise and affection.

Help our programs: How to donate? CENTRE FOR SPECIALISED THERAPY FOR CHILDRENRural Health Program:  Through Cash. INTEGRATE YOUR CHILD’S  Through Cheques in favor of DREAMS….It is a program for identification &detection of disabilities amongst \"Alipore Unmish Society\".children of rural area so that the  Direct transfer to:growing number of such children canbe minimized; thereby the burden to the A/c No. 031201002800society can also be reduced. ICICI Ltd, New Alipore BranchSponsoring Therapies: RTGS/IFSC -ICIC0000317 80G and 12A facilitiesTherapies can also be sponsored forunderprivileged children. It cost up to 98 ND, BLOCK E, New Alipore.Rs.5000/- per month per child as Kolkata- 700 053.assigned. Phone: 9831252226,8420154540Equipment & Aids: Email: [email protected] Visit us at: www.unmish.comState of art paediatric rehabilitationequipment like adaptive seating Alipore Unmish Societydevices, toddler elbow crutch,ranging from 3000/- to 3,00,000/- Registration No. S/ILI 96645INR

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