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Home Explore Rewrite sentences unit 1 - 2

Rewrite sentences unit 1 - 2

Published by Thuý Nga Đào, 2021-09-25 09:26:25

Description: Rewrite sentences unit 1 - 2


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2021 REWRITE SENTENCES UNIT 1-2 Mrs.NgaDao’s class Quyeet Thang Secondary School 0868686089 NgaDao

01 Hobby & interest

HOBBY & INTEREST 1. I am interested in going camping with my close friends. (FANCY) …I…fa…n…cy…g…oi…n…g …ca…m…pi…n…g …wi…th…m…y…c…lo…se…f…ri…en…d…s ………… 2. She can’t bear talking with him about what he likes.(DETESTS) …Sh…e…d…e…te…st…s t…al…k…in…g …w…ith…h…im……ab…o…ut…w…h…at…h…e…lik…e…s …… 3. Watching historical films is very interesting to my younger brother. (ENJOYS) …M…y…b…ro…th…e…r …e…nj…oy…s…w…at…ch…i…ng……hi…st…o…ric…a…l f…ilm……s ………

HOBBY & INTEREST 4. It is not a problem to me whether I have to pick her up to the cinema or not. (MIND) …I d…o…n’…t …m…in…d…pi…ck…in…g…h…e…r u…p…t…o t…h…e c…in…e…m…a……………… 5. Mr. Pike is a big fan of water polo. (FOND) …M…r.…P…ik…e …is…f…on…d…o…f …wa…t…er…p…ol…o ……………………………… 6. Mrs. Nga likes reading books in English. (INTERESTED ) …M…r…s.…N…ga……is…in…t…er…es…te…d…in…r…ea…d…in…g…En…g…li…sh…b…o…ok…s……

HOBBY & INTEREST 7. What leisure activity do you like most? What’s …yo…u…r …fa…vo…u…rit…e…le…is…ur…e…ac…ti…vi…ti…es……………………………… 8. Who will take care of the garden while you are away? Who will look …af…te…r t…h…e g…a…rd…e…n …wh…i…le…yo…u…a…re…a…w…ay…? ………… 9. All of the children of the Smith’s really like playing rackets. (KEEN ) A…l…l o…f …th…e…ch…il…dr…en…o…f…th…e…S…m…ith…’…s …AR…E…r…ea…ll…y …K…EE…N…O…N playing rackets


COMPARISON 1. It takes Lan 30 minutes to pick 10 kilograms of apples, but it takes her sister only 20 minutes. (FAST) …L…an…’…s s…is…te…r…pi…ck…s…a…pp…le…s…fa…st…er…t…ha…n…h…er…/ L…a…n…(d…o…es…) 2. I went to the party early at 7.00 p.m. However, Lan had already been there. (early) …L…an…w…e…n…t t…o…th…e…pa…r…ty…e…ar…lie…r…th…a…n …m…e/…I…(d…id…)……………………………. 3. It is quite easy to find an entertainment center in a city, but it is not easy to find one in the countryside. (hard) …It…is…h…ar…d…to…f…in…d…an…e…n…te…rt…ai…nm……en…t …in…th…e…c…ou…n…tr…ys…id…e

COMPARISON 4. Hanoi urban districts are noisier than its suburban areas..(AS) H…a…n…oi…’s…s…ub…u…rb…a…n …di…st…ri…ct…s …ar…e …no…t…as…n…o…is…y a…s…i…ts…ur…ban areas. 5. Sarah found it difficult to learn to read in Japanese. (difficulty) …Sa…r…ah…h…ad…d…if…fi…cu…lt…y…in…le…a…rn…in…g…to…r…ea…d…in…J…ap…a…n…es…e …. 6. This supermarket isn’t as expensive as the one across the street. (LESS) T…h…e …su…pe…r…m…ar…k…et…a…cr…os…s…th…e…st…re…e…t i…s …LE…S…S…ex…p…en…s…iv…e than this one.

COMPARISON 7. Jenny finds reading poetry boring..(DISLIKE) …Je…n…ny…D…IS…L…IK…E…S…re…ad…in…g…p…o…et…ry…. …………………………… 8. Mr. Quynh is the happiest person in the village. (THAN) …No…o…n…e …in…th…e…v…ill…ag…e…IS…H…A…P…PI…E…R …TH…A…N…M……r.…Qu…y…n…h.…. 9. Life in the countryside isn't as stressful as life in the city.(MORE) L…if…e …in…th…e…c…ity…I…S …M…O…RE…S…T…R…ES…S…FU…L…T…H…AN……lif…e …in…th…e…countryside

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