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Home Explore Out and About STYLE Mag Issue 2 Vol. 2

Out and About STYLE Mag Issue 2 Vol. 2

Published by Marsha Fry, 2020-03-16 02:05:04

Description: A woman can be a mother, a teacher, a doctor or even a soldier, and whatever path she decides to follow, we at Out and About STYLE Mag. are always here to proudly support!

Keywords: Out and About STYLE Mag


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1. TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF. cooking technique of each ingredient. I’m a 29 years old Emirati chef. I started cooking after I lost weight around five years ago and I was 3. BEING A CHEF IS AN UNLIKELY able to learn more about healthy and delicious CAREER FOR A YOUNG EMIRATI, TELL US food. I eventually developed a passion for it and ABOUT YOUR JOURNEY. continued pursuing a path in the arts of fine dining. I graduated from the States with a double major in Accounting and Finance, but decided on a 2. HOW DID YOU DEVELOP AN different career path. I was lucky enough to have INTEREST IN FOOD? a very supportive family. It was definitely a shock Before, I weighed around 150 kg and I always loved to them at first, but eventually, when they saw the food, but when I was losing weight, I did not like any effort and how serious I was about being a chef, healthy restaurant meals out there which led me to they accepted my decision. It was obvious that I prepare my own meals. In that process, I started wanted to reach specific goals in this newfound learning more and more about how to perfect the passion. 51

4. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR STYLE OF COOKING? It would definitely have to be related to the flavours I grew up with and the traditional food in my hometown. However, I work in the method of fine dining, where food is executed at a higher standard than your average cooking method. 5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE CUISINE TO COOK? Definitely Asian cuisines. It is very diverse- infused with rich and beautiful culture. I love the authenticity of every dish and ingredient. 6. IF YOU WERE NOT A CHEF, WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? It would still be something related to the food industry. Since food is one of the primary needs of people, it is one that will continue to exist no matter what. 7. WHAT’S THE MODERN KITCHEN GADGET YOU COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT? My sous-vide machine, because it helps me create amazing dishes all the time. It will let you cook dishes in a much more natural and healthy way. 52

8. DO YOU HAVE A “SIGNATURE DISH” OR FAVOURITE DISH YOU ENJOY COOKING? I’m a big fan of seafood dishes. Seafood is very versatile. Creating unique and delicious dishes is always possible. I always enjoy cooking and working with freshly caught fish. 9. WHERE DOES YOUR INSPIRATION COME FROM? The people, my family, nature- everything, especially when I turn a memory into a delicious and mouthwatering dish. 10. WHAT ARE YOUR ESSENTIAL INGREDIENTS, THE THINGS YOU COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT? Salt, spice and everything nice. 11. IS THERE A SECRET FOR A SUCCESSFUL RESTAURANT? A successful restaurant has massive patience because success is not an easy process. For you to stand out, you need to create a unique flavour that people will always remember. Execution is needed to make plans into reality. Lastly, consistency is the key for you to be on top of the competition. 12. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE WANTING TO BECOME A CHEF? If you don’t have passion for it and you’re not happy doing it, don’t waste your time. Persistence and determination is needed to reach your goals. 13. DO YOU HAVE ANY TIPS FROM THE KITCHEN THAT YOU’VE PICKED UP THAT COULD BE USEFUL TO HOME COOKS? Practice makes perfect. Try again even if you fail, things will be better, and you’ll learn from every mistake. 14. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY EAT? I always like grilled chicken with hot sauce. 15. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO OUTSIDE OF THE KITCHEN? I like going to the gym. I work out about three hours a day, five days a week. Mainly because I eat a lot and I’m prone to getting fat, I need to burn the fats regularly to remain healthy. 53



LIFESTYLE 8 EVENING ROUTINES THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR MORNINGS You wake up an hour before work, groggy-eyed and means that you know exactly what to do each morning, a lethargic. You take a shower at lightning speed and rush nighttime routine has the following benefits: to get ready. You grab the essentials and run out the door. Some days, there is time to fetch a coffee and some days, • You will have a high-quality rest and full deep not even that. You start work feeling overwhelmed and sleep. discombobulated. Mid-week, you’re already burnt out and can’t wait for the weekend before the same process • Your brain will be fresher when you wake up and repeats itself again. follow through your morning routine. How do you get out of this miserable cycle? The answer • You will be able to deal with your day in a much is to develop a routine. A routine is the first step that can organised and productive manner. either make or break you. Having a healthy routine helps you achieve more, work efficiently and not drain yourself The best way to incorporate routine in your life is to start in the process. with a nighttime routine, because we are more relaxed and freer to try new practices at bedtime rather than the Morning and nighttime routines take a bit of this discipline, mornings when we are hurrying to work. but they go a long way in setting you up for success. Both of them are important. While having a morning routine We have put together eight (8) effective nighttime routines to change your mornings for the better. 56

HAVE A HEALTHY AND EARLY DINNER Have your dinner at a comfortably early time. Heavy meals at dinner or overeating may cause you to feel bloated and unfocused. If you do feel like having a snack before bedtime, go for a hydrating drink like infused water or some herbal tea. Take the time immediately after dinner to sort and pack your lunch for the next day. Store the rest appropriately, so you are well prepared for tomorrow’s dinner as well. TIDY UP YOUR LIVING SPACE Nobody likes waking up to clothes strewn over the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. Give about 30 minutes for clearing up your living spaces. Do the dishes and sort your laundry. This way, when you wake up, you will find a fully organised area through which you can manoeuvre much more comfortably. BE MINDFUL OF YOUR NIGHTTIME ROUTINE Build a mindful nighttime routine by taking a few minutes to prepare for the next morning. Laying out your clothes, packing your bag and shining your shoes are all activities that will help you be prepared for a less hectic morning. 57

TAKE TIME TO UNWIND BEFORE YOU HIT THE BED By unwind, we don’t mean browse on your phone until your eyelids drop. Spend time with your family or take a relaxing bubble bath. A happy mind is always able to sleep better and perform to its potential. You will find meditating or involving yourself in prayer before bedtime calms all your senses after an over-stimulated day. READY YOUR BED FOR SLEEPING Freshen your sheets, pillowcases and quilts for a more luxurious sleep. Maybe add a few extra pillows to make your bed feel more inviting. Invest in sheets of soothing colours and patterns to make you mentally relaxed when in bed. Weighted blankets are a great option for those who struggle with falling into a deep sleep and find themselves waking up startled to the slightest noise. UNPLUG AND DISCONNECT Several sleep studies suggest that light and radiation emitted from electronic devices hampers the quality of REM sleep. We cannot stress enough the importance of disconnecting from devices before bedtime. If you set your alarm on your phone, place it across the room from where you sleep, preferably on flight mode. This helps in so many ways. Firstly, the radiation from the phone won’t reach you. Secondly, you won’t have to deal with the constant buzzing on the phone. Thirdly, you will have to get out of bed and walk to your alarm in the morning to switch it off, which will reduce the urge to go back to sleep. 58

BUILD CONSISTENT SLEEP RITUALS Bedtime rituals help signal your brain to get ready to sleep. These rituals should ideally be short, calming activities that help ease your mind into winding down. Brew yourself a cup of chamomile tea or read a book, even listen to some soothing music or self-affirmations to help tune your mind and body positively. BE CONSISTENT The secret to success is not to avoid failure, but to keep taking a step forward. Be consistent with your bedtime routines. Do not punish yourself for skipping a night or two but do your absolute best to stick to them. The best way to do it is to start early so you have ample time to complete each step at your pace and not hurry through the process. The whole point of developing a bedtime routine is to relax after the rush of the day and be energised for the next! 59

HACKING GRATITUDE So first things first, what do we mean by gratitude? decades and when I studied this, (many moons ago), Gratitude simply means thankfulness and gratefulness. I could really connect with it, and it was almost like a ‘to do’ list for me at first as I was young, ambitious Most of us have a roof over our heads; we have good and wanted to achieve certain things in life, (another health, we have beautiful families, have enough money topic for another time perhaps). I was also aware that to put food on the table and enough to buy clothes for this model depicts a certain lifestyle that almost says: ourselves and our family. Most people already have it is ok to want more; it is ok to be greedy and never more aside from these basic needs. Yet most of us are be contented. not yet content. We always want more, we want to do more, and achieve more, of course, you’re not alone. However, you quickly realise that this hierarchy of needs is not the be-all and end-all. It’s a good Maslow’s hierarchy of needs talks about five levels we baseline to start with if you want it to be. So what humans want to attain (in order of priority): happens when you can’t relate to or agree with these needs or wants (depending on which way you look 1. Physiological needs – at it)? What happens when you achieve level 5 and i.e. food, water, shelter, clothing etc then what? What is next? After a little pondering and 2. Safety needs – i.e. personal security, a lot of soul searching, I came to the conclusion that there is no magic formula for what is next or what employment, resources, health, property else; it all depends on you, on what your purpose 3. Love and Belonging – i.e. friendship, intimacy, in life is, what is important to you, what difference family, sense of belonging do you want to make in this world, what legacy do 4. Esteem – i.e. respect, status, self-esteem, you want to leave behind? This would, of course, be recognition, strength and freedom different for different people as we all have different maps of the world. 5. Self-actualisation – i.e. desire to be the most that one can be We are all wired to think that it is those ‘things’ that make This has been taught in MBAs around the world for 60

us happy, we will be happier when we have our own house, strive to achieve for ourselves and our loved ones! when we have more money, when we are slimmer, when we There are some of us that started on this path of striving have the latest car or the latest phone, or the salary hike or for success (based on our own meaning of success that that promotion and then when we get what we wanted, we is) for different reasons, myself included. But generally are happy for a short while and… until we are not. Then we speaking, we are so easily sucked into this worldly ‘wants’ wonder what is wrong, why are we not happy? of life and materialism, which is so beautifully portrayed by large corporations worth trillions in their tantalising, Happiness comes from within you; you get to decide mouth-watering and enticing ads, that’s why they what and who makes you happy. Things don’t make manage to sell us both what we need and what we want. you happy. Be happy and be grateful for what you have Don’t get me wrong; there’s nothing wrong with treating already, not what you will get or achieve, or what you yourself with ‘wants’ once in a while, the real question is, ‘think’ will make you happy. do you have an awareness of your wants vs needs? Have you ever seen a young child playing with toys at We sometimes forget to be happy and grateful for home or in daycare, perhaps this has been your child what we already have and who we are. So let’s stop or a friend’s child? Have you ever noticed that despite comparing ourselves to others, let’s stop doing what giving the child the latest, the most expensive toy with others do. Let’s stop buying into what others are buying all the bells and whistles, after a few minutes of play with into. Listen to your inner self. Do what feels right for it, all they want to do is take a kitchen pot or a pan and you, do what feels good for you, be YOU! a wooden spoon and bang the spoon on the pan and be content with the noise it makes? It’s true, isn’t it? It’s “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having the simplest, most basic of things that entertain a child more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you at that age and they are happy, why? Because they don’t will never, ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey know any better, or worse as the case may be! Like most people, I used to be aware that I needed to What happened, or what changed as we grew into be more grateful for what I already have, what I had adults? We want more; we want the latest gadget already achieved, but there was always something else because our friends have it, we want the latest designer that got in the way. I soon realised I was not alone; we outfit because our competitor is wearing it, we want have all been there, we are all so occupied with the fast to look like that person on that TV commercial or that pace of ‘doing’ life, that we forget to ‘enjoy’ life. We live ‘beautiful person’ on that fashion magazine cover. and do so much for the future that we forget to be really ‘present’ in the present. The pressures, the standards and the expectations we So here are top seven gratitude hacks to try today: 1 PRACTISE GRATEFULNESS 2 QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY Don’t just try and feel grateful, practise it - It’s the quality of life that’s important, not pray, meditate, be happy, be appreciative, making it a thing to do on your to-do list and what you have, want or need. Who or what if you practise it every day, it will become a habit, and over time it will become a part of do you have in your life today, and what if it you. Start today! was not there tomorrow? Do you tell them or appreciate them enough? Have you told them this? Try it today! 61

3 LEGACY 4 GIVING BACK If you were to die tomorrow, what is the I struggled, you struggled, our parents and legacy you want to leave behind? We all hope that we live ‘till we are in our 70s/80/90s, but ancestors struggled with one thing or another, there is no guarantee, is there? What if you live even longer than that, and the people how can we give back and help others instead, that you love go before you do? What regrets would you have, or what regrets would you how can we make a difference to someone’s not want to have? Start today! life? Try it today! 5 VALUES 6 APPRECIATION What are your values? How can you work, Part of gratitude is being thankful and being live and be happy with the values that you appreciative of everything, everyone, and have? Do you try and make an effort to work every day. Just simple things go a long way, with people with similar values? If money was from saying thank you to a waiter serving you not an issue, would you work with someone at a restaurant, thank you to your spouse for where your values were not aligned? Do remembering your birthday, thank you to your people around you know and understand your boss for letting you go and take time off to values? Do they understand who you are and attend a workshop. Thank you to someone in what you stand for? Try it today! front of you, who simply holds the door for you as you approach it. Try it today! 62

7 RELATIONSHIPS We humans crave communication, we are a relational species. Research shows that if we have people and relationships in our lives, we are happier, hey we even live longer! It can’t get better than that right? After all, if like me, you are based in the UAE, where there is so much culture, people from different walks of life, so many opportunities to network and meet people, don’t put it off like I initially did, start today! With increased gratitude, you will feel happier, energised, have a greater degree of empathy and optimism with a renewed zest for life, come what may! Who doesn’t want an extra dose of dopamine today? FARZANA KAZEMI Farzana is a multiple award-winning “Human Capital Leader” 2018 and a “Women of Substance” Award winner 2020. An experienced and qualified NLP FCIPD, MANLP, ICF Coach Master Coach, a Woman Entrepreneur, Mentor and an Advocate for Women Empowerment. Founder/CEO, NLP Master Coach & HR Consultant She is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), holds a Post Graduate Diploma in HR from Wolverhampton University in the UK, is certified with British Psychological Society (BPS) and the Institute of Legal Executives (CiLEX), is a Certified Coach with International Coaching Federation (ICF) and a Professional Member and NLP Practitioner with the International Association of NLP (ANLP) in the UK. She is the founder and CEO of Trailblazer Consulting and helps individuals and particularly women in becoming masterful in their craft through NLP Coaching, helping them explore and better understand their identity, overcome any limiting beliefs, set and achieve their goals, whilst improving their quality of life, through a transformational journey. Farzana has helped dozens of clients already through executive coaching, business coaching and women leadership coaching. 63

FOOD A MATCH Beyond simply the taste, some foods blend well MADE AT when paired especially in terms of increasing MEALTIME: the benefits we get from them. By combining certain foods, you can enjoy more nutrition. 10 FOOD Check out the following for the top 10 mealtime PAIRING food pairing ideas. IDEAS 1. PEANUT BUTTER, TOMATO, CHEESE AND BASIL They are made for each other, especially if you’re looking to get a nutritious meal even with just a small serving. The powerful combination of these foods allows your body to consume more vitamins and minerals in one sitting. 64

2. STEAK WITH BROCCOLI ON THE SIDE Steak and vegetables is a perfect food pair on any given day, with or without an occasion. One of the most complementary veggies to combine with steak is broccoli. Did you know that pairing an iron-rich food, like steak, with a Vitamin C dense veggie, such as broccoli, could increase your body’s absorption of iron? So if you want to get more out of your steak lunch or dinner, you could add the Vitamin C rich broccoli into it as a side dish. Pan sear the steak and then roast the broccoli for the best results. 3. CHICKPEAS/BEANS WITH RICE This meal is a bomb when it comes to its explosive levels of vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre. You can pair them up for a complete meal. Chickpeas and beans are potent sources of protein, while rice is with energy-giving carbohydrates. By including beans into this meal, you can control your body’s need for carbohydrates. As a result, you can also prevent blood sugar spikes, which later lead to an energy drain. You can have this meal as a lunch or dinner, and make it healthier! This perfect food combination can also help you stay full for a longer period of time, and that is thanks to the protein in the beans. 4. ROAST VEGETABLES AND OLIVE OIL Roast vegetables are already sumptuous and healthy at the same time. They are packed with vitamins and minerals that your body and waistline love. You can up its taste and nutrition by a notch by drizzling them with olive oil. At the very least, adding olive oil or another fat source for that matter increases your body’s ability to absorb beta-carotene. If you want an alternative to olive oil, though, you can use avocado or butter instead. 65

5. EGG ON A SALAD Amp up the nutrition to get from a salad by adding eggs into it. Combine your favourite raw vegetables and top it with scrambled eggs. Did you know that people who eat a salad with eggs could up their body’s carotenoids, like beta carotene and lycopene, nine times higher than those who eat their salad without eggs? The fat content in the eggs is readily available for the body’s absorption. 6. SALMON AND SESAME SEEDS If you want to stay healthy while also boosting your mood, you should include salmon in your diet. It is not just with protein but also omega-3 fatty acids. If you don’t know yet, salmon is also rich in Vitamin D. So if you’re not getting your sunlight exposure daily, you should think about including salmon into meal planning. Plus, this nutrient is advisable, especially in lowering your risk of PMS. Pairing salmon with sesame seeds, you can also get your daily source of calcium. 7. OLIVE OIL AND TOMATOES One of the heaven-sent food matches that we all love is tomatoes and olive oil! If you’re trying to eat healthily, you might want to add it to your diet. For one, tomatoes are packed with lycopene, which possesses a great cancer-fighting property. It also contains antioxidants that can help in reducing body inflammation. On the other hand, olive oil is a great skin food. It is loaded with Vitamin E and antioxidants that keep skin healthy. It is also an amazing moisturiser that maintains hydration for young-looking skin, longer. Cooking both together, you can benefit from an optimal level of photochemical absorption. You can combine both, or add to your favourite naan pizza, which is an excellent summer treat. If you want tomato in a different form and combination, you might also want tomato soup with grilled cheese. It is a cream- free, hearty, warm soup and to get the most out of your meal, pair it with grilled cheese. The classic childhood favourite food pair goes well while also supplying your body with high nutrition. 66

8. GARLIC AND ONIONS WITH WILD RICE Increase the bioavailability of the iron and zinc from grains by adding onions and garlic to it. So as a suggestion, you might want to try having cooked wild rice with garlic and onions. 9. TOFU AND BELL PEPPERS Aside from meat, tofu is also an excellent source of iron, about 6.6 milligrams per one-half cup. To increase the nutrients to get from this staple tofu food, you might want to pair it with bell peppers, which contain a higher level of Vitamin C than citrus fruits like oranges do. Tofu can also be substituted with beans, as another great protein source. 10. AVOCADOS AND SPINACH Improve eye health by pairing up these two superfoods! Spinach packs lutein, which is good for the eyes, while avocado with healthy fats. Together, they work to improve vision and could prevent blindness. Let food help you avoid impaired vision by adding avocados and spinach into your diet. Avocado is rich in fibre, which accounts for most of its carbohydrate content. Just half of it can supply your body with 4.5 grams of fibre, which is one of its main health benefits. This fruit is a great appetite regulator and can feed the gut’s friendly bacteria, too. With enough supply of fibre in your body, you can also lower your risk of many diseases. There you have the perfect food pairs that you might want to consider adding in your diet for a happier and healthier life! After all, food choices affect your emotions and can lift your mood too; the bottom line is that choosing food wisely can help boost your immune system and health as well as make you feel and look good. 67

FOOD FIVE MUST-TRY JAMAICAN RECIPES Jamaica is not only known for being the birthplace of reggae music, its beautiful beaches, or producing the fastest athletes on the planet; food is also a big hit on the Caribbean island. Jamaican food is influenced by different people who live on their land. Most of their cuisine is changed based on the availability of ingredients in the area. Needless to say, Jamaica is blessed with amazing culture, people and food. Are you looking for Jamaican recipe ideas? Whether you’re a Jamaican or not, you might be interested to know what recipes are a mark of Jamaica. The national dish in the country is saltfish and ackee, but there are a lot more delectable dishes that many may not know. Find out the five popular Jamaican recipes that you should try at home. 1. JERK CHICKEN you planning for a party this weekend? Add jerk chicken For its smoky flavour and spiciness, jerk chicken is loved on your list! by most Jamaicans and those who visit the island. Many think that this unique characteristic is due to the secret However, you might be asking, “Can I use boneless seasoning ingredients. Pimento berries, scotch bonnet chicken?” Yes, you can use boneless chicken breast, pepper, ginger, thyme and onion, are a staple in this but make sure that you don’t marinate for more than dish, but for best results, you might want to marinate the six hours. On the other hand, some people also use meat evenly and for a longer time to let the meat absorb chicken thighs for roasting or grilling. You can marinate all the flavours. the chicken thigh meat for up to 12 hours. The hours of marinating the meat will bring out the fine For the locals, they pair it with rice and peas or festivals flavours of this delicious dish. Then, you slow cook jerk for that fine Caribbean meal. Feel inspired in this video chicken on the grill. But if you don’t have pimento wood, for a homemade jerk chicken recipe. you can also cook jerk chicken in the oven or on a grill. Don’t forget the jerk sauce, though. If you love Jamaican food, you should try cooking this marinade recipe at home. For sure, even your kids will love the fresh but spicy flavour. All the ingredients and spices create a well-balanced and incredible dish. Are 68

2. ACKEE AND SALTFISH To prepare it, salted fish is sautéed in the boiled onions, Feel Jamaica wherever you are! Add this dish to the menu if peppers, spices, tomatoes and ackee. Typically, this dish is you’re having some Jamaican guests this weekend. Try it with served as a breakfast or dinner with hard dough bread, too. flour dumpling, yam, fried plantains, boiled green bananas You can also have it with plain rice or rice and peas. Here is a and steamed cabbage. video for recipe inspiration. This easy and sumptuous dish is simple! It’s been gaining fans from around the world. It is the country’s national dish that you might want to try. And if you’re a Jamaican, the more that you need to know how to make it. When you start cooking, you boil the ackee and saltfish separately. Once done boiling, you debone, flake and sauté the saltfish in scallion, onions, black pepper and thyme. Afterwards, you can combine it with ackee to make a lovely and delicious dish. In case you don’t know yet, ackee is a fruit that abounds in Jamaica and other warm climates. As it ripens, it turns bright red to yellow-orange before splitting open and revealing three black seeds. They are surrounded by soft and white/ yellow flesh. Today, canned ackee is one of the country’s major exports. 3. JAMAICAN PATTIES are many versions of this recipe. You can prepare them The traditional patties are filled with beef. However, you with veggies, meats or any kind of fillings that your heart can also choose other meat, including lamb or chicken. desires. You can serve miniature patties for an appetiser. You can also use lobster, shrimp, ackee, cheese, mixed If you’re making the cocktail size, you must cut the dough veggies, soy, fish and other choice ingredients. only in three-inch circles. The patty is baked inside a delicious and flaky shell, and You can serve these patties for a snack or lunch. The spiced its finished product is golden yellow due to the mixture of meat is a favourite among most Jamaican. In fact, you can turmeric or egg yolk. find them in every corner of the country. The locals usually have it along with a box drink or soda. Check out this video You can also keep some uncooked patties in the fridge, for an inspiration on Jamaican Beef Patties and bake them for a quick snack at any time of day. There 69

4. CURRY GOAT with the other races Jamaican. Today, the Indian- This dish is special. It is often made and served at Jamaican community still exists, influencing many celebrations and parties. It is a must-have Jamaican Jamaican cuisines and dishes like curry goat. recipe that you should know how to cook. The dish is flavourful and tender, and some people also find it If you live in communities having ethnic populations, more sumptuous than other stews that they have tried. you might be able to find goat meat in the market. However, you might have to go to a butcher to buy The curry dishes in Jamaica were brought by the goat meat in other places. Check out this video for a Indians. They were brought to the island to work on the curry goat recipe to try at home. plantations.Overthegenerations,theyhaveintermarried 5. STEW PEAS AND RICE Even if it is hot in Jamaica, people here are in love with soups and stews. Stew peas and rice is a favourite combination among the locals. This recipe is a Jamaican favourite; a comfort food that is quick and easy to prepare for the whole family. They use smoked turkey or salted beef. Salted beef makes the dish salty; however, make sure to remove some of the salt in the beef by soaking it overnight. This dish also works very well without meat. Here is a video for inspiration on how to make this hearty soup. These Jamaican recipes are easy to prepare and delicious. Don’t miss any of them when planning for a weekend party or a get-together. These five dishes will add life to any meal or celebration and are a mark of true Jamaican cuisine. Try them today! 70

FITNESS INCREASE YOUR METABOLISM NATURALLY Many of us have wondered how to increase our WHAT IS METABOLISM ANYWAY, AND WHY IS IT SO metabolism to help us live a healthier life and IMPORTANT? gain more energy. There are many ways to do so, Let’s start off by explaining what metabolism represents to but it is extremely important to do it in a natural us. Metabolism is often referred to as chemical reactions that way to prevent consequences in our health. keep us alive. However, it is also connected to the calories we burn. The main work of metabolism is to convert food to Everything good comes with a price, and it’s the energy. It is the building blocks of proteins, lipids, nucleic same with our health and metabolism. For us acids and carbohydrates. It also helps remove nitrogenous to gain more energy, stay healthy and increase wastes in our body. Those metabolic reactions are often our metabolism, we have to do certain things divided into two categories: that are not easy. However, once we start eating healthy and working on those things, everything • Catabolic else will come naturally and rather easily. The • Anabolic hardest part is to start and stay focused on your goal. There are multiple ways to increase your The main difference between those two reactions is that metabolism, but only a couple of them come catabolic reactions usually release energy and anabolic naturally to our bodies. reactions consume energy. The actual metabolic rate is equal to the number of calories we burn. There are plenty of advantages to having a high metabolism, and we will try and explain some of them. 71

PROS OF HAVING A HIGH METABOLISM also feel a lot better. The other advantage of having a high There are a lot of advantages that people with high metabolism is that you can reduce weight more easily and metabolism have compared to others. That is why most keep it off with no effort at all. What’s the catch, you may people are trying to increase their metabolism. However, ask yourself? In the next chapter, we will introduce to you some of them succeed; some of them don’t. ways to increase your metabolism in the most natural way possible. Later, we will cover the best ways to increase your metabolism naturally, but let me tell you first WHY you HOW TO INCREASE YOUR METABOLISM should do it. One of the things most people lack nowadays There are multiple ways to do so, but it’s important to keep is energy. You come home from work, and you are not able in mind that all you do should be natural for your body. to do anything else. While waiting for the weekend to do First of all, let’s explain which are the factors that have the something useful or something nice for yourself, you often most impact on our metabolism. The factor that we have don’t have the time to think about your productivity. no control over surely are genetics, age, and sex, but there are some factors that we can control. Those are body fat, One of the best things with people with higher metabolism muscle mass and the most important one – activity level. is that they have tons of energy. They can come home from Metabolism is all about processing calories and we can work and still have the time for themselves and do some teach our body how to do that faster. chores. Not only do they have much more energy, but they • HAVE ENOUGH CALORIE INTAKE Some may think that in order to lose weight you have to decrease the number of calories you take every day. However, that is far from the truth. For your metabolism to work well and to produce enough energy, you have to intake enough calories. • REGULAR MEALS Like everything in life, our metabolism also requires balance. When you do not eat regularly, your body takes starvation as a signal to preserve energy by burning calories slowly, and that is why your metabolism is slowing down as well. • COLD WATER Cold water actually increases your metabolic rate when you drink it. Why? Because your body spends more calories on heating up the water in order to have the same temperature and your metabolism also tends to speed up. 72

• EXERCISING Undeniably the least liked the way of increasing your metabolism, but unavoidable one is exercising. It has a strong impact on your metabolism and even after you have finished working out your metabolism is still racing up. • GREEN TEA If you could manage to have green tea on your routine list, then it will help increase your metabolism, and it will be another way to stay healthy. It’s way better than to drink juices that are full of sugar. There are plenty of ways to increase your metabolic rate; we have named some of them. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should do it in a natural way without any artificial substances that can do more harm than good. Boosting metabolism can have a great effect on your well- being, and after some time, you will start to feel much better and have much more energy. 73


TRAVEL TO ZANZIBAR WITH MONIQUE SPEARMAN It is no secret how much I love Zanzibar, Tanzania! The pristine beaches, fresh seafood, African Arabian culture and friendly people have stolen my heart since the first time I visited in December 2016. Zanzibar holds a special place in my heart because it's one of the few hidden islands on the eastern part of the African continent that will give you the most bang for your buck. This city has something to offer anyone looking for a good time. It doesn't matter if you're a solo traveller looking to meet new friends, the couple yearning for a peaceful getaway, the family with kids who want to explore a new culture or a large group ready for adventure, this is the destination for you! Here are six (6) reasons why Zanzibar, Tanzania needs to be your next destination: 75

1. STONE TOWN taste you won’t find anywhere else in the world. Stone Town is the cultural heart of Zanzibar. A city of The island’s mouthwatering dishes include, fresh prominent historical and artistic importance in East seafood, fresh fruit, curries, tender mutton, Indian Africa, Zanzibar’s architecture, mostly dating back biryani, Middle Eastern style grilled meat and more. to the 19th century, reflects the diverse influences of the Swahili culture. The city dons a unique mixture One of the most budget-friendly ways to really of Arab, Persian, Indian and European elements experience Zanzibar food and culture is to visit that stand out almost immediately the moment you Forodhani Gardens night market. There’s an array step foot in Stone Town. Designated as a UNESCO of food to choose from like Zanzibar pizza (must World Heritage Site in 2000, the heart of Stone try), fresh sugar cane juice, seafood kebabs, grilled Town mostly consists of a maze of narrow alleys meat, fried potatoes, chapatis and salads. lined by houses, shops, bazaars and mosques. Since most streets are too narrow for cars, the town If you’re looking for a more upscale way to is crowded with bicycles, motorbikes and relatively experience Zanzibar cuisine, I recommend a visit easy to navigate by foot. The seafront has wider to the Rooftop Tea House Restaurant at Emerson streets and larger, more regularly placed buildings Spice or Emerson on Hurumzi. Both restaurants from neat, sustainable fashion boutiques, to the offer seafood-based, five-course set- ‘Taste Safari’ loud, chaotic market on Creek Street. degustation menu, prepared daily by Zanzibari Chefs. The Tea House at Emerson Spice has a 2. THE CUISINE smaller, more intimate rooftop feel while Emerson It’s no surprise that Zanzibar has very flavorful food. on Hurumzi has Swahili style seating on thick Persian Known for its spice trade, Zanzibar was once one Rugs with low tables. Both restaurants are very of the world’s leading producers of spices like popular, so call ahead to make reservations. Dinner clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, black is typically served promptly at 7 pm, but make sure pepper, and vanilla. These iconic spices have made you get there at around 6 pm to watch the sunset their mark on Zanzibar’s cuisine, giving it a unique with a cocktail. The rooftop view is unforgettable! 76

3. THE BEACHES out for brightly-coloured kanga and kikois (traditional Not only is Zanzibar known for Stone Town and its wrap-around clothing), silver and tanzanite jewellery, culture, but it’s also known for its gorgeous beaches. handmade leather bags, sandals and shoes, an endless There are several different beaches to choose from range of woven baskets, wooden carvings, throws, wall in Zanzibar but my favourite beach to visit is Nungwi. hangings, rugs, antiques and ornaments of all shapes Situated on the North Coast of the Island, Nungwi has and sizes. There are plenty of keepsake souvenirs to pristine clear water and stunning white sands for miles bring home. on end. This is the perfect place to have your lazy days to sunbathe, read a book and indulge in fresh seafood. I highly recommend visiting Nungwi or hopping to other beaches in Zanzibar for at least a couple of days. 4. THE SHOPPING If you love shopping as much as I do, you will love Zanzibar. Stone Town is shopping heaven with loads of goods such as jewellery, bags, accessories, clothes, local crafts and much more. Zanzibar has something for everyone! One of my favourite things to do in Stone Town is to explore the alleyways. You can admire the gorgeous architecture and culture while you shop till you drop. It’s great to have a guided walking tour of Stone Town or explore alone; either way, you will truly enjoy the hustle and bustle of the streets while you shop. Stone Town has plenty to offer to the shopaholic, look 77

5. THE ACCOMMODATIONS palm trees and a white sandy shoreline. The hotel is located in Pingwe Finding accommodation in Zanzibar on the South-Eastern part of the island. Baladin resort has 8 spacious, to suit all your needs and wants is no two-story bungalows each with a traditional makuti palmed roof. On the problem. There are lots of guesthouses, top level there is a bed with a view out to the tropical sea. On the ground self-catering apartments, luxurious floor there are 2 single beds and an open-air bathroom where you can hotels and resorts, campsite retreat and enjoy the luxury of a tropical open-air shower with the comfort of privacy. beach rentals for every choice and price Each bungalow also has its own terrace with a view to the sea. Although point. this hotel isn’t situated on the most gorgeous beach in Zanzibar, I truly enjoyed my stay here and felt extremely refreshed and relaxed. Those people who are looking for a more luxurious experience will like Emerson Spice and Emerson Humurzi. These sister hotels are one of the popular places to stay and obviously the perfect aesthetic to get the best Instagram/blog photos. Both hotels are centred in the heart of Stone Town and are only a 5-minute walk from each other. These sister hotels were founded by the late Emerson Skeens, who converted and restored traditional Zanzibari merchant’s homes into two boutique hotels. Both hotels were designed with every single detail in mind, from the colour-washed walls, the locally produced soaps and towels, to the refreshing local hibiscus juice you receive at check-in. You can choose from a variety of rooms that are filled with rich textiles, vibrant colours and antique furniture. Every single room is a work of art in its own unique way. I recommend Al Minar in Stone Town if you’re looking for a more budget- friendly hotel. Al Minar is the first hotel I stayed in on my solo trip to Zanzibar in 2016; this hidden gem is extremely cheap and clean with excellent customer service! During my stay, I enjoyed lounging on the antique furniture in the spacious rooms, while listening to the winter rains. Right in the centre of Stone Town, I was able to explore the alleyways and Forodhani Gardens within minutes. Al Minar is definitely one of the places in Zanzibar you will get the best value for your money! If you’re looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of Stone Town, Baladin is the place to be! Baladin beach hotel and restaurant is a boutique hotel resort surrounded by turquoise tropical waters, 78

6. VARIETY OF THINGS TO DO extremely safe with him. Travel with common sense and Zanzibar has a variety of things to do for the solo traveller, precautions. couple or family. You can get lost in the maze of streets Since this is a predominantly Muslim country, women may in Stone Town or jump in the middle of the Indian Ocean want to keep their shoulders and legs covered when they’re and swim. Take a day trip to Chumbe Island or Prison Island not on the beach. Like travelling to any country, you want to explore. Prison Island is the home to over a hundred to be respectful of the cultural norms and practices. You do gigantic tortoises that you can interact closely with, while not want to draw unwanted attention to yourself. Chumbe Island is a small private island known for its The perfect time to visit Zanzibar is in the months June to ecological innovation and exceptional coral reefs. You October or December to February. The weather is best can visit the former slave market and learn about its very during those months with minimal rain. sobering history. Go to one of the gorgeous beaches and take a Dhow boat cruise out to snorkel or simply relax at 79 your resort and fellowship with travellers from all around the world. MY FINAL TIPS AND THOUGHTS The main language in Zanzibar is Swahili. However, English is the second language and widely spoken. The local currency is Tanzanian Shilling. As with most African cities, they always carry cash. USD and Euro are widely accepted as well as the local currency. When buying anything in the market, always haggle and negotiate, never accept the first price given to you. Zanzibar is safe for solo travel as a woman, but I personally wouldn’t wander the streets at night, alone. It’s very easy to get lost. My guide took me around at night, and I felt


About the author MONIQUE L. SPEARMAN is a freelance multi-faceted, writer, curator and creator. Blending a passion for content creating, social media marketing, photography and travel, Monique created her blog website in the spring of 2017 as a hobby. is a lifestyle, fashion, beauty and travel brand that encourages men and women from around the world to live their best lives, out-loud. Inspired by the aesthetics of different cultures, Monique wants to show the world, \"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it!\" 81

THINGS PEOPLE SAY DIFFERENTLY AROUND THE WORLD “The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.” -Unknown The world is the stage in which all partake in the beautiful experience of existing. On this steady-swift journey, many are fortunate to taste and see the vivacity of various cultures across the globe. Language is a cultural aspect that truly speaks for itself, and unique or alternative vocabularies is a fascinating subject to delve on. Without further ado, here are words that are meant differently around the world. 1. ‘ROBOT’ AND ‘TRAFFIC LIGHT’ What is thought of as a machine built to carry out complex tasks and sometimes suggested to be an intelligent mechanical being is, in fact, the equivalent of the word ‘traffic light’ in South Africa. 82

2. ‘GARAGE’ AND ‘PETROL STATION’ A garage predominantly known for housing vehicles is also known as a petrol station where vehicles are repaired and receive fuel. 3. ‘ICE CREAM SPRINKLES’ AND ‘HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS’ These sweet bits of joy have a more affluent alias according to British English; so when necessary one shouldn’t ask for sprinkles on their ice cream, it’s best to request for hundreds and thousands. 4. ‘CILANTRO’ AND ‘CORIANDER’ This aromatic plant is so favoured that it has been adorned with two names that one can be identified in many recipes. 5. ‘TOMATO SAUCE’ AND ‘KETCHUP’ The ultimate border between British and American English, equally adorned across the world. 6. ‘DUMMY’ AND ‘PACIFIER’ Due to its modern connotation, it only makes sense that dummy isn’t as popular as its counterpart, the pacifier. 7. ‘GARBAGE’ AND ‘TRASH’ For some odd reason, either word gives rubbish a different intention. Garbage rings more wholesome than its belligerent equivalent. 83

8. ‘BISCUITS’ AND ‘COOKIES’ The renowned flat baked good is referred to as a cookie in the USA and a biscuit in the UK. However, in the USA, a biscuit is a different type of baked goods falling under the family of scones. 9. ‘CRISPS’ AND ‘CHIPS’ In British English, crisps are normally associated with the store-bought, sealed and packet kind, but in the USA they refer to as chips. 10. ‘SWEETS’ AND ‘CANDY’ Instead of the collective ‘sweets’ the broader term ‘candy’ is used mainly by English-speaking Americans. 11. ’BONNET’ AND ‘HOOD’ The equivalent of a hood is a word also used to describe the front of a car holding the engine; the bonnet. 12. ‘GLOVE COMPARTMENT’ AND ‘CUBBYHOLE’ The compartment recessed in a vehicle’s dashboard is known as a cubbyhole in some parts of the world. 13. ‘BOOT’ AND ‘TRUNK’ A trunk doesn’t refer to an elephant snout alone; it also describes a storage compartment located at the back of a vehicle, also known as the boot in some parts of the world. 84

14. ‘GAS’ AND ‘PETROL’ When referring to gas, one must look beyond formless matter, for it is another world for petrol used mostly by American English-speakers. 15. ‘FRINGE’ AND ‘BANGS’ Forelocks are popularly described as either word; fringe and/or bangs. 16. ‘FLAT’ AND ‘APARTMENT’ This modest living space can also be referred to by its physical appearance; flat. The world flat is mainly used in Britain. 17. ‘HIGHWAY’ AND ‘MOTORWAY’ A highway is referred to as the less euphoric; motorway in Western European countries. 18. ‘VILLA’ AND ‘HOUSE’ In many middle-class streets outside of the UK, villas are spoken of taking the place of the word house. 19. ‘BAKKIE’ AND ‘VAN’ A bakkie is a South African spin on the modern pick-up truck/van. 85

20. ‘TAKKIES’, ‘TRAINERS’ AND SNEAKERS A rule of thumb with athletic footwear in South Africa; they speak of takkies the equivalent of trainers in the UK and sneakers in the English- speaking Americas. 21. ‘BROIL’ AND ‘GRILL’ To broil is to grill, simply; to cook by direct heat. 22. ‘CHUTES AND LADDERS’ AND ‘SNAKES AND LADDERS’ The game of Indian origin is referred to as chutes and ladders by American English- speakers. 23. ‘FLANNEL’ AND ‘FACECLOTH’ When in West Europe flannels aren’t apparel; they are used on the face - the equivalent of a facecloth. 24. ‘BRACES’ AND ‘SUSPENDERS’ This iconic fashion accessory is known as braces in some parts of the world and suspenders in other parts. This list could carry on because human beings are creative; striving to give meaning to words whilst simultaneously coining new meanings. Hence, why the world is such a vivid depth, always being filled but never full. 86


10 “MUST-KNOWS” FOR DEVELOPING BRAND “YOU” I’ve been in the final stages of editing an anthological on the process of building your personal brand, take heed project that myself and a group of 13 ladies across five of the following: different countries have been working on since the end of last year. As we challenged each other to dig deep during 1. AUTHENTICITY IS THE NEW PERFECTION. Simply the process of writing our stories, what became apparent put, be who you say you are and be unapologetic about to me was the inherent desire that each of us carried to it. In the world that coaxes us to portray perfection, it’s better define who we were and what we stood for. How the individuals that speak their strengths and weaknesses do we separate who we are from what we do? Was there truthfully that connect to their audiences. So what if you even a need to do this? What did we want to be known are having a bad day or the barber botched your haircut!? for and what legacy did we want to leave behind for the It’s talking about the good and the bad that makes us all generations after us. How is this all presented to the world human–and these are the stories we all love. outside our walls? 2. OWN YOUR STORY. Your story is yours and that’s My interest in personal branding peaked just from what makes you so special. That is your differentiator. watching the evolution of some of the personalities that Building a personal brand is about connecting people to inspire me. Whether it was Oprah, Michelle Obama, the the essence of who you are, and that comes in part through high-powered woman at the office we called “the boss” being able to speak our truth confidently. That story of Bill every day or the entrepreneurial big-shot that appears in Gates starting his business from his garage or yours with local newspapers back home on the daily, there was a lot $100 in savings – that’s the real hook! Share that! There’s to be said about how they have positioned themselves something to be said about living on the other side of some within the ecosystems they operate. real struggle. We all start at the bottom before we make our way up the ladders of success. How others have grown to view them and their exploits over the years in which they’ve been public-facing is a 3. OPERATE IN YOUR GIFT. I love writing and building huge contributor to their brand equity. I mean let’s face brands through storytelling and have been fortunate to now it, very few people want to associate themselves with make a living from that. I am old enough to now know what something or someone that is classically messy, right? As I works for me and what doesn’t. In short, you will not find me help aspiring entrepreneurs develop their own brands, I’ve trying to open a restaurant if I have to run it day in and out. come to appreciate certain elements that birth a personal Develop that which you are passionate about and focus on brand to be proud of. And so if you are ready to embark that. As you excel in your gift, people will begin to notice. 88

4. GET ON YOUR MARKETING 101 GRIND. You may 8. FOCUS ON YOUR INTERESTS. Much like point not know how to do a lot of things, but marketing shouldn’t No. 3, true winners focus on what they excel in and the be one of them. In fact – if you are looking to create and areas that invoke real interest in them. You will not catch grow a personal brand – get on Udemy or Coursera and me talking about space because I can’t be asked about the take basic courses so you aren’t clueless when folks ask solar system, asteroid, rocket launches and so on. Similarly you about your marketing, communications or social media for you, your best shot a success will come if your platform strategy. There are tons of free resources out there to help for engagement is tied to your interests. you with ideas of how to promote yourself and what you do. Knowing a little marketing will help you keep a good deal of 9. CONNECT TO COLLABORATE. I credit a good bit your promotional costs low. of my growth over the years to my desire to connect with like minds and individuals with similar interests. Pursuing 5. LET YOUR PERSONALITY SHINE. You want people opportunities to collaborate is a great way to tap into new to enjoy you as much as you hope they will enjoy connecting audiences. Brands need people. People need brands. or collaborating with you. No one enjoys a grump. Lighten Collaborations work wonders in showcasing the people up a little bit as your delivery will go a long way with growing behind the brand. your followership. 10. HAVE FUN. I’ve had some of my most enjoyable 6. CONTENT IS KING AND CONSISTENCY IS KEY. moments creatively as I worked on my brands. From The quality of your content and the consistency by which writing articles and blogs to designing visual assets for a you publish will help set the tone of your messaging. You social media campaign, I like to look at it as having fun as want people to after a little while, come to appreciate who opposed to “doing work”. It’s your brand so you enjoy the you are and what you are really about. If you don’t share great privilege of going wild within reason. Have fun! anything about yourself, no one will know, and if they don’t know who you are, where’s the buy-in? 7. DON’T COMPROMISE FOR “LIKES”. Be clear about what you stand for. Unless it’s an attempt at a bad PR stunt and there is real reasoning for the madness, you should never find yourself in spaces that contradict the essence of who you are and what you stand for. Let’s organise ourselves, please. The threat of smartphones and lurking cameras is real, and once sharing takes place, it can very well be the end of you. ABOUT Yvonne Chiedza Mtengwa is the author of Fear”- a compilation of short stories by THE AUTHOR of “Reinvented: Challenging insecurity to American visionary author Tiana Patrice. live authentically through faith”, a book Passionate about travelling, writing about encouraging women to confront their and experiencing leisure and lifestyle issues with relationships, insecurities and brands, Yvonne is a marketing and self-fulfilling prophesies, in an effort to communications strategist, is the Co- truly discover who they were created founder of, a to be. It’s available for download on Christian lifestyle movement for women,! and also runs, a boutique communications agency She is also a co-author of Amazon Bestseller specialising in entrepreneurial design “Dear Fear Volume 2: 18 Powerful Lessons and shaping the narrative of women-led on Living your best life on the other side lifestyle and social development brands. Check her out on IG on @quintessentially_yvonne or visit and subscribe to her website on for more tips on everyday reinvention. 89


Globalisation is defined by people who have different to cope with it. So how are we going to live our life cultures, races and insights—people living and with passion while fighting our own battles? interacting with one another. That’s why people are more prone to feel isolated and underappreciated. First, let us not be afraid to express what we enjoy However, it still depends on the perception of an doing, especially when you find some people that individual on how this situation will affect their lives. are not agreeing with your actions and decisions. For Most people are focused on earning money and example, a person who does not want to be a doctor taking care of their financial needs that they tend to becomes one; it is considered as a “professional forget about their personal goals and cultural values. death sentence”. The end goal is to combine your People are more concerned about how another passion into your hobby so that you will never find person will judge them, which is causing for most of yourself exhausted from everyday’s work. us to rob their own dreams and desires. When your passion is blended with the career path Dreams become a reality with courage and strength. you have chosen, you will not faze about doing long Being afraid will not get you anywhere. When a man hours of work; hence your social, cultural and spiritual loses the fight, he loses not because of being unable lifestyle will not be affected. Once you really enjoy to achieve success; he loses because he did not what you do, nothing will stop you from getting your believe in his strengths, ability and passion. work done. You will feel unstoppable, and nothing can prevent you from achieving success. Passion We are the ones responsible for our own success. will help you for the betterment of your professional Some will choose to stand up after thousands of life, and it will also help lessen the hardships you failures, some will accept the failure after the first will encounter. Since you’re happy with what you attempt, but again, it depends on us how we will do, you will be more creative and flexible to think of perceive the challenges in life and how we are going more accurate solutions. 91

Second, invest in your passion for leading a more people as generally a male occupation. She needs to stress free and wholesome life. Mental and physical believe in herself so that other people will believe in health these days are being set aside because people her capabilities as well. are more focused on grabbing any opportunities, not their own passion. Investing in your passion means Life is a continuing process; results mean nothing if you are willing to take risks. you don’t value experiences. It is said that “practice makes perfect”, but I believe that “perfect practice If a woman believes that she can be the best aircraft provides a perfect performance.” You are what you engineer in the world, she must be ready for the invest in, with that, invest in your passion. challenges since this is being considered by most 92

Third, investing in your passion easily quenches your Investing in your passion needs to be your core value. thirst for money. When you’re living your passion, you Don’t let other people influence you in a negative will realise that being financially stable is not your way. You must seek advice, but you need to assess priority, because you’re happy and content even if if it will be helpful for you or not. Creating a positive you’re doing your daily work. Your job becomes a walk mindset gives you great results. It really depends on in the park, obstacles are easily solved, since there you to get up and live your passion. are no hindrances that will destroy your positivity and made up mind. People who are unhappy with their Finally, remember to dream big, but do not stay career path usually regret everything in the end. You asleep. Wake up and stand up to make your dream only live once, so don’t waste your time doing things and passion your reality. Never take no for an answer; you don’t like or doing something just because of if a door closes, that means another chance has financial gain; trust me, you will regret it. opened. Get up and be strong; appreciate your flaws, take them as pieces of chance. Embrace change and A popular reggae artist, said in a hit song, “raise to never take them as a hindrance. Be a forward thinker the occasion, look at yourself and say you are strong; and be proactive so that you will expect what will go no one can stop you. It is for you to do the best thing wrong . Learn to mix your passion for life and work. in your life, know that you got the chance.” This artist Always remember that when investing in your passion, is giving us a message that the best thing for us is it is always a long process and journey, but in the end, within our lives, but we need to choose to achieve it. your happiness and contentment in life are secured. JDEORUOGMLEAS ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jerome Douglas is a 27-year old trained teacher, poet and writer from the beautiful island of Jamaica. His personal philosophy is “If it is for me to be, then it is up to me.” He attended the Catholic College of Mandeville in Jamaica. Additionally, he is a community builder and humanitarian who volunteers his time to help with the academic and social well-being of people in his Central Jamaica community and surrounding areas. 93

BOOK REVIEW: YOU ARE A BADASS BY JEN SINCERO This book with quite a scandalous name is written by Jen Sincero. It is a short read which was published in 2013. The book seems to have made a comeback because of its subject. You are a Badass is all about self-help, a technique that is appearing all over social media these days. Jen Sincero is a New York Times bestselling author and a career, life and success coach. Personal development or self-help is a very healthy practice for one’s growth and she talks about this in the book. You are a Badass is a collection of short narrative stories from the author’s life, which she shares so the readers can also use the information to help themselves in life. The book is about how she learnt from her struggles and indecisiveness, and tips and tricks for you to not make the same misjudgments. Let us see what this book has in store for us. 94

“If you want to live a life you’ve never lived, you What I liked about this book was that Sincero makes have to do things you’ve never done.” us face some harsh realities. “We always have more time than we think we have. For example, someone At the start of the book, Jen Sincero tells us to may say they don’t have time to clean their office, but buckle up, and be bold. If you want to experience they have the time to waste looking for something a changed life, we need to do new things and try lost in that office”, she says. This rings true for most new ways. She believes we are all a part of a higher of us. All we need is some motivation and value for connection: that we are energy moving along in the the job at hand to make time for it. universe. We need to understand that like attracts like. To tap into the vibration you desire, you need In the next half, the book talks about important to raise your vibration to the same level. lessons. The first one is to learn to love and forgive yourself much and to stop caring about what people Some hard facts of life that Sincero highlights in the think. book are: The author rightly goes on to say, “Most answers • Everybody makes mistakes in their lives, and reveal themselves through doing, not thinking.” you are not special for doing it. But mindful thinking or meditation, of course, is important to be more present and learn to hear our • To make a change, you don’t have to hit rock inner voices. bottom. Just decide to make a change. Many of us struggle to make decisions on important • To kick ass, you have to lift your foot off the matters. Sincero encourages us to be strong- ground. headed in decision-making. She advises us against taking too long to come to a decision because even • Never apologise for being you. Respect if you fail, that is completely OK. The questions you yourself. should ask yourself when making a decision are: • Who you surround yourself with matters a lot, Is this something I want? so ignore the negative people in your life. Is this taking me in the direction that I want to go? • Your thoughts and beliefs will dictate your reality. If you don’t like your reality, change Is this going to hurt someone in the process? your thoughts and beliefs. Towards the end, You are a Badass talks about how • Sometimes it is better to be happy and wrong it is not wrong to go after money. It recommends than be right and miserable. making a detailed plan of how much money you want to earn and making a move towards it. • It’s OK to want nice things in life. Jen Sincero is a straight shooter and has a great way • If you quit, you fail. As long as you keep going, with words. She gives several pull-out quotes that you will make progress. visually stand out so you can focus on them. There are numbered to-do lists in every section, which • Procrastination is a form of self-sabotage. makes it easier to know for sure what the author People either find a way or find an excuse. wants us to do. You are a Badass wants you to take big risks without the sugarcoat! 95

WIN FOOD FOR THE BRAIN Subscribe to our website for the chance to win 2 amazing reads. One lucky winner will receive both books. Draw date: March 31, 2020 96



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