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Home Explore Physical+activity+as+part+of+your+healthy+active+lifestyle


Published by Alyssa Nicole Pinoy, 2021-09-02 06:36:58

Description: Physical+activity+as+part+of+your+healthy+active+lifestyle


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Physical Activity as part of Health and Active Lifestyle

What is Physical Activity? Physical activity is any activity that you may do to helps to improve or maintain your physical fitness as well as you health in general. It can include: • Everyday activities • Active Recreational Activities • Sports

Basic steps in attaining Healthy and Active Life Style 1. Assessing personal readiness 2. Assessing fitness levels 3. The principles of training 4. Methods of training 5. The exercise session 6. Analyzing training sessions.

1. Assessing personal Readiness • Taking part in physical activity should suit most people. However, for some people exercising may not appropriate for their physical condition • In order to assess a person’s suitability and readiness for exercise a Physical activity readiness questionaire (PARQ) should be completed

2. Assessing Fitness Levels. Each health related and skill related components can be measured using specific fitness test.

3. Principles of Training If the principles of training are followed during physical activity the training will be more effective and performance will improve. • Progressive overload – Increasing the length of a training session or increasing the number of sessions per week. • Specificity – swimmers need to train in the water. A long distance run would not be specific to a swimmer’s fitness requirements. • Individual differences needs – The needs of an individual may vary according to: Age, gender, sporting experience, weight, height, current level of fitness.

• Rest and Recovery – for the effects of exercise to take place it is important to ensure rest and recovery are considered in a training program. Rest and recovery give the body time to: - Reduce physical fatigue - Repair damage muscle tissue - Allow adaptation to take place - Replenish energy stores

• FITT PRINCIPLE - Frequency - The number of times exercise is undertaken per week. - Intensity – The level of difficulty for training must be well planned to ensure intensity is achieve. - Time – how long each exercise session last. - Type - the variety of training that a performer undertakes to achieve particular goals.

• Reversibility – This principle of training refers to decreasing level of fitness as a result of exercise being reduced or stopped. This may be due to illness or injury. • Goal setting - goal setting helps you focus on what you want to achieve, giving you small steps to reach the overall target of your training.

4. Methods of training Training methods are used to improve fitness, each training methods work the body differently to improve specific aspect of fitness. • Weight training • Circuit training • Continuous training • Interval training • Cross training

5. The exercise sessions A. Warm up B. Main activity C. Cool down There are two types of exercise: • Aerobic activity – (with oxygen) this is exercise of low intensity and can be carried out for long period of time • Anaerobic activity – (without oxygen) this is exercise of high intensity to maximise the effort and can only be carried out for short period of time

6. Analyzing training sessions • The working pulse rate (or working heart rate) is measurement of pulse rate taken during immediate after exercise. • this is an accurate guide to the intensity the heart has been working • A target zone can be set for both aerobic and anaerobic exercise using the following method: Target Heart rate zone ➢ Aerobic target zone: 220 – (AGE) X 60% (AND) 80% ➢ Anaerobic target zone: 220 – (age) X 80% (and) 95%

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