LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT TRAININGSTAFF TRAINING:A Product and Technical Training programme isbeing developed and will be rolled out to all RMAstaff starting off with the GPA Product Training. Siyakhula The RMA family is growing!
LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT TRAINING1. Group Personal Accident (GPA) – Members (Clients)Covers employees involved in accidents which occurs outside the work environment.Benefits are payable:Comprehensive Option: Classic Option:Permanent Disablement Permanent Disablement Income Protection 24 MonthsDeath Benefits Funeral Expenses R20 000Funeral Expenses R20 000 Death Benefits2. Augmentation Policy (AUG) - Members (Clients) Top up cover of the COID benefit, suitable for employees that earn above the COID maximum payment limit. Cover is calculated on employee’s actual package – allowing them to maintain their usual lifestyle by receiving the right compensation at the right level of benefits for their income. Benefits are payable:Temporary Total Disablement DeathPermanent Disablement
LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT TRAINING3a. Funeral Cover Products - Members (Clients) 1. RMA FUNERAL PLAN (Previously known as Stated Benefit) Death cover depending on the chosen option.OPTION 1: Member and Spouse OPTION 2: Member + Spouse + 6 (six) childrenGROUP FUNERAL COVERPremium Option 1 Option 2Member R40,00 R70,00Spouse R22,50Children by age - Unlimited R10,00 R30 000,0014 - 22 R30 000,006 - 13 R0,001-5 R0,00 R30 000 R0,00 R1 5 000 R7 500RMA STAFF – Check with HR on the product and pricing
LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT TRAINING3b. Funeral Cover Products - Members (Clients) 1. RMA FUNERAL PLAN (Previously known as Stated Benefit) Death cover depending on the chosen option. OPTION 1: Member and Spouse OPTION 2: Member + Spouse + 6 (six) children???Core Family Premium Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 (Minimum AgePremium 20 R60,00 R90,00 R120,00 >65)Benefit 40 R10 000,00 R20 000,00 R30 000,00Covered Lives 60 Member Member Member R90,00 90 Spouse Spouse Spouse R10 000,00Extended Family 6 Children 6 Children 6 Children0 – 64 Member R10 000,00 R10 000,00 R10 000,00 Spouse65 – 85 R0,00 R20 000,00 R20 000,00 6 Children R0,00 R30 000,00 R0,00 R10 000,00 R10 000,00 R10 000,00 R10 000,00 R0,00 R0,00 R10 000,00RMA STAFF – Check with HR on the product and pricing
LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT TRAINING4. International Cover - Members (Clients) Ensures that employees who work outside South Africa for a continuous period of more than 12 months can still enjoy cover for occupational injuries or diseases. Benefits are payable:Medical Expenses only in South Africa Temporary Total DisablementPermanent Disablement Death5. COID Plus - Members (Clients) Covers employee with Occupational lung disease only which are directly or related to occupational exposure to inorganic dust namely, silica, and coal, platinum salt sensitivity, occupational TB and asbestos dust. These diseases are currently not covered under COID. Benefits are payable:Temporary Total Disablement Death Benefit including Funeral ExpensesPermanent Disablement Medical Expenses Benefit
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