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Home Explore Find Low Cost Student Health Insurance - You Can Get It

Find Low Cost Student Health Insurance - You Can Get It

Published by ellen, 2015-01-10 08:14:18

Description: Many college and university students are able to remain covered by their parents?health
insurance policy, even after they have turned 18 and left the nest. This is because most health
insurance policies still consider these individuals as being dependents of their parents because
they are enrolled in a college or university. Do not be mistaken; you can not stay in school until
youe 40 and expect to still be covered by your parents?health insurance policy. Each health


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Title:Find Low Cost Student Health Insurance - You Can Get ItWord Count:320Summary:Many college and university students are able to remain covered by their parents?healthinsurance policy, even after they have turned 18 and left the nest. This is because most healthinsurance policies still consider these individuals as being dependents of their parents because抮they are enrolled in a college or university. Do not be mistaken; you can not stay in school untilyou e 40 and expect to still be covered by your parents?health insurance policy. Each healthinsu...Keywords:Article Body:Many college and university students are able to remain covered by their parents?healthinsurance policy, even after they have turned 18 and left the nest. This is because most healthinsurance policies still consider these individuals as being dependents of their parents because抮they are enrolled in a college or university. Do not be mistaken; you can not stay in school untilyou e 40 and expect to still be covered by your parents?health insurance policy. Each healthinsurance company has its own policy rules and regulations.However, not every college or university student is covered by his or her parents?healthinsurance policy and must seek health insurance elsewhere. Undoubtedly, obtaining low costhealth insurance is the goal; luckily, it is a goal that can be achieved.Below are three tips to help you get low cost student health insurance.Decide on payment options. Before you even begin your search for low cost student healthinsurance, take a look at your budget, how much you will be able to afford, and how often you

will be able to afford it. While paying monthly seems cheaper and easier, you can usually getdiscounts by paying semi-annually or annually. Plus, paying semi-annually or annually allowsyou time to save up, which means you will be ready to send the check when the time comes,rather than scraping to make ends meet each month.Keep searching. Not every health insurance company offers low cost student health insurance in抰your state. In other words, you may find it difficult to find one. Don give up too soon;remember, there are other health insurance companies out there.Do not limit your options. In the event that you just can not find a low cost student healthinsurance policy for students residing in your state, you may also want to apply for anindividual and family health insurance policy, especially if you have dependents.Title:Investing For Retirement While Saving For HealthWord Count:288Summary:Any time of year can be the right time to consider setting up a Health Savings Account (HSA).Keywords:Investing For Retirement While Saving For HealthArticle Body:Any time of year can be the right time to consider setting up a Health Savings Account (HSA).If you need a new way to reduce taxes while you put money away, an HSA may be just thething for you.These high-deductible health insurance plans coupled with IRA-style savings accounts arereally pretty easy to understand, offer a number of benefits and are becoming more popular.What is an HSA? HSAs were developed to maximize your savings on health insurance whileproviding a valuable tax break. The two parts of an HSA program are an eligible,high-deductible health plan and a tax-advantaged savings account. For an individual, anHSA-eligible health insurance plan must have an annual deductible of at least $1,050 forindividuals and $2,100 for families. Online health insurance agents like eHealthInsur ance.comhave a variety of HSA-eligible health plans from insurance companies you know and trust.The second part of an HSA program is an IRA-style savings account that allows you to reduceyour taxable income by building savings. You can deposit funds up to the total of your healthplan's deductible into the HSA each year. So, within certain regulatory limits, the higher yourhealth plan's deductible, the more you can tuck away tax-free.How does the Tax Savings work? If you make $40,000 a year and you put $2,000 in your HSA,

you'll only pay taxes on $38,000. Like an IRA, the HSA is meant to encourage you to save forretirement. Funds placed into your HSA can be invested and the balance will roll over each yearinto retirement.You can use your HSA funds to cover medical expenses such as over-the-counter drugs,eyeglasses, co-payments and any medical costs incurred before your annual deductible is met.Title:Using Therapy Lights or SAD Lights To Improve Your HealthWord Count:652Summary:Bringing the sunshine indoors. That is how some people describe the benefits of therapy lights.Scientists believe that simulated bright light has an effect on chemicals in your brain and yourskin and can be used to help some conditions. There are many different types of therapy lightsso I'm going to described some of them and the disorders they can be used with:Keywords:therapy lights.sad lights,light therapyArticle Body:Bringing the sunshine indoors. That is how some people describe the benefits of therapy lights.Scientists believe that simulated bright light has an effect on chemicals in your brain and yourskin and can be used to help some conditions. There are many different types of therapy lightsso I'm going to described some of them and the disorders they can be used with:Light boxes (Phototherapy or bright light therapy)Many therapists have noticed that sitting near a simulated sunlight box can alleviate symptomsfor some complaints. The strength of the light should be at least 2,500lux and daily exposure isrequired. Remember that a medical practitioner must prescribe the strength and type of lightused as well as the duration of exposure.SAD LightsOtherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or its mildest form 'Winter Blues'. You don'thave to be a genius to know that we all feel better during the long sunny days of summer. Weseem to have more energy too. You lose some of that enthusiasm in the winter when there arenot so many daylight hours. Some people get 'winter blues' which makes them feel lethargic and'under the weather', with a tendency to overeat. For others this becomes severe enough it todisrupt their lives and cause a lot of upset. It can also affect the way we behave.The symptoms usually start at the beginning of the winter season and begin to get better when

spring arrives in March and April. It may not be necessary to use light SAD therapy dailyduring the winter months and advice from a trained professional is advised.Jetlag and Sleep DisordersWhere the circadian rhythms or body clock of the brain have been affected by periods of sleepdeprivation or extended night or daytime hours. Flying over time zones can have this effect.The light box can simulate the difference between waking hours and sleep or night time andhelps to re-adjust the body and brain into rhythm quickly.Alzheimer's and DementiaA regular topic in many research papers on Alzheimer's Disease is the damage that happens tothe part of the brain that controls the circadian rhythms. The combination of damaged nervepathways and poor eyesight as you get older can mean that indoor levels of light are not enoughto identify the difference between daytime and night time. Experiments using therapy lightsand light boxes have found that they can help maintain Alzheimer sufferers' rest and activitycycles for longer.UVB/UVA1 lightThe same technology that is used for sunbeds in tanning shops can also help to ease stubbornpatches of psoriasis, vitiligo, stretch marks and pale scars. The light must be focussed on theaffected patch without unwanted exposure to normal skin.Coloured-light therapy or Intense Pulsed LightThese types of therapy lights use filtered floodlights to bathe the skin in light of different colors.Different color filters have proven better for different disorders:Blue: is used to destroy the bacteria that cause acne.Green: is used to treat pigment irregularities e.g. liver spots, age spotsYellow: for vascular conditions such as thread veins and rosacea.Combination green and yellow: smoothes away fine lines and wrinkles.Red: has been found to be effective in the relief of headaches and, when concentrated in onearea, for the relief of arthritic pain.Low-level laser light (Ruby and KTP) therapyDeveloped to help reduce patches of discoloured skin, such as birthmarks or moles. Laser lightis absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the skin causing it to break up in darker areas and helpto make it look more normal.The above two systems of therapy lights can be combined and used to remove areas where theperson believes they have too much hair.Information in this article is for advice only. Anyone wishing to try these treatments shouldcontact their medical practitioner first.

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