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Home Explore Email_Rules_v3


Published by ekaterina.sokolova, 2017-07-25 05:25:25

Description: Email_Rules_v3


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Orolia Business Email EtiquetteRules 2017

Sending Receiving emails Global corporate email address for all employees - ZOrolia Group All Staff [email protected] Should only be used by HR, Marketing or the Executive Team. If you need to send an email to All Employees, get approval from HR or Marketing department: [email protected] [email protected] Consider who needs to receive your message • Only include those that need to be included • To: is for those that need to respond • CC: is those that need to have the information Spell check before sending (you can set this up automatically in Outlook – click File/Option/Mail/Click the box to spell check before sending) Don’t use email to discuss confidential information Don’t use email to discuss complex issues, schedule a meeting instead Do not default to “reply all” Privacy Make sure that your correspondence with external stakeholders meets standard requirements Clean up emails before forwarding – delete the extra irrelevant information before sending2

Alternative Corporate Communication Tools: Chatter, Skype for Business, Phone Email is not an urgent form of communication. If you need a quick response, use internal chat via Skype for Business or the phone Try not to substitute email for face-to-face meetings If you expect numerous responses to your email and a long email thread, or if some people may have to be included in the email thread later, consider using Chatter instead of email If your email and the answers you will get are likely to generate knowledge of company’s interest, consider using Chatter instead of email as the Q&A will be archived and visible to a larger crowd Be Smart • Be clear and concise • Proof read your messages before clicking Send • Grammar and punctuation counts • Make sure your message contains clear TO DOs or Action Item(s). If you are providing an update only – make that clear • Bold important information to stand out or for emphasis • Do not use too many colors or fancy fonts – make it simple to read • Use emojis and abbreviations sparingly. Some might not understand3

Cross-cultural environment: Working with people from culturally diverse backgrounds requires us to be mindful during the communication process. Know that people from diverse cultures speak and write differently, be kind and check for understanding Be careful with irony or humor in your emails – it can be lost in translation!* Use emojis and abbreviations sparingly. Some might not understand Subjects with Keywords are essential Subject lines should be a few words to summarize the message Use keywords to characterize the purpose of your email • Requires Action • Approval Needed • Information Only • Deadline • Request • etc.4

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