2021 Sep We Speak 26 Issue 3 by 9G Team Student Magazine English Department “WSA’s Newest and Improved STUDENT Magazine! With freshly packed, organic and significant things to inform AND interest the students. Yes, YOU!
Achieve 3000 In this week’s issue of the WE SPEAK Magazine, we introduce to you the weekly winners and... ...the topping classes!
Vocabulary Workshop “Vocabulary Workshop is very effective regarding my vocabulary because it added now words which I now use in my daily life.” - Deema 9G “It has administered in me a new range of skills I never knew. It is constructing my courage day by day, with new words rolling from the tip of my tongue. To ‘the epitaph was ample enough to ignite rows of people aghast,’ and to, ‘the apparition pulverised my very sense of courage as it inaudibly asserted its position in the room.’ I’m grateful for Sadlier and would
Book of the Week By Mary 9G The Wildings will leave you on the edge Reading this was gripping, fascinating and of your seat till the very last lines in the fully action-packed. It explored the world of book. stray cats who have their own systems like us The cats of Nizammudin, in Delhi, India's humans, but we are referred to as the oldest neighborhood, are the proud 'bigfeet.' With its unique and urban setting, I felines who call themselves the Wildings. could feel myself racing with the cats on all When a young orange striped kitten, fours, guiltily intruding on their intense gifted with supernatural powers, disturbs blood-curdling battles and experiencing the the town's extraordinary communication fear of something new - something about to links, a ferocious warrior queen, Beraal, happen. will have to decide whether she should The characters are dynamic and quite keep the kit as her own or kill her. Before humorous at times. Beraal, my favorite anything can return to normal, a pack of character, has to deal with a familiar hungry ferals leaves everything and situation: right or what is needed. In the end, everyone at unease. A war is about to the feline warrior does both right and break from its chain, history is going to needed. repeat itself and the Nizammudin cats are As the cats face what threatens their very in for a whirlpool of adventure. existence, The Wildings will linger with you forever.
Book-Based Movie Recommendation The future of civilization rests in the By - Faryal Mirza, 9G fate of the One Ring, which has been lost for centuries. Powerful forces are unrelenting in their search for it. But fate has placed it in the hands of a young Hobbit named Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood), who inherits the Ring and steps into legend. A daunting task lies ahead for Frodo when he becomes the Ringbearer - to destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom where it was forged. A series known and loved by millions, this movie had to make an appearance at some point. The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring is one of the best portrayals of a book I’ve ever seen. I was entranced by every minute, every character and setting shown in the most perfect perspectives. The music and acting was immaculate, as was the pacing of the whole story. My favorite characters, Legolas and Gimli, were shown so well. I found myself laughing and was completely enamored by the whole ordeal. Overall, I recommend the movie and the book for all the fantasy lovers!
What we are reading-Yr6 The Tortoise and the Eagle “The story of the Tortoise and the Eagle. A Tortoise, lazily plodding in the sun, complained to the tortoises of his hard fate, that no one would bring him to the sky. An Eagle, flying near, heard him, griefing and demanded what reward (that is gold from the red sea) he would give him if she would take him to glide across the air. The tortoise flew through the sky as the eagle was holding him from below and said “I wish my tortoise friends could see me up here, if they did they would be jealous.” When they landed the Tortoise said “you foolish Eagle there is no treasure from the red sea.” The next day the Eagle said, “Do you want to go for another ride?” As they flew, The tortoise replied “why give me another ride when I tricked you the last time?” The eagle, with an evil plot in mind, answered “I shall teach you a lesson!” he dropped the tortoise with an evil grin. When the tortoise arrived at the surface, the tortoises crowded him. The tortoise got up from his broken shell. “You wanted to see the world from up high in the sky, to dream big is not a sin but to dream it at the cost of others is not justiciable.” The old tortoise said as the fallen animal frowned. The tortoise replied “I should be grateful because it was my shell that saved my life.” He exclaimed, thinking about his actions, “ if it was not for my shell i would shatter into pieces.” The old tortoise replied, “You should be happy with what you have and also should not use others for your selfish reasons.” Moral: “To dream big is not a sin but to dream it at the cost of others is not justiciable.” I chose the fable ‘The Tortoise and the Eagle,’ because I think everyone should read it. The lesson is to not step on peoples backs to achieve what you want and that you shouldn't tell a lie. It means you should not use people to achieve your dreams. This fabel also taught me about the value of honesty, to honor your words. Matthew Denzel 6E
An Internal War An Essay by Muhammed Rayyan Noor 6C It’s an ordinary day. You are walking in the park. While you are walking, taking in the beauty of nature, you don’t notice a dirty thorn in the bush. You accidentally cut your thumb, how annoying! Now, imagine the sky bursting open and millions of invaders come bursting in and killing everyone. For us, that will probably never happen. But for your body, it happens almost every day. When you get a cut, millions of bacteria enter your body. Even more, the cut is like a nuclear bomb inside your body so many cells already get injured or even killed. While the bacteria are farting and exploring their new homes, the injured cells give a signal that they are getting invaded. That signal activates the first line of defense: The Macrophages. The Macrophages are a type of WBC (white blood cell) and they are feared by all bacteria for good reasons. First of all, the Macrophages swallow the bacteria whole. Second, they are huge. They are so huge, that if the average WBC is as big as a human, the Macrophages will be as big as a black rhino, so you don’t want to be on their bad side. Though the Macrophages are dangerous, they get tired of eating eventually so the Neutrophils come into action. They are deadly WBCs that explode, shoot deadly chemicals, and eat the bacteria at the same time. While the Neutrophils kill without mercy, fluid goes
up to the cut and swells it up. It also tears the bacteria into holes. Ugh! Most of the time, the first line of defense kills all the bacteria, but sometimes the bacteria are too strong. If that happens, the Dendritic Cell covers itself in bacteria and enters the Lymph Nodes, a highway in your body that connects all the tissues in you body. The cell is now looking for a Helper T-cell. Not just any Helper T-cell, the one that knows how to defeat the specific bacteria. You see, your body has a Helper T-cell for every disease. For the Black Death, the Corona Virus/Covid-19 and even for a disease that might occur in a hundred years on Mars. Anyway, the Dendritic Cell rubs into every Helper T-cell it meets to see if it recognizes the bacteria. When it finds one, the second line of defense starts. The Helper T-cell multiplies until there are thousands upon thousands of clone Helper T-cells. They split into two groups. The first group goes to the battlefield. On the battlefield, things are turning for the worst. All the Macrophages are tired so the Helper T-cells activate all of them so they get filled with white-hot anger and start killing the bacteria without mercy this time. Meanwhile, the second group of Helper T-cells look for a B-cell that recognizes the certain bacteria. After they find one, the B-cells clone and start pumping out 2,000 antibodies per second. The antibodies have two pincers so they can hold the bacteria together so the Macrophages could eat them. After that, the tide turns and the bacteria are killed. The war has ended. The WBCs break down to save resources. But not all, some Helper T-cells turn into Memory Cells to remember how the bacteria attacked so if the bacteria attacks again, the body knows how to defend themselves which might make you immune to the disease forever. I hope you understand what bacteria can do and the wonderful things our bodies can do if you have a strong immune system. The only way to have a strong immune system is to be healthy and fit. Do exercise and eat healthy food.
Appreciate, don’t hate Bacteria *Picture above is one of the most beautiful Bacteria ever discovered by humankind:
A Christmas Carol Movie Review By Mary 9G “If I were to say that the movie and the book were the same, I’d be lying. Watching the movie, I noticed enormous additional plots, characters and unnecessary jolly singing. The 1 hour 9 minutes long animated movie of Charles Dickens renowned story was surprisingly very different from the book. In the musical, their were new characters such as ‘Debit,’ Scrooge’s dog. However, what really drew the line between the two nations were the comical singing. In the movie, even the cruel aloof Scrooge would sing. Overall, despite the odd arrangements of the movie version, I enjoyed it nonetheless.”
A Christmas Carol Movie Review By Thea Leonnie 9G I enjoyed watching the movie during class. It was nice to finally sit back and relax during school hours. The movie itself was quite entertaining as the story was expressed through animation. It was very difficult to watch movies with others because of Covid-19 restricting us, but I'm very glad to have watched it with others. Some parts of the movie were emotional, and I'm happy to have experienced it with others.
A Christmas Carol Movie Review By Tarunikaa 9G The movie version of A Christmas Carol is very amazing. We had seen the characters coming to pictures from words. Even if there were some changes from the story, it was very lively. It also had the atmosphere of a musical, and it felt like we were in the story ourselves. The movie was also very jolly and happy. It was very nice too to see it in the morning with my other classmates, even though I was online.
English Lesson in 9G By Hannah 9G Last week in English, we learnt about the novella 'A Christmas Carol'. We read the book on actively learn and we also watched the movie of 'A Christmas Carol'. This story is very interesting and fun to read. We analysed the themes of the story and we also learned about the use of imagery and other literary devices to create the right ‘atmosphere’.We also did a lot of writing last week, using 'literatu'. We wrote about the context of 'A Christmas Carol', about how the story was based when a lot of people in England were in poverty. And we also wrote about a persuasive essay using the 2o words we learned using 'Vocabulary Workshop' that we learnt last week. Our class is doing really great in 'Achieve 3000', everyone is doing a lot of articles. We did a lot of activities in English last week, and I'm pretty sure that all of us learned a lot from these activities.
Treasure Island By Amogh 8B1 It's a book! Which makes you hooked, The story is amazing, The book is a king. It's boring without pictures, The emotions are mixtures. Sometimes the text in story is the one, Which makes the whole book fun. The story may have violence, But that's for our age, There is no offence, Quickly turn the page!!! When the story ends, You feel to read again. Reading again has no bends, It's about the knowledge you may gain.
Treasure Island By Thayna 8G1 What if? (Chapter 1) What if Billy Bones didn’t go to the inn? What would happen to him and the treasure map? (Chapter 6) What if Jim didn’t get the map? Would the pirates find it? (Chapter 5) What if Jim didn’t give Dr livesey the envelope? Would he ever discover it was a map? (Chapter 10) What id Jim didn’t overhear Silver’s conversation? Would he be dead by now? (Chapter 4) What if Billy bones didn’t die? Would Jim find the map? Character Introduction: Jim Hawkins - The narrator of the story and main character. Jim has a family business inn near Bristol, England. Estimatedly 14 years old. Jim shows up being sensitive in some parts of the story but adventurous on others. Billy Bones - An old sailor who took a room in Jim's parents inn. Billy, or ‘The captain’ as he prefers, was part of Flint’s crew. With an addiction to rum, when sober Billy can be rude and surly but if drunk Billy can be silly and friendly. Long John silver – Being hired as the cook in the voyage, Long John Silver is actually the leader of pirates. Long John Silver can be self-contrary. Often lying about things, long john silver disloyal and greedy. Long John silver doesn’t care about anything aside from his parrot, Flint. Carrying a crutch over his left shoulder due to being disabled of one leg, Long John Silver is individualist. Captain Smollet - Hired as the captain of the voyage, Smollet is wise and often suspicious about the whole crew. Smollet takes his job very seriously and is very focused on what he does. Smollet is very reliable and loyal.
English Class By Shaheer 6C Our english lessons are great, understandable , fun and challenging not like other lessons in our English lessons they teach us how to create folks stories and fables. The interesting lessons started when they started teaching us the folks and fables even though it was hard to create long imaginative stories into small word lines people still found it challenging and joyful. But the hard part was when they started teaching us new words like veteran or blunder the kids in our class were mostly giving up and the other kids had to help them, our english lessons are enjoying And kids aren’t feeling bad about it mostly my favorite lesson after arts is English.
A Recipe for English By Tarunikaa 9G Did you know, that many of the words in English are derived from almost all languages? For example, Catamaran comes from the Tamil word \"kattu maram\" which literally means a bundle of tied trees used for crossing rivers. The same way, the meaning of Catamaran is a small boat used to travel in sea! Like that, there are many words that come from other languages. In fact, English itself is a mixture of all languages from the past and present. Right now, English itself is constantly changing. Who knows, maybe in the future, humans will speak another form of English.
Elements By Dana 7G2 4 elements are told. Those that to behold. Fire, Water, Air and Earth. The 4 of them are definitely worth . Fire, fire oh how you I admire. The way you appear on a meteor shower. Oh, how you are filled with power. Air, air everywhere. Blowing about without a care. You blow such a cool breeze You fill our hearts with such ease. Earth, oh earth how you are worth. One day you soon will quake. Then our whole world will start to shake. Water is fragile but oh so agile. This element is so rare that we need to really care. These four shape our world. For millions of years, they have swirled . From our stoves to sinks to stone. The elements make Planet Earth, home.
Short Stories The First Suffragist to Parade voices, this would be our chance, our one and Washington DC BY Mary 9G only chance to fight. I hope it will be worth it. I hope Inez is right. 1913, March 3, Morning It is 1913. 'Tis time to turn heads in our 1913, March 3, Afternoon direction. To stand for what we believe in, nonetheless, my hands are shaking and We, suffragettes, are preparing in secret, fixing my teeth chatter. banners and sombre chattering of broken social Inez, one of our lead suffragists, conducted rights. I sat alone, watching as time flew by when an inconspicuous plan to stride through our beam of hope arrived. She is carrying a the streets of Washington, DC, on the eve package as a pallid stallion tied to her hand trots of President Woodrow Wilson's behind her. inauguration. I told her it was dangerous, we've been protesting for 60 years now - 1913, March 3, Eve men will never change. We've grown frail and tired. After said announcement, we all \"Thro thick and thin, when we begin.\" finally agreed to meet in the streets and We cheered and bid goodbye. We will see each raise our banners high in the air in other again. Will we? My doubts ram in like the solidarity. After all those years of silent future as we hide in discreet, our playful grins covered. Black brimmed top hats, bowler hats, hats of any kind begin to swarm the spacious ground as the tallest one in the house stands amidst them. But he had no hat like he had no heart. His voice grated the sky. I never knew that was possible. It left marks everywhere. People were either spell-bound by it or irked. Moments ago, Inez told us to be patient - when the time's right. The parade is about to begin. - Hooves on the rough city street, a woman cloaked in white on a stallion, strides through the hurtles of discrimination.
Life Under the Moon I just landed on the moon on By Tarunikaa 9G and ancient dried plants 29/2/2100. It’s the extreme digital age, and I landed on the moon on I held my breath, and glanced at presented in the plant museum. my almost successful mission. I the surface of the moon, and saw turned on gravity mode in my astro my last days. Before my last The director would scream with boots, set up my oxygen helmet, and breath, I dropped onto a green started exploring the barren, cold surface, and I could start rules of no touching and much planet. I saw remains of footprints of breathing suddenly. I coughed a certain Neil Armstrong and an old, and wheezed hard. It was soft on more. I switched off the gravity but new looking lander that was the ground, say an extinct maybe launched in 2019. I have species of moss. And with my mode in my astro boots and studied extreme history and I’m also wrist computer, I found a rich an astronaut. I had arrived just now supply of oxygen in this area, adjusted it into a thinner layer, on a moon expedition for studying and this area is located in the the moon missions and expeditions outer mantle from the moon’s which was not mostly needed at done in the digital age. I walked past crust, still a long distance away. old (but not rusty due to no oxygen Gravity was almost the same as earth due to the high population in the moon) landers and a weird earth in this strange place, and as looking flagpole with a patterned I turned around, huge buildings of macro viruses. I put my face cloth. Just as I went past another old and high-tech machines was lander, there was a pool, just the there. to the natural breeze made from diameter of a human. To my shock All plants were spared, and even and amazement, there was water! It non-existing plants were present. the eco-friendly fans, and was strangely intact in the deep The place was well lit by gigantic looking crater. This was strange, bulbs of light, not too bright or continued walking towards the because no one, not even scientists not too dull. For the first time, I back on earth has discovered this. I breathed in fresh air, which was hi-tech green. This is life under quickly took my water indication surely impossible. But I saw that tablets, but before I could test the life was present and had far more the moon. water, there was a strong, invisible advanced technology than on pull in the pool, and I lost my earth. There was air conditioners As I first stepped into the city, a balance and fell into the lake. that created oxygen with trace amounts of nitrogen and carbon blaring alarm went off. I put on The tablets in my hand dissolved, dioxide. Pressurizers worked turning green in the water and smoothly, controlling the my helmet, switched on the indicating freshwater. But that isn’t pressure beautifully. Gravity the point now. There was something machines much better than the muffle earphones, and set up the still pulling me down in this deep ones at earth was making this pool. I tried to swim, but swimming pull. The place was bustling with bubble shield. The ear splitting didn’t have an effect in this strange small sounds and it was placed in water world. I turned on the a cavern like sort of place, with alarm grew in decibels and soon gravimeter on my wrist computer. grey smooth but rocky walls. It The numbers rose rapidly as I sank was peaceful in here, with I was hearing the noise. Blades of deeper into the pool. It seems to pleasant views of green. This was never end, and I was almost running much better than back on earth, knives and lasers bounded out of oxygen supply. The deeper I with nights of sirens and panic, went, I tried to reach my compressor around my shield. When this bag; I was suddenly engulfed in bright light, and I was stuck in chaos stopped, two silhouettes position. For the last ten seconds of my oxygen supply, appeared and took shape as they moved closer. It was mostly humanlike, but they were brandishing two antennas on their head and were taller than the average human height. I switched on the audio, but I still kept on my shield in case they attacked. One of them asked me suspiciously, “Who are you and what are you?” Their voice varied from alto to tenor. They were aiming laser guns at me, but I spoke boldly. There was no way they could attack me through the astronaut shield. “Good day, or may I say evening, on Earth. As you may know right now from my previous sentence, I’m from Earth and I’m part of the human species. I’m not a transformed alien. For your priority, I must assume you may have alien camouflage indicators?” The aliens were in awe. Without response, they pulled automated headbands that stuck to their heads. It was
They then pushed a button in their The Adventures of Jake and Jessica immediately boots that had adjustable thick found themselves transported soles. I scanned them quickly with Jake & Jessica into a foreign my alien camouflage indicators on place. From where they stood, my wrist computer to see what by Kiara 6A a beautiful village filled with they were before lowering my Fairies & Elves could shield. After the reading came on Jake & Jessica were best friends be seen. They felt a very strong my wrist computer, my jaw gust of wind as they walk down dropped. I almost fell to my knees. since they were little. In 6th the hill towards the village. These creatures on the moon with With a loud roar, a huge black perfect technology for the right grade, they both went to GEMS dragon flew just above them. home, were humans?! I was just Scared, and a bit awestruck, awestruck. This time, my voice was Winchester School. They have they started to walk towards wobbly, “You… Are… Human?” the village. Upon reaching the They, a woman and a man, nodded the same favorite ice cream village, they noticed that it was with a comforting smile. “This is strangely quiet. As they went completely impossible!” I told flavor, both love the color light further in the center of the myself. I lowered my shield, and village, they saw that the Elves they gestured for me to follow blue, and they both love to & Fairies were all busy in them. discussion. The Magic Book of read books. Spells that helps the Fairies & Elves in their everyday life, Every day after school, they was taken forcefully by an Evil Dragon. The Evil Dragon would always go to the library appeared just a few hours before Jake and Jessica arrived and read books together. in the village. They went and asked the villagers, One day, as they were sitting and reading books at the library, Jessica got up and went to fetch a different book. She started reading it and shortly after, it started to glow bright purple. Startled, she called out to Jake to come and see the glowing book. When suddenly - POOF! - They both disappeared. “Are you people alright?”, of treasures around the dimly lit which the Elves & Fairies cave but was unable to. With a replied, “We are unharmed, stroke of luck, the dragon but the Evil Dragon stole our grumbled deeply, lifted its Magic Book of Spells!”. Jake claws, and scratched its neck. & Jessica felt they needed Using this chance, Jake to help the villagers and so they snatched the book up and went to search for the Evil slowly retreated out of the Dragon’s Lair. After a day of cave with Jessica. The two searching, they stumbled in on a sighed with relief after gaining large eerie cave. They felt a safe distance away from the certain that this cave is the Evil cave. Pressed for time, they Dragon’s Lair because of the gathered all their remaining warm gust of air they feel every strength and ran as fast as they now and again. Both slowly could to reach the village. The tiptoed further in hoping to find Fairies & Elves celebrated the Magic Book without their triumphant return. disturbing the dragon. Just as However, just as they they were about to give up, they were celebrating, an noticed a purple light glowing ear-piercing roar sounded off under one of the dragon’s claws. and appeared to be Jessica wanted to slowly pry the approaching fast…the Evil book out of the dragon’s claws Dragon woke up and noticed using a golden staff they found the book missing! They all along the mounds of hurriedly led the unlikely
heroes to center of the Village. As if waiting The Mysterious Event in My for them, Bedroom The Elder did not waste a second, reached for the book, opened it and begun -By Mary 9G casting a Protection Spell. And as if on cue, a purple light enveloped the whole The spiders are dead and there’s a ghost in my village just before the Evil Dragon dived to bedroom. It’s been weeks and flies are searching grab the Magic Book. Caught in the for houses everywhere. So it’s safe to say that the Purple Magic, the Evil Dragon suspended spiders are dead, passed, long gone and I could on air, writhed in pain, and slowly vanished in thin air. go on forever about the synonyms. Oh I have With the Evil Dragon gone, the Elves and forgotten something. Yes, the figure across me. Fairies thanked the Pair of Heroes and gave Thank you for reminding me. The apparition them a pair of Elven & Fairy-made Jade rings. The Village Elder promised pulverised my very sense of courage as it to send them back to their world with a inaudibly asserted its position in the room - my spell from the Magic Book and did so after room. It’s ghoulish skin, transparent and clear as the Hero Feast. The two friends woke up in the library and a crystal, glowed like candlelight in my dim wondered whether their bedroom. It’s eyes were carefully carved out of adventure they just had was real or was just its face, hollow as a rabbit hole. It wasn’t the a dream. They kid each other in disbelief but as they placed their hand on figure itself that was an unease, not even the top of their book as they stood up, a existence of it, or the fear it administered to me, glint of green light flashed by their eyes and it was the upturned frown drawn below its nose. they saw, deep green colored rings Behind the hollows, was a longing. A longing so made of jade were on their ring relatable I didn’t even know what it was about. fingers…They looked at each other and they My face naturally frowned as well as the ghost both smiled. sat upright, a blinking fire - on and off. A dropping temperature started to grow increasingly, the coolness of the room pricked my skin. What is it doing here? The bone carved apparition continued to stare absentmindedly at my door frame - why? Most importantly, what happened to it and why is it even here? My dried chattering mouth opened but not a word came out. Before anything could happen, it stood up and began to sway its skeleton arms. The crisp air would be jealous of how it embodied everything but solid matter. It wore a tattered stained wedding gown, with frayed frills and moth-eaten cloth. I almost felt sorry for the dancing creature. My voice found its way and quietly quiered, I was surprised by what I asked, “What hurt you?” The spell-bounding waltz stopped abruptly as the sensations returned to the sewers. It, more like a she, glued its eyes to the door frame. I became a aghast as the bride was never looking at my door, she was looking at
Year 9G - Roleplay
“This lesson was unlike any other. It was loads of fun! We roleplayed as the characters from ‘A Christmas Carol’ while safely social distancing. We didn’t have much time to complete the entire play, but it was definitely worth it. If we practiced on this play, I think we’ll drop your jaw to the floor. Overall, this exciting new period was an absolute blast. We are impatient for more interesting tasks! Thank you, Mr. Mario!” - 9G, Mary and Faryal
- Pair Work by Zannatul and Mary - Pair Work by Deema and Farah
A Minute of Mindfulness By 9G ❏ Before every lesson, it is good to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax yourself. ❏ It is also good to stand up while you do this to improve blood circulation. ❏ Think about the efforts your parents are taking to educate you ❏ Think about the concern your teachers have for you. ❏ Focus on what you want to become when you grow up - I’m sure you want to be successful in your preferred area. ❏ Remember every drop of water makes the mighty ocean and every effort of yours will build into your career, your future. ❏ So, ensure you make the best of every lesson and grow intellectually. ❏ Now open your eyes and enjoy your lesson! Sarina 9G
Year 9B - Roleplay
*Picture above is Year 9B Group Discussion
Plans for Sewa Day By 9G PSHE Students - Card’s/Posters for people in school - Giving masks and hand sanitizers to laborers - Making Go Fund Me pages for people in need - Posters about covid - Campaigning for Global Warming - Opening the door for people - Saying a simple ‘Thank you’ or ‘Good Morning.’ By Nushara, Faryal and Tarunikaa The above ideas are just suggestions and have *Wonderful Poster above is not yet been approved. If you do have any more created by Thea Leonnie from ideas please email us and we will submit it to our 9G teachers for approval.
Posters by Thea 9G
Organic Jokes By Mary 9G, Tarunikaa 9G and Amogh 8B
Word of the Week Lament (verb) to express regret or disappointment about something. (You always here aspiring authors lament about finding the time to write.) Challenge: Write a sentence or short story with the word/topic ‘lament’ and email it to the magazine email that is found at the end of every issue of the magazine. Make sure to send your email with proper titling and grammar, along with your full name and class, because the person who writes the most creative submission will be put into next week’s issue of the We Speak Magazine.
“Where Shakespeare quotes, poems and plays thrive!” “The tragedy of Macbeth is extraordinary. In Macbeth I saw the different types of people who chose the wrong direction, who were consumed by a crown they wanted on their heads. Macbeth, in a brief statement, is about a man who was told of a prophecy of him owning the throne and he then does whatever it takes to get it. Macbeth taught me plenty of powerful lessons. I now understand that we have an ability to control our own lives and that power does corrupt you and leaves you dead (like Macbeth). It taught me what is right and wrong, to value morals and that willing to change is an exceptional leadership quality.” - By Mary 9G, Creator of Shakespeare Today
School News It was recently announced on Thursday, 23rd of September that the Head and Deputy Boys’ voting had to be redone. So, on that very day, every class from 7-9 was shown the new applications and asked to vote once again. Now, in the following week, the final results will be told by Wednesday. Many students are nervous yet excited to find out the new results, as the wait has only grown their impatience. The elections have been the talk of the town, and it’s safe to say that every student will definitely feel satisfied when the new Head and Deputy Boys and Girls are finally announced.
Tongue Twisters To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock, In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock, Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock, From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block! To sit in solemn silence in a dull, dark dock, In a pestilential prison, with a life-long lock, Awaiting the sensation of a short, sharp shock, From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block! A dull, dark dock, a life-long lock, A short, sharp shock, a big black block! To sit in solemn silence in a pestilential prison, A History of the Famous Tongue Twister: I Scream, You Scream! There’s some disagreement on who first came up with this ditty about everyone’s favorite frozen treat. Throughout the 19th century there were many jokes and comments about how similar “ice cream” and “I scream” sound. But in 1905 a company selling ice cream freezers in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, advertised “I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream! This is certainly Ice Cream Weather. Have you a good Ice Cream reezer?” While unlikely the first usage of the phrase (something very simila appears in Wisconsin a few months earlier), the rhyme probably became famous thanks to Howard Johnson, Billy Moll, and Robert King, who wrote the phrase into a song of the same name in 1927. Waring’s Pennsylvanians ecorded the song, and it became a jazz standard in the '40s. It’s been makin people hungry, and haunting ice cream truck drivers, ever since.
How to ease up work Nowadays, school can get pretty stressing. Here are some tips to help you out. 1. Make a list of reminders and set up a couple of alarms to ease out your assignments. 2. Do them as soon as possible, don’t pile too much up. 3. Try to stay on task. 4. Don’t forget to take breaks when necessary. 5. If overwhelmed by one assignment, try to do another instead of procrastinate.! 6. Listen to music (without lyrics) n a low volume to keep your brain fresh! 7. Reward yourself!! By: Faryal Mirza, 9G
FIN Thank you for your time! “If you have any concerns or submissions for the WE SPEAK Newspaper, then please contact out email!” Email: [email protected] Credits: Main Directors and Editors, Give a big thank you to: Faryal, Mary and Nushara from 9G. Year 6: Kiara, Shalini, Shaheer, Matthew Denzel, Muhammed Rayyan, Year 8: Thaina, Amogh 9G: Tarunikka, Deema, Faryal, Mary, Nushara Teacher in charge: Ms. Madina Teacher Contributions - Ms. Roanie, Ms. Caroline, Ms. Sonia, Ms. Fe and Mr. Mario
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