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Description: Q4-English-10-Week1-5


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W1 Learning Area English Grade Level 10 Date Quarter 4th I. LESSON TITLE Determining the Meaning of Terminologies using Dictionary, Thesaurus and Online Sources II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Distinguish technical terms used in research. COMPETENCIES (MELCs) III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Using Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Online Sources IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES I. Introduction (Time Frame: 40 minutes) “Language grows by taking terms from various fields. Each field has a specialized vocabulary that communicates a variety of concepts by means of technical language. This type of language is commonly used in research writing. For this quarter, you will try your hand at developing your own research paper. To be able to write a good one, it is essential to provide clear definitions or explanations for unfamiliar terms. Once you learn how to use dictionaries, thesaurus and other online sources, defining technical terms will be easy.” Let Us Review! 1. Using the DICTIONARY If you are unable to understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word by using context clues, then you should look up the word in a dictionary. Here are tips for proper dictionary usage. ü Look at the preface and notes in your dictionary. The preface contains explanations about the various symbols and abbreviations. Find out what your dictionary has to offer. ü Good dictionaries include all known definitions of a word. When you are looking up a word, do not stop after you have read the first meaning! Keep reading, and look for the meaning that best fits the context of your sentence. ü If the difficult word has a prefix such as un-- or mis-, you may have to look up the root word. Other Important Entry Elements 1.1. Guide Words The words listed in a dictionary are listed in alphabetical order, letter by letter. Pairs of guide words are usually at the top of each set of facing pages. Guide words list the first and last defined word to appear on a page (or facing pages).Using guide words help you quickly locate the word you seek. If the guide words on facing pages are symbolic and sympathy, you will have to turn to the next page to find symphonic. 1.2. Main/Word Entries Main entries are the words that are explained in a dictionary. These words appear in boldface (dark) type. Main entries may be single words, compound words, abbreviations, affixes, or phrases. 1.3. Parts of Speech The dictionary uses nine abbreviations for the parts of speech. n. noun v.t. transitive verb adj. adjective pron. pronoun interj. interjection adv. adverb v.i. intransitive verb conj. conjunction prep. preposition 1.4. Restrictive labels Subject labels tell you that a word has a special meaning when used in a particular field ( mus. for music, med. for medicine, zool. for zoology, etc. ) Usage labels tell you how a word is used (slang, colloq, for colloquial, dial. for dialect, etc.) Geographic labels tell you in which region of the country (N.E. for New England, West, South, etc.) the definition applies. 1.5. Spelling Not knowing how to spell a word can make it difficult to find in the dictionary, but not impossible. You will be surprised at how quickly you can find most words by following the sounded-out spelling.

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES 2. Using the THESAURUS The best place to look for synonyms and antonyms is the thesaurus. A thesaurus is, in a sense, the opposite of a dictionary. You go to a dictionary when you know the word but need the definition. You go to a thesaurus when you know the definition but need the word. For example, you might want a word that means fear, the kind of fear that causes more worry than pain. You need the word to complete the following sentence: § Ginny experienced a certain amount of(fear) over the upcoming exam. The thesaurus comes in two forms: Dictionary Form and Traditional Form. If it is in dictionary form, you simply look up the word fear as you would in a dictionary. If, however, you have a traditional thesaurus, you need to first look up the word in the alphabetical INDEX at the back of the thesaurus. You might find this entry for fear in the index. FEAR 860 Fearful painful 830 timid 862 The numbers after fear are GUIDE NUMBERS, not page numbers. If you look up number 860 in the body of the thesaurus, you will find a long list of synonyms for the word fear: These include fearfulness, timidity, diffidence, apprehensiveness, solicitude, anxiety, mistrust, suspicion, and qualm. So, instead of using the word “fear,” the sentence becomes more appropriate by using a synonymous word: § Ginny experienced a certain amount of anxiety over the upcoming exam. 3. Using the INTERNET The internet provides many different types of information. Besides the dictionary and a thesaurus, definitions of terms may also be searched via the World Wide Web. Moreover, those who have smartphones may download mobile dictionary apps, such as Merriam-Webster, and Oxford Dictionary of English, D. Development (Time Frame: 30 minutes) Activity 1: Parts of a Dictionary Entry Direction: Determine the part of a dictionary entry by using the jumbled letters of the term and the provided meaning. You may also use dictionary from online sources or mobile applications to accomplish this activity. 1. An TRENY WORD, listed alphabetically, shows how a word is spelled and how words of more than one syllable is divided. 2. The CIAROPNOITNUN has symbols to show how to say the words. 3. A TRAP-OF-SCHEEP label gives the function or functions of a word. 4. LATERED FORMS, such as plurals, or the comparative forms are often given. 5. ULTIMPLE DEFINITIONS or meanings are numbered. 6. An ILLUSTIVERAT SENTENCE or phrase shows how a word is used. 7. An EMOTYLOGY, or word history, tells the origin of a word. 8. An ENTACC shows which syllables are said with special force. 9. Sometimes a MYSYNON STUDY shows shades of meaning. 10. A MOGRAPHHO is spelled the same as another word but has a different origin and meaning.

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES Activity 2: Using a Thesaurus Direction: Use a thesaurus to help you circle out the correct synonym to complete each sentence. You may also use thesaurus from online sources or mobile applications to accomplish this activity. 1. Raf looks (orderly, trim) in his new suit. 2. Her booth at the hobby show is very (tidy, trim). 3. She swept it out, and it is (trim, shipshape). 4. He arranged the items to appear (orderly, trim). 5. He put his stamps in (neat, shipshape) rows. 6. Rolf is (shipshape, orderly) about everything. 7. Her room is always (shipshape, trim) too. 8. Even his old hat looks (trim, orderly) on him. 9. I rarely look (shipshape, trim) in my clothes. 10. I wish I were as (shipshape, tidy) as Raf. 11. I could become more (orderly, shipshape) by organizing my work. E. Engagement (Time Frame: 90 minutes) Activity 3: Words Worth Knowing Directions: The thirty words included in the pool of words below come from specialized areas. Categorize each to complete the table. Determine how many of these words you know well enough to use in your writing and speaking. Then, use a dictionary to look up the meanings of words you do not know (10 words). BUSINESS CHEMISTRY GEOGRAPHY HEALTH HISTORY LANGUAGE LAW MATH PHYSICAL SCIENCE RELIGION Activity 4: Search the Term Directions: Replace the italicized words in the following sentences with their exact specialized terms. Use a dictionary, the internet, and the words in the parentheses as your reference. Configuration clues (boxed letters) are also given. Ex.: Use a hand to grab the heavy metal ball by the handle and swing it up until it rests against your forearm. (Physical fitness) Answer: Use one hand to grab a kettle bell by the handle and swing it up until it rests against your forearm.

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 30 minutes) Activity 5: Word Search Nutshell Directions: In relation to the lesson and activities on word search using dictionaries, thesaurus, and online resources, answer the table below. What is it? How to use it for word search? How often do I use it? Type of Reference Dictionary Thesaurus Online Sources V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 40 minutes) (Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6) Activity 6: Word Search Nutshell Directions: The text below is an excerpt of Steve Jobs, “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” speech. To understand his message better, look for the meaning of the eight (8) unfamiliar words in the speech. In doing so, refer to the sample below: Word Entry: honored Part of adjective Speech: proud because Meaning: given respect proud Similar Word: Restrictive n/a Label: n/a Guide Words Internet (macmillandictionary Reference .com) used: VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10 minutes) • Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card. Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below: ¶ - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson. ü - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson. ? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do this task. Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 VII. REFERENCES For lesson and activities: Beech, Linda Ward, James Beers, Ronald Cramer, Chris Wells Feder, Tara McCarthy, Norman Najimy, and DeWayne Triplett. 1989. Language (Teacher’s Edition): Grade 8. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company. p. 144. Sebranek, Patrick, Verne Meyer, and Dave Kemper. 1996. A Student Handbook for Writing & Learning. Chicago: Writers, Inc., pp. 157, 159. For illustrations: Prepared by: Checked by: Lucinda A. Jurilla Alfonso V. Mabuting Lucinda A. Jurilla Maria Madel C. Rubia Regicelle D. Cabaysa Luzviminda Cynthia Richelle F. Quintero

W2 Learning Area English Grade Level 10 Date Quarter 4th I. LESSON TITLE Technical Terms Used in Research II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Distinguish technical terms used in research. Research Technical Terms COMPETENCIES (MELCs) III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES I. Introduction (Time Frame: 50 minutes) What is Research? Research is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical information; and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines. Research is conducted to evaluate the validity of a hypothesis or an interpretive framework; to assemble a body of substantive knowledge and findings for sharing them in appropriate manners; and to generate questions for further inquiries. As a Grade 10 student, you are expected to create a basic research. But before planning and coming up with the different parts of your study, it is just appropriate to be familiar with some of the used terms in research writing. Although some terms you will meet while researching are not listed below, these jargons are likewise the common and useful ones to know and learn beforehand. Through this, you will become ready once you finally use them as you investigate for some problems or issues of your interest. TERM DEFINITION abstract A brief overview of a research study Applied Research Conducted to generate knowledge that influences or improves practice Basic Research Research that tests theories Conceptual Definition A variable, such as anxiety, may be defined as a feeling of uneasiness concepts The building blocks of theories constitutive definition The basic, dictionary meaning Control group In experiments, the one that does not get the treatment Correlational study A type of research design that depicts a relationship between variables, but not necessarily one of cause -effect data Information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation. Delimitations It addresses how the study will be narrowed in scope. Dependent variable The concept that the researcher is most interested in understanding Descriptive study Research design that describes “what is” e.g. a survey experiment A research design used to find “cause-effect” relationships the “effect of…on…” Experimental Group The one that gets the treatment External validity How generalizable the results are as it concerns other populations and locations extraneous Variables that may influence or contaminate the data heterogeneous Groups under study are very different or varied. homogeneous Groups that are very similar Independent variable The concept being studied that usually indicates the influence or cause; the one that the researcher is manipulating hypothesis A statement written by the researcher that states the relationship among or between variables Inductive Reasoning The basis for the qualitative research approach Deductive Reasoning Depends on premises and is the basis for the quantitative research approach Internal validity The extent to which a study measures what it is supposed to measure (accuracy within a study) Introduction Establishes the scope, context and significance of the research to be conducted. Limitations identify potential weaknesses of the study. Measures of central Averages e.g. the mean) tendency mean The arithmetic average median The middle where half the scores fall above, half below, eliminates the influence of outliers Methodology Systematic approach to the conduct of a process. It includes steps of procedure, application of techniques, systems of analysis, and the modes of inquiry employed by a discipline. mode The score that occurs the most Null Hypothesis The proposition, to be tested statistically, that the experimental intervention has \"no effect,\" meaning that the treatment and control groups will not differ as a result of the intervention. Operational definition Investigators usually hope that the data will demonstrate some effect from the intervention, thus Participant allowing the investigator to reject the null hypothesis. How a term is used in a study Also called respondents, their characteristics and responses are the object of study in research

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES TERM DEFINITION Principle investigator The person who oversees a research population the target group under investigation. The population is the entire set under consideration. Samples are drawn from populations Purpose of the study specific research aims and objectives for the research. random By chance Qualitative Research Trying to verify or generate descriptive theory that is grounded in the data gleaned from the investigation (naturalistic). Quantitative Research Answer a specific research question by showing statistical evidence that the data may be addressed in a particular way (experimental). Questionnaire Structured sets of questions on specified subjects that are used to gather information. Random sample Everybody has the same chance of being assigned to any group. Research A systematic, objective way to generate facts Research design The method for finding out what the researcher wants to know, experiment, and correlate… Research Methodology The method of research design (paradigm as well as statistics and analysis) as well as the approximate timeline for completion of the study. Relationship The bond or connection between two variables sample A smaller group that represents population of interest Significance of the It is written as part of the introduction section of a thesis. It provides details to the reader on Study how the study will contribute such as what the study will contribute and who will benefit from it. Standard deviation A measure of spread; the average deviation of a group of scores from the mean Statement of the Part of the introduction which enumerates the research questions which the study sought to problem answer. Statistical Analysis Application of statistical processes and theory to the compilation, presentation, discussion, and interpretation of numerical data. Statistical significance An important finding that did not likely happen by chance Statistics Mathematical tools based on the normal curve used to analyze data; it must match with research designs T-score A standard score on the normal curve where the mean is assigned “50” deviations of “10”. Allows more simple interpretation of student achievement subject The people who are being studied T-test A parametric statistical tool that compares differences between the means of two groups: assumptions for use include normal distribution and at least interval data theory An generalization that presents a representation about relationships among phenomena validity Accuracy, the extent to which a test or study measures what it is supposed to measure variable A quality of interest or concepts that can be manipulated, observed or studied D. Development (Time Frame: 45 minutes) Activity 1: What is Research? Direction: Determine further the meaning and function of research by reading the paragraphs below. In doing so, arrange the jumbled letters of some terms to understand research even better. When researchers are interested in examining a problem using a scientific approach, it is said that they are doing a (1.) S A R R E E C H. The people who are being studied are called (2.) B U J E C T S. The person who oversees the research is called the (3.) P R I N C E L I P investigator. The building blocks of theories are called (4.) C E P C O N T S. An abstract generalization that presents a systematic representation about relationships among phenomena is called a (5.) H E R O Y T. The concepts that are studied are called (6.) B A R I A L E V. The concept that is being studied that usually that usually indicates the influence or cause is called the (7.) D E N T I N P E E N D variable. The concept that the researcher is most interested in understanding is called the (8.) T E E N N P E D D variable. Variables that may influence or contaminate the data are called (9.) E O U T S X A E R N variables. If the group that is being studied is very different or varied, the group is said to be (10.) G E N E S H E R O T E O U while groups that are very similar are called (11.) H O O M N E E G O U S groups. When studying variables, definitions must be clarified. A variable such as anxiety may be defined as a feeling of uneasiness; this is called a (12.) C E P T A L C U O N definition. To measure anxiety, the State-Traite Anxiety Scale might be used. A (13.) S Y S I T H E P H O is a statement written by the researcher that states the relationship among or between variables. There are two major categories for research designs. One design, the (14.) Q U A I N T V A I E T T approach uses data that has numerical representation or values. The second design, (15.) Q U A I L V E A T T I, uses narrative data. (16.) D E D U C E V I T reasoning is the basis for quantitative approach. The bond or connection between two variables is called a (17.) O R I E N T A L H I P S. Research that is conducted to generate knowledge that influences or improves practice is called (18.) D E A L I P P research. Research that tests theories is known as (19.) A S C I B research.

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES Activity 2: What’s the Term? Direction: Distinguish the research terms being asked in each item. _______________________ 1. The people who are being studied in a research _______________________ 2. Accuracy, the extent to which a test or study measures what it is supposed to measure _______________________ 3. Everybody has the same chance of being assigned to any group. _______________________ 4. A measure of spread; the average deviation of a group of scores from the mean _______________________ 5. Mathematical tools based on the normal curve used to analyze data _______________________ 6. An important finding that did not likely happen by chance _______________________ 7. The method for finding out what the researcher wants to know, experiment, or correlate. _______________________ 8. A quality of interest that can be manipulated, observed or studied _______________________ 9. A smaller group that represents population of interest __________________________ 10. Uses data that has numerical representation or values E. Engagement (Time Frame: 55 minutes) Activity 3: Puzzling Study Direction: Answer the crossword puzzle below by determining the research terms through the clues given on the right. Activity 4: Mystery Word Challenge Direction: Answer the following items. Using a specific letter from each answer, unlock the mystery word. _________________ 1. It is a tentative explanation based on theory to predict a causal relationship between variables. (Take the last letter of your answer and put it in the last box.) _________________ 2. This is the application of statistical processes and theory to the compilation, presentation, discussion, and interpretation of numerical data. (Take the second letter of your answer and put it in the seventh box.) _________________ 3. This refers to a part of research which identifies the potential weaknesses of a study. (Take the sixth letter of your answer and put it in the sixth box.) _________________ 4. It tells the reader what you hope to accomplish regarding the problem by carrying out your study. (Take the third letter of your answer and put it in the fifth box.) _________________ 5. It involves specific techniques that are adopted in research process to collect, assemble and evaluate data. It defines those tools, as well as the approximate timeline for completion of the study. (Take the tenth letter of your answer and put it in the fourth box.)

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES __________________ 6. This is the target group of the research. (Take the tenth letter and put it in the third box.) __________________ 7. It is another term for participants. (Take the fifth letter and put it in the second box.) __________________ 8. It is a systematic investigation and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. (Take the seventh letter of your answer and put it in the first box.) The Mystery Word is… A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 45 minutes) Activity 5: Signify the Terms Directions: In relation to the lesson and activities on research terms, explain their importance to making research by interpreting the image on the left. V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 35 minutes) (Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6) Activity 6: MATCHING TERMS Directions: Match the definitions in Column A to its appropriate research terms in Column B. COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. It addresses how the study will be narrowed in scope. a. ABSTRACT 2. Structured sets of questions on specified subjects that are used to gather info. b. DELIMITATION 3. The arithmetic average c. CONTROL GROUP 4. The basic, dictionary meaning d. QUESTIONNAIRE 5. A brief, overview of a research study e. DATA 6. Refers to how a word is used in a study f. CONSTITUTIVE DEFINITION 7. In experiments, the one that does not get the treatment g. DESCRIPTIVE STUDY 8. Information; can be number or words h. EXPERIMENT 9. The one that gets the treatment i. EXPERIMENTAL GROUP 10. Research design that describes ”what is” j. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE 11. A research design used to find “ cause-effect” relationships k. MEAN 12. The variable the researcher is manipulating l. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10 minutes) • Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card. Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below: ¶ - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson. ü - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson. ? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this task. Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 y VII. REFERENCES For lesson and activities: Department of Education. 2020. English 10: Quarter 4 - Module 9: Understanding Research Jargon (Technical Terms in Research). pp. 12-13, 19-20. Palomar, Lito, Ma. Victoria Velasco, and Mariecris Hontiveros. 2016. Interactive English 10. Philippines: Jemma, Inc. pp. 339-343. Illustrations: Prepared by: Checked by: Lucinda A. Jurilla Maria Madel C. Rubia Alfonso V. Mabuting Luzviminda Cynthia Richelle F. Quintero Regicelle D. Cabaysa

W3 Learning Area English Grade Level 10 Date Quarter 4 I. LESSON TITLE Technical and Operational Definitions II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC 20: Give technical and operational definitions COMPETENCIES (MELCs) III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES I. Introduction (Time Frame: 30 minutes) Unlocking Definition Definition is a statement that explains and/or describes the meaning of a word or a phrase in a clear, complete, and exact manner. In the English language a word could have more than one meaning depending on the use and context to which the word is applied. See the illustration below to better understand the concept. In the illustration, the word “SLAY” is used in two sentences which depict two different contexts. This may trigger ambiguity and confusion on the part of the readers. On this note, providing a clear and accurate definition is needed to guide the readers in understanding the meaning of the given word. In technical writing, there are two ways to define a term: 1. Technical Definition – describes and explains the meaning of a word or phrase based on the general references and other field of study sources. Example: Slay means to kill violently or in great numbers. 2. Operational Definition – states and explains the meaning of a word or phrase based on specific context. In terms of research, operational definition explains or describes how the term is applied and measured in the study. Example: Slay refers to a condition by which an activity or performance is done in an excellent manner. These two types of definition also apply in writing a research paper. Researchers are required to accomplish the ‘definition of terms’ which contains the significant keywords and variables included in the research defined constitutively and operationally. In accomplishing the tasks included in this lesson, you will unlock ways to define a term or a phrase. This lesson will allow you to understand how a single term could mean differently depending on the way the term is used. It will also give you the avenue to carefully attach definitions to a single word other than its literal and dictionary meaning. D. Development (Time Frame: 90 minutes) Learning Task 1 Directions: Match the terms in Column A to its appropriate technical definition in Column B. COLUMN A COLUMN B 1. Reflection A. a standard or unit of measurement 2. Interest B. the production of an image by or as if by a mirror 3. Module C. a series of thoughts, images or emotions occurring during sleep 4. Dream D. a table listing important events for successive years within a particular historical period 5. Timeline E. a feeling that accompanies or causes special attention to something or someone

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES 6. Solution F. a passenger station that is central to a considerable area 7. Terminal G. a set of values of the variables that satisfies an equation Learning Task 2 Directions: The following sentences used the given terms in Learning Task 1. In your own words, define the terms operationally based on how they are used in the sentences below. Example: The contestants slay their performance in the Town Fiesta’s singing competition. Slay refers to a condition by which an activity or performance is done in an excellent manner. 1. Elena answers the questions given in the reflection part of their learning material. 2. Danilo paid for his new cellphone in six installments with zero interest. 3. Grade 10 students should follow their schedule in submitting their modules. 4. Jose aims to fulfill his dream of becoming a successful architect. 5. Andeng has a habit of checking her Facebook timeline from time to time. 6. Belen cannot sleep as she thinks for the possible solution to solve her family’s financial problem. 7. Ronaldo has been diagnosed with terminal illness. E. Engagement (Time Frame: 90 minutes) Learning Task 3 Directions: Read the abstract of the research below entitled, “Influence of Media on Body Image Satisfaction among Adolescents.” List the terms written in bold format and provide the technical and operational definitions of each word. Influence of Media on Body Image Satisfaction among Adolescents The (1) media plays a large role in how teenagers view themselves by shaping images of what teenagers are supposed to be or do. This study focused on the influence of media on the (2) body image satisfaction among (3) adolescents. The study aimed to determine which media (4) influence adolescents most, the level of body image satisfaction of the adolescents, the (5) relationship between media and body image satisfaction, and propose (6) measures to enhance the adolescents’ body image satisfaction. The study used the quantitative method of research. It utilized a survey and a questionnaire entitled Body Areas Satisfaction Scale, and all the third year and fourth year high school students of Stonyhurst Southville International School served as (7) respondents. Results revealed and was concluded that the internet is the most frequently used media with the respondents using it often; the level of body area satisfaction of the respondents is mostly satisfied; magazines have the strongest negative relationship with the weight of the respondents; and, measures such as media awareness seminars and screening and balancing of commercials and advertisements on television and magazines are needed in order to balance the effects of media on adolescents. Example: Slay (from the given illustration in the introductory part of the lesson) Technical: Slay means to kill violently or in great numbers. Operational: Slay refers to a condition by which an activity or performance is done in an excellent manner. A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 10 minutes)

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES Remember that definitions facilitate understanding. It is the duty of any writer to define significant terms accurately to avoid confusion or misconception on the part of the readers. This specifically applies to writing a research which is one of your expected outputs as a Grade 10 student. One characteristic of a good research is when it contains information which are clear, accurate, and reliable. This could be initially achieved by constructing a well-defined “definition of terms”. V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 15 minutes) (Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6) Learning Task 4 Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Write TECHNICAL if the statement is true and OPERATIONAL if the statement is false. Then, underline the word or phrase which made the statement incorrect. _________1. Definitions guide readers to understand the thought and idea presented in any material. _________2. Technical definitions are created to create clarity and avoid confusion on the part of the readers. _________3. Operational definitions contain reliable and specific meaning of a word or phrase based on general references. _________4. Mental health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. The sample definition is technical. _________5. A tantrum could include any time a child falls to the floor, cries, kicks, and screams in response to his or her denied request from his or her mother at the theme park. The sample definition is operational. _________6. Operational definitions are essential in writing a research. This ensures that the readers as well as other researchers would clearly understand the variables used in the study. _________7. In accomplishing the definition of terms in a research paper, the researcher is required to define the term conceptually and constitutively. _________8. Definition is the basis and key component in establishing clarity and accuracy of content in any material across different fields and disciplines. VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 5 minutes) • Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card. Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below: - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson. - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson. ? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this task. Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7 Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8 VII. REFERENCES For lesson and activities:, s.v. \"Dream,\" accessed May 13, 2021,, s.v. \"Interest,\" accessed May 13, 2021,, s.v. \"Mental health,\" accessed May 13, 2021,, s.v. \"Module,\" accessed May 13, 2021,, s.v. \"Reflection,\" accessed May 13, 2021,, s.v. \"Slay,\" accessed May 13, 2021,, s.v. \"Solution,\" accessed May 13, 2021,, s.v. \"Terminal,\" accessed May 13, 2021,, s.v. \"Timeline,\" accessed May 13, 2021, Javellana, Genesis. Influence of Media on Body Image Satisfaction among Adolescents. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences 1, no.1, 2014.

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES For illustrations: Prepared by: Gee Ann Joy R. Cabuyao Checked by: Lucinda A. Jurilla Maria Madel C. Rubia Richelle F. Quintero Generosa F. Zubieta Ermelo A. Escobinas Regicelle D. Cabaysa

W4 Learning Area English Grade Level 10 Date Quarter Fourth Quarter I. LESSON TITLE Writing a Good Expanded Definition II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC 21: Give expanded definitions of words. COMPETENCIES (MELCs) Expanded Definitions of Words III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES I. Introduction (Time Frame: 30 minutes) Definition, one of the most useful forms of writing, helps readers arrive at a basic understanding of concepts or ideas in essays or reports. In your writing, you may be using technical word that some people may be unfamiliar with like liabilities in business or more abstract concept like happiness ---a word that different people have personal feelings or meanings attached to it. Thus, this calls for a certain term to be explained not by merely providing synonyms or listing examples but with much details or the use of expanded/extended definition. To illustrate further, when you write reports; you may often discover that you need to explain certain basics before you can discuss the main subject matter. A good example is in a write-up on the benefits of drip irrigation, you would need first to write an extended definition of drip irrigation, differentiating its sub-types, explaining how it works, and what equipment is used. This lesson will inform you about expanded definitions of words, which is commonly used in formal papers or academic essays to ensure that misunderstanding or miscommunication will not happen. This is because words often have more than one meaning, so we write expanded definitions to make sure that our readers share our meaning or concept of the word we are using. This lesson will also introduce you to the different techniques/approaches to making expanded definitions. Concept Digest Expanded definition goes deeper than a simple dictionary definition, offering an expanded analysis and illustration of a concept that might be abstract, debatable, controversial, unfamiliar, or frequently misunderstood. Giving an expanded definition is 1 distinguishing the characteristics of a certain word, 2 providing extra facts or information about it, 3giving examples, and 4 saying what cannot be included to describe it. Read the paragraph below. Observe how a definition is developed by taking note of the numbered statements. Mother Nature (sometimes known as Mother Earth or the Earth- Mother) is a common personification of nature 1that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature by embodying it in the form of the mother. 2 Images of women representing Mother Earth and Mother Nature are timeless. 3 In prehistoric times, goddesses were worshipped for their association with fertility, fecundity, and agricultural bounty. 4 Priestesses held dominion over aspects of Incan, Algonquian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Slavonic, Germanic, Roman, Greek Indian, and Iroquoian religions in the millennia prior to the inception of patriarchal religions. (http// Mother_Nature) One of the first things to do when you write an expanded definition is to compose the formal sentence definition of the term you are writing about. Placing it toward the beginning of the expanded definition helps establish the focus of the rest of the discussion. Below is a brief recall to distinguish formal from informal definitions of words. A formal definition consists of three parts: the term being defined, the class it belongs to, and its distinguishing characteristics. An informal definition explains an unfamiliar term using synonyms or antonyms introduced by or, in other words, or like. Take note of how the term sense of humor was defined. Since expanding basic formal definitions means explaining the differentiating characteristics thoroughly, the following questions may serve as framework: − How does it work? − What does it do? − How is it used? − What are its parts? − Can it be compared to anything familiar? − What is its origin and background? The techniques/approaches to making expanded definitions listed below may be of great help in answering the aforementioned questions. Be aware, however, that the technique/s to be used will depend on what is appropriate for the term you are trying to define or explain.

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES TECHNIQUES HOW TO DO IT EXAMPLES Arbitration from the Latin word Etymology sharing a word’s origin arbitrary meaning \"to judge” Historical References or if relevant, discussing the history of the Discuss how the use of arbitration as third- Background term/ its use/controversies associated with party mediation dates from the 1630s and it how the practice came about Cause and Effect discussing how the situation came about In the case of “arbitration,” cause and and what effects it may have effect may be the same as the history. Description listing and defining the component parts; Arbitration is conducted by a trained identifying smaller, more familiar pieces of arbiter who sets down the rules that the Principles of Operation an idea to the definition of the bigger parties must abide by... concept; using a word that creates a Classification picture in the reader’s mind so that the From AbronADR Services: Contrast/ Negation reader might relate through memory of \"Send the other party notice of your intent Comparison sound, sight, touch, hearing, or smell to pursue arbitration. The Claimant Analogy discussing how topic in question functions, (person initiating the case) sends the Examples or Anecdotes including any special materials or Respondent a Demand Letter. This letter Illustrations conditions required states the desire to submit the dispute to arbitration either by means of the showing how the topic fits into a larger contracts arbitration clause or by mutual category consent... defining a term by explaining what the Arbitration is one of the alternatives to concept is not; showing how the topic going into a formal court to settle disputes. differs from others in the same class In an arbitration proceeding, no lawyers are present. showing how the topic is similar to others in As with lawsuits or other court class proceedings, the decision in an arbitration proceeding is legally binding on the explaining by comparing two dissimilar parties. topics, where the second is familiar to the An arbiter is like a referee–he or she listens audience to both sides and makes a decision as to who is at fault, without the intervention of telling a story or example that illustrates outside parties. the term Arbitration was recently used to settle the dispute between the labor union and providing a picture or image that is used management. to clarify a text Indeed, one-sentence definitions are not enough to express your views on a specific term or concept. That’ s why it is important that when you develop your angle in expanded definitions, keep in mind to think about the concept’s background, features, characteristics, and parts with due considerations to the techniques/ approaches in order to define the term adequately.

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES D. Development (Time Frame: 1 hour and 30 minutes) Learning Task 1: Match the term/ word in Column A to its possible expanded definition in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank before each number. COLUMN A COLUMN B _____1. Alzheimer’s Disease A. What makes people happy? For us mortals, a few extra coins in the pocket, a new _____2. happiness friend, an excellent dish, a good book may bring pleasure. Others pursue happiness _____3. friendship through wealth, power, or fame. _____4. computer memory _____5. speed B. Affected individuals are, at first, forgetful. As the memory disorder gradually worsens, the Individuals, although able to recall occurrences in the distant past, are unable to remember recent events. C. It is one of three basic components of a computer which stores information for future use--- both the data that will be operated on as well as the programs that direct the operations to be performed. D. This moves the vehicle from a stationary to a slow speed of about less than ten kilometers per hour (kph). E. This is, if either one of two friends is involved in difficulty, such as problems with failing courses at school, or even problems of a much more serious nature; the other friend will provide help, encouragement, concern, and perhaps even direct intervention. Learning Task 2 From the word pool below, determine the techniques/approaches used in the numbered statements found in the expanded definition of Freedom. negation description historical reference examples etymology 1To our colonial forefathers, freedom 2(Old English freedom: power of self-determination) meant achieving independence from foreign powers. The Filipinos fought countless battles, resulting to bloody revolutions since the 19th century under the Spanish government; and the sacrifice and death of Filipinos in the hands of Japanese forces during World War II. 3 Since the Philippines won the right to rule itself, our country has been referred to as “land of bondage, land of the free” by the late statesman Raul Manglapus. 4 True freedom means the ability to think, feel, say, or act however one chooses. 5 It is a state where the bars of bondage do not exist. Unfortunately, there is still the humankind’s continuing struggle for freedom as the widening gap between the haves and have nots is evident in terms of equal educational opportunities. 1. ______________________2. _____________________3. _____________________4. _____________________5._____________________ Learning Task 3 A. Fill in the semantic web with your ideas on “What makes/ unmakes a good friend?” Use the given template for webbing. Then, write an expanded definition of Friend based on the given ideas. E. Engagement (Time Frame: 1 hour and 30 minutes) Learning Task 4 1. For your final task, create a good, expanded definition. First, choose one (1) from the set of topics listed below: 2. Find out the various details (distinguishing characteristics, extra facts/ information, synonyms, examples or anecdotes) about your chosen topic. 3. With a specific audience in mind, write a comprehensive definition of your term by using the different ways/ techniques of expanding it.

IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES 54 3 2 1 4. Be guided with the given criteria. Criteria Content (use of facts, evidences, and other details) Techniques (use of approaches or ways to making expanded definition) Organization (arrangement of information) Mechanics (spelling and grammar) A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 10 minutes) This lesson emphasized that Expanded Definitions of Words are one or more statements of explanation or illustration of a word, thing, or concept. They help create pictures in the reader’s mind so that they may relate through memory of how it works, looks, feels, sounds, tastes, or smells; or what does it do or what are its parts. In addition, the techniques presented in the graphic organizer below make it possible for you to discern which ones are appropriate to be utilized in expanding definitions of words. Ponder on this question and write your answers on your paper. How will your understanding of the features/structures and techniques/approaches to making expanded definitions of words help you in your everyday life? V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 10 minutes) (Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6) Instructions: Decide whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE. 1. Expanded definition of word goes deeper than a simple dictionary definition. 2. You could illustrate the concept of a word with anecdotes from your personal life, or examples from the news or current events, or write an opinion piece. 3. The structure of expanded definition of word consists of formal sentence definition from the dictionary followed by the appropriate technique/s that will help you explain further the term to the readers. 4. Providing etymology means explaining by comparing two dissimilar topics, where the second is familiar to the audience. 5. ’A whale is not a fish’. Is an example of a technique called negation. VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10 minutes) • Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card. Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below: - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson. - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesso n. ? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to d o this task. Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 VII. REFERENCES Department of Education. Celebrating Diversity through World Literature – Grade 10 English Learner’s Material. Prepared by: Philippines: REX Book Store, Inc., 2015. University of Maryland. “ENGL393 11 Techniques of Extended Definition”. Accessed May 15, 2021. definition#:~:text=These%20techniques%20are%20listed%20below,what%20effects%20it%20may%20have . University of Maryland. “ENGL393 Technical Writing”. Accessed May 15, 2021. ddYe8MVmdk/edit#slide=id.p13. Shirley H. Cabuyao Checked by: Lucinda A. Jurilla Maria Madel C. Rubia Luzviminda Cynthia Richelle F. Quintero Regicelle D. Cabaysa Generosa F. Zubieta Ermelo A. Escobinas

W5 Learning Area English Grade Level 10 Date Quarter 4 I. LESSON TITLE Reviewing Subject-Verb Agreement II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Observe correct grammar in making definitions COMPETENCIES (MELCs) Subject-Verb Agreement III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT IV. LEARNING PHASES AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES I. Introduction (Time Frame: 60 minutes) Subject-Verb Agreement Review Like socks, the subject and predicate of a sentence have to match and agree. (Tressler and Shelmadine,1951) The subject (a noun or a pronoun) tells us the focus of the sentence while the verb makes a statement about it. With correct subject-verb agreement, the relationship between these two important sentence parts is unified thus making the idea of the sentence easier to understand. Essential to mastering the rules governing subject-verb agreement are the following Verb Basics. Helping Verbs Action Verbs to be- am, is, are, was, were to do - do, does, did Singular Plural to have – has, have, had Sensory Words Verbs - look, feel, taste etc. Know the Rules! 1st person I run. We run. 1. If the subject is singular, the verb must be singular. Example: She writes every day. 2nd You run. You run. 2. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. Example: They write every day. person 3. When the subject of the sentence is composed of two or more nouns or pronouns connected by and, use a plural verb. 3rd He/She/It They run. Example: The doctoral student and the committee members write every day. 4. When there is one subject and more than one verb, the verbs throughout the person runs. sentence must agree with the subject. Example: Interviews are one way to collect data and allow researchers to gain in- Forms of verb to have depth understanding of participants. 5. Intervening words like together with, in addition to, along with, as well as, Singular Plural including and similar constructions following the subject do not affect the number of the subject. 1st person I have. We have. 2nd You You person have. have. 3rd He/She/It They person has. have. Examples: The student, as well as the committee members, is excited. Forms of verb to be Strategies that the teacher uses to encourage classroom participation Singular Plural include using small groups and clarifying expectations. 1st person I am. We are. 6. When two or more singular nouns or pronouns are connected by \"or\" or \"nor,\" use 2nd You are. You are. a singular verb. person Example: The chairperson or the CEO approves the proposal before proceeding. 7. When a compound subject contains both a singular and a plural noun or 3rd He/She/It They are. pronoun joined by \"or\" or \"nor,\" the verb should agree with the part of the subject person is. that is closest to the verb. This is also called the rule of proximity. Examples: The student or the committee members write every day. Forms of verb to do The committee members or the student writes every day. Singular Plural 8. The words and phrases \"each,\" \"each one,\" \"either,\" \"neither,\" \"everyone,\" 1st person I do We do. \"everybody,\" \"anyone,\" \"anybody,\" \"nobody,\" \"somebody,\" \"someone,\" and \"no one\" are singular and require a singular verb. 2nd You do. You do Examples: Each of the participants was willing to be recorded. person Neither alternative hypotheses was accepted. 3rd He/She/It They do. I will offer a 5000php gift card to everybody who participates in the person does. study. No one was available to meet with me at the preferred time. 9. Non-count nouns take a singular verb. Examples: Education is the key to success.

Diabetes affects many people around the world. The information obtained from the business owners was relevant to include in the study. The research I found on the topic was limited. 10. Some countable nouns in English such as earnings, goods, odds, surroundings, proceeds, contents, and valuables only have a plural form and take a plural verb. Examples: The earnings for this quarter exceed expectations. The proceeds from the sale go to support the homeless population in the city. Locally produced goods have the advantage of shorter supply chains. 11. In sentences beginning with \"there is\" or \"there are,\" the subject follows the verb. Since \"there\" is not the subject, the verb agrees with what follows the verb. Examples: There is little administrative support. There are many factors affecting teacher retention. 12. A collective noun acting as a single unit takes a singular verb. However, the plural verb is used when the individual if the focus is on the individuals in the group. Examples: The group meets every week. The committee participate in various volunteer activities in private lives. 13. In the present tense, verbs agree with their subjects in NUMBER (singular/plural) and in PERSON (first, second, or third). The present tense ending –s (or –es) is used on a verb if the subject is THIRD PERSON SINGULAR. Otherwise, the verb takes NO ENDING. Singular Plural First Person I Love We Love Second Person You Love You Love Third Person He/She/It Loves They Love 14. A few indefinite pronouns such as All, Any, None and Some may be singular or plural DEPENDING on the noun or pronoun they refer to. Examples: Some of the apples were sold. Some of the flour was spilled. 15. Titles of works, story, article or establishment, even when plural in form, takes a singular subject Example: BSP Enterprises is owned by Mr. Santos. 16. Adjectives used as subjects take plural verbs. Example: The brave are honored. 17. Fractions may take singular or plural verbs depending on the of-phrase. Examples: Two-thirds of the school’s population speaks Pangalatok. Two-thirds of the children are in grade school. 18. Words or phrases expressing periods of time, weight, measurement and amounts of money are usually regarded as singular. Examples: Five years is a long engagement period. Five thousand pesos is the prize money. 19. The expression the number takes a singular verb; the expression a number takes a plural verb. Examples: The number of applicants is big. A number of applicants are very young. 20. Nouns plural in form but singular in meaning Statistics (am, is, are) showing an increase in inflation. D. Development (Time Frame: 30 mins) Learning Task1: Determine whether the pronoun in bold type is in first, second, or third person. Write 1st if it is a first-person pronoun, 2nd if it is a second-person pronoun, or 3rd if it is a third-person pronoun. 1. They watch television. _______ 2. We want ice cream. ________ 3. You sing well. ________ 4. I am tired. ________ 5. She is my friend. ________ Learning Task 2: Identifying Number in Nouns and Pronouns Read each word. Then, write whether the word is singular, plural, or both.

1. geese- 6. any- 2. scissors- 7. contest- 3. deer- 8. watches- 4. their- 9. several- 5. nobody- 10. lice- Learning Task 3: Identifying Number in Verbs Read each group of words. Then, write whether the underlined verb is singular or plural. 1. A fire is burning. 6. It has been returned. 2. She paints. 7. The boats were seen. 3. Children laugh. 8. Everyone knows. 4. Both remember. 9. They do not listen. 5. Changes are coming. 10. That appears to be correct. E. Engagement (Time Frame:60 minutes) Learning Task 4: Singular and Plural Subjects Match the two parts of the sentence and join them together with is or are. Number one has been done as example. Do the same for the remaining sentences. Example: 1. Art and music are my favorite subjects. Art and music …a wonderful city. Two hours …a play by Francisco Baltazar. Both my mother and my father …now on the market. Either blue or green …going to be cut down. Tayabas, my birthplace, …quite tiring. The trees next to the school …the right color for the room. Walking up hills …doctors. The house, together with a piece of …modern forms of communication. land, …my favorite subjects. Fax and e-mail …a long time to have to wait. Florante at Laura Learning Task 5: A. Nouns with and without -s Write a sentence with a similar meaning. Use the word in brackets and decide if you need the -s ending or not. Example: What is left of the old church is today a major tourist attraction. (remain/s) Answer: The remains of the old church are today a major tourist attraction. 1. What I was wearing wasn’t right for the occasion. (clothes) 2. The things that belonged to me were restored in the cellar. (belonging/s) 3. What the article says is nothing new. (content/s) B. Nouns with a plural form. Rewrite the sentences without can, could, may, or might to make them more certain. The verb must agree with the subject. Example: Physics could be really interesting. Answer: Physics is really interesting. 1. Measles can be a serious illness. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. All means of transport can have disadvantages. ………………………………………………………………………….

A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 40 minutes) Learning Task 6: Complete the flowchart to show your understanding of the considerations when picking verbs to match subjects. V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 40 minutes) Learning Task 7: Circle the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject. Then, on the blank space, indicate the number of the SVA rule applied in each sentence. Carefully review your answers based on the list provided in the introduction. ______1. The good (am, is, are) rewarded. ______2. Asia, the largest of the continents, (has, have, had) an area of 44million kilometers. ______3. The Bayanihan Dance Troupe (plan, plans) to arrive in separate cars. ______4. (Has, Have) the leaves been raked? ______5. Into the ring (come, comes) Manny Pacquiao. ______6. Each of the houses (was, were) painted green. ______7. There (is, are) 47 different kinds of headaches. ______8-9 Neither father nor mother (gamble, gambles) or (drink, drinks). ______10. (Does, Do) the girls sing in the play? VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10minutes) • Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card. Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below: - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson. - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesso n. ? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/p erform this task. Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7 Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 VII. REFERENCES For lessons and activities: Prepared by: Gabriel,J. & Martires,E. English 2 Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing. Saint Bernadette Publications,Inc. 1986, pp. 184-185. Eastwood,J. Oxford Learner’s Grammar Builder. Oxford University Press. 2005, pp.123-124. Tressler,J.C. & Shelmadine, M. Junior English in Action 2.D.C. Heath and Company. 1951, p.263. For illustrations: Lucinda A. Jurilla Checked by: Mary Joy B. Talavera Rommel E. Ramos Maria Madel C. Rubia Luzviminda Cynthia Richelle F. Quintero Generosa F. Zubieta Ermelo A. Escobinas Regicelle D. Cabaysa

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