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Home Explore November Newsletter

November Newsletter

Published by The Regent College, 2021-11-30 06:34:58

Description: November Newsletter


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@TheRegentCollegeISSUE 03 // VOLUME 4 The Official Newsletter of The Regent College Abuja

What's Inside: TRC Update | All Students Classroom News Say A Kind Word Leadership Bootcamp Veteran's Day Mental Strength Placement Deworming Increasing Collaboration Between Men & Women

TRC UPDATE | ALL STUDENTS Student Feedback Questionnaire The College wants your feedback on the enrolment process, induction activities, welcome events, and the communications you received leading up to starting your studies with us. The questionnaire should take no more than five minutes and will close Friday 17 December. Looking After Your Wellbeing Our mental health changes all the time and it depends on many things. You may be feeling the effects of the changing weather, be stressed from managing workloads or missing loved ones. It’s normal to feel like this and many of those around you will be feeling the same way. Support is available – whether that’s talking to your assigned mentor or the the in-house psychologist.

CLASSROOM NEWS The second half of the term reveals the current academic state of the students. Currently, more than 83% of the students are meeting up with the expectation for their programmes. Strategies to assist students not meeting up with the required expectation include but are not limited to: ·One-on-one mentoring. ·Watch list database and monitoring ·Academic probation database list and monitoring. ·Library hour usage and monitoring -Counselling sessions

LEADERSHIP BOOTCAMP The TRC leadership bootcamp in conjunction with the Abuja Schools' Association held a 1-day training session for prefects. In attendance were representatives of schools all over Abuja. It aimed at: Equipping students with 21st century leadership skills which are necessary for global relevance. Mentoring students on personal leadership and innovative learning. Exposing students to experiential/practical leadership in a school system. Respect Responsibility Resilience




Building a INNOVATIVE LEARNING Telecomms Mast

PERSONAL LEADERSHIP \"You cannot lead anyone until you lead yourself\" -Mr Soji \"What is your name?\" \"What do you stand for?\" \"What do people say about you?\"

Deliberations in progress....

FEEDBACK The second half of the term reveals the current academic state of the AS and A-Level students. \"The experience today has helped me boost my critical thinking and teamwork skills It was fun, engaging and thought-provoking\". \"I enjoyed myself and learnt how to work with people. I have never done this before and I hope I get another opportunity to come back for this programme\".

The second half of the term reveals the current academic state of the AS and A-Level students. \"It was an emotional rollercoaster, filledStrategiestoassist students with tnAoocaat sdms•ei••semOteWLsniticitbeanup-trgdcoarehruon•nybp-lCtioah•sswnottonAiiueodutocnhnarmattsdutamdeeh•beslan••leaemaOtitgaenWLsornbieetgeicribaeanqiaasnps-trunngeceoargsiddhruonrls•pyiebip-mmlsoCridotahsownoonottaoegisnniuneodxutrinihdnaparmtttsmooeumtadeerrchbslamiintloeannataitgannsetggorbieeg.eiortaqiaaonsnsunneregiisiddnnrlspieicgmmsordlt.uonooaedgsnnnxreiidpattbmooemurrcmiittonnaanetggri.ioetonnroiinnt cglli.umdietebduttoa: re • not limited to: Strategies competitiveness and interactions. It had us thinking and working together as a team\". Strategiesto assist students nAocat dm•e••emOeWLniticibeanp-trgcoarhruon•ybp-lCioahswnottoiiueodutnhnarmtsutadeehbslanleaatitgansorbeegeraqiaasnsunneegsiddrlspieimmsordtonooaegsnnnxriidpattmooemrrcmiitonnanetggi.iotonriinncgl.ude but are not limited to: • Strategies to assist students nAocat dm•e••emOeWLniticibeanpr-tgcoarhruon•ybp-lCioahswnottoiiueodutnhnarmtsutadeehbslanleaatitgansorbeegeraqiaasnsunneegsiddrlspieimmsordtonooaegsnnnxriidpattmooemrcrmiitonnanteggi.iotonriinncgl.ude but are not limited to: • \"I learnt that leadership is a privilege and a good leader must have integrity\".

STUDENT PLACEMENT UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS WRITTEN BY MISS SADE The university application process has started for all students progressing to the UK, USA and Canada. Students are currently being guided through the process and we hope to submit the applications on or before the 15th of January, 2022. As part of the application process, students are required to write a personal statement or statement of purpose to complete their applications. Asides from a student’s academic performance, the personal statement is another important aspect of the university’s admission criteria, it determines whether a student gets an admission offer or not hence, the English teacher and I proofread before submission. In addition, our various partner universities in the UK and US have scholarships and discounts off tuition fees for students who apply to them. The scholarships range from £1000 to £5000 yearly for the UK schools and $10000 to $25,000 for those in the US. Please note that some of these scholarships are merit-based and not automatic. Also, representatives from various universities have met and are still meeting with our students to provide them with the necessary information they need before making their choice of universities. For more information, kindly contact me on [email protected]

Mental Strength Clough (2002) defines Mental Developing mental strength may seem Strength as the capacity of an easy for some people than others individual to deal effectively with depending on genetics, personality, stressors, pressures, and challenges and/or experience; however, there are and perform to the best of their things you can do to improve your ability, irrespective of the mental strength. Some of them are: circumstances in which they find • Embrace change themselves. Being mentally strong • Know that you can't please everyone; improves your resilience to stress, don't try to. increases your life satisfaction, and • Think and speak positively enhances your performance. • Don't focus on what you can't control • Don't give up after the first failure More time in school means more • Avoid making the same mistakes and more work for you, so you need over and over to pay attention to your thoughts, • Don't wallow in self-pity behaviours, and emotions and focus on attaining mental strength.

International men’s day is celebrated on November 19 every year. This day has been celebrated since 1999 and it is observed to cherish the achievements and contributions of all men in society. This year, however, the theme focuses on improving gender relations and promoting gender equality between men and women alike. To the fathers and all important men in our lives, We recognise you and we appreciate you!

MEDICAL CORNER Worm infections can cause REASONS TO various health problems, DEWORM: including anaemia, abdominal swelling or severe abdominal 1. Increases immunity. pain, diarrhoea, etc. It can also 2.Improves concentration and cause loss of appetite, malnourishment, impaired attendance, making them more mental and physical productive in school. development as well as tissue 3.Controls infections that damage that may require could lead to anaemia, loose corrective surgery. bowels, etc. 4.Improves work potential.

Want The Best Placement? #CometoTRC Enrolment is now on for January 2022 Call: 08150982888 Email: [email protected]

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