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eV NC Conference Leave Behind

Published by chris.williams, 2017-12-06 09:21:04

Description: Experience EchoVantage!


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Michael Adams Scott D. TaylorDirector of Sales, North Carolina Director of Business Relations(910) [email protected] (800) 635-8209 [email protected]

E C H O VA N TA G E 1 About Echo 2 Echo ExpertiseContents 3 Echo Flexibility 4 Clinical Features 5 Integrated Care 6 Client Engagement 7 Client Portal 8 Fiscal Features 9 Reporting Tools 10 Echo Implementation 11 Echo Support 12 Echo Community

ABOUT ECHOMaking our North Carolina partners clinically effective and financially strong• Privately owned since 1981 • Partners in over 35 states• 8 Partners and over 20 years of experience in North Carolina• Our partners, collectively, work with each of the LME-MCOs and NC-TRACKS“With Echo, we’ve developed a partnership that promotes flexibility an adaptability to meet the electronic health record needs of an ever-changing mental healthcare environment.”

ECHO EXPERTISE Scott D. Taylor Director of Business Relations Scott joined The Echo Group in 1996. Over his 20 years with Echo, he has filled many roles including professional services, support, and sales. Scott’s areas of expertise includes Electronic Health Records for Behavioral Health, HIPAA Privacy and Security, Health Information Exchanges, Meaningful Use, and the Excellence in Mental Health Act. Contact Scott at [email protected] or (800) 635-8209 Michael Adams Director of Sales, North Carolina Based in Wilmington, Michael joined Echo this year and brings an extensive knowledge of the needs of North Carolina providers and Managed Care Organizations. “I am very excited to work with the team at Echo to help North Carolina providers meet the challenges of Health Information Exchange, Medicaid Transformation, and getting paid for the valuable services they provide.” Contact Michael at [email protected] or (910) 520-6414

NC HIE TRANSITIONNC HealthConnexImportant dates for your NC HIE transition:ü June 1, 2018: New date by which Medicaid providers who have an electronic health record must be connected and submit data to the NC HealthConnex Health Information Exchange (HIE)ü June 1, 2019: Date all other providers of Medicaid and state-funded services must connectü Today: You’ll need to select and implement an ONC-certified Electronic Health Record now to be ready to meet those deadlinesü Today: Complete your participation agreement (PA) and start testingMore information regarding NC HealthConnex is available at:

FLEXIBILITY TO MEET THE UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF NORTH CAROLINA PROGRAMS AND AGENCIESü Comprehensive Clinical Assessmentü Person Centered Planü Service Authorization Requestü PIE Noteü Evaluation and Management Note ü NC-TOPPSü ASAMü LOCUS and CALOCUS

CLINICAL FEATURESThe Visual Health Recordü The Echo Visual Health Record (VHR) is the center of Echo’s electronic health record. It displays a complete client case on a timeline in a visual, easy to understand format. ü Clinicians can see the temporal relationships between events in a client’s life and gain better clinical insights and decision support as well as recognize issues and trends with built-in Visual Alerting.ü The graphics and colors of the Visual Health Record bring intuitive meaning to your staff at a glance. ü A Green/Yellow/Red color scheme allows you to quickly identify trends a that need to be monitored or those that are emergent. ü You can choose icons to identify service types such as medical appointments, group appointments, crisis appointments or no shows.


CLINICAL FEATURESRelease of Informationü Releases of Information can be tracked for each organization with which you need to exchange client data. ü You can also print a copy of the Release of Information for the client or save it to a PDF.

CLINICAL FEATURESComprehensive Clinical Assessment (CCA) ü The system supports a variety of assessment tools, all of which can be configured by your organization. ü Echo maintains a library of common assessments that are in the public domain. ü With the FormDesignEHR tool included with Clinician’s Desktop you can create your own assessments.

CLINICAL FEATURESTreatment Care and Planning ü Our Treatment Plan module is highly configurable, allows easy entry, and a clear and understandable plan formatü Treatment Plan templates allow you to easily configure the structure of many types of plans from Behavioral Health Plans Individual Service Plans, Individual Education Plans, Person Centered Plans and Crisis or Safety Plans.

CLINICAL FEATURESService Authorization Request (SAR or TAR)ü Service Authorization Request information, including LOCUS/CALOCS, ASAM, Diagnoses, Substance Abuse History, Medical History and Attestations can be captured on the SAR screen for submission to Local Managing Entities (LME). ü Child, Adolescent and Adult NC-TOPPS information is captured and available for reporting.

INTEGRATED CAREThe Visual Health Record is an excellent vehicle for tracking primary care services and patient progress. Busy physicians and nurse practitioners can see patient progress, medications, vital signs and assessments without using a keyboard or mouse. ü Vital signs are recorded and displayed on the VHR timeline with icons to inform if there are outliers to be addressed.ü Screenings can be performed with a minimum number of keystrokes and added to the client timeline.ü The VHR manages medications, prescriptions, refills and patient compliance. You can change pharmacies, determine if medications are in a formulary and view drug interactions in the VHR and DrFirst RCopia.


CLIENT ENGAGEMENTMobile AssessmentsThe Mobile Assessment Builder adds the ability to enhance client engagement by creating assessments that can be completed by clients on mobile devices. The assessments can be deployed at a kiosk or on an iPad or tablet in a waiting room, or sent to the client’s own mobile device for regular check in.The Mobile Assessment Authoring Tool makes it easy for you to create your own assessments, complete with conditional logic and scoring, to reduce the need for your staff to perform data entry.Once designed, you may preview the questions, reorder them, and make subsequent questions dependent on the answer to previous questions.


C L I E N T P O R TA Lü Echo provides a Client Portal so that Clients can view their important health information such as their upcoming appointments, medications, lab results, allergies and diagnosis. ü The Client Portal is configurable by your organization if you wish to limit what information clients see online. ü The Portal is completely secure and provides an auto-logout feature for when the portal has remained idle.


FISCAL FEATURESVisual Billingü Behavioral Health billing is hard. EchoVantage has streamlined and simplified a complicated process.ü We’ve demonstrated how visual improves clinical effectiveness. Now visual will help you become financially strong.ü The Fiscal VantagePoint functions as a central workspace for you your billing processes.


REPORTING TOOLSEcho’s software includes a number of standard reports and each of these has various selection criteria providing the opportunity to query data in many formats. In addition, Echo has strategically incorporated other tools with our product to offer one of the most comprehensive reporting tool sets in our industry.SSRS™Echo Vantage has built-in interfaces to SSRS reports directly from the applications. Your staff experience a seamless interface to the reports, running them from either menus or buttons on windows within the application. Custom reports that are developed in SSRS can be added into the existing report menus.Crystal Dashboard Design™Crystal Dashboard Design provides a Dashboard representation of your Clinical and Fiscal data facilitating a better understanding of data trends. An interface to these informative dashboards allows you to embed them in Clinician’s Desktop so you’ll never need to leave the application to run them.


REPORTING TOOLSFiscal EKG™The reduction in Medicaid, new waiver programs, pay for performance and primary care integration require ongoing financial review. You may need to look at dollars by payers or programs, or may need to look hours of service for the agency or a group of clinicians. Echo’s Fiscal EKG provides an easy and powerful tool for the review.The Billing Preview Search Criteria screen has multi-levels of analysis and chart output to choose from including Dollars -Billed Services, Amount Collected, Services Provided and Hours including Service Hours by program and or clinicians.The Fiscal EKG is ready to create an analysis or update anytime access to the database and a web browser is available.


E C H O I M P L E M E N TAT I O NProject Deployment Methodology While each project has unique characteristics, The Echo Group follows a standard Sales-to-Support deployment methodology designed specifically for each project’s scope and success criteria. There are four phases to every project:1. Project Initiation2. Project Planning3. Project Execution & Monitoring4. Project Go Live & Closure The following project management protocols guide each project phase:ü The identification of project objectives and success criteriaü Establishment of a project charter and project timelineü Managing communication with the project stakeholdersü Monitoring budget ü Measuring status of project activitiesü Identifying risks and taking corrective actions (risk management)ü Managing change through a documented change control process ü Project closure occurs when the project objectives and success criteria are achievedü Project management skills and infrastructure supports

E C H O I M P L E M E N TAT I O NProject Planning Onsite Testing and Go Live Workshop Configuration Training ü PPW Report Workshop ü Project Plan ü Configuration Follow-up ü System Testing Calls ü Super-user Training ü User Acceptance ü Form and Report Training TestingDesign Implement Build Test Train

ECHO SUPPORTHelp Desk SupportHelp Desk contact methods include email, phone, and online support, provided by Support staff available with a “live voice” response. E-mail can be used for low priority needs; Internet support and chat rooms are offered as well. An online knowledgebase and community is also available via the Echo p2p365 site.


ECHO COMMUNITY Peer to Peer Summit v. 15 “I look forward to attending Peer to Peer every year. It’s like a family reunion.”The Peer to Peer Summit is our signature event and each year we’re able to connect with partners for three days of peace, love, and software.Insight, innovation, and inspiration, are just three of the many reasons our partners travel from across the country to meet in New England each autumn.Then there’s the three days of networking with other partners and Echo staff that most who attend consider to be as valuable as the sessions.


OUR NORTH CAROLINA PARTNERS (800) [email protected]

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