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Home Explore QUIZLET FILE-converted

QUIZLET FILE-converted

Published by 217eng Priyadharshini. A, 2022-01-22 15:12:15

Description: QUIZLET FILE-converted


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INTRODUCTION: Educational apps are interactive and fun for everyone to use. Learning through educational apps create interest among learners . Moreover , Covid-19 pandemic has caused a disruption in the education system and thus the of educational apps have consecutively increased . Learners attached and following their studies well because of educational apps .On the other hand teachers can track their class students progress by use of it . It facilitate students to learn at their own place. Teachers can use these apps to distribute study material quickly, conduct tests and grade the students efficiently. Parents can monitor the progress of their child effectively. NAME OF THE APPLICATION : QUIZLET 3

ABOUT QUIZLET Quizlet is a web-based application developed to help students study information through interactive tools and games. Quizlet’s mission is to help students (and teachers) practice and master what they’re learning.In Quizlet, information is organized into “study sets” that users like teachers or students add to their accounts.When using Quizlet, students log in and choose the appropriate study set for the concepts they need to review. These can be created by a teacher or generated by other users. Because of the flexibility and customization available, Quizlet can be used in any grade level and any type of class. Quizlet is a fantastic study tool for any classroom to prepare for tests and help them learn. Their app syncs with their website, letting you study flashcards from your phone. Quizlet flashcard app is a quick and easy study tool that will help you prepare for that next big test, examination, or presentation. QUIZLET OBJECTIVES: Quizlet is a digital learning tool that can be used by students, parents, and teachers. The site contains over 100 million sets of study materials created by other users that range in topics from Landmark Supreme Court Cases to Structures of the Heart and the entire site is available in English, Spanish, and German, however, Quizlet supports many international languages/keyboards for those wanting to input text from a wide array of languages. These study sets are free to use, or users can create their own, so the possibilities are limitless! Quizlet takes information and converts it into flashcards, quizzes, and games, so that users can study the same information in a variety of forms. And users aren’t constrain to 4

using just text – images and audio are easy to include in study materials. Best of all – study materials can be shared with students, classmates, parents, and teachers. How does Quizlet live work Quizlet Live is an in-class game that teachers can use to help students review information while working together in teams. Quizlet Live is fully focused on accuracy over speed to win. If a team answers any question wrong, they have to start over from the beginning. 5

DOWNLOAD AND INSTALATION: 1. Go to Google Play Store and search for QUIZLET Applicatiion and install it in your device . 2. The following pages will appear . 3. You can sign up for free with your existing Google account or Mail id . 4. You can enter your school name and courses of your choice . 6

How to make a Quizlet Quizlet either you create your own content or use hundreds of word sets which have been created by learners and teachers around the world. Users can search existing sets or create their own, to which they may even attach images . With a Plus account, users may even upload their own images and audio. BEST QUIZLET FEATURE : Quizlet has all those excellent modes that allow for a variety of ways to get information across for learning across a broad range of subjects. The smart adaptive nature of Quizlet is a really powerful feature. The Learn mode uses data from millions of anonymous sessions and then generates adaptive study plans designed to improve learning. Quizlet offers a lot of support for English language learners and students with learning differences. Select a word or definition, and it will be read aloud. Or, in the case of teacher accounts, attach your own audio recording. It's also possible to add visual learning aids to cards with specific images or custom diagrams. Quizlet has a plethora of media that can be used, including a huge pool of licensed Flickr photography. Music can also be added, allowing for very targeted learning. Or teachers may find something ideal that has already been created and is available in the selection of shared online quizzes. 7

Quizlet Live is superb as students are given codes and once they sign in they're randomly grouped for a game to start. For each question, a selection of possible answers appear on teammates' screens, but only one of them has the right answer. Students must work together to determine which is the correct one. At the end, a snapshot is provided for teachers to see how well the students have understood the material. HOW TO USE QUIZLET : Step 1: Create a Quizlet account. You can create an account here at Step 2: Create a set of questions. You can either create a single question set each time by clicking “create” at the top of the Quizlet 8

screen. You may also want to create a folder (if planning to make multiple sets for a certain class) by clicking on “create folder” to the left-hand side of the Quizlet home page. Step 3 - Share the quiz URL Once you are done your question set, share the quiz URL for students to use as independent study/review. If sharing the URL, simply click the “share” arrow beneath your set and hit “copy link” to paste to a learning management system or alternative method of sharing. Step 4 - Play “live” with your face-to-face class On your laptop or computer, log-in and load your question set. Select “live” and then “create game.” Make sure your display is viewable to students. Students then use their own electronic device (laptop or phone) and they go to the URL to enter the room number. Quizlet will automatically divide your class into groups. It is recommended that students get up and move to gather with their groups. When students are in and you are ready, click “start game.” During the game, each student in a given group will see the same question, but they will each have a different display of answers. So, they must work as a team to choose which member has the correct answer on his/her device. When a team gets a question wrong, they go back to “0” and so, this tool encourages accuracy as opposed to just speed. 9

EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATION : Quizlet is broken down into several styles to create impulsive learning among students . Quizlet styles includes, • Flashcards - Flashcards are pretty self explanatory, like real ones, with a question on one side and the answer on the other. • Learn - Learn puts questions and answers into multiple choice-style quizzes that can be completed to get an overall result. This applies to images, too. • Spell - Spell will speak aloud a word and the student is then required to type out the spelling of it. • Test - Test is an auto-generated mix of questions with written, multiple choice, and true-or-false answer options. • Match - Match has you pairing up correct words or a mix of words and images. • Gravity - Gravity is a game that has asteroids with words coming at a planet you need to protect by typing out the words before they hit. Live is a game mode that allows for multiple students to work collaboratively.. 10

English Learning In Quizlet : Quizlet is an easy-to-use app which helps you learn vocabulary in lexical sets to help you learn and improve your English. The ability to remember the meaning of a word or recall a word is essential for the development of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Quizlet provides learners of all levels with the opportunity to memorise new words and phrases efficiently and in a fairly engaging way in and out of the classroom. Once learners have their vocabulary set, they can complete a number of different study activities or games that help them to memorise the vocabulary, each with useful feedback on where they went wrong and what they got right. Learners learning other subjects in English, however, can create flashcards to help them learn key items. 11

How do Teachers use Quizlet? The key to making Quizlet effective lies in how teachers incorporate it into the classroom. Instead of making it a once-in-a-while component, establish Quizlet as part of your weekly lesson plans. Teachers can help learners to develop their vocabularies in and out of class. Teachers may find they spend less time explaining vocabulary items again and again, which can leave more time for skills development and use of the vocabulary. Teachers can create diagrams for students to learn basketball positions for gym class, use Quizlet Live for friendly competition before the history exam, or create a series of flashcards to help students master their Spanish vocabulary. How do Students use Quizlet? Students can access Quizlet from an app on their phone or from their computer, making it easy to continue studying outside of the classroom. Students can review vocabulary and memorise it efficiently and in an engaging way. 12

CONCLUSION : Quizlet is one of the best educational applications which encourages students to learn with fun and involvement . This application is widely used in many countries by school students teachers and scholars . Using these kinds of applications in our Indian schools must get promoted wisely by teachers , parents and school managements . Furthermore , Quizlet ensures the smart , systematic and healthy competitive learning among their friends . REFERENCE : ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ =STEP+BY+STEP+GUIDANCE+FOR+QUIZLET+APP&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2.40812j0j9 &sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_M8_rYcuxAbmQseMPgYeriAo46 ❖ 13



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