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Home Explore Anatomy Book

Anatomy Book

Published by amxyour, 2022-09-28 07:46:42

Description: terminology human anatomy


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SKELETAL SYSTEM | Coccyx Sacrum Coccyx / Sacrum ᐸᒥᐅᖅ Pamiuq Pamialluk Haut de la raie des fesses 341

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Costal Cartilage/Rib Cage/Sternum/Breast Bone Costal Cartilage / Rib Cage / Sternum / Breast Bone ᓴᒡᕕᒃ Sagvik Ilaun'nguyaq Cartilage costal / cage thoracique / sternum 342

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Craniovertebral Articulation Craniovertebral Articulation ᓂᐊᖁᕐᒥᑦ ᖁᖓᓯᐅᑉ ᓇᒡᒍᐊᖏᑦ Niaqurmit Qungasiup Nagguangit Niaqqup Qimirluublu Ingutaarnia Articulation crânio- vertébrale 343

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Distal Epiphysis Distal Epiphysis ᓴᐅᓂᐅᑉ ᐃᓱᐊ Sauniup Isua Ihugluit/Ipiringniup Qaqqulaanga Épiphyse distale 344

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Eye Socket or Orbit Eye Socket or Orbit ᐃᔨᓕᕐᕕᒃ Ijilirvik Iyiqarvik Orbite 345

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Femur, Thighbone Femur, Thighbone ᖁᒃᑐᕋᖅ Qukturaq Qukturaq Cuisse (face antérieure), femur 346

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Floating Rib, Last Rib Floating Rib, Last Rib ᓄᕗᓕᒃᓴᖅ Nuvuliksaq Ihukhiq Côte flattante, dernière côte 347

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Frontal Bone Frontal Bone ᖃᐅᖅ Qauq Qaup Haunia Os frontal 348

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Greater Trochanter Greater Trochanter ᒪᑭᓯᖅ Makisiq Makitiq Hanche (région de la) 349

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Hip Hip ᑰᑦᑎᖅ Kuuttiq Hilviaq Hanche 350

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Hip Joint Hip Joint ᓯᕝᕕᐊᖅ Sivviaq Kuuttiq Os iliaque, os de la hanche 351

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Hip, Iliac Bone/Hip Area Hip, Iliac Bone / Hip Area ᓯᕝᕕᐊᖃᕐᕕᒃ Sivviaqarvik Hilviaq Hanche, os iliaque 352

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Humerus Humerus ᐊᒃᓴᖅᑯᖅ Aksaqquq Akhatquq Humérus 353

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Iliac Crest Iliac Crest ᒪᑭᓯᖅ Makisiq Kuuttiniq Crête iliaque 354

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Ischium Ischium ᓄᓗᖅ Nuluq Kuuttiup Kangia Ischion 355

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Jaw Bone Jaw Bone ᐅᓗᐊᑉ ᓴᐅᓂᖓ ᐊᑖᓃᓐᓃᖅᓴᖅ Uluap Sauninga Ataaniinniiqsaq Uluap Haunia Os malaire ou zygomatique 356

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Knee Joint Knee Joint ᓰᖅᑯᐊᖅ Siiqquaq Nabluk Articulation du genou 357

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Lower End of the Ribs Lower End of the Ribs ᓄᕗᓕᒃᓴᑦ Nuvuliksat Ihukhiq Bas des côtes 358

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Lumbar Vertebrae/Sacrum Lumbar Vertebrae / Sacrum ᑯᑦᑎᓂᖅ Kuttiniq Kuuttiniq Vertèbres lombaires / sacrum 359

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Mandible/Lower Jaw Bone Mandible / Lower Jaw Bone ᐊᒡᓕᕈᖅ Agliruq Agliruq Mandibule (maxilllaire inférieur ou mâchoire inférieure) 360

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Mandibular Condyle Mandibular Condyle ᐊᒡᓕᕉᑉ ᑐᖓᓂᖓ Agliruup Tunganinga Tuttak Condyle de la mandibule 361

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Manubrium Manubrium ᓴᑭᐊᑉ ᖁᓕᖔᖓ Sakiap Qulingaanga Hakiap Haunia Manubrium 362

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Marrow Marrow ᐸᑎᖅ Patiq Patiq Moelle osseuse 363

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Mastoid Process Mastoid Process ᓂᐅᓕᖅ Niuliq Niuliq Processus (ou apophyse) mastoide 364

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Metacarpus Metacarpus ᐸᒡᕕᒃ Pagvik Algaup Hauniit Métacarpe 365

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Metatarsus Metatarsus ᐃᓯᒐᐅᑉ ᐸᒡᕕᖏᑦ Isigaup Pagvingit Itikkap Hauniit Métatarse 366

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Nasal Bone Nasal Bone ᕿᖓᐅᑉ ᓴᐅᓂᖓ Qingaup Sauninga Qingaukhuq Os du nez 367

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Neck of the Thighbone, Hip Articulation Neck of the Thighbone, Hip Articulation ᓯᕝᕕᐊᖅ Sivviaq Hilviaq Col du fémur, articulation de la hanche 368

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Occiput Occiput ᑐᓄᓱᒃ Tunusuk Tunuhuk Occiput 369

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Occipital Bone Occipital Bone ᑐᓄᓲᑉ ᐱᕐᓂᖓ Tunusuup Pirninga Tunuhuk Os occipital 370

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Occipital Condyle Occipital Condyle ᑐᓄᓲᑉ ᓂᐅᓕᖓ Tunusuup Niulinga Niuliq Condyle occipital 371

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Parietal Bone Parietal Bone ᒪᒃᑲᖅ Makkaq Kaavyiup Haunia Os pariétal 372

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Patella/Kneecap Patella / Kneecap ᓰᖅᑯᐊᖅ Siiqquaq Hiitquaq Rotule 373

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Pelvis Pelvis ᑰᑦᑎᖅ Kuuttiq Kuuttiq Bassin 374

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Periosteum Periosteum ᐃᐱᓂᖅ Ipiniq Haun'ngup Mamia Périoste 375

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Petrous of Temporal Bone Petrous of Temporal Bone ᓯᐅᓐᓇᖅ Siunnaq Tuuttiniup Haunia Rocher de l’os temporal 376

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Phalanges of the Hands and of the Feet Phalanges of the Hands and of the Feet ᐃᓄᒐᙳᐊᑦ Inugannguat Inugait Phalanges des mains et des pieds 377

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Posterior Fontanelle Posterior Fontanelle ᐊᕚᖅ Avaaq Tunuhuk Fontanelle postérieure 378

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Protuberance of the First Dorsal Vertebra, Bump Protuberance of the First Dorsal Vertebra, Bump ᐱᑯᒃ Pikuk Pikuk Vertèbre proéminente dorsale 379

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Proximal Epiphysis Proximal Epiphysis ᓴᐅᓂᐅᑉ ᑐᙵᓂᖓ Sauniup Tunnganinga Ihugluit/Ipiringniup Qaqqulaanga Épiphyse proximale 380

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Pubic Bone Pubic Bone ᐃᖏ Ingi Ingik Pubis 381

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Radius Radius ᐊᒡᒐᐅᑎᐅᑉ ᓴᐅᓂᖓ Aggautiup Sauninga Pikilhaut Radius 382

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Rib Rib ᑐᓕᒫᖅ Tulimaaq Tulimaaq Côte 383

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Scapula/Shoulder Blade Scapula / Shoulder Blade ᑭᐊᓯᒃ Kiasik Kiahik Omoplate ou scapula 384

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Shoulder Joint Shoulder Joint ᓂᒐᓪᓗᖅ Nigalluq Tuigup Navgua Articulation de l’épaule 385

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Skeleton Skeleton ᓴᐅᓃᓐᓇᖅ Sauniinnaq Haun'ngit Squelette 386

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Skull Skull ᓂᐊᖁᖅ Niaquq Niaqqup Haunia Crâne 387

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Sphenoid Bone Sphenoid Bone ᐃᖅᓴᖅ Iqsaq Hiutiqarvik Os sphénoide 388

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Spinal Cord Spinal Cord ᕿᑎᕋᖅ Qitiraq Qitiraq Moelle épinière 389

SKELETAL SYSTEM | Spinal Process of the First Thoracic Vertebrae Spinal Process of the First Thoracic Vertebrae ᐱᑯ Piku Kuapigaup Nungummaa Processus épineux 390

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