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Home Explore Lifestyle Management Company

Lifestyle Management Company

Published by, 2022-08-22 15:04:50

Description: I got the chance to complete my skills in taking care more as just about the households of the main actors from famous series and films. My life in the media scene was filled with exciting challenges, expanding my horizon and at least the fact that I’m born to be a Personal Assistant.

Keywords: Daniel Worat


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Daniel Worat Welcome I’m Daniel Worat I’m our Peronal Aitant

“all e have i no...” I gro up in the cleaning uine ince I’m 18 ear old. With m on compan e delivered man ell-knon companie ith our ervice in high-cla houehold cleaning and ervice for companie. After m move to eautiful erlin I fell in the film and televiion uine ith m cleaning experience. I got the chance to complete m kill in taking care more a jut aout the houehold of the main actor from famou erie and film. M life in the media cene a filled ith exciting challenge, expanding m horizon and at leat the fact that I’m orn to e a Peronal Aitant. During m tep a flight attendant, department head in the mot famou hotel in German - the Hotel Adlon Kempinki erlin, Area Manager in an national operating compan in hotelervice and a Head of Office Management in an agenc founded and leaded  one of the mot impreive journalit in German; I completed m talent. It doen’t matter ho ou are and here are ou from. It doen’t matter ho challenging our expectation eem. It doen’t matter in hich uine our are acting. It doen’t matter here do ou live.

…ut ou hould contact me to feel ho ea thing can e ith me a our Peronal Aitant.   LOV, Daniel M ervice are varied. A varied a our life. The're peronal, the're profeional, the're focued, olution-oriented and direct. It i important to me that ith m ervice ou can impl focu on the thing that are important to ou. You decide hich one are - I'll take care of the ret. A peronal aitant i not the ame a a ecretar. I am our right hand, our hado, our fireall. Whether it' aout managing our calendar, planning trip, getting our accounting in hape or taking care of our real etate and our taff. If ou are planning an event and need upport here a ell, I can ala help ou ith m hotel experience and take over the organization. You can tell me our concern in confidence and e ill find the right olution together. M ork can e ooked on an hourl ai, project ai or flat rate. I ill make ou an individual offer that uit our need. Chooing a peronal aitant hould e ell thought out. Thi jo i often compared to that of a ecretar, ut thi i not the cae. A peronal aitant ork either for deciion-maker, managing director, VIP, famil office, organization and companie. ut alo for individualit, actor, inger and other pulic figure. A peronal aitant report directl to thee people and ha no intermediate level. Thi enure direct and unfiltered communication. In oth direction. A good peronal aitant i veratile and ha the

necear experience from relevant profeion to e ale to act prudentl. Thi offer the advantage that procee of dail life and the aociated need can e undertood and implemented. With me a our peronal aitant, ou are ure to have thee kill. A peronal aitant alo help to reduce tre. Tak that put ou under tre ill e done  me in the future o that ou can concentrate more on hat offer ou qualit of life. For me it doen't matter hich cit, countr or continent ou are in. Digitization mean that man tak can e completed from anhere in the orld. Alo from m ide. Hoever, if ou ould like to have me ith ou from time to time or contantl, a olution can alo e found here. Communication i ke. Office Manager • organizing our office ithout phicall preence • creating ork-flo • taff recruiting Houe Manager • reponile peron for houehold taff • coordination external ervice Peronal Aitant • lifetle management • travel management • event management • home management • tour management

P L  A   U   MY C O N TAC T FORM OR CALL M D I R  C T LY: +49 172 414 00 73 e-mail * phone * Land (###) ### #### uject * Your meage * ND

Liten to m client…  R A D FO R D W I N T  R  -  H OW R U N N  R , N  W YO R K “Daniel a a diligent and reliale ource of help for variou need during the production of erlin tation, eaon To.” ADAM AROUKH - CO-DIRCTOR, LONDON “He i a true gentlemen and a great collaorator and I ould certainl ork ith him again\". ANNA HOP - FOUNDR, RLIN “Daniel i a competent deciion-maker, elf-driven and ver

“Daniel i a competent deciion-maker, elf-driven and ver efficient orking on hi on. ut he i alo a good team plaer. He can connect to people from all a of life and could make a perfect co-orker. He openl hared hi houekeeping expertie ith u in order to improve our procee and he i ala happ take on advice and find compromie here needed.” Mit quarepace ertellt Imprint

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