Coping with COVID-19 Take a sheet of paper or type out on your device the answer to the following sentences to help you come up with an action/support plan during this time. • When I feel sad/down or unsure, I can connect with this or these people in my life to talk about my feelings: • When I feel sad/down or unsure and I don’t feel like talking to someone in the moment, I’ll do this to care for myself: • When I feel stressed about the situation and I can’t immediately do anything about it, I can do these three activities to interrupt the stress: • When I don’t know how I feel, I’ll try __________ to get in touch with my feelings. © 2019 AFS Intercultural Programs, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Coping with COVID-19 Additional reflections • The top ten things I’m most grateful for right now are (try this out daily to keep looking at the good around you): 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. • The top three things I look forward to doing when the COVID-19 pandemic is over are: • When I’m older and I get asked about the pandemic, I’ll tell them the thing that got me through it most was: © 2019 AFS Intercultural Programs, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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