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Home Explore Maths portfolio

Maths portfolio

Published by Ardra Ajukumar, 2021-10-06 04:52:47

Description: Lets zoom into my progress!!!!!


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Welcome to my portfolio

I am ARDRA AJUKUMAR, bearing admission no. F4210, class XB, KV ADOOR Shift 1, Email id ardra9bkvadr1@kvserna, Blood group A+ , Contact no. Father:-8848642429 and Mother :- 8921623395, Address :- THIRUVATHIRA, KADIKA, KAITHAPARAMBU, PO, ENATHU

What I understand by portfolio My portfolio is the reflection of my activities and progress in the very particular academic year 2021-22 . It provides an insight into my personality and work ethic. My goals:- In this academic year, I would like to score 100% in maths. I want to do my higher studies in medical filed. Want to be emerged out as a well equipped professional Doctor. In the end, my portfolio will reflect my abilities In numerical performance, Calculation speed, My tec knowledge and My hidden skills in drawing and My inner strength.

S.NO T ITLE Pg. NO 1) Monthly Test Mark 01 2) Monthly Test CHART 02 3) Class Work Mark 03 4) Peer Assessment 05 5) Self Assessment 08 6) Self Declaration 09 INDEX

RECORD OF THE MONTHLY TEST Months Marks Sign of Sign of Sign of April student parent teacher 40/40 Ardra Deepthi N Uma Ajukumar Sekhar Devi June 32/40 Ardra Deepthi N Uma Ajukumar Sekhar Devi PT 1 37/40 Ardra Deepthi N Uma Ajukumar Sekhar Devi August 40/40 Ardra Deepthi N Uma Ajukumar Sekhar Devi Septemb 40/40 Ardra Deepthi N Uma er Ajukumar Sekhar Devi

Monthly test Chart ������ C

C.W/ H.W Marks !!! Month Marks Sign of Sign of parent Sign of student Teacher April Deepthi 5/5 Ardra Deepthi N Uma Deepthi Devi July 5/5 Ardra Deepthi Deepthi N Uma August 5/5 Ardra Devi Septemb 5/5 Ardra N Uma er Ardra Devi October 5/5 N Uma Devi N Uma Devi

Peer Assessment

SL no. Descriptors Ro Ro Ro Tot 1) un un un al d1 d2 d3 2) 3) Helps classmates 55 55 4) ( academically + 5) personally) 6) 7) Seek feedback from 55 55 8) everyone 9) Actively listens & pays 55 55 10) attention Sees and appreciates 55 55 everyone’s point of view Demonstrates leadership 5 5 5 5 skills Is optimistic 55 55 Gracefully takes up the 5 5 5 5 task again if unsuccessful Supports and emphasizes 5 5 5 5 others Politely say NO when she 5 5 5 5 does not want to take up a task Is innovative in ideas 55 55

Self assessment time

SL no. Descriptors Ro Ro Ro Tot un un un al 1) Attaches a lot of d d2 d3 importance to school 1 activities. 55 55 2) Shoulders 55 55 responsibility happily 3) Takes care of school 5 5 5 5 property 4) Respect teachers and 5 5 5 5 school rules 5) Sensitive and 55 55 concerned about environmental degradation 6) Kind and helpful 55 55 7) Experiments to find 5 5 5 5 new solution 8) Analyses and Evaluates 5 5 5 5 9) Questions and verifies 5 5 5 5 knowledge Signature of student :-

Self Declaration

My accomplishments :- ❑ I have participated in the following:- 1) Discovery Sper League 2021-22 2) Ganga Quest 3) Rashtragan ( Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav ) 4) Cyber Smart 5) International Day of Yoga. ❑ Going to participate in IOQ

Development in my strength :- In this very academic year, I found myself worthy of getting 100/100 in my exam, as I have seen both ups and down in my academic life. Those downs pushed me to emerge out as a Strong soul. Now, I can proudly say that I have developed both moral and academic strength. Good at practicing, Becoming a human calculator, giving a better outlook to failure….. All are my strengths…..

I need to work on :- Gaining my confidence, solving a variety of problems, showing an apt attitude towards my exam time, And has to work more on balancing my studies and co curricular activities…..