471 Index of Types and Motifs F241.1: Fairies' horses. FAIRY HORSES OF THE TUATHA DE DANANN; GWRAGEDD ANN\\VN. F241.1.0.1: Fairy cavalcade. FAIRY LEVITATION; FAIRY RADE; KING HERLA; KING ORFEO; SHEFRO; SPORTS OF THE FAIRIES; TROOP- ING FAIRIES; WILD EDRIC. F241.1.1.1: Fairies ride white horses. FAIRY HORSES OF THE TUATHA DE DANANN. F241.2: Fairies' COWS. CRODH MARA; GWARTHEG Y LLYN; GWRAGEDD ANNWN. F241.4: Goats follow fairies. TACKSMAN OF AUCHRIACHAN. F241.6: Fairy dogs. BRAN AND SCEOLAN; CU SITH; FAIRY DOGS; FAR VANN. F242.2: Fairy boat. LITTLE PEOPLE OF THE PASSAMAQUODDY INDIANS. F243: Fairies' food. FAIRY FOOD. F243.1 : Fairies' bread. FA 1RY FOOD. F246: Fairy tobacco pipes. LITTLE PEOPLE OF THE PASSAMAQUODDY INDIANS. F251: Origin of fairies. ORIGIN OF FAIRIES. F25I. 1: Fairies as descendants of early race of gods. ORIGIN OF FAIRIEs; THEORIES OF FAIRY ORIGINS. F251.2: Fairies as souls of the departed. ORIGIN OF FAIRIES. F251.3: Unbaptized children as fairies. ORIGIN OF FAIRIES; SHORT HOGGERS OF \\VHITTINGHAME; SPUNKIES; TARANS. F251.6: Fairies as fallen angels. ORIGIN OF FAIRIES. F251.7: Fairies as demons. ORIGIN OF FAIRIES. F251.I 1: Fairies are people not good enough for heaven but not bad enough for hell. ORIGIN OF FAIRIES. F251.12: Fairies are druids. ORIGIN OF FAIRIES. F252.1: Fairy king. FIN BHEARA; OBERON. F252.2: Fairy queen. NICNEVIN; NUALA; OONAGH; TITANIA. F252.4: Fairies banished from Fairyland. FENODOREE. F254. I: Fairies have physical disabilities. BANSHEE; DEFECTS OF THE FAIRIES; HENKIES. F257: Tribute taken from fairies by fiend at stated periods. TEIND. F258.1: Fairies hold a fair. FAIRY MARKET. F261: Fairies dance. SPORTS OF THE FAIRIES. F261.1.1: Fairies dance in fairy rings. ELIZABETHAN FAIRIES. F262: Fairies make music. FAIRY CRAFTS; SPORTS OF THE FAIRIES. F262.2: Fairies teach bagpipe-playing. AMERICAN FAIRY IMMIGRANTS; FAIRY CRAFTS. F262.3.4: Fairy music causes sleep. AILLEN MAC MIDHNA. F262.3.6: Fairy music causes joy. MISER ON THE FAIRY GUMP. F265.1: Fairies use bath house. BATHING FAIRIES.
Index of Types and Motif.~ 472 F267: Fairies attend games. DEPENDENCE OF FAIRIES UPON .MORTALS; HURLING; SPORTS OF THE FAIRIES. Fz68.1: Burial service for Fairy Queen is held at night in Christian church. FAIRY FUNERALS. F271.0. 1: Fairies as craftsmen. FA 1RY CRAFTS. F271.2: Fairies as builders. LITTLE PEOPLE OF TilE PASSA 1AQUODDY INDIA , S; PECHS. F271.4.2: Fairies skilful as weavers. FAIRY CRAFTS. F271.4.3: Fairies spin. FAIRY CRAFTS; IIAUETROT; LOIREAG; TO~t TIT TOT. F271.7: Fairies chum. FAIRY CRAFTS. F271.10: fairies bake bread. BROKEN PED; FAIRY CRAFTS. !•282: Fairies travel through air. FAIRY LEVITATION; JEFFERIES, AN E; S UDTERRA ' EA N S. F282.2: Formulas for fairies' travel through air. FAIRY LEVITATIO , ; T RAF F I C \\\\' I T Jf T Jl E FA I R I ES. F282.4(a) (Baughn1an): I\\lortal travels with fairies: feasts \\Vith them in various spots. FAIRY LEVITATION. F3oo: ~larriagc or liaison with fairy. CAPTIVES IN FAIRYLAND; EILIA ' OF GARTii DOR\\VEN ; FAIRIES OF 1EDIEVAL RO 1ANCES; FAIRY URIDES ; G\\VRAGEDD AN ' \\V N ; S IR LA NFAL. F301: Fairy lover. JEFFERlES, A ' NE. FJOI.I.I.2: Girl sumn1ons fairy lover by plucking flowers. YO NG TA~I LI, • F301.2: Fairy lover entices mortal girl. GA ~ coNER. F301.3: Girl goes to Fairyland and marries fairy. CAPTIVES IN FAIRY- LAND; EILIAN OF GARTH DOR\\VE '. F3o2. 1 : lan goes to Fairyland and marries fairy. o 1s1N. F302.2: I\\lan n1arries fairy and takes her to his home. AINE; G\\VRAGEDD ANN\\\\. ~; FAIRY BR I 0 ES; \\f I L 0 ED R 1C. F302.J. 1: Fairy entices man into Fairyland. BRAN SON OF FEBAL; TR U E THO~fAS. F3o2.3.2: Fairy offers gifts to man to be her paramour. SIR LAUNFAL. F302.).4: Fairies entice men and then harm them. KATE CRACKERNUTS. F3o2.3.4·2: Fairies dance with youth till he goes insane. KA TE CRACK ER- NUTS. F3o2.4.2: Fairy comes into man's power \\vhen he steals her \\Vings; she leaves \\vhen she finds them. s\\\\·AN ~tAIDE~S. F302.4.2.1: Fairy comes into man's power \\\\hen he steals her clothes. FAIRY BRIDES. F3o2.5.2: Fairy mistress transforms man's human \\\\ife. BRAN AND SCEOLAN. F302.6.2; Recovery of fairy mistress. SIR LAUNFAL. F304.2: Fairy queen's beauty temporarily destroyed by intercourse \\Yith mortal. TRUE THO~IAS.
473 Index of Types and Motifs F3os: Offspring of fairy and mortal. PELLINGS. FJII.I: Fairy godmother. FAIRY GODMOTHERS. F316: Fairy lays curse on child. FAIRY GODMOTHERS. F32o: Fairies carry people away to fairyland. JEFFERIES, ANNE; KIRK, ROBERT; YOUNG TAM LIN. F321: Fairies steal child from cradle. AMERICAN FAIRY IMMIGRANTS; BENDITH Y MAMAU; CHANGELINGS; MALEKIN. F321.1: Changeling. Fairy steals child from cradle and leaves fairy substitute. BENDITH Y MAMAU; CHANGELINGS; PLENTYN-NEWID. FJ2I.I.I.I: Changeling betrays his age \\vhen his wonder is excited. BENDITH Y MAMAU; CAPTIVES IN FAIRYLAND. F321.1.1.2: Changeling plays on pipe, and thus betrays his maturity. AMERICAN FAIRY IMMIGRANTS; CHANGELINGS. FJ2I.I.J: Exorcizing a changeling. BENDITH Y MAMAU. F321.1.4: Disposing of a changeling. CHANGELINGS. F321 .1.4.1: Changeling thrown into water, and thus banished. AMERICAN FAIRY IMMIGRANTS. FJ2I.I.4·3: Changeling thrown on fire, and thus banished. CAPTIVES IN FAIRYLAND; CHANGELINGS. F321.2: Charms against theft of children by fairies. CHANGELINGS; PROTECTION AGAINST FAIRIES. F322: Fairies steal man's wife. ETHNA THE BRIDE; LAIRD OF BALMACHIE'S WIFE; MIDHIR; NELSON, MARY; SANDY HARG'S WIFE. F322.2: Man rescues his \\vife from Fairyland. ETHNA THE BRIDE; MIDHIR. F329.2: Fairies abduct young \\voman: return her \\Vhen fight starts over her. JEFFER I ES, AN NE. F329.4.1: Lost fairy child found by mortals: mortals feed, \\varm it, etc. COLEMAN GRAY. F329.4.2: Fairy child found and cared for, but it pines a\\vay. BROTHER MIKE. F329.4·3: Fairy captured by mortal escapes. SKILLY\\VIDDEN. F330: Grateful fairies. BROKEN PED; GRATEFUL FAIRIES; TULMAN; VIRTUES ESTEEMED BY THE FAIRIES. F332: Fairy grateful for hospitality. ISLE OF PABAIDH; VIRTUES ESTEEMED BY THE FAIRIES. F322.0.1: Fairy grateful to mortal for daily food. BRO\\VNIE. F333: Fairy grateful to human midwife. GRATEFUL FAIRIES. F335: Fairy grateful for loan. VIRTUES ESTEEMED BY THE FAIRIES. F338: Fairies grateful to man who repairs their utensil or implements. BROKEN PED; GRATEFUL FAIRIES. F340: Gifts from fairies. MISER ON THE FAIRY GUMP; SEELIE COURT. F343.14: Golden cup as gift from otherworld inhabitant. PHOUKA.
Index of Types and loti(c; 474 !•343·19: Fairies give mortals fitiry bread. BROKEN PED; JEI·· f'ERIES, ANNE. F344.3: Fairies give man \\vhitc powder to cure mortals. TRAFFIC \\VITH THE FAIRIES. F346: Fairy helps n1ortal with labour. A ~MERICAN FAIRY IM!\\11GRANTS; BODACIIAN SABHAI L; BRO\\\\'NJ E; CA ULD LAD OF HI 1..TON; BABE- TROT; P UDDLEFOOT; ROBIN RO U ND-CAP; SEELII:: COURT; T0~1 'fiT TOT; YALI..I: R Y BRO\\\\' • F346(a) (Baughman): Fairy or brownie helps n1ortal with housework of all kinds. MEG ~tULLACII; ROBIN RO UND-CAP; TOl\\1 COCKLE. F348.2: Cup stolen frorn fairy n1ust not be broken: bad luck will follow. THEFTS FR0~1 TilE FAIRIES. F348.s.2: fv1ortal not to thank fairy for gifts. GOOD l\\1A , NERS; VIRTUES ESTEE 1ED BY THE FAIRIES; YALLERY BRO\\VN. F348.7; 1''aboo: telling of fairy gifts : gifts cease. TABoo; VIRTUES ESTEE .MED BY THI: FAIRIES. F348.8: Taboo: tnortal for \"hon1 fairies work n1ust not watch them. TABOO. F350: Theft from fairies . ~li S ER ON 'I fiEF IR Y GU~tP; THEFTS FRO~i THE FAIRIES. F352: Theft of cup from fairies. FAIRY C U P; THEFTS FRO~f THE FAIRIES. F352. 1 : Theft of cup from fairies when they offer mortal drink. FA 1RY C U P; THEFTS FRO~I THE FAIRI ES. F36o: 1\\lalcvolent or destructive fairies. ~IORGAN LE FAY; PATCH; PEALLAIDH; SL UAGH; UNSEELIE CO URT. F361.2: Fairy takes revenge for theft. ~11SER ON THE FAIRY GUI\\IP; SPRIGGANS. F361.2.3: Fairies bind man fast to ground after he has attempted to capture fairy prince and princess. t\\1ISER ON THE FAIRY GU~fP. F361.3: Fairies take revenge on person who spies on them. FAIRIES ON THE EASTER~ GREE~; FAIRY F U NERALS; FAIRY OINTMENT; FAULTS CONDEl\\iNED BY THE FAIRIES; INFRINGE~1ENT OF FAIRY PRIVACY. F361.14: Fairy punishes servant girl \\vho fails to leave food for him. FAULTS CONDEI\\t~ED BY THE FAIRIES. F361.16: Fairies punish person because of his treatment of other mortals. PIXIES. F36I.I7.5: Fairies bathe children in churn \" 'hen housewife forgets to leave a supply of clear \" ·ater for the fairies. SIB. F362: Fairies cause diseases. BLIGHTS AND ILLNESSES ATTRIBUTED TO THE FAIRIES; I~1PETIGO. F363.2: Redcap murders travellers, catches their blood in his cap. RED CAP. F364.3: War between fairies and mortals. MAEVE.
475 Index of Types and Motifs F365: Fairies steal. FAIRY MORALITY; FAIRY THEFTS; I WEAT, YOU \\VEAT; TACKSMAN OF AUCHRIACHAN. F365(c) (Baughman): Fairies steal grain, an ear at a time. BROTHER MIKE; I \\VEAT, YOU \\VEAT. F366.2: Fairies ride mortal's horses at night. PROTECTION AGAINST FAIRIES. F369. I: Fairies set fire to buildings. AILLEN MAC MIDHNA. F369.4: Fairy tricks mortal. FIR DARRIG; LEPRACAUN. F369.7: Fairies lead travellers astray. IGNIS FATUUS; MAB; PIXIES; PIXY-LED; WILL 0' THE \\VISP. F370: Visit to Fairyland. CHERRY OF ZENNOR; ELIDOR; FAIRY D\\VELLING ON SELENA MOOR; FAIRY \\VIDO\\VER; JEFFERIES, ANNE; KATE CRACKERNUTS; TACKSMAN OF AUCHRIACHAN; VISITS TO FAIRYLAND. F371: Human being reared in Fairyl:tnd. LADY OF THE LAKE. F372: Fairies take human nurse to wait on fairy child. CAPTIVES IN FAIRYLAND; CHERRY OF ZENNOR; FAIRY D\\VELLING ON SELENA MOOR; FAIRY \\VIDO\\VER; NELSON, MARY. F372.1: Fairies take human midwife to attend fairy \\VOman. MID\\VIFE TO THE FAIRIES. F373: Mortal abandons world to live in Fairyland. BRAN SON OF FEBAL. F375: Mortals as captives in Fairyland. CAPTIVES IN FAIRYLAND; ETHNA THE BRIDE; FAIRY D\\VELLING ON SELENA MOOR; FIR DARRIG; KIRK, ROBERT; MALEKIN; VISITS TO FAIRYLAND. F376: Mortal as servant in Fairyland. CHERRY OF ZENNOR; FAIRY \\VIDO\\VER; TACKSMAN OF AUCHRIACHAN. F377: Supernatural lapse of time in Fairyland. BRAN SON OF FEBAL; KING HERLA; TIME IN FAIRYLAND; TIR NAN OG; VISITS TO FAIRYLAND. F378.1: Taboo: touching ground on return from Fairyland. KING HERLA; OISIN; TIR NAN OG; VISITS TO FAIRYLAND. F379.1: Return from Fairyland. AEDH; CAPTIVES IN FAIRYLAND; KING HERLA; NELSON, MARY; TRUE THOMAS; VISITS TO FAIRY- LAND. F379.3: Man lives with fairies seven years. TRUE THOMAS. F38o: Defeating or ridding oneself of fairies. SANDY HARG's \\VIFE; TACKSMAN OF AUCHRIACHAN. FJ8I.I: Fairy leaves \\Vhen he is named. FOUL-\\VEATHER; PEERIFOOL; PUDDLEFOOT; SECRET NAMES OF THE FAIRIES; TOM TIT TOT; WHUPPITY STOORIE. F381.3: Brownie leaves \\vhen given new clothes. AI KEN DRUM; BROWNIE; CAULD LAD OF HILTON; FENODOREE; HOB OR HOB- THRUST; PHOUKA; PIXIES; PUCK. F382: Exorcizing fairies. BLUE BURCHES; BRO\\VNIE; PROTECTION AGAINST FAIRIES; ROBIN ROUND-CAP.
Index of 1'ypcs and Motifs F382.1: Fairies fear cross. CROSS; IRON; PROTECTIO AGAINST FAIRIES; TACKSMAN OF AUCHRIACHA . F382.1.1• (Baughman): Crosses on loaves of bread keep fairies away. TACKSMAN OF AUCHRIACBAN. F382.2: Holy water breaks fairy spell. PROTECTION AGAI ST FAIRIES; ST COLLEN AND THE FAIRY KI N G. F382.6: Asking grace at fairy banquet causes fairies and banquet to disappear. PRAYERS. F383.2: Fairy unable to cross running streain. URO\\VN ~tAN OF THE ~1 U IRS; PROTECTION AGAI ~ sT FAIRIES; R N ' I G \\VATl: R. F384.1: Salt powerful against fairies. PROTECTI0 1 AGAINST FAIRIES; SA I..T. F384.3: Iron powerful against fairies. 1RON. F385.1: Fairy spell averted by turning coat. PIXY-LED; PROTECTION AGAI ST FAIRIES; SPRIGGA 'S; T URNI N G CLOTHES. F387: Fairy captured. BROTHER l\\UKE; CAPT URED FAIRIES; COLE- ~1AN GRAY; SKILLY\\\\'IDDEN. F388: Fairies depart. DEPART RE OF THE FAIRIES; LITTLE PEOPLE OF THE PASSA~IAQ U ODDY I ~ or NS. F391: Fairies borrow from mortals. DEPENDENCE OF FAIRIES UPON ?\\tORTALS; FAIRY BORRO\\VI ' G. F392 (variant): Fairy transformed to fl y, allows self to be swallowed by woman and reborn as fairy. ETA IN. F399.4: Playful or troublesome fairies. BOGGART; BRAG; B\\VBACHOD; HEDLEY KO\\V; PHOUKA; P U CK; P DDLEFOOT; ROBIN GOOD- F E L L O \\ \\' . F40I.J.I: Spirit in form of horse. BLUE BURCHES; EACH UISGE; GLYTRASH; KELPIES; PHO U KA. F401.3.J: Spirit as black dog. CH U RCH GRIM; GUARDIAN BLACK DOG; ~iAUTHE DOOG; ~tODDEY DHOO. F401.5: Spirits appear horrible. ' UCKELAVEE. F402: Evil spirits. TO~I DOCKIN; YALLERY BRO\\VN. F402.1.1: Spirit leads person astray. HEDLEY KO\\V; IG~IS FATUUS; PIXIES; PIXY-LED; POliK-LEDDEN; PUCK; P\\VCA; SHELLYCOAT; SPUNKIES; \\VILL 0' THE \\VISP. F402.I.II: Spirit causes death. CEARB; !\\tAUTHE DOOG. F4o2.1.12: Spirit fights against person. BONELEss; IT. F403: Good spirits. BRO\\VNIE; LAZY LAURE CE; NANNY BUTTON- CAP; SEELIE COURT. F403.2: Spirits help mortal. BRO\\VNIE; URISK. F405.4: Spirit baffied by scolding and getting last \\vord. WAFF. F 405.11: House spirit leaves \\Vhen gift of clothing is left for it. BROONIE; CAULD LAD OF HILTON; FENODEREE; PIXIES. F4o6: Spirits propitiated. INA PlC WINNA; TIDDY ~fUN.
477 Index of Types and ~lotifs F419·3·1 (KI\\tB): Spirit as protector of wild creatures. BRO\\\\ N ~IAN OF THE MU IRS. F420.1.1: \\Vater-spirit as man. MORGAN. F420.1.2 (Baughman): \\Vatcr-spirit as woman. ASRAI; ~lORGAN; SEAL MAIDENS; SELKIES. F 420.1.2.2: \\Vater-maidens arc n1ute. ASRA I. F420.1.3.3: \\vater-spirit as horse. EACH l ' ISGE; KELPIES; NOGGLE; \\VATER-HORSE AND THE \\VATER-BULL. F420.1.3.4: Water-spirit as bull. ELF-BULL; \\VATER-HORSE AND THE \\VATER-B ULL. F420.1.4: \\J ater-spirits in abnorn1al forn1. AFANC; ASSIPATTLE; Nl' CKELA VEE. F420.1.4.8: \\Vater-spirits with green teeth. JENNY GRELNTEETH; PEG PO\\\\'Lf R. F 420. \\V:tter-spirits arc dressed in green. \\\\'A TER wRAITH. F420.3.1: \\Vatcr-spirits have fan1ily life under water. DEN-VARREY; LttTEY AND THE l\\.IER?\\.IAID; OLD MAN OF C U RY. F420.4.4: \\Vatcr-spirits are grateful. OLD ~tAN OF C U RY. F420.5.1: Kind water-spirits. LOIRFAG; MERMAIDS; SELKIES. F420.5.1.1: \\Vater-spirits warn sailors against storn1s. LIBAN; \\V U LVER. F420. \\Vatcr-spirits give n1agic gifts. OLD MAN OF CURY. F420.5.1.8: \\Vater-spirits give advice. ~tER~1AIDS. F420.5.1.9: \\Vatcr-spirits adopt human foundling. LADY OF THE LAKE. F420.5.2: I\\1ale\\·olent water-spirits. AFANC; FIDEAL; FUATH; GRINDY- LO\\V; JE J\\j Y GREEt\\ TEETH; LLA~1H I GYN Y DW R; l\\.1ERf\\..1AIDS; MER~1EN; CKELAVEE; \\VATER \\VRAITH. F 420.5.2. 1: \\Vater-spirits lure mortal into \\Vater. LUTEY AND THE l\\.1ERl\\.1AID; MER~IAIDS; SHOOPILTIE; \\VATER \\VRAITH. F420.5.2.I.2: \\Vater-spirits lure children into \\\\atcr. NURSERY BOGIES; PEG PO\\VLER. F420.5.2.r.6: \\Vater-spirit claims a life every seven (or nine) years. LUTEY AND THE l\\.tERMAID; PEG 0' NELL. F420.5.2·7·3: Water-spirit \\Vrecks ship. BLUE l\\.1EN OF THE l\\.1INCH; MERMAIDS. F421.1: Lady of the lake. A female lake spirit. LADY OF THE LAKE. F422: Marsh spirit. TIDDY l\\.1UN; YARTHKINS. F430: Weather-spirits. CAILLEACH BHEUR; GENTLE ANNIS; MUILEARTEACH. F 433: Stonn-spirit. HO\\VLAA. F436: Spirit of cold. CAILLEACH BHEUR. F441.2: Tree-spirit. LUNANTISHEE; OAK~IEN. F441.2.3.2: Tree-spirit in elder. FAIRY TREES; OLD LADY OF THE ELDER-TREE. F451: Dwarfs. D\\VARFS.
Index of Types and 1otifs F451.0.1: I.~cpracauns. LEPRA CA UN. F451.5.2: Malevolent dwarf. BRO\\\\'N ~tAN OF THE ?\\tUIRS; DUERGAR; Tl: RRYTOP; T0?\\1 TIT TOT; YALLJ:RY BRO\\VN. F45 1.5.2.J.I: \\Voodcn image substituted for child stolen by dwarfs. STOCK. F45s.8.1: Trolls turn to stone at sunrise. TRO\\VS. F456: Gnorncs as n1ine-spirits. BLUE-CAP; CO IlL YNA U; CUTTY SOA!\\fS; 0\\VARFS; GNOMES; KNOCKERS; SPRIGGA ' S. F456.1: Spriggans. BLUJ:-cAP; CUTTY SOAMS; !\\1ISER ON THE FAIRY GU~1P; SPRIGGANS. F456.I.I: Origin of knockers or spriggans. KNOCKERS; SPRIGGANS. F456.1. 1.1: Knockers as ghosts ofjC\\\\S who crucified Christ. K oCKERS. F4s6.1.2.I.I: Knockers bring ill luck if one \\vhistles in the mine. KNOCKERS. F456. I .2.2. I : Knockers lead men to the richest lodes in the mines by knocking in those areas. K ' OCKERS. F456.2: 1ining spirit, Blue-cap. BLUE-CAP. F456.2.1: Blue-cap moves coal tubs for miners. DLUE-CAP. F456.3: lining spirit. CUTTY SOAMS. F456.3.1: 'Cutty' cuts cords by \\vhich miners pull tubs of coal. CUTTY SO A MS. F46o: Mountain spirits. BEITHtR; G\\\\'YLLION. F460.4.4: Malevolent mountain-men. G \\V Y LL1oN. F470: Goblins. FUATH; GODLI ' S; HOBGOBLIN. Night-spirits. JACK-IN- IRONS. F470.0.1: Friar Rush as mischief-maker. FRIAR RUSH. F471.1: Nightmare. HAGGE; NIGHT-.\\1ARE. F471.2: Incubus. INCUBUS. F471.2.1: Succubus. BAOBHAN SITH; HAGGE; LEANAN-SIDHE; LHIANN \\N-SHEE; ~fELUSINE; NIGHT-.\\IARE. F473.2.4: House burns for no apparent reason. BLUE BURCHES. F473.6.4: Spirit eats food. BUTTERY SPIRITS. F475: Friendly night-spirits. BLUE BURCHES; BRO\\VNIE; GUNNA; LOBS AND HOBS. F480: House-spirits. GROGAN; GRUAGACHS; KILLl\\.fOULIS; LURIDAN; SILKY; SUPERNATURAL \\VIZARDS; \\VAG-AT-THE-WA'. F482: Bro·wnies. BRO\\VNIE; ELIZABETHAN FAIRIES. F482.3.1: Brownies live in house. !\\.1ove \\Yhen persons move. Al\\.1ERICAN FAIRY ll\\fl\\.1IGRANTS; TOl\\.1 COCKLE. F482.J.I.I: Bro\\vnie moves with farmer. BAUCHAN; BOGGART. F482.5.3: Bro\\vnies tease. K ILL~tOULIS. F482.5.4: Helpful deeds of bro\\\\nie or other domestic spirit. BILLY BLIND; BODACHAN SABHAIL; BROWNIE; LURIDAN; PHOUKA; PUCK; SILKY. F482.5.4·I: Bro\\vnie rides for mid,vife. BROWNIE; KILLMOULIS.
479 Index of Types and Motifs F482.5.5 : Malicious or troublesome actions of bro\\vnies. BA u c HA N; BOGGART; BRO\\VNIE; BWCA; 1v1EG MULLACH; ROBIN ROUND-CAP; SILKY. F482.5.5(i) (Baughman): Robin Round-Cap remixes chaff with wheat. ROBIN ROUND-CAP. F482.5.5(o) (Baughman): The fairy in the sack of a thief or poacher. CAPTURED FAIRIES. F488: The stupid house-spirit. BRO\\VNIE-CLOD. F488.1: Household spirit herds sheep: trouble with smallest lamb (hare). GROGAN; GRUAGACHS. F491: Will-o'-the-Wisp. ELLYLLDAN; GYL BURNT-TAYL; HINKY- PUNK; IGNIS FATUUS;JACKYLANTERN; JOANTHE \\VAD; KIT WITH THE CANSTICK; OLD W0l\\1AN OF THE l\\10UNTAINS; PINKET; SPUNKIES; \\VILL 0' THE \\VISP; WILL 0' THE \\VYKES. F491.1: Will-o'-the-\\Visp leads people astray. ELLYLLDAN; IGNIS FATUUS; JACKY LANTERN; OLD \\VO~tAN OF THE MOUNTAINS; SPUNKIES; \\VILL 0' THE \\VISP. F511.0.9: Person with animal's head. JIMMY SQUAREFOOT. F351: Person of enormous size. BRAN THE BLESSED; GIANTS. F531.4.II: Giant's enonnous animals. JIM~tY SQUAREFOOT. Fs35.1: Person the size of a thumb. TOM THUfvtB. F535.I.I: Adventures ofthumbling. TOl\\1 THUl\\.tB. FsJS.I.I.7: Thumbling swallowed by animals. TO~t THU~1B. FsJ5.I.I.I4: Thumbling carried on hat brim. TOM THUl\\rtB. F555.1: Gold hair. GOLDEN HAIR. Fs8z.I: Serpent damsel. \\Voman has serpent inside \\vhich comes out and kills her bridegrooms. ~~EL us IN E. F6z8.2.3: Strong man kills giant. GIANTS. F725.3·3: Undersea house. ~1t:RRO\\VS. Fxo41.16: Extraordinary physical reactions to anger. BRAN THE BLESSED. Gx 1.3: Cannibal witch. LUIDEAG. Gxoo.I: Giant ogre (fomorian). FOl\\.iORIANS. Gzox.x: Hags deformed from much spinning. HABETROT. G21 1.1.7: \\Vitch in form of cat. BLACK ANN IS. G214.1: \\Vitch with long teeth. BLACK ANN IS. G261: \\Vitch steals children. BLACK ANN IS. Gz6z.o.I: Lamia. \\Vitch who eats children. BLACK ANN IS. G269.4: Curse by disappointed witch. ALLISON GROSS. G275.8.2: \\Vitch overcome by help of fairy. ALLISON GROSS. GJ02.J.2: Demon in animal fonn. BARGUEST; BIG EARS; BLACK DOGS; EACH UISGE; KELPIES; l\\.1AUTHE DOOG; OLD SHOCK; PADFOOT; SKRIKER; TRASH. GJOJ.J.J.I.J: Devil as horse. AUGHISKY; EACH UISGE; FRIAR RUSH; KELPIES; \\V IZARDS.
Index of Types and 1\\tlotif:') G30J. l)cvil has saucer eyes. BARGUEST. G30J.4.6: 1'he })evil's tail. HARGUEST. G30J.7.1.3: !)evil rides horse at night hunting lost souls. DEVIL's DANDY DOGS; GADRIEL BOUNDS; GADRIEL RATCHETS; \\VILD HU T; \\V ISH HOUNDS. GJ03·9·3· 1: Devil hires out to a farmer. FR 1AR Rusu. GJOJ-9·4: The })evil as a tempter.. FR 1A R R USII. G30J.16.2: })evil's power over one avoided by prayer. DI:.VII..'s DANDY DOGS; PRAYERS. GJOJ.I6.19.13: ])evil cannot cross running water. UCKEI..AVEE. G303. 17.2.4: ])evil and sinful priest disappear amid blaze of fire in the n•vcr. DA ' DO A D HIS DOGS. G3o8: ea-n1onster. i\\fAROOI..; UCKELAVF.E. G312: Cannibal ogre. OGRES. G346.2: Devastating demon kills and cats people. L u 1oEA G. G465: Ogre sets in1possiblc tasks. GREE SLEEVES; a ICJIT NOUGHT NOTHING. H151: Attention drawn: recognition follows. ICH 'I 'OUG H 'T NOTHING. Ht51.1: Attention drawn by 1nagic objects: recognition follows. GREEN SLEEVES. H335·0.1: Bride helps suitor perform tasks. GREEN SLEEVES; NICIIT NOUGHT ' OTHING; S\\VAN M IDE 'S. HJ35·3· 1: Suitor task: killing dragon to \"horn princess is to be sacrificed. ASS IPA TTLE. Hso9.3: Game of chess as test. CHESS. H512: Guessing, \\Vith life as wager. FOUL-\\VEATHER. H521: Test: guessing unknown propounder's name. FO L-\\VEATHER; TERRYTOP; TOM TIT TOT; \\VHUPPITY STOORIE. H541: Riddle propounded with penalty for failure. \\V I FE OF BATH'S TALE. H9oo: Tasks in1posed: a person's prowess tested. FI AN ~A. H914: Tasks assigned because of mother's foolish boasting. HABETROT; TO~t TIT TOT. Hroro: Jmpossibie tasks. GREE'\\1 SLEEVES; NICHT NOUGHT NOTHING. H1092: Task: spinning impossible amount. HABETROT; TOT\\t TIT TOT. Hr1o2: Cleaning Augean stables. GREE~ SLEEVEs; NICHT NOUGHT NOTHING. H1219.1: Quest assigned as payment for gambling loss. GREEN SLEEVES. H123~: Succession of helpers on quest. GREEN SLEEVES; NIGHT NOUGHT NOTHI~G. ]51: Sight of deformed witches causes man to release wife from spinning duty. HABETROT. ]346: Better be content \" rith what you have. HEDLEY KOW. }1050: Attention to \\vamings. HOOPER OF SENNEN COVE. K42.2: !\\r1o,ving contest won by trickery. BoGIES. Kr71.1: Deceptive crop division. BOGIES.
Index of Types and Motifs K6o2. 1: Fairy child is injured by man who says his name is 'Self'. The fairy mother is told by child that 'Self did it'. Takes no revenge. AINSEL; MEG MULLACH. K1987: Devil disguised as man goes to church. FRIAR RUSH. L1or: Male Cinderella. ASSIPATTLE. LIJI.I: Ashes as hero's abode. ASSIPATTLE. Mroi: Punishment for broken oaths. LAMBTON WORM. M219.2.4: Devil carries off hunt-loving priest. DANDO AND HIS DOGS. M242: Bargaining between mortals and supernatural beings. KNOCKERS; TERRYTOP; TOM TIT TOT; 'VHUPPITY STOORIE. M3oi.6.I: Banshees as portents of misfortune. BEAN-NIGHE; BEAN- SITH; CAOID-HEAG (Welsh); CAOINEAG (Highland); CAOINTEAGH (Argyllshire); CYHRAETH; G\\VRACH Y RHIBYN. N2.o.r: Play for unnamed stakes. GREEN SLEEVES. NIOI.2: Death from violating taboo. BRO\\VN MAN OF THE MUIRS. N471: Foolish attempt of second man to overhear secrets from animals. APPLE-TREE MAN. N475: Secret name overheard by eavesdropper. FOUL-WEATHER; PEERIFOOL; TERRYTOP; TOM TIT TOT; \\VHUPPITY STOORIE. N541. r: Treasure reveals itself only on Christmas Eve at midnight. APPLE-TREE MAN. N812: Giant as helper. GIANTS. P284: Step-sister. KATE CRACKERNUTS. Q552.ro: Plague as a punishment. TIDDY MUN. RI I2.3: Rescue of prisoners from fairy stronghold. NELSON, MARY; YOUNG TAM LIN. RIJI.I2: Fairy rescues abandoned child. GHILLIE DHU. R156: Brother rescues sister. NELSON, MARY. R18I: Demon enclosed in bottle (under stone) released. YALLERY BRO\\VN. RI88: Rescued person horrifies rescuers. YALLERY BROWN. R227: Wife flees husband. ASSIPATTLE. S3I: Cruel stepmother. KATE CRACKERNUTS. S24I: Jephthah's vow. LAMBTON WORM. S262: Periodic sacrifices to a monster (giant fomorian). F o M oR 1AN s. T68. I : Princess offered as prize to rescuer. ASS 1P ATTLE. T553: Thumbling born as a result of hasty \\\\iish of parents. TOM THUMB. T591: Barrenness induced by magic. HARD DELIVERY OR BARRENNESS. V12.9: Libations. AUSTRALIAN FAIRY IMMIGRANTS; BUCCA; FRID; SHONY;STRANGERS;YARTHKINS. V229.2.12: Extraordinary longevity of saints. LIB AN.
K AT ii RJN E B RIGG is one of ]~ngland' mo t pr01nincnt folklori t and the author of 'Flu Pr1 o1111 rI of 1· ai1 ' Iand, 1'lu A llfJto m} of Puck, Folktalts of Englnntl, Tht Fairits in Traditiun and Llltralurt, and the much- loved children' ton Hobbtrd} Die~. he ha been pre ident of the Engli h Folklore ociet} and ha taught and ltctured in mer- 1• can unt•ver •ttt•e .
contintted from front flap r• I . in 1 I r I h r1 - li - r • hr ih • I lr • I • .i 1 • • •• • lz :. r ont~ :.J of I I h ,,11 to , of uck olkt I I- lz • • • n• • • ln ITI ra- tl -I n r 1r • h -li h I• • I • tn • •• r1 I I1 h JI 1 . itania · . _1• on . o • 11 , o n . I. 7
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