Week 1 Journal Entry March 18, 2022 This is the first week of IDET 5303, which coincided with my spring break as a teacher. I was in a sense relieved by the overlap of these two. It’s provided me the opportunity to take a more indepth look into this course to dabble in and create a better understanding of the learning outcomes with a bit more intentions without other distractions. As I have begun to delve into navigating the course, a plethora of information is presented. This week I explored the readings and materials provided within module 1. I enjoyed learning about The Fitt’s Law and the contemporary framework of Role-Based Design. Additionally, I read further into the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as well as 508 Compliance. After diving into this week's readings I had the opportunity to immerse myself into Adobe Captivate as I have seldomly used Adobe Captivate in the past. I am eager to refine my skills and learn more about Adobe Captivate. This week's readings and materials all intertwine. The basics of user experience (UX) design is a user-centered design. According to the Interaction Design Foundation (2014) “User-centered design is all about designing with the user;s needs and expected behaviors in mind.” The Fitt’s Law does a great job in obtaining a user-centered design, because everything is structured around users' maximum usage speed and what is the easiest to obtain for the user. The Fitt’s Law was a new topic and fascinating to me. Fitts Law can accurately predict the amount of time taken to move to and select a target. I didn’t realize there was a specific formula to support these accuracy predictions: T (Time) = a + b log2 (2 D (Distance)/ W (Width). Fitt’s Law refers to the amount of time required for a person to move a pointer to a target area to perform an action. The longer the distance, and the smaller the target size, the longer and more effort it takes. In most interfaces whether it be a mobile or desktop device the command buttons and access points have the most usage speed when located on the outer edges and
corners. According to the IxDF Course Instructors (2020) the high speed usage of placement on the outer edges and corners is “Due to the pinning action of the screen. As the user is restricted in their movements the pointing device cannot move any further when they reach the outermost points of the screen; fixing the cursor at a point on the periphery of the display.” Mary Formaneks does a great job explaining Fitt’s Law on Mobile devices as well as the accuracy predictions of Fitt’s Law on a Desktop interface. Role-based design allows for large teams to be assigned specific roles within the design process. This allows for thoughts of a learner centered design to always be at the forefront of designing. Role-based learning allows flexibility and application within most design situations. As Role-based learning is best suited for large teams it can be done within small teams or single designers. To be effective the roses should be seamlessly integrated and recurring beginning with the artist and continuing to the craftsman. As a born educator, I always put my students' needs first, and upholding a true learner centered design and environment. By providing differentiation it allows an equal platform for all learners. I enjoy refining my understanding of Universal Design Learning (UDL) and 508 compliance. Web accessibility is the focus for both as they provide an equal platform for all learners. I like to use the Google extension called WAVE. This Web accessibility evaluation tool has aided in checking my projects for easy accessibility and equality for all learners. This meme storyline Provides a great example of the importance of ensuring UDL and 508 compliance. If the ramp was shoveled, everyone would be able to get it at the same time. An equal opportunity is provided and comparable to the alternate of the stairs. It is always important to check your work before submitting your final project to avoid any issue for your company or learners. UDL promotes equity and inclusion by making content impactful, fostering aspects of different learning styles, physical,
behavioral, emotional, neurological, and cultural issues. According to (Bradman 2021) “UDL requires teachers to optimize their lessons for a variety of learning styles or “modalities” based on scientific brain research about how students learn. The goal is to create an inclusive, flexible lesson from the start, thus proactively eliminating issues.” As I ventured through Adobe Captivate there are a variety of tools that will ensure a learner-centered design is created. I came across a helpful blog by an Adobe Captivate user Joannm71098651 (2017) She provides an understanding in how Adobe Captivate and UDL have a partnership and provide great examples of how to ensure UDL guidelines are incorporated while providing an understanding for each example. As we continue this course, I am eager to dive deeper into Adobe Captivate, and refine and acquire new skills. As an educator I think learning by design with constructive criticism and feedback are a great way to learn. When you have a team to provide constructive criticism it allows room for growth and improvement. It allows for a fresh set of eyes to discover an area of improvement. This will be helpful when creating my final project and help me learn best. Thinking ahead to my final project, I am leaning more toward a 3-5 grade Science skill module that also includes an instructional component for the educators who will be using or implementing the module. Or leaving the realm of education in what I am most comfortable with and shifting to a corporate world. I am still debating.
References Bradman University (2021) What Is Universal Design for Learning? A Guide for Teachers. Brandman University. https://www.brandman.edu/news-and-events/blog/teachers-guide-to-un iversal-design-for-learning. Formaneks, M. (Director). (2020, August 17). Fitts Law part 1 [Video file]. In YouTube. Retrieved 2022, from https://youtube.com/shorts/e6nh3n4U0xQ?feature=share Formaneks, M. (Director). (2020, August 20). Fitt's Law 2 [Video file]. Retrieved 2022, from https://youtube.com/shorts/dYtQkdmsoVo?feature=share Instructor, I. C. (2019). Fitts’s Law: The Importance of Size and Distance in UI Design. Recuperado el, 23. Interactions of Design Foundation, .. (2014). The Basics of User Experience Design: A UX Design Book by the Interaction Design Foundation. Basics Interactive Design: User Experience Design, 68-105. doi:10.5040/9781350089150.ch-003 Joannm71098651, .. (2017). Partnership of UDL (Universal Design for Learning) and Captivate [Web log post]. Retrieved 2022, from https://elearning.adobe.com/2017/03/partnership-of-udl-universal-des ign-for-learning-and-captivate/ WebAIM, .. (2001). Wave evaluation tool. Retrieved 2022, from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wave-evaluation-tool/jbb plnpkjmmeebjpijfedlgcdilocofh?hl=en-US
Gabriella Zepeda Week 1 Journal Entry March 18, 2022 References Bradman University (2021) What Is Universal Design for Learning? A Guide for Teachers. Brandman University. https://www.brandman.edu/news-and-events/blog/teachers-guide-to-un iversal-design-for-learning. Formaneks, M. (Director). (2020, August 17). Fitts Law part 1 [Video file]. In YouTube. Retrieved 2022, from https://youtube.com/shorts/e6nh3n4U0xQ?feature=share Formaneks, M. (Director). (2020, August 20). Fitt's Law 2 [Video file]. Retrieved 2022, from https://youtube.com/shorts/dYtQkdmsoVo?feature=share Instructor, I. C. (2019). Fitts’s Law: The Importance of Size and Distance in UI Design. Recuperado el, 23. Interactions of Design Foundation, .. (2014). The Basics of User Experience Design: A UX Design Book by the Interaction Design Foundation. Basics Interactive Design: User Experience Design, 68-105. doi:10.5040/9781350089150.ch-003 Joannm71098651, .. (2017). Partnership of UDL (Universal Design for Learning) and Captivate [Web log post]. Retrieved 2022, from https://elearning.adobe.com/2017/03/partnership-of-udl-universal-des ign-for-learning-and-captivate/ WebAIM, .. (2001). Wave evaluation tool. Retrieved 2022, from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wave-evaluation-tool/jbb plnpkjmmeebjpijfedlgcdilocofh?hl=en-US
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