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Home Explore Fish Oil - It Health Benefits & Risks

Fish Oil - It Health Benefits & Risks

Published by ellen, 2015-01-10 08:38:53

Description: As the name implies, fish oil is oil that is removed from the tissues of oily fish and is often
recommended as part of a healthy diet program. Many nutritionists recommend that individu
each fish at least once a week, but emphasis must be placed on the importance of avoiding f
that contain certain harmful contaminants. In avoiding predatory fish, such as sharks and oth
individuals will prevent the consumption of unhealthy substances which can accumulate due to the f...

Keywords: fish oil


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抯Fish Oil - It Health Benefits & Risks Title:Word Count:422Summary:As the name implies, fish oil is oil that is removed from the tissues of oily fish and is oftenrecommended as part of a healthy diet program. Many nutritionists recommend that individualseach fish at least once a week, but emphasis must be placed on the importance of avoiding fishthat contain certain harmful contaminants. In avoiding predatory fish, such as sharks and others,individuals will prevent the consumption of unhealthy substances which can accumulate due tothe f...Keywords:fish oilArticle Body:As the name implies, fish oil is oil that is removed from the tissues of oily fish and is oftenrecommended as part of a healthy diet program. Many nutritionists recommend that individualseach fish at least once a week, but emphasis must be placed on the importance of avoiding fishthat contain certain harmful contaminants. In avoiding predatory fish, such as sharks and others,抯individuals will prevent the consumption of unhealthy substances which can accumulate due tothe fish predatory lifestyle.抯The benefits of fish oil are thought to be many, including a number of experts who believe thatit consumption can help to regulate cholesterol. This problem affects many individuals and,if left untreated, can lead to more serious complications. The liver of fish, however, maycontain dangerous levels of Vitamin A.According to the American Heart Association, daily consumption of the proper amount of fishoil can be beneficial for patients suffering from coronary heart disease. In addition, the UnitedStates National Institute of Health recommends fish oil for the prevention of cardiovasculardisease and high blood pressure. Once again, the institute reiterates the fact that high levels ofomega-3 fatty acid intake may increase the risk of dangerous side effects, including a stroke.In September 2005, Louisiana State University conducted a study that resulted in findings tosupport a theory that fish oil may prevent the brain from developing cognitive problems that are

抯associated with Alzheimer Disease. This illness, which is common among the elderly, causesan individual to gradually lose his/her memory.Apart from consuming fish on a daily basis, fish oil is available as dietary supplements and can抯may be purchased at many locations. In certain cases, fish oil may require a doctorprescription if the product is of pharmaceutical quality. It is important that individuals read thelabel and/or instructions carefully before using any medication and/or dietary supplement,including fish oil. It is also equally important that individuals inform their doctor of any currenthealth problems and/or medications for which they are currently taking.This article is to be used for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as抯professional medical advice. The information contained herein should not be used in place of,or in conjunction with, a doctor recommendation . Prior to beginning any treatment regimen,including one that involves the use of fish oil, an individual who develops an illness of any typeshould consult a licensed physician for proper diagnosis and treatment.Title:Is Acupuncture A Benefit For Your Health?Word Count:572Summary:抯Before we begin a discussion about the benefits of acupuncture, let talk about the origins ofacupuncture.It was first used in China over 2000 years ago, and is one of the oldest medical procedures inthe world.It is a family of procedures that stimulates the anatomy of the body and helps to balance theenergy flow throughout the body.It is this kind of acupuncture that is practiced in the United Sates today, through the use of tiny,metallic needles placed i...Keywords:Article Body:抯Before we begin a discussion about the benefits of acupuncture, let talk about the origins ofacupuncture.It was first used in China over 2000 years ago, and is one of the oldest medical procedures inthe world.

It is a family of procedures that stimulates the anatomy of the body and helps to balance theenergy flow throughout the body.It is this kind of acupuncture that is practiced in the United Sates today, through the use of tiny,metallic needles placed in affected areas and manipulated by hand or by electrical stimulation.Acupuncture is the basic foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine and is based on the beliefthat there are two opposing and inseparable forces within our body.They are known as the Yin and Yang of the entire person. The Yin is representative of the cold,slow, or passive principle, and yang represents the hot, excited or active principle.A healthy state is achieved by maintaining a balance state of the yin and yang. This is donethrough vital pathways or meridians that allow for the flow of qi, or vital energy. The vitalenergy flow occurs along pathways known as meridians.These meridians connect over 2,000 acupuncture points along the body. There are 12 mainmeridians, and 8 secondary meridians. Although traditional western medicine does notcompletely understand how acupuncture works, the proof that it does work has been shown inseveral studies conducted by western medical facilities.抯Now, let move to the question of does it work?According to the National Institute of Health, the answer would be yes. Acupuncture has beenshown to be effective in many areas of health care.Areas such as postoperative nausea, chemotherapy side effects, osteoarthritis, low-back pain,headache, menstrual cramps, addiction, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma, just to name a few.The study revealed that acupuncture was able to provide pain relief, improve function andmobility of joints due to arthritis inflammation, and served to complement standard care.Although there are many who would doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture, once they are apatient, they are believers. It has been proposed that acupuncture works and produces its effectsthrough regulating the nervous system.The theory proposes that since acupuncture produces its effect through regulation of thenervous system, it induces the release of endorphins and immune system cells at specific siteson the body. There is also the theory that acupuncture alters the brain chemistry by the changingthe neurotransmitters in the brain.Without doubt acupuncture was a benefit in the study, and as a patient myself, I can vouch forthe wonderful effect it has had on my back. Although acupuncture is classified as an alternativemedicine therapy, and there is still much to be understood about the way it works, it is a provenaid in maintaining optimal health.But what about the well individual, can acupuncture provide a benefit to them? Absolutely.Because acupuncture works off the belief that we must maintain balance of our vital energyflow in order to remain healthy, acupuncture serves as the tool for realignment.Our vital energy flow can be out of balance, and we still feel and appear quite healthy. It is in

this capacity that acupuncture serves as a sort of preventive medicine.Checking and balancing the flow of energy on the meridian points in your body is like your carreceiving a tune-up before it is in need of a repair.Value Your Health-Buy InsuranceMany feel that health insurance is a waste of money. These people are often quite healthy andhave no need to see their physician beyond yearly check-ups. However, health insurance isextremely important because it not only offers you protection from harmful illnesses or diseasesand creates a better quality of life, but it can protect you from financial devastation in the caseof an emergency.One of the most crucial reasons to have health insurance is to cover the costs of medical bills -emergency or non-emergency. Without health insurance, you may be tempted to not see adoctor about medical issues you have, or you may assume that they are not serious. Both ofthese options are harmful and unwise as medical issues will often progress and become worseover time.Insurance is often about ensuring you are covered in an emergency situation. For instance, youcarry automobile insurance so that if you ever get into an accident, you will not be responsiblefinancially. Health insurance works in much the same way, but it is also used to cover basicmedical expenses and sometimes even preventative care depending upon your insuranceprovider. This can increase or improve your quality of life by allowing you to be proactive inyour health care instead of simply reacting to medical issues that may arise.Furthermore, the costs of medical procedures and consultations have increased with time. Evena routine outpatient procedure, like the removal of gall bladder stones, can be a costly medicalexpense. Even a short visit to a specialist for diagnosis can be extremely expensive. Emergencymedical issues or the development of possibly fatal or debilitating illnesses are one reason tohave health insurance. The expenses to treat these medical issues can cost hundreds ofthousands dollars and pull you into a financially disastrous situation. With late fees andminimum payments, you may never be able to pay off your medical bills, and hospitals anddoctors will often send collection agencies after you. This is not only inconvenient, but can alsocan ruin your credit and make it impossible to rent an apartment or buy a car.As you can see, health insurance is very important. It will not only improve your quality of lifeand ensure that you are in top-notch health, but it can save you money in the long-run. Whenyou consider what in your life is most important, your health has to be on the top of the list. Ifyou protect your possessions or your home with insurance because of their value, then youshould insure your health as well. After all, isn't your health valuable too?

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