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Almost there, Good. gentlemen. How many are there Right on time. waiting for us? Cayo EsquElEto, See for Cuba yourself… That runway looks …Just him. very narrow. Can you Just watch me, Carlo. land in this storm? But brace yourselves, it’s gonna get bumpy…

There. I think so. Everybody Relax, my friend. okay? There are two of us, and we’re both armed. We’re fine. He’s just an old man. And there’s the General. Marc, Keep the engine are you ready? running. We don’t want to stay a second longer than we have to. Good evening. Sure. I’ll have to You had no trouble turn around before we getting here? can take off, anyway. One kilogram of weapons-grade uranium. Enough to destroy a city. None at all, General. is that it? I would be interested to know which city you have in mind.

And I pay you About that… Our friend in not to ask questions. Miami sends his apologies, Your money is in but smuggling has become the jeep. Half a much more difficult million dollars, recently. There were extra expenses. as agreed. A quarter of a million That is dollars extra. unfortunate. I see. Unfortunate for you, General. You are the I will have to raise the money. I can transfer one who must pay. it to the same account See that you do. if it is not as before. there in three days, American intelligence will learn what happened here tonight. And your little island will not be so safe. Good night, General.

Good night, gentlemen. Enjoy your flight. Let’s turn this thing around… Hey, what happened to the lights?! it’s the General! He’s trying to stop us leaving! Wait… There you go. I’ll finish Probably just the turning the plane, storm disrupting the then we can go. electricity supply. Hurry. The sooner we are in the air, the happier I will be. All right, gentlemen, here we go. Back to civilization!

Unh… What happened? I didn’t, I swear… You drove us off the runway! Don’t be ridiculous! We can still get out… We’ll deal with him! He tricked us! The lights… And then we’ll find He moved the runway lights a way off this— somehow! We should never have threatened him! We’ll drown!

Crocodiles! Aaaaaah! “Which city”, “…Limited minds.” indeed. Such…

Good shot, Alex! I knew there was a reason I picked you for the first team! ChElsEa, london Nothing, sir. This won’t take a minute. Thanks, Mr Wiseman. I won’t let you down when we play! I… Alex? What’s the matter?

Alex! What a surprise! I told you already, I didn’t know your team I’m not interested practised here. Barker in MI6 any more. I’m a schoolboy, not a spy. and I often walk— Come off it, Absolutely, of course! No, I’m… Mr Crawford, What This has nothing to do do you want? with the, um, company. Really. Really! Listen, how would you like a front row seat at Wimbledon? That’s right. I’m You mean the on the committee of tennis tournament? the All-England What’s the Tennis Club. I can catch? get you in. There isn’t one, not really. But… …Let me explain. it won’t take a minute.

“Last week, someone You said he was a broke in to the professional. Why Millennium Building– is that so strange? where the players have their changing rooms, a gym, restaurant and so on. “The intruder disabled the CCTV cameras and the alarm. A thoroughly professional job. We only know he was there at all because a security guard saw him leaving. “He was a young Chinese man, dressed all in black and wearing a rucksack. “The police searched it isn’t. But he didn’t the whole club with take anything, either! sniffer dogs. The anti- Not a sausage! terrorist squad was there for three days. But they found nothing. Whoever it was just vanished.” Maybe the guard disturbed him before he could get his hands on whatever it was he was after. No, he was already leaving when he was seen. Now, isn’t that strange?

Very strange. But why are you telling me this? Why do you want me to go to Wimbledon? The other committee I believe someone members don’t believe intends to sabotage me, but they don’t work in the same business the tournament. as you and I. it just feels all wrong to me. Why would anyone want So you want me Oh, it wouldn’t. to sabotage Wimbledon? to go and snoop I had more of an… around. I’ve only it’s big business, Alex. ever seen Wimbledon Millions of pounds are on TV, so I admit at stake – sponsorships, TV I’d love a ticket rights, merchandise, VIPs for centre court. who pay thousands for But I don’t see a ticket to the final… how a day’s visit is going to help. …Extended stay in mind.

…Just joining us, we’re …Blitz, one of this year’s hot favourites, at a tense point between Jacques Lefevre and Jamie just doesn’t have any Blitz. Lefevre bagged the more to give. He hasn’t first two sets and only played anywhere near needs this final game to his best today… win outright… wimblEdon, Nobody expected a player of Blitz’s six wEEks latER ability to be …And it doesn’t look like he’s going knocked out by— to recover. This would be the upset of the tournament. Hey, Alex! Over here! —But there it is! Blitz looks Jacques Lefevre, the rank absolutely bewildered outsider, has beaten Jamie Blitz in straight sets! An as he returns to the extraordinary result! changing rooms…

That was a really Sabina! He’s bad game. I don’t know seven years older what was wrong with than you! Blitz. He seemed to be sleepwalking Sorry, mum… half the time. Are you enjoying your time as a ball boy, Alex? it was a bit Yes, thanks, Rider! I need boring, but at least Mr Pleasure. someone for standby. Lefevre’s cute. it’s— Do you mind? Alex, before No, sir. you run off… Just give me We’d love to have you, a minute. Alex. You can keep Sabina We’re going on holiday to out of trouble. Cornwall next week. Do you want to come with us? We could go surfing! Are… Are you sure? That would be great! Sorry, I have to go. I’ll call you later!

A family holiday… Even my holidays I can’t imagine what with Uncle Ian didn’t that’s like. really feel like a family thing. And Sabina’s parents Get a move on, boy, are really nice. They the umpire hasn’t seem like a really got all day! happy family… Rider! Yes, Mr Walfor! I’m coming— That’ll teach me to daydream while I’m supposed to be working… Get your mind on the job, Alex! Oh! Sorry!

two days latER Wow. Swanky place! Crawford said the it’s that burglar broke into the guard I bumped Millennium Building. Maybe if I take a look into again… around it might help… Wait a minute, he was What’s he doing, just using the payphone in standing there? He the cafe a couple of days keeps staring at… ago. Why bother, if he’s got a mobile? …Owen Bryant. Another world-class player. And he’s playing Lefevre this afternoon, too. Hmmm.

Now the guard’s Oh, maybe he’s sending making a call after all… a text. He only pressed But he hasn’t dialled one button, though… anything yet… …And now he’s leaving again! What on earth is going on?! Crawford was right, something here is just plain wrong. I need to take a look at that phone. Oh! Sorry!

You again…! Wow, it weighs almost nothing! You should watch where you’re going! Here you go— I know, sorry! My mum always says I’m in my own little world… Here, let me get that for you. And there’s no Oh! network logo, nothing on the screen… You’re welcome. So the phone’s a fake. But why? And what does it have to do with Owen Bryant?

…in the fourth set of Bryant vs Lefevre, and once again we may have an extraordinary upset on our hands. Bryant started …But after an the day well, with a exhausting second comfortable 6-4 victory over the Frenchman set that went 7-6 in the first set… to Lefevre, it’s been downhill all the way —No, there isn’t! for Bryant. He lost the Game, set and match third 6-4, and the fourth to Lefevre, and that now stands at 5-2. makes it 6-2. But like Blitz before him, Bryant seems completely bamboozled by the Frenchman. His game has disappeared, and surely there’s no way— Another surprise knockout!

l at E R …Totally weird, Sabina. Yeah, I watched it. I’ve seen Bryant play loads Maybe he was just having an off day. of times on TV, but today it was like a different player out there. Are you looking I don’t know, I saw forward to Cornwall? him afterwards and he looked pretty zoned Dad says he’ll hire out… Almost like he was a surfboard for you on drugs or something. if you need one. Hold on. Yeah, that That door would be… doesn’t lead back to the courts… Alex? Alex, Where’s he going? are you there? Shhh. Just a minute…

Hmph. Boys! Sab, I’ve got to go. Sorry. Alex! What’s going— These are the service tunnels, under the main grounds. This is the “buggy route”. But he’s a security guard… He shouldn’t be in here! Actually, neither should I… Now, where did he…

A-ha. OKay, now I’m completely lost. Looks like some kind of car park… …Except most car parks aren’t filled with trash and food supplies. So where am I? I still don’t understand what that guard’s doing here, though. Of course… This is the loading bay right under court number one!

Where did he go…? He knew I’d follow him… it’s a trap! Nnnh! He’s fast…

…Really fast! Unh!

Come here, little boy. I will have such fun with you! Yeah… it’ll be a real gas! My eyes!

*Huf* *huf* Heh. Hey! What’s going on here? Don’t worry… He’s out cold.

This is librium. Nasty little drug. A spoonful will knock you out for hours, but a couple of drops will just confuse you. Knock you off balance. it’s built into the filter, with a valve system. Very ingenious. Sir Norman, you Not that again, remember I was crawford… They worried about the didn’t take anything! break-in we had. We searched the But we didn’t examine entire club! the water dispensers. They were fixing them up! That’s right. The dispenser Here, and in the restaurant… functions normally until it probably all over receives a radio signal the building. from that fake phone. All activated by Then it dispenses a tiny remote control. amount of librium into the water. Not enough to show up in a blood test, but enough to ruin a player’s game.

Players it’s transparent, and has virtually no like Blitz and taste. Nobody would Bryant. notice it in a cup of iced water. But I don’t The guard isn’t talking, understand. What but the tattoo on his arm indicates that he is was the point? – or was – a member of the Big Circle. Big Circle is That French player, Exactly. I’m sure a triad, sir – a he had no idea what Chinese gang. Heavily Lefevre… He started was going on, but if involved in drugs, the tournament his opponents were vice, prostitution… with odds of three drugged before each And gambling. hundred to one game… This could have I believe this was a against! gone all the way gambling scam. to the final. And a hundred What are we thousand pounds going to do? bet on Lefevre at the start of the Nothing. tournament would have netted thirty million…!

What? Can this … Boy … be trusted not to talk? Relax. I won’t tell anyone. if anyone found out it would be a national scandal, and disastrous for our reputation. We’d have to restart the whole tournament all over again. You did a very good job. I’m sure we can Stroke of luck, you come up with a suitable spotting this chap and reward for him. Come then following him. along, my boy. Yeah, really lucky. That’s okay… Not a word. Let them think you’re just a ball boy… Although I think you’ll have to stop working at the tournament. I’ve got a date at the beach.

Typical British it’s too rough! summer! We’ve been Look at the size of here three days, and those waves! not one day of decent water! FistRal bEaCh, CoRnwall it’s The Cribber! Alex, what are it might be… but I’ll you doing? never forgive myself the cribber’s a if I miss the chance giant wave! it hasn’t to ride it! come to England for years! But it’s Here it comes! dangerous! Got to time it…

…Just right! Woo-hoo!

Uh-oh… Did you see that? Alex… it was awesome! Well, apart from falling in at the end, but… …There’s you again, someone to Mr crawford! How did see you. you even find me? Hello, Alex. We have ways, Sorry to interrupt Alex, you know your holiday. that. I’m afraid Mr Blunt is on the warpath. He needs to see you today.

SKELETON KEY anthony horowitz adapted by antony Johnston illustrated by Kanako Damerum & yuzuru takasaki

You could have I’m not one got yourself killed. of your agents. I don’t like my agents taking unnecessary risks. Crawford had no right to involve you in this business. livERpool stREEt, london There’s enough danger But that man is part in official missions of a huge organization. Big Circle is a relatively without adding to it. Taking on a Triad new Triad, but it’s also single-handed! one of the most violent. it was just one man. They don’t take kindly to people interfering Thanks for the lecture. with their business. I’ll bear it Sit down, Alex. in mind. You have no idea what you’ve got yourself into.

The Triad operates So if one of them under a principle of Guan-shi – a system becomes your enemy, they of mutual respect. all do. Every other member. it’s what gives the There’s already a price Triad its power. on your head. it means that if you hurt one of them, you hurt them all. Nineteen thousand, How many at the last count. “other members” Every minute you stay in are there…? England, you’re in danger. We have some influence in I’m supposed the triads, but it will take to be in Cornwall. time to call them off. On holiday… Time you don’t have. Out of the question. You may already have been spotted before we brought you in.

The fact is, Alex, We’ve already you can’t go home. arranged for Jack You can’t go to school. Starbright to be sent You can’t go anywhere out of London. We can’t on your own. take any chances. So what am I Well… meant to do? By coincidence, You’ve always we had a request told me to keep for your services everything secret, but all this time you’ve a few days ago. been bragging The American CIA about me?! needs a young person Absolutely not. for an operation But things have they’re mounting. a way of… leaking… in our line of work.

We told them you You have to weren’t interested. disappear, Alex. A schoolboy, not a spy, You have to go somewhere that’s what you said. the Triad won’t even think of looking for you. But this Triad business changes everything. So you want to send Cuba, actually. me to America? Or rather, an island just a few miles south. Cayo Esqueleto, it’s called, which is Spanish for… Skeleton Key. Correct. Despite its name, it’s not dangerous at all. The CIA it’s a tourist is interested in resort, with luxury this man. General hotels, diving, sailing Alexei Sarov. and so on. Sarov was a commander in the Sarov has a Russian army, back when huge house on the the Russians were our northern tip of the enemies, part of the island. A palace, Soviet Union. almost. That ended in 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down.

Sarov was a hero He fought there for ten of the old Russia. years, rising to become A General at just second in command of the thirty-eight, the same entire Red Army. His own year the Russians invaded son was killed there. Afghanistan. The war in So he left. Afghanistan ended the same year Communism And in two weeks’ time, the Russian collapsed. President is planning to visit him there. Sarov hated the new Russia, with its jeans, Nike trainers and McDonald’s on every corner. He went to Skeleton Key because Cuba remains a Communist country. He’s been there ever since, still calling himself General. They’re old friends, They want to know growing up in the what Sarov is up to. Why same part of Moscow. is Old Russia meeting But the CIA are New Russia? What’s worried. going on? it’s a simple surveillance But why do operation. They want an they need me? undercover team to go in and take a look around before the President arrives.

Getting in and out A single man would be suspicious. A man and a of any Communist country woman might be a team. is very difficult. Every aeroplane is watched, But… every passenger checked. But a family is just on holiday. Exactly. Why not use an Well, you see… American boy? They’re always on the The Americans would lookout for American never use one of their spies. Anyone even own young people for slightly suspect is this sort of thing. turned away. They have different rules to us. You mean they’re We wouldn’t ask worried he might you either, Alex, but you have to leave get killed. the country, and the mission’s perfectly safe. Think of it like a paid holiday. Two weeks in the sun. I don’t have much This afternoon. But first, you choice, do I? Your flight is already should go and see booked. Smithers. So when do you want me to leave?

My dear boy! Hello, Mr Smithers. How delightful is this really your to see you. office? Come in, I was expecting more… come in! Exploding toys, and scientists, and stuff. No, all that sort of thing is down in the lab. Please, do sit down. Door! Mr Blunt tells me A simple X-ray you’re off to join our device. Useful if anyone is wearing friends in the CIA. a gun. My, you’re looking well. Good bone I… See. structure! …What? Now, the Americans are Great. fine operators. Except of course that you can never trust them, and they have no sense of humour.

I’m told you need Yeah. A secret something to keep in transmitter. touch with us. Why does it have to be secret? a mobile? Not like this! This is the model five. But I’ve already We also have a model seven, which explodes got one. unless you dial holding it upside down… Can’t I have that one? A direct link with this Sorry, Mr Blunt office, even from America. has forbidden it. it works underwater. Fingerprint sensitive pads, so only you can use it. However… Dial 999 and the aerial shoots out like a needle. Drugged, of course. it’s got a twenty-metre range. it’ll knock anyone out. I was told you weren’t to have any weapons. However… Cool. Could you bring Anything else? them up, please, Miss Pickering?

I’m bending the rules Here are the doing this, but there are items you requested, a couple of things I’ve been developing for you, Mr Smithers. and I don’t see why you shouldn’t take them now. Thank you, Miss Pickering. Take the lift out, please. Bubblegum? Put it in a lock, for example, and it’ll Now, this one is crack open. Or the called the Striker, barrel of a gun. and I’m sure you won’t need it. But here you go. Chew for thirty Michael Owen? seconds and the compound reacts with But I support your saliva, making it Chelsea. expand. As it expands, it’ll shatter just Oh. Well, it’s only about anything. a prototype, we can do a different player next I call it Bubble 0-7! time. The important thing is the head.

Now remember this, Only a stun blast. Flashbang, as they say. Alex. Twist the head Ten second fuse. it won’t twice clockwise, then kill, but it will incapacitate once anticlockwise, to the opposition for a couple arm the device. of minutes, giving you a chance to get away. it explodes? Good luck, Alex. I hope you Thanks, Mr Smithers. get on all right with the CIA. I feel better not going They’re not like us at all, in empty-handed. you know. Heaven knows what they’ll make of you! You can take my Uh… Whatever you private lift, if you’re say. Just look after yourself. going downstairs. No, thanks. I’ll And don’t take the stairs. swallow the gum!

miami, usa Come on, let’s take a walk. You must be Rider. I’m Joe Byrne. I have to hand it to you Brits. My country didn’t We’ve used animals – tried give me much choice. to put a cat into the Korean embassy with a bug on its collar. Unfortunately, they ate it… But we’ve never used a kid before. You’ve done great work for your country. Anyway, you must Alex, meet Special be tired, so let’s Agents Tom Turner and Belinda Troy. They’ll be move on. playing your parents during this operation.

Nice to meet I had to close my eyes you, Alex. during take-off, but I stopped trembling when How was the flight? it must have been we got to thirty-five scary, travelling thousand feet. on your own. You’re scared This is crazy! of flying?! You’re putting this kid into a CIA operation and he’s— Belinda! Tom! Calm down! Alex was joking. He’s British, remember? Different sense of humour. Dammit, we’ve been through this… You know how tough their security is. With the Russian president on his way, it’ll be worse than ever. Well, I didn’t find Without a kid you it funny. This whole won’t even make it idea is crazy. out the other side of Santiago airport! You say this boy has a reputation, but he’s still a minor! And what about that accent of his? No-one will believe he’s American!

So find an And train him up to Alex’s American kid. level in two days? Forget it, Tom. Now let me tell you how it’s going to work. You’ll all need fake IDs. What if someone checks up on us? it’ll be easier to keep your first names, so it’s Alex Gardiner travelling with his parents, Tom and Belinda Gardiner. it’s all been backstopped, so everything will check out. We have people up in LA who’ll say they’ve known you all your life. Now, Turner and Troy need to get into Casa de Oro - that’s “Golden House” - which is where General Sarov lives. You want to know Right. Once you’ve what he’s doing? helped get Turner and Troy onto the island, you can keep out of their way. Just stay in the hotel and enjoy your vacation.

You have two days Starting tomorrow, till you leave, and I want think like a family. you to spend all of that Because that’s what time together. you’ve got to be. Sir, I have a meeting with We’ll pick you up the Salesman at noon from your hotel at tomorrow! I don’t think ten-thirty, Alex. he’s expecting my wife and Don’t be late. son to join us. *Yawn* Okay. And I’m supposed to Well… be his back-up. The Salesman is always on the water, right? So Tom, you go onto the boat while Alex and Belinda stay on dry land. I want to say again Yeah, right. how grateful I am that you agreed to help us out. I’m sure everything will work out fine.

Casa dE oRo, Cayo EsquElEto Good morning, Conrad. I hope we’ve managed to recover the rest of the banknotes from the swamp. Yesh. Enter. The money must I knew I could The rooms be laundered, of rely on you. The and cameras course, before it President arrives are ready? can be paid into in five days. my account. I had an email Everything is proceeding from him today to according to plan. say how much he’s The construction looking forward of the bomb…? to his holiday. Khomplete. Yesh. it will, of course, Good. But there still be one he will remains the question never forget. of the uranium.

I always knew the By now, the Salesman will purchase and delivery have guessed what happened to his messengers. When no further of nuclear material payment arrives from me, he may would be dangerous. carry out his threat to alert The men in the aircraft the authorities. threatened me, and paid the price. But, of course, they Unlikely, but a were working for a risk I cannot afford to take. third party. in less than two weeks, Wherr izh he? the bomb will be detonated and the world will take on He operates out of the shape I have decided to a boat called Mayfair Lady, usually moored at give it. We cannot take the Bayside Marketplace. any chances. The Salesman feels Conrad, you must safer on the water. go to Miami. Personally, I will feel safer when HE is underneath it. Yesh, Generahl.

baysidE maRkEtplaCE, miami Sleep well, Alex? Not really. I was awake hours before you came to pick me up. Are you ready to Granary, with order breakfast? butter and jam… Haha! He means jelly! I’ll just have No American kid You slip up like that orange juice asks for “jam”. at Santiago airport and toast. and we’ll be in jail - Wholemeal or worse - before or granary? you can blink! Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. How’s Lucky? … Oh, the dog! He’s fine. He’s being looked after by Mrs Beach, our neighbour.

Too slow. if you have to So how long stop and think, the enemy will have you been with know you’re lying. You have the CIA? to talk about your dog and neighbours as if you’ve known them all your life! That’s classified Who is the information. Salesman? I’m sorry. I’m Classified. still jetlagged, For what it’s worth, that’s all. nobody would ever believe you’re my parents, because All right. it’s pretty clear you don’t want to parents would never work with me, and that’s behave like you two! fine, because I don’t want to work with you. Alex… Please, Alex, sit down. You’re right, we were out of line. it’s just going to take some time. We don’t know you. Forget it! I’m going Right. if you back to London. You can get killed, how’s that gonna make tell Byrne I didn’t like the us feel? jelly, so I went home for some jam!

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