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Home Explore The Tale of Samuel Whiskers KO

Description: The Tale of Samuel Whiskers KO.


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The Tale of Samue “Oh, dear me, Cousin Moppet and Mitten \"Th

el Whiskers n Ribby, now ns are gone!“ hey both got out of the cupboard in the wainscot!“

The Tale of Samue Ribby and Tabitha set to search the house th The un w Rib the

el Whiskers t to work horoughly again. ey poked nder the beds with bby's umbrella, and ey rummaged in cupboards.

The Tale of Samue \"Yes, it is infested wit said Tabitha tearf \"I caught seven youn in the back kitchen, and we had them for dinner last Saturday.

el Whiskers th rats,“ fully. ng ones

The Tale of Samue And once I saw the o an enormous old ra I was just going to jump upon him, when he showed his yellow teeth at m and whisked dow

el Whiskers old father rat, at. me wn the hole.\"

The Tale of Samue Ribby and Tabitha searched and They both heard a curious roly-poly under the attic floor.

el Whiskers searched. y noise . But there was nothing to be seen.

The Tale of Samue They returned to the \"Here's one of your k at least,“ said Ribby dragging Moppet out of the flour barrel.

el Whiskers kitchen. kittens y, t

The Tale of Samue They shook the flour o and set her down on the kitchen floor She seemed to be in

el Whiskers off her r. a terrible fright.

The Tale of Samue \"Oh! Mother, Mother,” said Moppet, \"there's been an old w

el Whiskers ” woman rat in the kitchen, and she's stolen some of the dough!\"

The Tale of Samue T t S th sc an

el Whiskers The two cats ran to look at the dough pan. Sure enough here were marks of little cratching fingers, nd a lump of dough was gone!

The Tale of Samue \"Which way did she But Moppet had bee to peep out of the

el Whiskers go, Moppet?\" en too frightened e barrel again.

The Tale of Samue Ribby and Tabitha took to keep her safely in while they went on with

el Whiskers k her with them n sight, h their search. They went into the dairy.

The Tale of Samue The first thing they fou was Mittens, hiding in an empty j

el Whiskers und jar. They tipped up the jar, and she scrambled out.

The Tale of Samue \"Oh! Mother, Mother,” said Mittens, \"there's been an old m

el Whiskers ” man rat in the dairy, and he's stolen a pat of butter and the rolling pin!\"

The Tale of Samue Ribby and Tabitha looked at on “ Ar an Oh so ex wr

el Whiskers ne another. rolling-pin nd butter! h, my poor on Thomas!\" xclaimed Tabitha, ringing her paws.

The Tale of Samue

el Whiskers \"A rolling-pin?\" said Ribby. \"Did we not hear a roly-poly noise in the attic when we were looking into that chest?“

The Tale of Samue Ribby and Tabitha rushed upstairs Sure enough the roly- was still going on q under the attic flo

el Whiskers again. -poly noise quite distinctly oor.

The Tale of Samue \"This is serious, Cousin said Ribby. \"We must send for Joh with a saw.\"

el Whiskers n Tabitha,\" hn Joiner at once,

The Tale of Samue Now this is what has happening to Tom K and it shows how unwise it is to go up a chimney in a very old house,

el Whiskers s been Kitten, very

The Tale of Samue Where a person does not know his w and where there are enormous rats.

el Whiskers way,

The Tale of Samue Tom Kitten did not wa to be shut up in a cu When he saw that his mother was going to bake he determined to hid He looked about for a nice convenient pla and he fixed upon

el Whiskers ant upboard. e, de. a ace, n the chimney.

The Tale of Samue

el Whiskers The fire had only just been lighted, and it was not hot; but there was a white choky smoke from the green sticks.

The Tale of Samuel Tom Kitten got upon the fender and looke It was a big, old-fashioned fire-p The chimney itself was wide enough in for a man to stand u So there was plenty for a

Whiskers n ed up. place. nside up and walk about. y of room a little Tom Cat.

The Tale of Samue He jumped right up into the fire-place, balancing himse upon the iron where the k

el Whiskers elf bar kettle hangs.

The Tale of Samue Tom Kitten took anoth off the bar, and landed on a ledge high up inside the ch knocking down some soot into the fender.

el Whiskers her big jump e himney,

The Tale of Samu Tom Kitten coughed a with the smoke; and he could hear the to crackle and burn i down below.

uel Whiskers and choked e sticks beginning in the fire-place

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