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Published by bilbo202, 2014-12-16 01:08:23

Description: PDC_2.1_User_Guide_v1_0


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5.3 Managing BundlesOn the Manage Bundles page, you can view a list of your bundles, their bundle codes, and thenumber of remaining licenses. You can also edit and deactivate bundles, if required, or recall abundle for re-issue.To view all the products within a bundle, click the arrow on the left of the bundle title. To viewdetails about a product within the bundle, click the arrow beside the product listing. 5.3.1 Sort, Search, and Filter List of BundlesYou can customize the display of the Manage Bundles page as follows: Click the name on a column heading to sort the list of bundles by that field. Click the column heading again to toggle between descending and ascending sort order. This is possible in all columns except Licenses and Modify. In the Search field, type a string of text to search for and list all the bundles that contain this text in either the bundle title or the products included in the bundle. In the Status dropdown list, you can filter the listings based on the following status values: o All o Active These bundles have not expired and have licenses remaining. o Inactive These bundles have a future start date. o Depleted These bundles have no licenses remaining. o Expired These bundles have reached their expiration date. o Recalled These bundles have been recalled and student access has been withdrawn.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 48

5.3.2 Editing a BundleTo edit a bundle, take the following steps:1. On the Manage Bundles page, click Edit on the right of the bundle you want to edit. The Edit Bundle page will appear, so you can edit the details of that particular bundle. You can also add or remove products from the bundle. The Products Added to Bundle area shows the bundle’s initial creation date as well as a list of its modification dates.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 49

2. Edit the details of the bundle as required. When you are satisfied, click Update to commit the changes. The Manage Bundles page opens. 5.3.3 Deactivating a BundleIf you deactivate a bundle, students will no longer be able to access it. If students have alreadydownloaded products in this bundle, they will no longer be able to view them. The End Datedisplayed on the bundle changes to the date when it was deactivated. It then appears under theExpired filter on the Manage Bundles page.To deactivate a bundle, take the following steps:1. On the Manage Bundles page, click the Deactivate link to the right of the bundle listing. Because deactivation cannot be undone, the following message appears: “Are you sure you want to deactivate this bundle?”2. If you are sure you want to continue, click Deactivate. Remember that your students will no longer have access to the titles in the bundle. The bundle is deactivated. On the Manage Bundles page, the word Deactivated now appears alongside the bundle listing. 5.3.4 Recalling a BundleYou can recall a bundle to re-use its products and licenses for a new set of students. Recallinga bundle means that students who currently have access will not be able to download productsfrom that bundle nor will they be able to open any products from that bundle that they havealready downloaded. Students trying to access products from a recalled bundle will see thefollowing error message: “Bundle has been recalled. Please talk to your teacher.”To recall a bundle, take the following steps:1. On the Manage Bundles page, click the Recall link to the right of the bundle you want to recall. The following message appears: “When you recall a bundle, all licenses will be withdrawn. Students will not be able to download products and will not have access to products that they have downloaded.” This step cannot be undone.2. If you are sure that you want to continue, click Recall.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 50

The bundle is recalled. On the Manage Bundles page, the word Recalled appears in theStatus column and a Re-issue link now appears alongside the bundle listing. The Licensesand the Remaining Licenses fields are set to 0.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 51

5.3.5 Re-issuing a BundleIf you have recalled a bundle, you have the option to re-issue it. At this point, you can edit thebundle and the number of licenses. A new bundle code is generated upon re-issue.To re-issue a bundle, take the following steps:1. On the Manage Bundles page, click the Re-issue link to the right of the bundle you want to re-issue. When the Re-issue Bundle page opens, you can edit the details of the bundle. You can also add or remove products.2. When you are satisfied with all your changes, click Re-issue to commit the changes. A message appears notifying you that your bundle has been re-issued. The message also displays a new bundle code. You can use the Recall and Re-issue functionality to re-issue the same titles to students in a given grade year after year.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 52

6.Packages6.1 Introduction to PackagesPackages are a facility to allow a District or School Administrator (or an IT representative) todistribute one or more eTextbooks (the “package”) to multiple devices without studentinvolvement. While packages are similar to bundles, there are some key differences: Only a School or District Administrator can create a package on the HMH Download Center. A package can be deployed to several devices at the same time without student interaction. A package can be deployed to devices using an internal school network (instead of an Internet connection). A package is loaded to devices in its entirety, meaning that students do not need to download books from the Download Center before they can read them. Licenses are consumed at the time the package is finalized since the distribution of the package will occur independently of the Download Center. An audit of all devices that have received the package and are connected to the Download Center (when an Internet connection is identified) will be maintained.Packages are designed to be used when a district or school wants to set up devices for itsstudents, for example, in preparation for the new school year. The following should beconsidered in the creation of packages: If the students each have their own personal device, then it might be best to create grade- specific packages, for example, all eTextbooks for Grade 4, and distribute these to just the devices that will be given to the Grade 4 students. If the students share devices, for example, in a lab or from a cart, then it might be better to put all the eTextbooks for a school into one package and distribute these to all devices in the school. For example, a K-6 elementary package, a 6-8 middle school package, and a 9-12 high school package. Note: Care must be taken in the shared device model. HMH eTextbooks are licensed per device, rather than per student. Therefore, notes, bookmarks, and highlights are stored locally on the device and are accessible to all students using the eTextbook on the device.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 53

6.2 Creating and Managing Packages on the HMH Download CenterSchool and District Administrators will see PACKAGES in the navigation bar on the HMHDownload Center. When clicked, a dropdown menu containing the following two optionsappears: Create Packages Use this option to create a new package. Manage Packages Use this option to view, download, and recall packages you have already created.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 54

6.2.1 Creating PackagesTo create a package, take the following steps:1. On the PACKAGES dropdown list, click Create Packages. The first page of the Create Package process appears. This is the first in a three-step process of creating a package.  On the Create Package: 1 page, there are two main areas: Products Available to Me on the left, and Products Added to Package on the right. o Products Available to Me lists the products that you can add to a package. o Products Added to Package is a holding area that lists products as you are creating the package.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 55

2. To add a product to a package, find the product listing in Products Available to Me and click the + (add button), which appears on the far right side of the product listing. The product then appears in Products Added to Package, and the + disappears. Note: You are not able to create a package that contains a mix of Student (S) and Teacher (T) editions. If you attempt to mix editions, you see the following error message in the Products Added to Package area.To remove a product from your package, find the product listing and click the – (removebutton), which appears on the far right side of the product listing in the Products Added toPackage area. To remove all products from your package, click Clear contents.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 56

3. When you have finalized the contents of your package, click Next Step on the lower right of the Products Added to Package area. The second page of the Create Package process appears. On this page, you can specify certain details about your package. Begin by naming it in the mandatory field, Package title. You can also type information in the optional fields, Subject and Assigned grade. A package Type appropriate to the materials you have used in your package is assigned automatically. The type will be either Student or Teacher.4. Specify the period for which the package will be active. Specify the mandatory Start date and End date values by clicking the calendar icon beside each of those two fields. Select the Start date and End date on each calendar as required. Notes:  The Start date defaults to the date on which the package is created. Changing the package start date will not affect availability of the licenses in the package. Package contents are available for deployment to devices immediately after the package is finalized.  The End date must be after the Start date. If this is not the case, you will see the following error message: “Please ensure the end date is after the start date.”)  Packages will expire at 12:01 a.m. on the expiry date.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 57

5. In the mandatory Licenses field, type the number of licenses for this package, that is, the number of devices to which you will distribute this package. The maximum value for this number will be the lowest number of licenses available for any of the products in your package. For example, if there are 5 licenses available for one of the products in your bundle and 15 licenses available for another product in the bundle, the maximum number of licenses you can issue is 5.6. When you are satisfied that the details of your package are correct, click Next Step. You will progress to step 3, where your package is still in Draft status and you can still make changes. Note: In the Draft stage, you can take one of several steps. 58  Remove or add products  Cancel creating the packageHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide

 Save the package as a draft so you can finish it later  Finalize the package7. Click Finalize Package. A popup note asks you to confirm that you want to proceed with finalizing the package. Note: Once you have finalized a package, you cannot edit it later. Products cannot be added or removed. The number of licences in the package cannot be changed. The licenses in the package will be consumed.8. If you are satisfied, click Finalize.Notes: It may take a while to finalize a package. The package creation webpage will refresh after the package has been finalized and will display a confirmation. You will also receive an email notification with the details of the Package you created. If you have to close your browser or you do so by mistake, the package will still be finalized. When you log back in, you can view the package status in Manage Packages. If the package is still being finalized, the status will read, “Build in Progress.” Otherwise, the status will be “Active.”9. After you have created a package, the Completed Package window lists the contents on the left side and the details on the right side. The Details section contains the following:  Package title  Package type  Start date  End date  Subject  Assigned grade  Licenses  StatusHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 59

 Package codeHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 60

6.2.2 Viewing a List of PackagesOn the Manage Packages page, you can view a list of your packages, search for a package,and check each package code, status, type, start date, end date and the number of remaininglicenses. You can also take actions such as view, download and recall a package.To open Manage Packages, select it from the PACKAGES dropdown list.To view the products in a package, click the arrow on the left of the product listing. Below, theAlgebra 1 package is expanded.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 61

To view the unit details of any product within the package, click the arrow on the left of thatproduct listing. Below, the Holt McDougal Algebra 1 product is expanded. 6.2.3 Sort, Search, and Filter List of PackagesYou can customize the display of the Manage Packages page in the following ways: Click the Package title column heading to sort the list of packages in that field. Click the column heading again to toggle between descending and ascending sort order. This is possible for all columns except Licenses, Remaining licenses and Action. Use the Search box to find packages. You can search by the following attributes: o Package title o Package code o Product title o Product ISBN When you start typing, a list of matching package attributes is shown. You can keep typing for a more specific match or select a package from the list as it first appears. This search feature is particularly useful when you want to find packages containing a specific product or a group of related products.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 62

In the Status dropdown list, you can filter the listings based on the following status values: All This shows all of your packages. Draft These packages are not yet finalized and can thus still be edited. Active These packages are available for download as well as use, and still have licenses available. Depleted These packages have no licenses remaining. Expired These packages have reached their expiration date. Recalled These packages have been recalled. Build in Progress These packages are being built. When completed the status will be Active.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 63

6.2.4 Managing PackagesIn the Action column, you can View, Download, and Recall a package. 6.2.5 Viewing a PackageIn the Actions column, click the View link of a specific package to view its contents and details. 6.2.6 Downloading a PackageIn the Action column, click Download to download the package ZIP file to a specified folder.When you download a package, your browser will show its progress.Note: The downloaded ZIP file is named after the package code. It is important that the ZIP filename is not changed as the package will not be valid otherwise. To allow students access to thebooks in the package, please see section 6.3 Loading and Managing Packages in the HMHeTextbooks App. 6.2.7 Recalling a PackageYou may want to recall a package to reclaim the licenses used or to distribute the package to anew set of devices, perhaps the following school year. If you recall a package, you must removethis package from any device and HMH eTextbooks app where it has been downloaded.To recall a package, take the following steps:1. On the Manage Packages page, click the Recall link on the right of the package you want to recall.2. In the warning message, click Recall if you are sure that you want to continue. Note: This step cannot be undone and any devices that have this package installed may no longer be able to access the eTextbooks in the package.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 64

3. Remove the package from all devices. Note: You can be certain a recalled package is removed from all devices by launching the HMH eTextbooks app on any device that is connected to the Internet. Books from any recalled packages will become unavailable to the students if they are not part of any other, still active package or bundle. Such books will have an Unavailable overlay in the app’s library and, when clicked, will display this message: “This book is no longer available, you can delete it. If you still need it, ask your teacher.”On the Manage Packages page, the package name and details are faded, and the wordRecalled appears in the Status column. The Licenses and the Remaining licenses fields willchange to 0. The options to view, download and recall are no longer available.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 65

6.3 Loading and Managing Packages in the HMH eTextbooks App 6.3.1 Installing the HMH eTextbooks AppSee section 1.6 Student Access for instructions on how to download the HMH eTextbooks app.The ability to create packages and distribute them to multiple devices was added to the HMHeTextbooks apps in the app versions below: iOS (iPad): 2.2.2 Android: 2.2.0 OS X (Mac): 2.2.0 Windows: 2.2.0To see whether the version of the apps you are using has this functionality, open the settings byclicking the symbol on the top right corner and see if there is a tab called Admin. If there is not,then you must upgrade to the newest version of the HMH eTextbooks app by following theinstructions in section 1.6 Student Access. 6.3.2 Managing Packages and their Download in HMH eTextbooks AppYou can find all settings for loading packages into the HMH eTextbooks app and all informationon already downloaded packages by clicking the Settings icon and then clicking the Admin tab.There are two sections in Settings on the Admin tab: Top section: Get Books from Packages Bottom section: Downloaded PackagesHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 66

6.3.3 Getting Books from PackagesPackages can be downloaded to the HMH eTextbooks app from a network source location.(For more information on different ways to download packages into the app, see 6.4.5Downloading Packages into the HMH eTextbooks App).In the top section of the Admin tab, the network source location the app uses is set. You havetwo options: Use the default source location and log-in information: These settings are already provided in the app by default: o Source Location: o Username: HMHeText o Password: 1*Packag3 This gives you the option to set up the source location on your network and not need to make any changes to the settings in the app. To do this, configure in your DNS to point to the IP address of the file server. Notes: o Ensure the IP address is static. o On a web server, enable the \"Directory Listing\" feature. Use a custom source location and login information: If you would like to use a custom source location and/or login information you have set on your network, you can set them in the HMH eTextbooks app by clicking the Change source location link. The view extends and you can provide any of the information below: o A new Source Location o A new Domain\username o A new PasswordYou can Cancel the changes you made at any time and thus revert to the previously savedsettings. You can also Restore to default, which enables you to save the default sourcelocation and login information.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 67

After entering the new settings, click Save. If the app cannot currently access the changedsource location, this message appears: “The specified source location does not exist orcannot be accessed. Try re-entering the location or log-in information.” Click OK to edit your entries. Click Save Anyway to store the entered location and login information, so they are ready when the location is accessed at a later stage. Click Cancel to revert to the previously saved settings.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 68

6.3.4 Downloaded PackagesIn this section, you see all packages that have been downloaded to the app and their status. Byclicking a package icon of an active package, you can view its contents.You can only delete packages in the Admin tab (see trash bin icon), and you can delete themonly as a whole. Therefore, when you delete a package, all the books in the package areremoved from My Library. This is an important difference between packages and bundles: youcannot delete each book unit separately in packages.Note: Any notes, highlights, or bookmarks that the students made in the books will persist onthe device even if the book is deleted with a package. If students get the book again at a laterstage (through a bundle or another package), they will be able to see their previous annotations. 6.3.5 Downloading Packages into the HMH eTextbooks AppThere are three ways to download packages into the HMH eTextbooks apps. Automatic pull – using a location on a network to automatically download packages to the app Manual pull – using package codes to download a specific package from a location on a network Push – pushing a package into a local folder on the device linked to the appNote: The ZIP file name of the package must not be changed. This is very important, since thepackage will not be valid if the ZIP file name is changed and the products will be unavailable foruse as soon as the device connects to the Internet and thus to the HMH Download Center.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 69

Automatic pullThe HMH eTextbooks app points either to a default source location or to a custom sourcelocation (for more information, see 6.3.2 Getting Books from Packages). For the automatic pullto work, there needs to be a subfolder called “Automatic” at the default or custom sourcelocation to which the app is pointing.To create an “Automatic” subfolder, take the following steps:1. At the source location pointed to by the IP address, create a subfolder called Automatic. Ensure this subfolder has read/write rights for all users.2. Copy the downloaded package ZIP file(s) to this Automatic subfolder.Every package placed in this subfolder in the source location is automatically pulled by any appthat connects to the source location. This option works well if all devices in a school are gettingthe same package.Note: You do not have to change the source location to e.g. forthe automatic pull to work. The app is set to look for a subfolder called Automatic in the providedsource location.Manual pullWhen you do not want all apps to download all packages from the source location, you can usethe “manual pull” feature. This requires that packages be placed directly in the specified sourcelocation (not in the “Automatic” subfolder, but on the same level as the “Automatic” subfolder).The code for the package must then be entered into the HMH eTextbooks app in each device.Then only that package will download into the specified devices. This option might be best if youhave created grade-specific packages that will be distributed to specific sets of devices.Note: The package code is the same as the name of the ZIP file in the source location. Forexample, if the file name is, then the package code is KLFQ8X.You can also see the package codes and other information about the packages you created onthe HMH Download Center under Manage Packages. (For more information, see 6.2.4Managing Packages.)HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 70

PushA package can be “pushed” to a specific folder on one or more devices. When the HMHeTextbooks app is launched, it downloads the package from the folder.Notes: The app must be opened at least once before any package can be pushed to the device. Desktop device management software can be used to push packages to a certain folder on Windows and OS X operating systems. At the time of writing, HMH is not aware of any mobile device management software that would enable this on iOS and Android operating systems; however, we have catered for this being possible in the future. Check with your software provider if this is an option for you.The folder to be used on the device depends on the operating system (OS) used on the device: iOS (iPad): <eTextbooks app path>/Documents/eTextBooks/Packages Android: <root>/eTextbooks/Packages OS X (Mac): /Users/<UserName>/Downloads/eTextBooks/Packages Windows: o Windows XP: <root>\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\eTextbooks\Packageso Windows 7 and later: <root>\Users\<UserName>\eTextbooks\PackagesHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 71

6.3.6 Messages Regarding Package Download Problems in the HMH eTextbooks AppVarious error messages refer to problems in downloading packages to the HMH eTextbooksapp. Below is a table with the messages and their meanings.Note: These messages appear only when packages are being downloaded by manual pull. Nomessages appear when packages are being loaded to the app via push or automatic pull.However, packages will be entered into the Downloaded Packages section in the Admin tab inan inactive state and with an appropriate status. (For a list of package statuses, see 6.4.7Package Statuses in the HMH eTextbooks App.)Message MeaningPackage download failed: package not found. User submitted a package code, but the package does not exist in the source location specified.Package download failed: source location not User submitted a package code, but the appfound. cannot access the source location specified because it does not exist, the login information is incorrect, or there is no network connection.Package download failed: package already User submitted a code of a package that hasexists on device. already been downloaded.Package download failed: package expired. User submitted a code of a package that has expired.Package download failed: not enough The app is trying to download a package, butmemory. there is not enough memory on the device for the download to complete.Package download failed: package corrupt. User submitted a package code, but the package is corrupt and cannot be loaded into the app.Package download failed: connection timeout User submitted a package code, but theduring download. package was not downloaded successfully due to a drop in connection.Package download failed: not enough User submitted a code of a package that ismemory (approx. X MB needed). too large to be downloaded to the device. The message will show the approximate space on the device required to download the full package.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 72

6.3.7 Package Statuses in the HMH eTextbooks AppAll packages that were successfully or unsuccessfully loaded to the HMH eTextbooks app areentered into the Downloaded Packages section in the Admin tab with an appropriate status.Below is a table with all statuses and their meanings.Status MeaningActive You can see the contents of an active package by clicking the package icon or name. Active packages have a delete option.Package deleted A package was active but was then deleted in the app. Note: It is possible to Restore a deleted package. This is only possible when connected to the Internet.Package restored A package was active, was then deleted in the app and afterwards restored when the app was connected to the Internet. Since packages are restore in the form of bundles, package functionality is no longer available and the package shows as inactive on the list.Package expired Package has expired. Books in the app’s library will be unavailable.Package corrupt Package ZIP file cannot be read by the app, due to different reasons:  The ZIP file name has been modified.  Files within the package ZIP file are missing or have been modified. Note: By following the steps below, you should be able to fix this problem: 1. Download the package anew from the HMH Download Center. 2. Place the package in the same location you have beforehand, depending on whether you were using automatic pull, manual pull, or push to load the package to the app previously. 3. Click Download again in the Downloaded Packages section in the Admin tab in the HMH eTextbooks app. 4. If the newly downloaded package is not corrupt, it will be loaded to the app and the status will change to active. If the newly downloaded package is still corrupt, it is best to recall the package on the Download Center, create a new package with the same products, and begin the process of downloading to the app anew.Not enough memory There was not enough memory on the device to download the package. Delete files or apps on the device to create enough memory and then click Download again in the Downloaded Packages section in Admin tab.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 73

Package recalled The package has been recalled on the HMH Download Center.Package depleted Books in the app’s library will be unavailable. More licenses have been consumed than there are licenses available for this package, i.e., the package has been deployed to more devices than specified when creating the package on the Download Center. Books in the app’s library will be unavailable. For more information, see 6.4.8 When the App Connects to the HMH Download Center. 6.3.8 When the App Connects to the HMH Download CenterWhen the HMH eTextbooks app connects to the HMH Download Center, the status of thepackage is checked. If it is Active, then a license is decremented.Once a package has been Recalled and the app with that package connects to the DownloadCenter, any books from that package in the app’s library will become unavailable.Note: If a book from a recalled package is also in another active package, that book will still beavailable in the app’s library.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 74

The Remaining Licenses column under Manage Packages on the Download Center indicateshow many apps have connected to the Download Center and have downloaded the package. Inthe screenshot below, Ninth Grade classes shows that 18 of 20 licenses remain available. Thismeans that two students have downloaded the package and then connected to the DownloadCenter, which in turn registered the consumed licenses.When a package has a status of Depleted, the remaining licences are 0. If any further apps withthat package connect to the Download Center, the books from that package will becomeunavailable in the app’s library.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 75

7.Schools and Users (For Administrators Only)7.1 Introduction to Schools and UsersThe SCHOOLS AND USERS option allows you to manage schools and create newadministrators or teachers. This option is available only for administrators.When you click the SCHOOLS AND USERS option, a dropdown list containing the followingthree options appears: Create Users This page allows you to create new users, who can be district administrators, school administrators or teachers. Manage Users This page allows you to view a list of users in your district or school and edit user details if required. Manage Schools This page allows district administrators to view a list of all the schools in their district.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 76

7.2 Creating UsersThe Create User page allows you to create new administrators or teachers in your district. Italso has a facility to create a number of new teachers in one go using the Bulk UploadTeachers facility. 7.2.1 Creating a Single UserTo create a single new user, take the following steps:1. From the main menu navigation bar, click SCHOOLS AND USERS.2. From the SCHOOLS AND USERS dropdown list, click Create Users. The Create User page appears.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 77

3. First, select the role for the new user. This is a mandatory field located on the upper left of the Create User page. (All fields are mandatory on this page).4. On the dropdown list in the Role field, select District Administrator, School Administrator, or Teacher.5. In the School field, select a school on the dropdown list. If a district administrator is using this page to set up a new district administrator, this field will change to District. It automatically displays the district in question.6. In the Password and Confirm Password fields, enter a password for the new user. The new user is prompted to change the password on initial login.7. Enter the person’s details in the Title, First Name, and Last Name fields.8. Finally, enter the details of the user’s email in the Email Address field. You can click Clear All Fields at any point to reset all the details, so you can start the process again.9. Once you are satisfied that all the details are correct, click Create User to complete the process and create a new user with the details you just entered. The newly created user will receive an email from HMH Publishing <[email protected]>. This will contain login details and a link to access the HMH Download Center.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 78

7.2.2 Creating Multiple Teachers Using Bulk Upload FacilityThe Bulk Upload Teachers facility on the Create User page allows you to create multipleteachers in one operation using data formatted in a CSV file (Comma Separated Values).To create multiple teachers using the bulk upload facility, take the following steps:1. Select the SCHOOLS AND USERS option on the main navigation bar. Select Create Users on the dropdown list. The Create User page appears.2. Scroll down the page to the Bulk Upload Teachers area.3. Click the Download example CSV file link to open a template spreadsheet file that you will use to record the details of each teacher to be imported. This file is called exampleUploadFile and will open in Microsoft Excel.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 79

4. In the spreadsheet, complete a row for each teacher that you want to import. The table below summarizes the requirements for each column entry in the row.Column Name Mandatory/Optional RulesTitle Optional Valid titles are: Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr, Rev Ensure titles do not contain a period. For example: Mr (Accepted) Mr. (Not Accepted)First Name Optional Alphanumeric characters only.Last Name Optional Alphanumeric characters only.UserName Mandatory The email address of the teacher. An email address is mandatory and must be under 100 characters.Password Mandatory Password must be between 6 and 32 characters and comprise of the following: A to Z a to z ' - 0 to 9 () @ _ ! # $ % ^ & * Spanish charactersSchool ID Mandatory Must be a valid School ID*HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 80

When importing teachers and using the bulk upload feature, ensure that you have used thecorrect School ID. A district or school administrator can find the School ID by doing thefollowing:5. From the SCHOOLS AND USERS menu option, select Manage Schools from the dropdown list.On the Manage Schools page, each school is listed along with its Unique ID, which is theSchool ID. Note this value and enter it into the batch import spreadsheet for every teacher beingimported.6. Enter the teacher details in every row of the spreadsheet for each teacher to be imported.7. After you have entered all the teacher details, you need to create a .CSV file containing this information. You can create a .CSV file easily in most spreadsheet applications. For Microsoft Excel, the steps are as follows: a. On the main Excel navigation bar, click File. b. Click Save As. c. Enter a name for the file. d. Select CSV (Comma delimited) in the Save as type: dropdown list underneath the file name. (This file type should be selected by default if you started with the exampleUploadFile.) e. Click Save. The .CSV file will be created. f. Now upload this .CSV file from the Bulk Upload Teachers area by taking the following steps: g. Click Browse. Navigate to the folder where you created the .CSV file. Click the file to select it. h. Click Upload. A message appears confirming that the upload has been successful. You will receive an email containing a status report about the upload. Take the following steps: 1) To view the status of the teachers you uploaded, open the .CSV file attached to the email. If a teacher was not successfully imported, an error description shows in that row. In the example below, the first teacher has an invalid email and was not imported, but the second teacher was imported successfully.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 81

2) You can review all teachers that were successfully uploaded in the HMH Download Center by first selecting SCHOOLS AND USERS option from the main navigation bar. Then select Manage Users from the dropdown list. The newly imported teachers will now be listed on the Manage Users page.7.3 Managing UsersOn the Manage Users page, district administrators can view a list of users in their district andedit or deactivate users as required. A school administrator can view a list of the users only intheir school.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 82

7.3.1 Customizing the View on Manage Users PageThe Manage Users page allows you to customize how users are displayed as follows:1. Click the name on a column heading to sort the list of bundles by that field. Click the column heading again to toggle between descending and ascending sort order. This is possible on all column headings apart from Title and Modify.2. In the Search field, you can enter a string to search for and list all the user entries that contain that string.3. On the Role dropdown list, you can choose to filter users based on their roles, from the following options: o All o District Administrators o School Administrators o Teachers4. On the Status dropdown list, you can choose to filter users based on their status values, which are as follows: o All o Active o DeactivatedHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 83

7.3.2 Editing a UserTo edit a user, take the following steps:1. On the Manage Users page, click the Edit link to the right of the user you want to edit. On the Edit User screen, you can edit the details for that user.2. Alter the user details as required. Note that you cannot alter the Role, School, or Email Address fields.3. When you have finished, click Update to commit the changes to the user.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 84

7.3.3 Deactivating a UserIf you want to remove a user from the system, you need to deactivate that user. To deactivate auser, take the following steps:1. On the Manage Users page, click the Deactivate link to the right of the user listing.A warning message appears describing the implications of deactivating a user.Note: This step cannot be undone.2. If you are sure you want to continue, click Deactivate. Any active bundles created by the user will remain active until the bundle has reached its expiration date. The user will be deactivated and will now appear as Inactive on the Manage Users page.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 85

7.4 Managing SchoolsOn the Manage Schools page, district administrators can view a list of the schools in thedistrict. 7.4.1 Introduction to School ManagementDistrict administrators using the Manage Schools page can view a list of all the schools in theirdistricts. School administrators using the Manage Schools page can view only the informationfor their individual schools.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 86

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