Title:Finding A Health Insurance Plan In FloridaWord Count:971Summary:Some strategies on finding affordable health insurance in Florida.I've been a health insurance agent since 1985. I help Connecticut residents find health insuranceand have for the last several years have also managed a website that helps people in other statesincluding Florida find health insurance. You can find a health insurance broker in Florida byrequesting quotes through my site.Health Insurance Plans of Florida -- Tips to Help You Pick the Right PolicyCho...
Keywords:health insurance, medical insurance, health insurance plans, brokers, Florida, OrlandoArticle Body:Some strategies on finding affordable health insurance in Florida.I've been a health insurance agent since 1985. I help Connecticut residents find health insuranceand have for the last several years have also managed a website that helps people in other statesincluding Florida find health insurance. You can find a health insurance broker in Florida byrequesting quotes through my site.Health Insurance Plans of Florida -- Tips to Help You Pick the Right PolicyChoosing the best health insurance plan involves the following:Finding a policy with or without using a health insurance broker in Florida who can offer youthe lowest cost (but only with respect to the other two criteria)Finding one of the health insurance plans of Florida that has a network that meets your needsFinding the Florida health insurance plan with coverage that meets your needsChoosing the right medical insurance policy involves finding the best rate quote amongst theFlorida health insurance plans that meet your needs as to network and coverage. Choosing thelowest price is of course very easy. Determining whether the health insurance plan's network ofdoctors meets your needs is only a little more difficult. Choosing a health insurance policy thatcovers you well can be complex. You may want to enlist the aid of a licensed health insurancebroker in Florida. Most of this article focuses on the basics of determining how well a policycovers you.In a perfect world, everyone would read and understand their insurance policies. However, Irealize that many people will find a health insurance broker in Florida that they feel comfortablewith and will want his or her recommendations. However, whether you use a broker or not, Istrongly recommend that you contact the Florida office of Insurance Regulation in Tallahassee,FL (850) 413-3140 and make sure that any health insurance plan is approved by them.Insurance Departments cannot ensure that you get the best policy for your individual needs, butthey do their best to make sure that each health insurance plan and each health insurance brokermeets certain minimum standards. Be sure to work with companies and brokers that are in goodstanding.Choosing the Florida Health Insurance Plan with the Right NetworkHealth insurance carriers usually have websites that will list the MDs and medical facilities thataccept their plans. All that I'm aware of will have a printed list that they can mail to you. Theright plan will have your physician on their list or at least physicians who are located aconvenient distance from your home. If you travel it is important to find a plan that covers youwell in other geographic areas as well.Choosing the Florida Health Insurance Plan with the best coverage for you
Health insurance policies may be the most complex of the insurance contracts offered toindividuals and families. Understanding how your medical plan will pay for your medical billscan be difficult. Fortunately most of the brochures and outlines of coverage that you mayreceive from a health insurance provider will have a similar structure. They will have sectionssimilar to the following:What is Covered?Health Plan Exclusions and LimitationsWhat is Covered?This section will detail what medical procedures your health insurance policy will cover. Thepolicy should have a phrase like \"reasonable and customary\" or \"usual, reasonable andcustomary\" or something similar when describing how much they will cover.Watch out for health insurance policies with: Monetary limits for each procedureA long list of procedures that the medical insurance policy will coverBetter health insurance policies will not list dollar amounts for each procedure. They will payusing a formula that is based on what other physicians and hospitals will charge you in the samegeographic area. A phrase like \"usual and customary\" indicates that they use such a formula.The cost of medical care rises so quickly that a dollar amount that seems impressive today maynot fully reimburse you even a year from now.Solid health Insurance policies will not have a long list of procedures that they will cover listedon the policy. The long list seems impressive because the list takes up a lot of space. Look atthe statements below. It should be easy to choose between one and two.\"Our health insurance plan will cover you for everything except for expenses caused byself-inflicted injuries and substance abuse.\" (\"I've been to every city in Florida exceptOrlando.\")\"Our health insurance policy will cover your nose, your ears, your toes, your hands, your rightlung, your calf and your knee\" (\"I've been to Orlando, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa and MiamiBeach\")Health Plan Exclusions and LimitationsThis section will tell you what is excluded. Typically plastic surgery will not be covered. Alsoexperimental procedures and expenses caused by self-inflicted injuries will not be covered. Youshould understand each of these limitations before you commit to a policy. Most policies willnot include maternity insurance, so if you want to get pregnant, make sure that you know howyour policy will cover maternity expenses. Unfortunately, maternity insurance is not availablein many states except as part of a group insurance plan.To summarize:Determine what health insurance plans will cover you in your area
Determine which health insurance plans offer adequate coverageChoose the plans that offers the best value based on price and coverageThe health insurance options Orlando residents have are similar to the health insurance optionsMiami residents have, since the plans will work in similar ways throughout the state.This article can be copied and reprinted but only in its entirety and with the links intact. Thearticle was originally published onhttps://lovetherates.com/articles/health-insurance-broker-florida-article.htm. The article startswith the heading \"Hospitalization Only Insurance\" and ends with this sentence.Title:Indoor Air Pollution, and its effect on your healthWord Count:452Summary:Begin by thinking of your home as a toxic waste dump. The average home today contains 62toxic chemicals.More than 72,000 synthetic chemicals have been produced since WW II. Less than 2% ofsynthetic chemicals have been tested for toxicity, mutagenic or carcinogenic side-effects, orbirth defects. The majority of chemicals have never been tested for long-term effects. An EPAsurvey concluded that indoor air was 3 to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air.Keywords:healtyh house, prescription for a healthy house, indoor air pollution, what cause indoor airpollution, air indoor pollution priority problem, outdoor indoor air pollution, chemical toxic,chemical disposition drug in man toxic, chemical often toodoritos toxic, chemical linkedtoxic, chemical industrial toxic, against century chemical dow toxic trespass us, carchemical in railroad tank toxic, chemical disaster politics responding toxic, chemicalexposure toxic, chemical list toxicArticle Body:Another EPA study stated that the toxic chemicals in household cleaners are 3 times more likelyto cause cancer than outdoor air. The CMHC reports that houses today are so energy-efficientthat \"outgassing\" of chemicals has nowhere to go, so it builds up inside the home. We spend90% of our time indoors, and 65% of our time at home. Mothers, infants, and the elderlyspend 90% of their time in the home.The National Cancer Association released the results of a 15-year study concluding that womenwho work in the home are at a 54% higher risk of developing cancer than women who workoutside the home. Cancer rates have almost doubled since 1960. Cancer is the NUMBER ONEcause of death for children. There has been a 26% increase in breast cancer since 1982. Breast
cancer is the NUMBER ONE killer of women between the ages of 35 and 54. The primarysuspects are laundry detergents, household cleaners, and pesticides. Bleach is being linked tothe rising rates of breast cancer in women, reproductive problems in men, and learning andbehavioral problems in children.Chemicals get into our body through inhalation, ingestion and absorption. We breathe 10 to 20thousand liters of air per day. There are more than 3 million poisonings every year. Householdcleaners are the NUMBER ONE cause of poisoning of children. Since 1980, asthma hasincreased by 600%. The Canadian Lung Association and Asthma Society of Canada identifycommon household cleaners and cosmetics as triggers. ADD/ADHD are epidemic in schoolstoday. Behavioral problems have long been linked to exposure to toxic chemicals and molds.Use of Ritalin has skyrocketed since 1990. Chemical and environmental sensitivities are knownto cause all types of headaches.Labeling laws do not protect the consumer - they protect big business.The New York PoisonControl Center reports that 85% of product warning labels were either inadequate or incorrectfor identifying a poison, and for first aid instructions. Formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, toluene,xylene are found in common household cleaners, cosmetics, beverages, fabrics and cigarettesmoke. These chemicals are cancer causing and toxic to the immune system. Chemicals areattracted to, and stored in fatty tissue. The brain is a prime target for these destructive organicsbecause of its high fat content and very rich blood supply.The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has found more than 2500 chemicalsin cosmetics that are toxic and cause tumors, reproductive complications, biological mutations,and skin and eye irritations. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, lupus, multiplesclerosis, circulatory disorders, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, irritable bowel syndrome,depression, and hormonal problems are diseases commonly related to chemical exposure.Pesticides only have to include active ingredients on the labels, even though the inert (inactive)ingredients may account for 99%, many of which are toxic and poisons.Title:Unhealthy Lifestyles and Gall Bladder DiseasesWord Count:599Summary:The article is about the health risks and possible symptoms that may be developed because gallbladder disease. This ailment is common among individuals who are overweight or those whoconsume food that are high in fat and iron (meat and seafoods). Gall bladder disease can beprevented by maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and by engaging in regular physical exercise.Keywords:gall bladder pain relief
Article Body:Unhealthy food regimens and uncontrolled weight of many individuals in the 21st century ledto the development of gall bladder disease among countless individuals. Gall bladder disease isusually caused by gall stones, is usually painful, and is common on overweight people. Thelivers of overweight individuals tend to over-produce cholesterol, which is delivered into thebile and cause it to supersaturated. Some medical studies suggest that diets with saturated fat,refined sugar, and are high in heme iron (red meat, sea foods) are the primary culprits in thedevelopment of gall bladder disease. In some cases, the genes may play a role in thedevelopment of this disease, having a family member of close relative with gallstones mayincrease the risk of developing gall bladder disease. Almost one-third of cases of painful gallstones may be linked to genetic factors.Here are other health factors that are associated with increased tendency to develop gallstonesand gall bladder disease:Female gender ?women are more prone to developing gallstones than menPregnancy and especially multiple pregnanciesAge ?older people are more inclined to develop gallstone problems than young peopleFat deposits in the upper body or trunkDiabetes ?patients with diabetes mellitus are more prone to gallstonesInflammatory bowel disease (e.g. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)Lipid-lowering medication ?patients using statins to lower blood cholesterol levels may beexposed to greater risk of gallstonesFemale hormone treatment ?oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy withoestrogen can increase the risk of gallstonesRapid and pronounced weight loss by means of gastric or jejunal bypasses, fasting or severekilojoule restrictionHabitual high fat intake or use of a high-protein, high-fat, very-low-carbohydrate diet such asthe Atkins dietThe common symptoms of gall bladder disease may include abdominal pain, indigestion,vomiting, nausea, bloating, pain and discomfort after eating fatty foods. Persistent bitter taste inthe mouth, bad breath, constipation, discolored stool, and headache can also be symptoms ofgall bladder disease However, aside from pain and discomfort of the gall bladder, individualswith this disease may feel no pain at all. About 90 percent of gall bladder disease cause nosymptoms at all. Medical studies show that the the chance of developing pain is about twopercent per year for the first 10 years after the gall stone is formed. Afterwards, the chance ofdeveloping symptoms declines. The cause of the decline is still unknown but some doctorssuggest that smaller stones may be more likely to cause symptoms than larger ones.Gall bladder disease can be a serious ailment if not treated properly or if treated in its latterstage. It is very important to pay attention to the symptoms of gall bladder disease to prevent itfrom worsening. If the symptoms do not improve after healthy diets and medication, surgerymay be the only option left for gall bladder pain relief. Individuals with gall bladder ailmentsshould bear in mind that surgery for this ailment is simple, involves, minimal risks, and allowspatients to recover quickly after treatment.However, preventing the development of gall bladder disease is better than gall bladder painrelief that can be given by any surgery or medication. Partaking in healthy diets and engaging inphysical activities like exercise a preventive measure against gall bladder disease. Individualswho are overweight or obese should lose weight to prevent gall bladder disease and otherconditions linked to obesity. These individuals should seek the approval of medical specialistsbefore making drastic moves to lose weight. Improper methods for weight loss like starvationmay increase the risk of developing gall bladder disease.
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