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Home Explore ROBOCON 2020 Robot Design Handbook

ROBOCON 2020 Robot Design Handbook

Published by niknurwahidah, 2021-02-15 12:36:48

Description: This handbook compiles technical design notes from the teams that have participated in ROBOCON Malaysia 2020. Every chapter details how the team design their robots to achieve the mission specified in ROBOCON Malaysia 2020 rules. Every report consists of three sub-topics: mechanical design, electronics circuit design and programming. A special section included in this year’s book is the sustainable engineering practices. The reports presented in this collection are written in English.

The purpose of this book is to share and pass on the valuable knowledge of engineering and robotics to other robotic enthusiasts especially in Malaysia. This book is a continuation from the previous ROBOCON Malaysia 2019 Robot Design Handbook that sets the trend of knowledge sharing from the ROBOCON Malaysia competition.


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Figure 8: Block diagram for electronic design of Pass Robot Figure 9: Arduino Uno Figure 10: MDDS30 SmartDrive DC motor driver Figure 11: Linear actuator Figure 12: Relay control for rotational SUNWAY UNIVERSITY motor Figure 13: The breakout board mounted on Arduino UNO 95

Table 1: Operation of rotational motor SW1 SW2 Direction of rotation OFF ON OFF Motor off OFF ON OFF Counterclockwise (CCW) ON Clockwise (CW) ON Motor off The rotational motor is designed to be driven through controlling two relays. This configuration allows the single-speed bidirectional control of the motor. The circuit design is provided in Figure 14. Table 1 shows the operation of the motor with different combinations of the switches SW1 and SW2. A breakout board is constructed to provide the interface for secure detachable connections between the different components to the Arduino Uno. This allows the different components to be easily reused for other purposes with other microcontrollers. Figure 13 shows the constructed breakout board. Figure 14 shows the breakout board design. SUNWAY UNIVERSITY Figure 14: Breakout board design for Arduino UNO 96

2.3 SOFTWARE DESIGN SUNWAY UNIVERSITY This section discusses programming principles used to develop the codes to control the Try Robot and Pass Robot. Figure 15: Block diagram for code Arduino IDE, an open-source Arduino Software is utilised to code programmes to drive the motors and control the mechanisms for both Pass and Try Robots. Figure 15 shows the general block diagram of the code for both robots. 2.3.1 TRY ROBOT AND PASS ROBOT This section focuses on the design of the robot’s manoeuvre that is identical for both robots. Firstly, signals from the RC remote controller are received via analogue inputs using four different analogue pins for four individual channels (two joysticks). The raw signals received from the channels are integer values ranging from 1000 to 2000 with 1000 as the lowest value (down/left) and 2000 as the highest (up/right). This means that 1500 is at a neutral position. The raw signals are scaled to control the motors. Multiple scaling processes are required for manoeuvre (power window motors or wheels) and try mechanism (linear actuators and servo motor). For the robot’s manoeuvre, MDDS30 SmartDrive DC motor driver is used. It is controlled through a specific library in the Arduino IDE, namely “CytronMotorDriver.h'' to drive the power window motors or wheels. These control signals range from -255 to 255. According to Figure 16, the left joystick, which comprises Ch2 (Channel 2) and Ch4 (Channel 4), is responsible for the robot’s movements. Channel 2 (vertical motion) controls the maximum speed of the motors, whereas Channel 4 (horizontal motion) controls the proportion of the maximum speed each motor runs on. Figure 17 shows the summary of the scaling. 97

The raw signal from the vertical component is scaled to manoeuvre the robot forward and backward. The raw signal, which is between 1000 to 2000, is scaled to output from -255 to 255. This scaled signal is sent to the motor driver to drive the motors. The absolute value corresponds to the speed while the sign corresponds to the direction of the robot with positive being forward and negative backward. The raw signal from the horizontal component is scaled to make the robot turn left or right. The raw signal, between 1000 (leftmost) to 2000 (rightmost), is scaled linearly to provide the proportion (0 to 1) of maximum speed that the left and right motors run on. When the raw value is between 1000 to 1500, i.e. the joystick is to the left of the centre point, it will be scaled linearly to the range of 0 to 1. When the raw signal is between 2000 to 1500, i.e. the joystick is to the right of the centre point, it will be scaled linearly to the range of 0 to 1. When the joystick is at the position to the left of the centre point, the actual speed of the left motor will be the multiplication of the scaled raw value, which has the value between 0 to 1, with the speed obtained from Ch2. The actual speed of the right motor will always be the speed obtained from Ch2. With this configuration, the speed of the left motor will be smaller than the speed of the right motor and allows the robot to turn left. This process is similar when the joystick is at the right. The actual speed of the right motor will be scaled while the actual speed of the left motor will always be the speed from Ch2. SUNWAY UNIVERSITY Figure 16: Sticks mode of the RC remote Figure 17: Scales on left joystick controller Due to Covid-19 pandemic and the implementation of movement control orders in Malaysia, we were unable to complete the construction of the robots and thereby we are unable to collect sufficient data from testing. Figure 18 shows the test field that has been constructed for this competition. 98

Figure 18: Test field SUNWAY UNIVERSITY 3.0 DISCUSSION/EVALUATION OF FINDINGS Our design is unique because it resembles the way objects work in our daily lives. For instance, the catch mechanism and the try mechanism of our Try Robot are inspired by a football goal post and an excavator respectively. Our Pass Robot comprises of a pass mechanism that is inspired by a medieval mangonel which is essentially a catapult. 4.0 SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING PRACTICES The connectors used in the electronics are designed to ensure the components are reusable after the competition. At the same time, the use of conventional connectors allows the flexibility of swapping out different modules to allow smooth design change. Mechanically, different mechanisms are designed as separate modules to increase the reusability of the parts and the flexibility for design change. The overall structures of the robots are built by scrap metals. The materials are collected from different factories that have been disposed of near the University area. Most of the materials contain rust, broken parts and are scavenged from our previous robotics competition for sustainability purposes. As can be seen in Figure 19, the structure of the robot is used by a combination of different types of metals. Figure 19: Combination of different materials 99

SUNWAY UNIVERSITY 5.0 CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Pass mechanism is limited by the deformation of spring. This is caused by the repeated stretching of the hammock springs. Over time, it is required to change into new springs to provide sufficient potential energy. Moreover, the grab mechanism is limited by the precision of controlling and positioning of the Pass Robot to grab the rugby ball perfectly. It is recommended to automate the grabbing action for maximum precision and consistency. Lastly, the catch mechanism does not require any moving parts or motors, but it has limitations as well. The rugby ball may bounce out due to the design flaw. Acknowledgments We would like to express our greatest gratitude to the financial support of Sunway University, provision of instruments, tools, and lab space from HOME Lab, and supervision and guidance from Dr. Yap Kian Meng, Dr. Richard Wong, and Dr. Steven Eu. We would also like to use this opportunity to thank our friends and families whose names are not mentioned for their support in various aspects. Lastly, we want to celebrate all the team members for their contributions in the design and construction of the robots, as well as the fun we have shared along the journey. References 1. C. O, “Catapult,” Wikipedia, 05-Oct-2020. [Online]. Available: wiki/Catapult. [Accessed: 16-Oct-2020]. 2. Ramon, Manoel C. (2014). Assembling and Controlling a Robotic Arm. Berkeley, CA. pp.\"509--577\". doi:10.1007/978-1-4302-6838-3_11. 100


SALMAH & MEON SALMAH & MEON FROM UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA (PAGOH) Ts. Dr. Amirul Syafiq Sadun, Mohamad Syazani Hamzah, Muhamad Fuad Amran, Ahmad Irfan Imran Sudin, Mohammad Firman Shah Slamet, Muhammad Hassiff Khazadin, Muhammad Syamil Hakim Mohd Suhaimin, Lee Guan Min, Lee Seng Aik Teknologi Kejuruteraan, UTHM Kampus Pagoh, Hab Pendidikan Tinggi Pagoh, KM 1, Jalan Panchor, 84600 Panchor, Johor. ABSTRACT The design of the Pass Robot (SALMAH) is based on the launcher concept with a forklift arm while the design idea of Try Robot (MEON) came from slide net and golf club as kicking mechanism. SALMAH spent 1 to 1.5 minutes to complete the task of pick and pass (five balls) while MEON spent 1 to 1.5 minutes to finish the rest of the tasks ((receive, touchdown (five balls) and kicking (three balls)). Both robots are able to perform their task completely, fulfil the main objectives of the teams and obey the rules of ROBOCON Malaysia. The uniqueness of SALMAH and MEON are that they are designed fully using electrical power without any hydraulic and pneumatic in all mechanisms. No software is used in both robots (fully hardware), both robots are fully manual and controlled by the controllers (two of the team members). No fuel or petroleum is used in both robots (fully electric as the energy source of robots). The possible real world applications of these robots are that they are able to function in any situation related to rugby or ball catching. 102

1.0 INTRODUCTION SALMAH & MEON ROBOCON Malaysia is a competition that requires participants to build robots to complete the challenges. The challenge changes based on the theme of the year. The theme of the ROBOCON Malaysia 2020 is “ROBO RUGBY 7s”. As stated in the theme, the participants are required to design and build two robots to fulfil the rugby-like challenges. The first robot is required to pick up the balls from the ball racks and pass it to the Receiving Zone from the Passing Zone. While the second robot is required to receive the balls from the first robot, set the ball in the try box and kick the Kick Balls to the goal. Team UTHM Pagoh had successfully participated in ROBOCON Malaysia 2018. The main objectives of this team are to improve their competing skill, to gain experience and for self-improvement when participating in a large event like ROBOCON Malaysia. 1.1 OBJECTIVES 1. Passing Robot is able to pick up and pass the “Pass Balls” to the Receiving Zone with the least mistake. 2. Try Robot is able to receive the balls, touch down the balls and kick the try balls to the goal with the least mistake. 3. The whole process is complete within 3 minutes. 4. Both robots are able to perform the task perfectly and obey the rules of ROBOCON Malaysia 2020. 1.2 STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES 1. The robots are designed in regards to two main points: a. To not break the rules of the competition b. To function according to the controller’s demand c. To always research on better mechanisms to fulfil these requirements: 2. Sustainable engineering practices a. Lower cost b. Better quality c. More effective 3. Practice makes perfect! The team has a scheduled time for practice and discussion. 4. Teamwork and fair distribution of tasks. 103

2.0 DESIGN REFERENCES 2.1 PASSING ROBOT (SALMAH) Pick-Up Balls & Launcher Mechanism Figure 1 (a) shows the forklift as the pick-up balls mechanism reference, the gap of the forklift-like arm is measured and built 1 to 2 cm shorter than the longest diameter of the rugby ball (measured vertically), to be able to pick up the ball. Figure 1 (b) shows a launcher which is designed for the rugby ball; therefore, the team rebuilt a smaller version launcher into the Pass Robot. Figure 1(a): Forklift arm Figure 1(b): Rugby ball launcher 2.2 TRY ROBOT (MEON) Kicker, Receiver and Touch Down Mechanism With reference to Figure 1 (c), the team adjusted the size of the club head to increase the impact between the ball and club head. Figure 1 (d) slide net idea is used because of its impact absorption and ability to slow down the ball without damaging it. The touch down mechanism refers to the rugby player’s touch down mechanism in Figure 1 (e), which fulfils the requirement of contact from hand to ball and then to the ground. Figure 1 (c): Golf Club Figure 1 (d): Slide Net Figure 1 (e): Touch Down SALMAH & MEON 104

3.0 DETAILED DESIGN SALMAH & MEON 3.1 MECHANICAL DESIGN Figure 2 (a): Mechanical Design of SALMAH Figure 2 (b): Exploded View of SALMAH 105

SALMAH & MEON Figure 2 (c): Mechanical design of MEON Figure 2 (d): Exploded view of MEON 106

3.2 ELECTRONIC DESIGN Figures 2 (c) to (g) are the circuits of both robot’s movement and mechanisms which are drawn by using Proteus 8.9. All circuits are rearranged for a better understanding and its positioning is not the same as the circuit in the robots. Figure 2 (c): Circuit of both robot locomotion Circuit of SALMAH Mechanism: Figure 2 (d): Circuit of feeder and gripper Figure 2 (e): Circuit of launcher 107 SALMAH & MEON

Circuit of MEON Mechanism: Figure 2 (f): Circuit of kicker Figure 2 (g): Try mechanism 3.3 SAFETY MEASURES A few safety measures are taken by the team while designing and building these robots: 1. All drivers and power sources are covered with ABS plastic enclosure to prevent electric shock. 2. All wire ends are covered and the wires are hidden to prevent unnecessary interaction. 3. Press button switch is connected between the electronic components and power sources for safety purposes and as an emergency stop button. 4.0 PRESENTATION OF DATA The strategy of the team is 4-2-2-1-1, which means four pass and try, two kicks, two kicks, one pass and try, and one kick. The time taken for each phase, total time taken and total score are stated in Table 3. The operators are controlling both robots by using remote control specifically used for radio control (RC) of either a mini-car, mini-helicopter or mini- aeroplane. The remote control has a built in transmitter in the controller and the receiver is connected to the motor driver that is attached to both robots. SALMAH & MEON 108

Table 3 (a): Data for each mechanism Mechanism Driver Motor Speed Torque Locomotion and 39Kgcm 30Amp 7V-35V Planetary Gear 750 RPM Kicker SmartDrive DC Motor (RMCS- 24.7 kgf·cm Motor Driver (2 0.14 sec/60° Try and Feeder 2007) 3500 RPM Launcher Channels) - Servo Motor (HS -805MG) 40Amp 10V-45V SmartDrive DC Brush DC Motor (XD3420) Motor Driver Table 3 (b): Operating voltage and battery type of robot mechanism Mechanism (Pass Operating Voltage Mechanism (Try Operating Voltage Robot) (V) / Type of Bat- Robot) (V) Gripper – Servo tery Try – Servo Motor 7.4 / 2 cell LiPo Motor 7.4 / 2 cell LiPo Kicker – Planetary Battery Launcher – Brush Battery Locomotion – Plan- 22.4 / 6 cell LiPo DC Motor 14.8 / 4 cell LiPo etary Gear Motor Battery Locomotion – Plan- Battery 14.8 / 4 cell LiPo etary Gear Motor 14.8 / 4 cell LiPo Battery Battery Table 3: Result of practicing Pass and Try (s) Kicks (s) Pas Kick Total Score s (s) time 1st 2nd 3rd 4th (min/ 110 16 14 15 14 and s) 90 14 13 13 14 Try 110 13 12 28 14 110 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 5th 110 (R) 15 21 17 15 27 12 26 13 17 22 3.00 13 11 12 13 29 10 27 11 18 22 2.55 *R = Retry, *N = No Goal (N) 27 6 20 8 12 21 2.45 26 8 21 9 16 21 2.49 30 8 25 10 18 21 2.41 5.0 DISCUSSION/ EVALUATION OF FINDINGS SALMAH & MEON Based on the results observed from the table, it shows that SALMAH is a very precise robot, because there are no failed attempts throughout the multiple practice rounds. In terms of speed, both robots are able to complete their tasks in less than 3 minutes. It is important to ensure that the operating voltage for the movement mechanism is consistent to avoid any decrease in the speed of the robot. For MEON, there are some calibrations needed to score the goals. For example, the best operating voltage to maintain the efficiency of the kicking motor is 25.0 V. 109

5.1 UNIQUENESS OF THE ROBOTS The uniqueness of SALMAH and MEON are that they are fully electrically powered without any hydraulic and pneumatic in all mechanisms. No software is used in both robots (fully hardware), and both robots are fully manual and controlled by the operators (two of the team members). All programming is set up in the controller of both robots, such as the power level of each mechanism by using a transmitter and receiver. 6.0 SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING PRACTICES There are a few sustainable engineering qualities behind these two robots. Both robots are fully made by recyclable and reusable material such as aluminium, steel and ABS plastic. Electric power is the only power source to activate both robots (no non- renewable energy source is used). All components used to build up these robots are able to be dismantled and reused for other purposes which may improve the quality of life for all. 7.0 CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS In conclusion, the team managed to complete all the objectives and obey the rules of ROBOCON Malaysia in terms of designing, building and practicing these robots. The team is able to complete all the challenges within 3 minutes and score an average of 100. The experience in developing the PR and TR robots have given the team communication skills, and vast knowledge, especially in manufacturing skills such as machining, 3D printing and the use of suitable equipment and machinery. There are a few limitations that the team have encountered. The first limitation is the lack of knowledge regarding the usage of pneumatic mechanisms in the robots, which make it harder for the team to design the robots. The second limitation is COVID-19 pandemic which has forced all team members to stay at home and start losing morale in this competition. The third limitation is the substandard practice venue. The practice venue of the team is not high enough, which causes the rugby ball to hit the ceiling and is unable to record the goal score. The fourth limitation is the limited budget. The team is trying to build these robots within a certain range of budget which increase the difficulties in designing it. Some recommendations are that the team would like to recommend the application of sensors to the robots for the purpose of decreasing “human error”. With the assistance of SALMAH & MEON the sensors, the performance of the operators and the robots will be more consistent and effective. The second recommendation is to always plan and do research before building or designing the robots, as these actions will help the team in reducing unnecessary cost and prevent the wastage of material. 110

Acknowledgements SALMAH & MEON The team would like to express our deep gratitude and regard to Ts. Dr. Amirul Syafiq Bin Sadun for his continuous support, guidance and encouragement throughout the whole process and duration of completing this project. The team would also like to record their sincere gratitude to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan (FTK) for providing the facilities and precious knowledge to help the team in completing this project. Last but not the least, the team would like to thank each member of the team for their hard work and commitment throughout the project. References 1. Sterns et al, “United States Patent : 7413882 United States Patent : 7413882,” October, vol. 183, no. 8, pp. 551–565, 2010. 2. N. P. Linthorne and T. G. Stokes, “Optimum projection angle for attaining maximum distance in a rugby place kick,” J. Sport. Sci. Med., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 211–216, 2014. 3. R. Flemmer and C. Flemmer, “A Humanoid Robot for Research into Kicking Rugby Balls,” ASME J. Mech. Robot., no. January 2014, 2015, doi: 10.13140/ RG.2.1.2755.3122. 111

MMU CYBERTRON MMU CYBERTRON FROM MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITI CYBERJAYA Dr. Lo Yew Chiong, Willy Liew Wen How, Law Chin Hean, Yeo San Hui, Pay Eong Yeon, Liew Xuan Wei. Faculty of Engineering (FOE), Multimedia University, Persiaran Multimedia, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor. ABSTRACT The theme for ROBOCON 2020 is “Robo Rugby 7s”, in which we were required to design and construct two robots named as Pass Robot (PR) and Try Robot (TR). The basic frame structure of the robots are constructed using aluminium materials. PR and TR have three working omni-wheels connected to their DC motors, as its locomotion system for smooth motion. Pneumatic concept is applied to both robots to support mechanical movement. The PR consists of a gripper connected to spur gears supported by aluminium poles to hold the Try Ball which is picked up by applying the concept leverage. The TR is made up of a funnel-shaped area wrapped by a net to receive the Try Ball passed by the PR. Similarly, a gripper is used to hold the ball and to place it onto one of the five Try Spots. Both robots are designed based on a stringent set of rules in regards to their dimension, weight and other aspects. 112

1.0 INTRODUCTION MMU CYBERTRON ABU ROBOCON, an abbreviation for Asia-Pacific Robot Competition, is an international robotics competition specifically known as Asian Oceanian College Robotic Competition founded in 2002 by Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. In the competition, robots compete to complete a given task within a limited period of time. The contest aims to create friendship among young people with similar interests who will lead their countries into the 21st century. This will encourage involvement of aspiring engineers and robot enthusiasts in the advancement of engineering and technologies. The theme of Robot Contest (ROBOCON) Malaysia 2020 is “Menggempur Halangan, Menjulang Kejayaan” [1]. The contest is yet to be held due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There will be two participating manual robots labelled PR and TR, both robots will compete against other participating teams in real time. The task of the PR is to pick up the Try Ball and pass it from the Passing Zone to the TR located within the Receiving Zone. The TR is then controlled to go along the five defending obstacles in order to score the try in one of the five Try Spots. After every successful try by TR, a kick can be taken from the Kicking Zone by the PR to accomplish the goal. The game goes on until all the seven Kick Balls are used or when 3 minutes have passed. 2.0 DETAILED DESIGN In general, the structure of both Pass and 2.1 MECHANICAL DESIGN Try Robots are made up of aluminium to ensure the robots are lightweight and at the same time Figure 1: Hexagonal base have great stability. Both robots are using the same configuration as their base, which is hexagonal in shape with three omni-wheels attached, specially designed for holonomic motion, as shown in Figure 1. Holonomic drive has a motion with three degrees of freedom, enabling the robot to move in all directions without changing the direction of the wheels. The omni-wheels are connected to separate motors in which their respective speeds can be controlled individually. 113

MMU CYBERTRON The Pass Robot applies the principle of leverage in passing the ball to the Try Robot. It consists of three pneumatic cylinders which are labelled as P1, P2 and P3 as shown in Figure 2. The pressurised bottles provide compressed air to the pneumatic cylinders to produce force in linear motion. When throwing, P1 will extend while the rubber band on the other side of the fulcrum will contract due to stored elastic potential energy. These combined forces will produce a forward momentum to the ball at the end of the aluminium rod. The activation of the pneumatic cylinders are controlled by solenoid valves which are in turn coordinated by electronic circuit. Figure 2: Pass Robot There are two pneumatic cylinders Figure 3: Pass Robot’s gripper attached to the gripper. Figure 3 shows the linear motion of P2 which enables the Pass Robot to adjust the position of the gripper when gripping the ball. P3 is connected to spur gears which will release the gripper when activated. P3 should release the gripper just before P1 reaches its maximum and these require precise coordination. Experiments and tests have been carried out repeatedly to determine the suitable delay after P1 is extended for P3 to activate in order to achieve the longest throwing distance. 114

The Try Robot is wrapped with a net in MMU CYBERTRON a funnel shape in order to maximise the area to receive the ball and direct it to the targeted spot at the centre which is cushioned to absorb the impact and stabilise the ball. Similar to Pass Robot, it uses a pneumatic system which consists of PI and PII as shown in Figure 4. PI is used to grip the ball while PII is used to move the gripper away from the receiving area. Then, the DC motor will serve as a pivot in putting the ball on the ground by rotating the gripper. These are shown in Figure 5. Figure 4: Try Robot The handle of the gripper is wrapped with foam wrap, as shown in Figure 5, to increase the friction and stability when gripping the ball. In this case, PI and PII can be activated separately and hence it does not require precise coordination as in the throwing mechanism. The operator has to ensure the ball touches the ground before releasing PI according to the rules. Figure 5: Try Robot’s gripper 2.2 ELECTRONIC DESIGN In the Pass Robot (PR) and Try Robot (TR), we use Arduino Mega 2560 (as shown in Figure 8) as the main board. This main board acts as the brain of the PR and TR. The board is connected to other boards used in the PR and TR. This main board is programmed to allow the robot to be controlled remotely. The Arduino board is powered up by a 12 V Li-Polymer battery. 115

MMU CYBERTRON Figure 6: Pass Robot (PR) block diagram Figure 7: Try Robot (TR) block diagram 116

MMU CYBERTRON Figure 8: Arduino Mega 2560 MD10C DC motor driver board (as shown in figure 9) is used in both PR and TR. There are a total of three units of MD10C boards utilised in the PR, and four units in TR. Each is connected to the motor and Arduino Mega 2560 main board. This indicates that there are a total of three units of DC motors used in PR; each DC motor is used to move the wheel in the PR. There are a total of four DC motors used in the TR, three of them are used to move the wheels, while another one is used in the try mechanism. These DC motors are powered up by two units of 12 V Li-Polymer batteries, connected in series to provide a total of 24 V voltage. Figure 9: MD10C DC motor driver Valve driver board is also used in both robots, because pneumatic is used in them. The valve driver is connected to the Arduino main board and the pneumatic solenoid valves to control the state of pneumatics. This valve driver board is powered up by the same Li- Polymer batteries connected to the DC motors. Besides, USB hosts are utilised in both robots. The USB receiver of the wireless joystick is connected to the USB host, and the USB host is connected to the Arduino Mega 2560 main board so that the main board can receive the command data transmitted from the wireless joystick. 117

MMU CYBERTRON 2.3 SOFTWARE DESIGN PR and TR flowchart Figure 10: PR and TR flowchart 118

3.0 TESTING OF ROBOTS MMU CYBERTRON Figure 11: Position of the robots on the game field when the Pass Robot is ready to pass the ball to the Try Robot The robots have been tested on the self-built game field which is set up based on the actual size given. The Pass Robot has been tested and is able to throw the rugby ball slightly more than 2.5 m. Figure 11 shows the positions of the robots on the game field when the Pass Robot is ready to pass the ball to the Try Robot. Given that the rugby ball can be landed very near to the Try Robot, the movement speed of the Try Robot is fast enough for the player to position the robot to the estimated landing spot of the ball. The fastest recorded time taken for one try is 23 seconds. Table 1 below shows the average time taken for different tasks of the robots. Table 1: Average time taken for each task before finishing a try Tasks Time taken/s Pass Robot grabs the ball and ready to pass from the start 11 Aiming to pass the ball 2 Try Robot places the ball to the Try Spot right after receiving 11 Average total time taken to finish one try 24 4.0 DISCUSSION The robots are able to finish the tasks within a reasonable time which is 24 s averagely. Since the movement speed of the Try Robot is fast enough for the player to position the robot to the estimated landing spot of the rugby ball, the success rate of the passing task is expected to be quite high even though the passing mechanism is not autonomous. The rugby ball can be dragged out from the Try Robot while it is on the way to the Try Spot. Therefore, the time taken to finish a try is shortened as these two tasks can be done simultaneously. 119

MMU CYBERTRON 4.1 UNIQUENESS OF THE DESIGN The movement of robots can be controlled easily as holonomic systems are used. For example, the Try Robot can be positioned to the estimated landing spot of the rugby ball easily in a short period of time, in order to catch the ball. 5.0 SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING PRACTICES In the construction of the robots, the criteria of sustainability have been taken into serious consideration. The structures of the robots are built using recycled materials. As mentioned before, aluminium metals are used in constructing the framework of the robots and such metals are recyclable. Some of these parts can be reused for building another robot, for instance, the base of the robots can be removed and used in other future robot construction. The pneumatic structure is mainly made up of old recycled plastic bottles which reduces waste production. The battery used is rechargeable, therefore there is no need to replace the battery when it runs out of electrical power. Besides that, it is also lead- free which is environmentally friendly. Hence, these steps taken not only help to reduce the depletion and wastage of materials but also enhance and promote sustainable engineering practices. 6.0 CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 CONCLUSION The movement of robots can be controlled easily as omni wheels are used for both robots to achieve holonomic motion. The software is designed in such a way that certain tasks of the robots can be performed simultaneously to save the overall time taken to finish a try. Besides that, pneumatic systems are used for certain mechanisms of the robots such as passing mechanism and it is efficient. However, the kicking mechanism is not able to be mounted onto the Pass Robot due to the closing of the university. In short, the robots built are able to finish the tasks within a reasonable time. 6.2 LIMITATIONS Pass Robot: The kicking mechanism is not able to be mounted onto the Pass Robot as planned due to the closing of the university. The passing mechanism is not autonomous, hence it will take some time for the player to aim for the landing spot of the rugby ball. Try Robot: The mechanism to grab the ball out and place it on the Try Spot cannot be done by one control from the player. Hence, human error might occur and slow down the whole process. 120

6.3 RECOMMENDATIONS MMU CYBERTRON Pass Robot: Some functions of the robot can be made autonomously to reduce occurrence of human error. Try Robot: Some movements of the robot can be combined into one control so that the player does not need to press different buttons for each movement. Acknowledgements Team MMU Cybertron for ROBOCON 2020 Malaysia sincerely acknowledges all the support provided by advisor Dr. Lo Yew Chiong and his dedication in assisting and mentoring us, without which the participation in ROBOCON 2020 would not be possible. We would like to thank the Faculty of Engineering of MMU in providing us the necessary electrical devices and equipment such as laboratory direct current power supply, and the venue in which we were able to construct and test run our robots. We hope that the Faculty will continue in giving us their support and accommodating our activities in future. The sponsorship provided by WD-40 which made this project possible is very much appreciated. Finally, the team would also like to thank all of the seniors who helped and guided us in the early stages of building the robots, which greatly escalated the process in making these robots to run successfully before the contest. References 1. ROBOCON Malaysia 2020 Rules - ROBOCON Malaysia 2020, (October 14, 2020). Retrieved from 121

DYROTECH DYROTECH FROM UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA CAWANGAN PASIR GUDANG Sukarnur Che Abdullah2, Norjasween Abdul Malik1, Elwan Salleh2, Mohd Farid Mohd Saad2, Muhammad Hafiz Roslan2, Azib Azamuddin Juri2, Muhammad Azfar Shazmi Mohd Adnan2, Luqman Hazeeq Ahmad Izuddin2, Ahmad Hay Shamill Hassim2, Raja Amirul Bin Raja Anuar2, Muhammad Nur Qisti Nor Azhar2, Muhammad Nafiz Zahari2, Ainal Naiemi Johari2, Alif Amaluddin1, Muhammad Haiqal Danish Ahmad1, Alya Amanina Mohd Ishak1 1Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Johor, Kampus Pasir Gudang, 81750 Masai Johor 2Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Menara 1, Aras 9, Kompleks Kejuruteraan Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia 122

ABSTRACT DYROTECH ROBOCON is an annual competition for university students, especially for engineering students. This competition consists of two different functioned robots. The concept of the contest is that the robot needs to play rugby 7’s game using two robots and bypass five obstacles acting as five defending players. In the competition, there are Try Robot (TR) and Passing Robot (PR). The task for PR is to deliver the ball to TR. Then TR will retrieve the ball and proceed to kick the goal. The score will be counted if the ball is passed over the crossbar in between the sticks of an H-shaped stationary post. For the robot design, Passing Robot uses a throwing mechanism to throw a rugby ball to Try Robot using a pneumatic system. For Try Robot, the main base design can be divided into try mechanism and kicking mechanism. The try mechanism uses a motorised-hand system which comprises of a DC motor, and for the kicking mechanism, it uses a high torque motorised-leg system using a DC motor. By using physics, calculation and technology, we can create a really good robot that could compete. Testing results show that Passing Robot can throw a rugby ball to Try Robot and Try Robot can make a try to kick the rugby ball. Sustainable engineering that we practise is that the base of all the robots can be reused for the next ROBOCON competition as the base system is very rigid. Other mechanical and electrical parts can also be reused as it has a base system which can be modified according to a given task. In real world application, this Passing Robot and Try Robot can be used as a trainer for sport science students to use it during training sessions. Rugby players can use this robot to improve their skills such as to catch balls or kick rugby balls. 1.0 INTRODUCTION ROBOCON is an annual competition that is held to test the students’ capability in solving a problem in a given situation. A team of students is required to build robots that can overcome challenges based on the competition theme. This year ROBOCON theme is based on rugby with an idea to promote Rugby Sevens. Rugby Sevens is a variant of rugby union in which teams are made up of seven players playing seven minute halves, instead of the usual fifteen players playing forty minute halves. Rugby Sevens is administered by World Rugby. In ROBOCON 2020, two teams compete to finish a task within a time limit of three minutes. The rules have been designed based on the sport Rugby Sevens. Each team has to build two robots, Pass Robot (PR) and Try Robot (TR) which can either be manual or automatic. This contest encourages teamwork among students to gain victory while helping in spreading rugby and robotic culture across the country. The PR and TR usually do not weigh more than 50 kg and span in one square meter area. Contestants must possess good knowledge in programming and electronic circuit design to create a functional robot while using their workshop experience in welding to construct the chassis of the robots. 123

DYROTECH While building the robots, new problems are discovered. One of the common problems is the mechanical design of the robot, which will frequently change to fit the rules and description of the robots. Design is an important aspect as a small mistake in calculation can ruin the robot and affect the work progress. Lack of focus in individual tasks can also lead to problems in time management, further stunting the work progress. The objective of the game is to deliver the Try Ball (TB) from the PR to TR, where a successful pass will gain one point. TR will go pass the five obstacles and place the TB in one of the Try Spots (TS) to gain two points. After a successful try, a kicking step can be taken by either the PR or TR in the Kicking Zone. A successful goal kick from Kick Zone 1 (KZ1) will gain five points, from Kick Zone 2 (KZ2) will gain 10 points, and from Kick Zone 3 (KZ3) will gain twenty points. The game ends when all seven Kick Balls (KB) are used or the three minutes have ended. The teams with the highest points win. The aim is to gain as much experience in the robotic field by helping students in exploring their potential in hardware and software skills. It will also show to society that young people were also capable of designing and building complex robots. 2.0 DETAILED DESIGN 2.1 MECHANICAL DESIGN OF PASS ROBOT The mechanical design of the Pass Robot consists of two main elements which are the base and throwing mechanism. The base design was constructed using L-shaped mild steel 29 mm × 29 mm and the throwing mechanism was constructed by using hollow circular mild steel. The base of the Pass Robot equipped with the electronic system which consists of motor driver, receiver module, LiPo batteries and 24 V scooter DC motor and pneumatic system, which then consist of pneumatic cylinder, solenoid valve, pneumatic gauge and compressed air tank, which simplified using 1.5 litre plastic bottles. The Y- shaped hollow circular mild steel is attached to the pneumatic system to pursue the mechanism of picking up and throwing the rugby ball from the start point to the next robot which is Try Robot. Figure 1 illustrates the actual fabricated Pass Robot. The throwing mechanism of the Pass Robot uses an arm that will pick the rugby ball, and using the pneumatic cylinder piston, converts linear translation motion to rotational motion by the arm radius. Thus, by having the rotational motion of the arm, the rugby ball will undergo projectile motion and pass the ball to the kicker robot. 124

DYROTECH Figure 1: Pass Robot. Figure 2: Various views of Pass Robot. 125

DYROTECH Figure 3: Isometric view of rendered Pass Robot. Figure 4: Rendered Pass Robot. 2.2 MECHANICAL DESIGN OF TRY ROBOT The Try Robot is responsible for receiving the passed ball and kicking a goal to score points. The design process started by determining the requirements needed, prototyping various concepts, and following the rules and regulations while considering the cost and time frame available. Before drafting, all required equipment is checked, most of the parts and components were reused and recycled from past projects. From the maximum dimension in the rule book, 1 x 1 m was used as the base and about 1.5 m as the height. From there, any excess parts can be trimmed down later. Rectangular hollow bars sized 1 inch by 1 inch were used mainly for the chassis. The robot is manually controlled, from driving, placing the ball for a try and kicking. Two DC motors from AmpFlow are used to drive two tyres from the rear and a caster roller at the front to balance the robot. For kicking, a planetary DC geared motor is used directly to ensure the efficient kicking ability. 126

Specifications Table 1: Design specification for chassis Dimension Material Try Robot Size 1000 mm x 940 mm x 710 mm Steel and Aluminium 1 inch x 1inch Rectangular Hollow Bar DYROTECH Figure 5: Isometric view Try Robot CAD design Figure 6: Detailed drawing of chassis Try Robot 127

DYROTECH 2.3 ELECTRONIC DESIGN OF PASS ROBOT Figure 7: Circuit diagram Figure 7 shows the electrical circuit for the Pass Robot. The battery used is two 11 V lithium polymer batteries connected in series, making the total voltage throughout the circuit 22 V. Arduino was used as a microcontroller that is in charge for controlling the movement and solenoid valve activation. The signal of the Arduino comes from the radio controlled RC receiver that receives signal from radio controlled RC controller. The six pin switch is used as a start button robot activation while an emergency button is used for robot malfunction counter mechanism to shut the robot down in occurrence of malfunction. The motor that drives the robot is a 20 V DC scooter motor which is controlled by a Cytron MD20A motor driver. Figure 8: Pneumatic system 128

Figure 8 shows the pneumatic system that is in charge of the throwing mechanism. DYROTECH The throwing mechanism used a piston to generate linear motion. The linear motion is transferred to rotational motion by means of using the arm thus generating a projectile motion of the rugby ball. The pneumatic system consists of four 1.5 litre plastic bottles that serve as containers for compressed air. To make the tank portable, a speed control valve is used for easy access to compress the air. Checking the air pressure, a pneumatic air gauge is used. Controlling the piston movement is a 5/2-way solenoid valve. The specification for the piston is 25 cm length pneumatic cylinder piston. Connecting all the tubes together, a 6 cm tube is used. 2.4 Electronic Design of Try Robot Figure 9: Circuit diagram Figure 9 shows how the electronic part works. The main controller for the Try Robot is the Arduino Uno controller. Arduino Uno is used for the try and kicker mechanism. The input for the Try Robot is from the RC controller. The RC controller will process the input signal from the receiver and give the signal to activate the motor for try and kicker mechanism. There are two wheels used for the movement of Try Robot. We use two motor Ampflow E30-400 with the motor driver of SmartDriveDuo-60. For the wheel mechanism, we only use direct control from the RC controller and signal from the receiver. The flow mechanism for try and kicker are as shown below: 129

DYROTECH 3.0 ROBOT TESTING For this year's competition, it was a bit challenging as we decided to build two robots at as low cost as possible. For Pass Robot, the first design was to use a pulling mechanism from the ball rack. However, the design was then reviewed and there was a high chance that the ball would fall down before passing occurred. Therefore, the design was changed to a fork-like shape which is simpler and easier to fabricate. The pneumatic passing mechanism is considered successful as the distance that Pass Robot could throw the ball was about 2 metres. Next, for Try Robot, it can be considered relatively big in size as we designed it to meet the maximum dimension allowed in the game. Try and kicking function is compacted into this robot and several designs and mechanisms have been brainstormed. Our team decided to use a direct DC motor for the try mechanism while a DC motor and chain for kicking mechanism to reduce direct impact on the motor. Try mechanism is a success but for kicking mechanism, more trial and error need to be done because the trial result did not satisfy our target. 4.0 SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING PRACTICES Sustainable engineering that we practise is that all the base robots can be reused again for the next ROBOCON Competition as the base system is very rigid. Other mechanical and electrical parts also can be reused as it has a base system which can be modified according to a given task. In a real-world application, the Pass and Try Robot can be used as trainers for sport science students to use it during training sessions. Rugby players can use these robots to improve their skills such as to catch or kick rugby balls. 5.0 CONCLUSION, LIMITATION AND RECOMMENDATION As a conclusion, this project has achieved the building of two robots with the theme ‘Robo Rugby 7s’. They were able to be built according to the specification designated by the competition. These robots were tested and were able to carry out the pre-described task such as ‘pass ball’ and ‘Kick Ball’. Even though the result shown were promising, the outcome of the competition is yet to be determined as in a competition a lot of things can happen and it also depends on the robot operator as well as the skill and teamwork of the participant towards this competition. 130

This project faced limitations and issues such as limited resources and budget to DYROTECH produce two fully functional robots. Building robots need a lot of time, manpower, skills, and experience. As the students still need to attend classes, do assignments, and use the lab, time was scarce. Furthermore, the availability of the machine to work with is very limited. The funding provided by the faculty is small and we face bureaucracies. This has caused the design to change several times to adapt to the available components that were mainly from previous robots. The team also lacks skills and hands-on experience because most team members were new to robotic projects, resulting in the waste of materials and unskilled fabrication. It is recommended that the competition is held annually so that the students can be involved in real hands-on experience in building robots. The experiences gained from the competition are important for the development of student’s soft skills and this is important because they are the future of the country's development. Sufficient funding should be provided, and sponsorship and technical support should be encouraged especially from the private sector. Acknowledgement At the very beginning, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to almighty Allah SWT for giving me the strength and the composure to participate in the ROBOCON 2020. Although it is unfortunate that the competition was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we still accomplished a lot of knowledge and experience along the journey of building the robot. First and foremost, a special thank you to our supervisor and advisors who had continuously given prominent support and advice to us during the building of the robot. In addition, I would like to express my appreciation to all team members for their hard work, dedication and sacrifice to build the robot. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the organiser of the competition. Although the competition was unfortunately cancelled, endless efforts were made by them to keep the competition ongoing as long as it did. References 1. ROBOCON Malaysia 2020. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on March 2020] 131

TATITROOPS TATITROOPS FROM UNIVERSITY COLLEGE TATI Mohamad Fariq Azmi Mohd Noor, Muhammad Ariffin Mughni, Wan Muhammad Hafyiez Wan Fauzi, Abdul Hafiz Zakaria, Muhammad Syafirudin Mat Yusof, Mohamad Nazarullah Mohd Sa’idi Department of Automation and Department of Electrical, Faculty of Engineering Technology, University College TATI, Teluk Kalong, 24000 Kemaman, Terengganu ABSTRACT TATITROOPS have developed two robots to compete in the rugby themed Malaysia Abu ROBOCON 2020, which are Try Robot (TR) and Pass Robot (PR). TR which function to receive and try the ball has a cage like compartment to receive the ball passed by PR. To try the received ball, a combination of pneumatic cylinders is used to grip the ball and place the try ball onto the try area. For Pass Robot, it functions to pass Try Ball to TR and to kick the Kick Ball to score a goal. For PR to be able to pass the Try Ball, a pneumatic catapult system is used by utilising a double-action cylinder to swing lever arms. Meanwhile, for kicking the Kick Ball to the goal post, kicking mechanism utilising spring and rotating motion is used. A motor is used to rotate the kicking arm until the spring kicks into action. 132

Based on the testing, TATITROOPS’ robots are able to complete the required task TATITROOPS below the three-minute mark. The robot's performance meets the expectation of the team. TATITROOPS’ robots are unique because of the way the Try Ball is tried. It only uses a simple pneumatic mechanism without rolling or dropping the ball in order to do a try. Once it receives the Try Ball, a cylinder then will grip the ball. To do a try, another cylinder will extend the grip mechanism together with the ball and the grip cylinder will release the ball and a try is scored. To ensure sustainable engineering practices, Tatitroops has decided to use previously used components and also salvage building materials from retired robots to construct new robots. A possible real world application of this year's competition might be to develop a rugby training robot which will assist humans for their training. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report looks into the process and specification of robots by TATITROOPS. The purpose of this report is to share knowledge on how to make a robot that fits the game of ROBOCON 2020. The ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ABU ROBOCON) is an Asian Oceanian College robot competition, founded in 2002 by Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. In the competition, robots compete to complete a task within a set period of time. The contest aims to create friendship among young people with similar interests who will lead their countries in the 21st century, as well as help advance engineering and broadcasting technologies in the region. In UCTATI, we were divided into two groups to speed up the process of making the robot. One for Pass Robot (PR), the mechanism for lifting the ball and passing to Try Robot (TR). Another for the Try Robot (TR), to find the best mechanism to receive the ball from Pass Robot (PR) and the mechanism to try the ball. For the TATITROOPS team, we were committed to finish the match within a minute in order to secure the victory against rivals. The objective for the UCTATI ROBOCON team is to expose the student with the knowledge of making the robot and current technologies. The design for this robot refers to the rule book of the rugby game ROBOCON 2020 competition. TATITROOPS managed to earn 3rd place in ROBOCON 2018 and excited all of the management, staff and team members, thus motivating everyone to ensure that ROBOCON 2020 will be better. Objectives 1. To develop a Pass Robot (PR) and Try Robot (TR) for the competition. 2. To understand the mechanism and programming of the robot 133

2.0 DETAILED DESIGN 2.1 MECHANICAL DESIGN Figure 1: Manual Pass Robot (PR) Figure 2: Manual Try Robot (TR) Table 1: Robot dimensions Robot Dimensions Mass Components and Functions (cm) (kg) Manual () 26 Gripper: Holds the “rugby ball” 70 x 60 x 90 Motor and Chain: Make iron rod kick the “rugby ball” Pass Robot Rubber: Extra grip on “rugby ball” TATITROOPS (PR) Pneumatic components: composed of valves and cyl- inders to extend and pass the “rugby ball” Water bottle: Tank for storing compressed air Manual 103x 74 x 124 20 Sponge: Extra grip on “ball”. Try Robot Net : work as a catcher. (TR) Sensor 1: Detects the “door” control the door so that it is not too over open Sensor 2: Detects the “door” control the door so that it is not over closed Cylinder 1: to hold the ball work as a gripper, Cylinder 2: to extend and retract gripper Water bottle: Tank for storing compressed air 134

2.1 ELECTRONIC DESIGN (a) (b) Figure 3: (a) PR microcontroller circuit and (b) solid state relay circuit TATITROOPS Figure 4: TR microcontroller circuit Figure 5: TR motor driver circuit 135

TATITROOPS 2.2 SOFTWARE DESIGN lowchart Figure 7: TR flowchart 136

3.0 PRESENTATION OF DATA TATITROOPS Manual Try Robot (TR) Figure below show the block diagram for this project. The input is a wireless controller, the custom application in the controller communicate with the Arduino via 2.4GHz wireless signal between build-in wireless module in the wireless joystick and the PS2 shield wireless module attached to the Arduino. The Arduino Mega act as the microcontroller that process all the input received and gives output signals as programmed to the solid-state relay to switch on/off the Electric Scooter Motor. Figure 10: TR block diagram 137

TATITROOPS Table 1: TR & PR PS2 controller layout Manual Pass Robot (PR) The power supply (Li-Po battery) for this robot consists of two parts: the solenoid valve and motors. For motor, 12V Li-Po battery is used while for controlling the solenoid, 24V Li-Po battery is used. An emergency stop button is installed on both connections to immediately cut off the power in case of emergency. 138

A 5V 5A DC to DC converter is used to step down the power distributed from battery TATITROOPS to controllers. The controllers (Arduino UNO and Arduino MEGA) require a 5V voltage supply to power up. This converter reduces the voltage to be distributed to the controllers while maintaining the current. All 5 motors (4 for movement, 1 for kicking) and the solid state relay for controlling the cylinder for passing for this robot are controlled using PS2 controller by utilizing and Arduino MEGA and PS2 shield, like the Try Robot. 4.0 SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING PRACTICES Sustainability of engineering practice in building both the robots is ensured by utilizing the mostly available components at the workshop. For example, all the motors, the tires for the robot, the controllers relay, valve, cylinder and other required things are obtained either from the stored unused components or stripped from the previous robot built. By doing this, expenditure is greatly reduced with the added benefit of reducing e- waste. Because most of the used parts are still reusable. Our team going even further to salvage the construction parts such as the steel, aluminium, wood and many other things from the previously built robot to construct the mechanical structure of TR and PR in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the robots and does not compromise the environment or deplete the materials for future generations. 5.0 CONCLUSION The project to develop a manual robot for the competition was successfully executed. This competition is also aimed at generating awareness and interest in robotics technology as well as creating a platform for various people especially the students to be involved in a more hands-on and practical aspect in engineering and technology through robotics. The electronic, software and mechanism design used in the making of the whole robot was understood. The objective was achieved and I hope all of the people especially engineering students can get involves and participate in making the robot to overcome the industry revolution 4.0. 5.1 LIMITATION • The manual robot depends too much on pneumatic component as the air in the tank cannot last longer. • The connection between the controller and the robot has a little bit of delay. 139

TATITROOPS 5.2 RECOMMENDATION The suggestion should have been added to improve this project. Firstly, this project can be upgraded by adding more sensors to go through the obstacles gently. Secondly, set the angle and use mathematical calculation to know the right position to kick the rugby ball. Third, to make it look more efficient it can be added with a semi-automatic system in order to avoid human error. Acknowledgements All praise is due to Allah who has given us this opportunity to accomplish this project upon the competition that is The ROBOCON 2020. We also wanted to wish thank you for those who give us guidance and motivation in accomplishing this task to our technical advisor team Mr. Muhammad Luqman Muhd Zain, Mr, Safuan Naim Mohamad, Mr. Nazry Abdul Rahman and Mr. Zulfikri Salleh that give us the most support unconditionally and also thank you to them for helping us completing our robot especially in term of learning, troubleshooting and creativity to complete this task. Not forgotten, our ROBOCON 2020 team members who has been striving together to make all of this happen. Also, for giving cooperation and showing support to each other in completing this robot. References 1. VEXTA Brushless Motor (30 Watt) 30:1, Cytron Technology, March 2019.https:// 2. Arduino Uno Rev3-Main Board, Cytron Technology, March 2019. https:// 3. 10Amp 5V-30V DC Motor Driver, Cytron Technology, March 2019. https:// 1&src=search 4. Arduino Mega 2560 R3-Main Board, Cytron Technology, March 2019. https:// 5. Wireless PS2 Controller (Compatible), Cytron Technology, March 2019. https:// 140


USM USM FROM UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA Anwar Hasni Abu Hassan1, Amran Khamis Omairah1, Celine Lai Zhe Cenn1, Chong Zhen Zun3, Darwineswaran A/L Raja Lingam2, Goh Chan Chew1, Hee Lit Fong1, Kelvin Tan Yi Boon1, Koh Wei Tong2, Lau Lu Bin1, Lee Jian Sheng1, Lee Zhi Wei3, Ng Peck Huey1, Tan Ming Hong1, Yap Wei Juin2 1School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 2School of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 3School of Aerospace Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang ABSTRACT In ABU ROBOCON 2020 – ROBOCON Malaysia 2020, the theme of the contest is “Robo Rugby This contest is to play rugby 7’s game using two robots, Pass Robot (PR) and Try Robot (TR) and five obstacles as five defending players. Two teams will compete in a game field. Each team has two robots to make the goal. The two robots can be either automatic or manual. First of all, the PR starts from the PR Start Zone. The PR will then pick up one Try Ball from the Ball Rack and pass it from Passing Zone to the TR. TR starts 142

from TR Start Zone and moves into the Receiving Zone to receive the rugby ball in the 7s”. USM Each team has two robots to compete, which is Pass Robot (PR) and Try Robot (TR). PR will pass the rugby to TR. TR will then score Try and make a Goal Kick. This contest will be played between Red and Blue team which lasts for at most three minutes. The PR operates as a full manual robot. The controller will navigate the PR to the rack and pick up a rugby using pneumatic while waiting TR to arrive. With the help of laser indicator, PR will aim TR and shoot the rugby with a high-force pneumatic third class lever system. The mechanism is very consistent and reliable. After that, the rest of the task will be done by TR. After the TR received the rugby, the TR will do a try using mechanism driven by pneumatics. The mechanism is simple but effective to complete the task. After doing a try, the TR will do a kick. The kick mechanism is powered by an electric motor. The kick mechanism relies on swinging a mass by an electric motor and kicks the rugby. Our mechanism is powerful enough to sustain more than five kicks at the kick zone with highest point. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This contest is to play rugby 7’s game using two robots, Pass Robot (PR) and Try Robot (TR) and five obstacles as five defending players. Two teams will compete in a game field. Each team has two robots to make the goal. The two robots can be either automatic or manual. First of all, the PR starts from the PR Start Zone. The PR will then pick up one Try Ball from the Ball Rack and pass it from Passing Zone to the TR. TR starts from TR Start Zone and moves into the Receiving Zone to receive the rugby ball in the Receiving Zone. Next, TR moves along five defending obstacles to score the Try in the one of the five Try Spots. A kick can be taken from Kicking Zone to make a Goal after a successful Try. The game continues until all seven kick balls are used or when the 3 minutes passed. The collaboration of the two robots is important to score Try and Goal Kick. To make all the Goals successfully, both robot must be well-designed with many considerations. For example, to ensure the rugby can be successfully passed from the PR to the TR. In addition, to make a goal, the distance of the rugby will be reached in the Kicking Zone is tested. 143

USM 2.0 DETAILED DESIGN 2.1 PASS ROBOT (PR) 2.1.1 MECHANICAL DESIGN Figure 1: The assembly of PR The assembly of PR is shown in Figure 1. The main functions of PR are to clamp the try ball from the Ball Rack and to pass the ball to TR using pneumatic mechanism. The mechanism of PR can be break into base, body structure, clamp and pneumatic mechanism. Figure 2: The assembly of the base of PR 144

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