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Home Explore BISD Dig Learning Oct 2020

BISD Dig Learning Oct 2020

Published by Digital Learning, 2020-10-01 15:57:13

Description: TechKnowledge Newsletter by BISD Digital Learning Oct 2020


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TECHknowledge October 2020 A BISD Digital Learning Publication

If someone is going Welcome to October! down the wrong road, he doesn't need This month’s edition has some new motivation to speed and exciting information about him up. What he needs Google Meet and SMART Learning is education to turn Suite. We are also continuously him around. updating our Digital Learning website, so be sure to check it out! -Jim Rohn Remember, this newsletter is built for teachers (you)! Let us know what you want to see with a quick survey on the last page. We hope you enjoy! The Digital Learning Team Digital Learning TEAM Digital Learning Coordinator Digital Learning Specialist Digital Learning Specialist Digital Learning Specialist Jason Essig Kerri Sparkman Lisa McLaughlin Chelsey Madsen Request DLS DLS a DLS Learning Website Training Calendar

Saturday, November 7th 8am breakfast 8:30am - 11:30am @ Central Office Training Center 3 hours Outside CPE Presented by Teaching & Learning Edcamp is a district professional learning event that allows educators to organically determine session topics the day of the event and encourages educators to facilitate sessions by sharing experiences and conversation, rather than creating presentations. Click here to learn more about the EdCamp structure. Authentic conversations & experiences. No experts & planned presentations. REGISTER HERE Region 20 E-Campus TEA Approved CPE Provider list. Region 13 E-Campus

❏ Quick Access→ When turned off, people not invited to the meet must ask to join. ❏ Students can share their screens. ❏ Hosts can turn off the chat feature. ❏ Click here for a quick overview. ❏ Create a new Jam directly from your Google Meet! ❏ The Jam link is automatically added to your attachments and to the chat for attendees to quickly access. ❏ You can know view up to 49 tiles in your Google Meet! ❏ Just click Settings→ Layout→ Slide the bar to increase or decrease the number of tiles you want to see.

Breakout Rooms Tutorial Moderators have the ability to define up to 100 breakout rooms while on a call on a web browser. ❏ Participants can join their allocated breakout room, as well as move back and forth between their breakout room and the main room. ❏ Moderators have the ability to join individual breakout rooms and switch between them. Q&A & Polls Tutorial New Q&A and Polling features in Google Meet allow meeting hosts to ask and answer questions and poll participants to get audience feedback and consensus. ❏ Data from the questions and polls is automatically recorded in a Google Sheet and saved in a Meet Recordings folder Attendance Tutorial ❏ You can now blur your background before or during your Google Meet. Click here to learn more! ❏ Attendance is automatically recorded in a Google Sheet for meetings with 5-250 participants.

FeatNuerwes! Click the icons to learn how! Sign up for free SMART webinars!

Ready-made resources include pre-made activities that are loaded with questions or tasks designed to get students thinking critically and creatively about the topic you’re teaching. These resources now also include various graphic organizers and manipulatives that you can add and customize for your lesson. Add an activity that’s already set up with questions and tasks. Add a manipulative or graphic organizer that you can customize. Ready-made activities Manipulatives Graphic Organizers

Looking for unique ways that students can submit assignments and create projects? Try Screencastify Unlimited! Students have Screencastify Unlimited accounts when using their BISD Google login, where they can create screen, webcam, and audio recordings that are easy to share to Google Classroom or straight from their Drive! Click the pictures below for an installation tutorial and for other ways you can use Screencastify Unlimited with students. Students can: ➔ Create a screen recording with the webcam embedded as they present a project in Google Slides or other application ➔ Record a video using only the webcam to answer guiding questions or explain a topic ➔ Open the recording in the Editor to make edits to the video by clipping it or adding text. ➔ Download only audio to share to Google Classroom if audio is all that is needed ➔ Quickly and easily share the video/audio to Google Classroom

QU TIPS Seating Charts in Skyward: For historical tracking, you can clone the seating charts and rename with dates. Watch it here. Combined classes? (elem. PE, inclusion courses, stacked classes) Service the entire campus? (music, art, tech apps) Don’t see the resource or tutorial you need in our Digital Learning website? You can now request a resource or tutorial by clicking on this button when it appears on the page. By default, students need a password in order to access books in iStation. Teachers can turn this feature off in the class settings to allow students the ability to access books at any time. Login to your teacher iStation account, then click here for more detail on how to manage this feature.. Too many icon in your portal. Want to make some of your “Go To” apps your favorite? Click the “STAR” on your most used applications to add them to your favorites. Click “Favorites” to have the Portal open to your most used apps. Watch how to here. TeacherMade is a FREE--and always will be FREE--application that turns your worksheets into a digital, interactive activity for your students. Create fillable, clickable, interactive assignments quickly that share straight to Classroom. It will even grade it for you! Click here for more info. Middle of a Google Slides presentation and you need to take a quick side-lesson? Press B (for Black screen) or press W (for white screen) to bring students’ focus to you vs. the screen. Check it out! Don’t underestimate your right-click in Google Chrome. Many extensions can activate within the right-click menu (Google Keep, Nimbus, Mercury Reader, bitly, Youtube Picture in Picture, etc) Extra tools for students (define/ explore/ alt text/ speech)... give it a TRY!

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