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Home Explore Online Catalogue May

Online Catalogue May

Published by zack, 2017-05-25 14:28:32

Description: Ballistic Labs online catalogue May Update


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BALLISTIC ®Building Better Athletes

Mission Statement At Ballistic Laboratories, we are a fitness lifestyle companydedicated to using quality ingredients to enhance the body, so thateveryone can reach their fitness goals and become a better version of themselves. We want to help everyone including ourselves,achieve the fitness goals we all desire, be it strength gain, muscle gain, weights loss, endurance, recovery, or any goal they have. AtBallistic Laboratories, we are not only researchers and developers but fitness enthusiasts as well.BALLISTIC ®LABORBATAOLRLIEISSTIC

Table of contents PAGE 4.................................. TRIGGER 2.0 PAGE 6............................. AMINO RELOAD PAGE 8..................................... NIGHT OPS PAGE 10........................................... AMMO PAGE 12............................................ WMD PAGE 14.............................................. TRT PAGE 16...................... D ASPARTIC ACID PAGE 18...................... COMING FALL 2017BALLISTICLABORATORIES

TRIGGER 2.0 pre-workoutBallistic TRIGGER 2.0 is the go-to formula not only consumed before any workout, but also before any sport. TRIGGER 2.0 uses a combination of over 20 game changing ingredients that will enhance your workout or athletic performance†. Clinically dosed to give your body the proper supplementation to push you through the hardest of workouts or games. All ingredients in the TRIGGER 2.0 formula are listed on the fully transparent label, so you can be sure of what you are getting in every serving. BALLISTIC ®

Supplement Facts / Faits De SupplémentServing Size 1 Scoop (21.5g) / Par mesure (21.5g)Servings Per Container: 20 / Portions Par Conteneur: 20 1 ScoopCalories 0ƚCarbohydrates 0gƚSugars 0gƚCitrulline Malate 6000mgƚBeta Alanine 2500mgƚTaurine 2000mgƚCreatine HCL 2000mgƚGlycerol Monostearate 2000mgƚBetaine Anydrous 1500mgƚL-Tyrosine 1000mgƚCholine BitartrateDendrobium 10:1 500mgƚAgmatine 400mgƚCaffeine Anhydrous 250mgƚVitamin C 200mgƚGlucuronolactone 200mgƚTheanine 150mgƚNorvaline 100mgƚNiacin 100mgƚBitter OrangeVitamin B6 50mgƚBioperine 20mgƚVitamin B12 10mgƚ 5mgƚ 0.5mgƚTRIGGER 2.0 is packed with over 20 grams of clinically dosed ingredients resulting in: Bigger pumps† Increased strength† Intense focus† Energy† Longer endurance† Faster recovery† Reduced fatigue† PERFORM AT YOUR BEST BY PULLING THE TRIGGER. †These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Page 4

AMINO Reloadintra-workoutFormulated specifically for athletes, AMINO RELOAD is the complete recovery and endurance sports drink used to help you train longer, play harder, and recover faster†. It not only provides a high amount of instantized BCAA’s, but also supplies a dose of EAAs (essential amino acids) and electrolytes for hydration†, muscle building† and faster recovery†. AMINO RELOAD gives you high-quality, clinically proven EAA’s along with instantized BCAA’s and electrolytes making this your all day recovery and hydration drink. REHYDRATE AND RECOVER WITH AMINO RELOAD †These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. BALLISTIC ®

Supplement Facts / Faits De SupplémentServing Size 1 Scoop (11.2g) / Par mesure (11.2g)Servings Per Container: 44 / Portions Par Conteneur: 44 1 ScoopsKcal (calories) 0ƚCarbohydrates 0gƚSodium 75mgƚMagnesium/Magnésium 150mgƚVitamins 110mgƚVitamin C 100mgƚVitamin B6 10mgƚBCAA 7000mgƚL-Leucine 3500mgƚL-Valine 1750mgƚL-Isoleucine 1750mgƚEssential Amino Acids (EAAs) 2000mgƚGlutamine, Lysine, Phenylalanine, Tryptophan,Threonine, Methionine, Arginine, HistidineElectrolytes 420mgƚMagnesium Aspartate 150mgƚPotassium Phosphate 150mgƚSodium ChlorideCalcium Citrate 75mgƚ 45mgƚAbsorption 5mgƚ(Piper Nigrum)(Fruit/fruit)(95% Piperine/de pipérine) 5mgƚƚ Daily value not established Page 6

Night ops Fat metabolizerNIGHT OPS is an innovative night or daytime non-stimulant fat metabolizer. NIGHT OPS utilizes key ingredients in four categories to help the body metabolize fats, proteins and carbohydrates, while aiding in sleep, and promoting relaxation†. NIGHT OPS uses L-CARNITINE TARTRATE, GREEN COFFEE BEAN, RASPBERRY KETONES and FORSLEAN COLEUS FORSKOHLLI, all of which help: Metabolize fat without stimulants† Support fat loss† Promote healthy heart and brain function† BALLISTIC ®

Improve sleep† Suppress appetite† Regulate blood sugar levels† Increase thyroid function†The enhanced blend of CHOLINE BITARTRATE,GUGGULSTERONES and CHROMIUM PICOLINATE alsoassist with:Metabolizing carbohydrates†Mind and muscle control† Supplement Facts / Faits De Supplément Managing carb cravings† Decrease body fat† Serving Size 5 Capsules / Par mesure Servings Per Container: 25 / Servant Par Conteneur: 25 Per Capsule 5 CapsulesIncrease muscle mass† Stage I PUT THE WEIGHT TO REST Green Coffee Bean 52% 120mg 600mg WITH NIGHT OPS 507.75mg L-Carnitine Tartrate 101.55mg 200mg Raspberry Ketone 40mg 50mg Forslean Coleus Forskohlii 4:1 10mg 50mg 41mg Stage II 24.9mg Guggulsterones 10mg Choline Bitartrate 8.2mg Chromium Picolinate 4.98mg†These statements have not been evaluated by Health Stage III 96mg 480mg Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Garcinia Cambogia 40mg 200mg (50% hydroxycitric acid ) 20mg 100mg 18mg Stage IV 90mg 2mg 10mg L-Theanine 1.62mg 8.1mg 5-HTP 98% Magnesium Aspartate Vitamin B6 Zinc Aspartate Page 8

AMMOFat MetabolizerI n an industry with over 500 brands, AMMO is one of the top cutting edge fat metabolizers on the market today†. It is specifically designed to give you:Increased mental focus†Break down stubborn abdominal fat†Boost metabolism†Improved strength†Powerful energy†BALLISTIC ® Page 6

Supplement Facts / Faits De SupplémentServing Size: 1 - 2 capsules twice daily Per Capsule Full ServingCaffeine Anhydrous 200mgƚ 400mgƚ 300mgƚDendrobium Nobile Extract 150mgƚ 150mgƚ 130mgƚGuarana Extract 25% caffeine 75mgƚ 100mgƚ 100mgƚGreen Tea Extract EGCG-40% 65mgƚ 100mgƚ 100mgƚL-Carnitine Tartrate 50mgƚ 60mgƚRaspberry Ketone 50mgƚ 50mgƚL-Tyrosine 50mgƚDandelion (Taraxacum) 50mgƚMaca Root 30mgƚCayenne Pepper 25mgƚƚ Daily value not establishedAMMO is strategically formulated to help you perform at your highest level, in and out of the gym - with ingredients such as DENDROBIUM, a CAFFEINE BLEND and L-CARNITINE to enhance your mental focus, while breaking down your body's fatty acids. AMMO's metabolic enhancers are fortified with different types of stimulants to leave you energized for hours without the crash - burning calories even after you've left the gym†. SHED THE WEIGHT WITH AMMO† †These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Page 10

WMD pre-workoutBallistic Labs WMD is a fully dosed, no filler pre-workout, with a combination of effective stimulants at the proper levels to increase energy and blood flow for skin bursting pumps, while delaying muscle fatigue†. WMD has been shown to: Build muscle† Increase vascularity† Longer lasting pumps† Decreased muscle fatigue† Improve recovery time† BALLISTIC ®

Medicinal Ingredients / Ingrédients MédicinauxServing Size 1/2 Scoop (4.25g) / Par mesure (4.25g)Servings Per Container: 60 / Servant Par Conteneur: 60 1/2 Scoop (4.25g) 1 Scoop (8.5g)Citrulline (As Citrulline Malate (2:1)) 1500mgƚ 3000mgƚ 2000mgƚBeta Alanine 1000mgƚ 500mgƚAgmatine (As Agmatine Sulfate) 250mgƚ 500mgƚ 400mgƚArginine AKG 250mgƚ 400mgƚ 150mgƚTaurine 200mgƚ 100mgƚCaffeine Anhydrous 200mgƚ 50mgƚ 25mgƚVitamin C (As Asorbic Acid) 75mgƚTheanine (As L-Theanine) 50mgƚBitter Orange (Citrus Aurantium, Fruit Peel)(30% Synephrine) 25mgƚNiacin 12.5mgƚƚ Daily values not established With a higher dose of CAFFEINE with added SYNEPHRINE, WMD will give you the energy you need to destroy the weights during your next workout†. EXPERIENCE YOUR BEST WORKOUT WITH WMD† †These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Page 12

TRT complete TestosteroneT RT incorporates 6 naturally derived, pharmaceutical grade ingredients such as MUCUNA PRURIENS, KING OYSTER, ASHWAGHANDA, FENUGREEK, TONGKAT ALI, and TRIBULUS resulting in: Improved strength† Increased natural testosterone levels† Improved sexual health† Cortisol reduction† Increased muscle growth† Increased muscle strength† Increase the body’s own natural free and total testosterone production with TRT. BALLISTIC ®

Supplement Facts / Faits De Supplément Serving Size/Par mesure: 4 Capsules Servings Per Container: 40 / Portions Par Conteneur: 40 Per capsule 8 capsules Mucuna Pruriens 187.5mgƚ 1500mgƚ Pleurotus Eryngii 125mgƚ 1000mgƚ (King oyster extract) 125mgƚ 1000mgƚ 75mgƚ Trigonella Foenum-Graecum 600mgƚ (Fenugreek extract-50% saponin) Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha extract 5:1) Eurycoma Longifolia 30.62mgƚ 245mgƚ (Tongkat Ali Extract 5:1) Tribulus Terrestris 30mgƚ 240mgƚ 100mgƚ (Std. to 90% saponins) 75mgƚ 3,3’ - Diindolymethane 12.5mgƚ (DIM) 3,5,4’ Trihydroxy-Trans-Stilbene (Trans-Reveratrol) 9.37mgƚ Bioperine 5mgƚ (Piper Nigrum [Std. to 95%]) .625mgƚ ƚ Daily value not establishedBALLISTIC †These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,LABORATORIES cure or prevent any disease. Page 14

D-aspartic acid Testosterone supportB allistic Labs D-Aspartic Acid, is produced in a free-flowing powdered form. Research has shown using oral dosages of 3.12g of D-Aspartic Acid supports and increases Testosterone on average 42% in just 12 days†. Healthy testosterone levels will increase: Strength† Muscle size† Density† Thickness† Fat loss† BALLISTIC ®

Supplement Facts / Faits De SupplémentServing Size/Portion: 1 teaspoon once dailyAmount Per Serving: 3,120mgD-Aspartic Acid 3,120mgIncreased testosterone can also support sexual health†, athletic performance† and a general feeling of well-being†. DOMINATE WITH DAA †These statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Page 16


fall 2017 Page 18

BALLISTIC ®Building Better Athletes

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