["Shiver A lonely soul walks down the river Wrought with the grief of the dead; Hating not to put her to rest Yet not stopping to keep his head --- A pale figure walks down the river Following the hand of a ghost Lured by the touch of a phantom But still destroyed, meaninglessness grows. --- A boney stand walks down the river Hardened by the forest and the rocks As the fox lays down his coffin And the dirt opens for his box. --- All hope is abandoned; No one remains to care For only him and the Earth- Remains for his sickness to be bared.","[November 25th 2021]","Falla From the dark sky, a garnished shadow To drab night covered with light Today is a day of rejoicing To praise the nighttime\u2019s might. --- With stars and friendly planets Singing praises to his ears As no longer is his face hidden In this blessed time of the year. --- He is free of morning cycles Free to explore his grounds Free to feel such liberty And be smitten by nectar sounds. --- All of his present misery Has turned to remnants of a dreadful age, And the old duress and yoke of silence Has finally turned its page. ---","And no more can the sun clamour As the moon is jazzed with smiles And winks of subtle approval By all men for miles. --- Though plants are unsure for colour And the soil is thirsty for salts Yet the moon can only sit there; Dazed in his guiled waltz. --- Man is desperate for brightness Yet the moon does not provide; Only a dusky noir Is there to meet their cries. --- The greens have rejected maturity And wish instead to grow of mal And blossom into petals of ail Dressed in lost morale. --- Soon, men turn to curses And scourge the moon with doubt Until they have no words To proclaim out their pale mouths.","--- And they all fall to their famish And recede to the tearless soil Hushed up without pardon; Muzzled to the ground. --- And hence the moon retires To a shameful fall from grace As the moon failed to be in touch With Earth\u2019s unnerving pace. [November 27th 2021]","Pauvre Nature does not listen to your wailing Or your whimpering and pointless tears Or the blood and flesh you shed for her; Her keen ears will not hear --- Mother Nature chooses her compassion And her mercy which lacks care, As even for the most desperate of creatures Her cruelty does not spare --- How ruined is her conscious? Who makes disaster for leisure! Ferocious fires for pleasure Causing many to cease forever --- How insolent must she be To hinder the greatness of man By wrecking the little progress","Our species has began --- Sickening we adore this tyrant That drowns our world alive Who flames the meekest of forests And ends the few who thrive --- Yet even in these disturbances In her anger and her greed She is acquitted of her evils And the savagery in her deeds --- She is no mother; No mother would kill her own For her heart is named obscenity And her soul is hard and cold --- She heeds her head so mighty As she ravishes with such acts Yet there is none to condemn her For her vile, sporadic attacks --- Shall we imprison ourselves to her maternity Or shield our vulnerable kin?","From the atrocities done with gladness By mother nature drenched in sin. [December 3rd 2021]","Social Butterfly The social butterfly Has lost his wings. --- \u201cThe great butterfly\u201d Lives in agony. --- A promising future The only chance he had, To live his days As fully as one can. --- The beginning of triumph Is what he believed; Truly he was only Heavily deceived. --- From his first, tremulous flight As he flew into the air A feeling of liberation Was finally there.","--- Even fun\u2019s puritans The wealthy, the bright Flocked to his presence To witness his sight. --- Even so, he was humble While receiving quaint praise But as time progressed This merit would not stay. --- An end to his hassle Was the start of a beast; Sometimes he wonders How that monster was released. --- Disgust filled his eyes To all who could speak Hammering those unfortunate Who he viewed as weak. --- Because of his corruption What was precious ran away; Dancing with him at night","And departing in the day. --- His wings snapped to pieces Shattering as glass And his colours dampened in the ludic rain Until all that stuck was regret and pain. --- Power ran from his clutch Finally free from his machine; Even those who loved him Did nothing to intervene. --- His wings had failed to save him The thrust which brang him up, But now he wonders aimlessly Roaming as dust. --- One boring day, A young man came near To say many harsh words His ailing pride needed to hear. --- \u201cBegone you social butterfly! There is nowhere to run","No one to help you Your final flight is done.\u201d [December 4th 2021]","Trapped Picture finding peace A tranquil new start For it to be obliterated Mere seconds apart. --- A reality where dainty children Remind me of my fears Of judgment and rejection Every day of every year, And the snickers of men; Their sharp vindictive glares Further plunging me Into inescapable despair. --- Even in my grieving Their vileness seeks for more With many filthy words That shackles me poor. --- Tragic that life still continues","In all this sorrow and demise And all that seeks to help me Is my unusual size. --- And my slight dash of prodigy; Some talent in their sloth And most importantly resilience When everything becomes tough. --- Why shall I pursue ventures That troubles me even more? Just to get more hurt And more destroyed than before. --- Why shall I waste my time? In the corners of the class Where I watch my classmates bicker Ignore me and pass. --- Am I simply a loser After all I have done? I\u2019m not very surprised When I really am no fun. ---","Is my talk too scanty? For such a racy time Or are my imperfections Simply too unkind. --- Maybe it\u2019s my image Or the hands which I bare That everyone avoids Unless it\u2019s to snare. --- In a world full of excitement I\u2019m battered with constant drain, Since planet Earth has chosen me to be his personal Carrier of loaded pain. [December 7th 2021]","Christmas in Africa Christmas, a day so loved! That a God was born that day, Where men dance and sing Even spirits cheer and sway --- The day every child lives for A day deep inside their hearts! Where presents are wrapped and gifted And toys are filled in carts. --- Though time is slow and stagnant And the air is thin and dry With no clouds to cover a brutal sun- Or stars to light up the carbon sky. --- The streets are rampant with pestilence Children feed off scraps, Where is the fun in Christmas? When all joy has elapsed. ---","The beggars are busy to the brim The worker tires his trade, Orphans may laugh and sing Yet their desertion does not change. --- The escort is busy chasing wealth While her days are drossy and slow, Yet she still dreams of having a Christmas Lathered with love and foreign snow. --- The kid riddles with his mother And jumps and zooms around Though when the tick of Christmas arrives No gift is ever found. --- The commoner slaves away in the bureau- Facing maltreatment and abuse, Returning on this special day Bringing nothing of worthy use. --- Those who can afford a lavish home Decorate and splendour evermore While those on the streets moan, Starve and beg all day long.","--- The rich worship vanity And chuckle and fest away With no intent or purpose On this revered and holy day --- Their estates are filled with conifers And their homes extend to the sky; Enjoying their rich apparel As their neighbours suffer and die. --- There is some form of fullness In the bells that call on Glory For even days after Christmas morning Yet ignored are all her callings. --- Others spur up a love And confess their desires and needs For someone so special to them That they are their life\u2019s creeds. --- Even the beggar finds some peace In the carols that ring and dwell, And in streets brimmed with lights and joy;","Providing escape from their homeless hell. --- Though the shopkeeper is kept busy Far away from his home, Yet there still is some comfort In that shop all day alone. --- I ask what this day will come to? What is its purpose or use As Christmas is starting to lose A meaning for men to deduce. [December 25th 2021]","Khata Vol 2 \u201cHave you heard of an oath That draws people near? Away from their failures And life\u2019s ugly rear. --- Safe and affordable Simple and quick! Just place your fingers Into the red mix.\u201d --- And sign away your freedoms All your basic rights Don't take it for granted It\u2019s your last chance at life. --- \u201cAre you ready? Or is your confidence still low There\u2019s no time for that You have to go!","--- Meet me at the river Where the two streams meet In the tiny thorny brushes Near the edge of coffin street. --- Then you\u2019ll make your dreams And aspirations come true If you truly stay with me Till the ceremony is through. \u201d --- Foolishly you sat Waiting by the pond Staring at the ducks And those hideous swans. --- Those beasts were so noisy That I skinned them alive Snapped off their necks And ate their raw sides. --- I would\u2019ve gone further If you\u2019d stay in one place But you kept on slyly wandering","With that excuse of a face. --- After a while I was tired of your wit. Even your blasting laughter Made me not want to exist. --- I wanted to cause trouble Be as evil as I could But you wasted my time After all that I\u2019ve endured! --- Sat there in illusion You signed away with hollow pride With that worthless little grin You had kept tucked inside. --- But now you shall listen To every one of my commands; Obeying my words And all of my demands. --- Or else you can face the wrath Of my armoured black claws","And every single agony I can make with my jaws. --- Even if you run I will chase you far and wide Then lock you up And gouge you with knives, Then chop off your fingers Beat you black and blue Then you will see What I can do. --- Even without my methods Death will find its way As the blood you feebly oathed Shall certainly be paid. --- Musn\u2019t you obey? And live by my decree No point in courtesy I\u2019ll never set you free. --- And so you shall starve And cry and beg","But I will only smile Whilst I crush your stupid legs. [January 27th 2022]","Godless of Gomorrah Sitting on the red river basin, etherised by the clouds, the hidden vestal city was immune to warring grounds. --- As Gomorrah and his cohorts did not live in tedious fear, for life to them was splendid as suffering did not near. --- Their lank towers smelt of diamonds, emeralds and precious stones, sacked from hapless villages and other sawdust thrones. --- The men adorned themselves heavily, with gems and other riches, for men sought so heavily after immorality and weird traditions. --- But something men failed to ponder is the prowling of the devil, and all his macabre minions who stooped lower than their level. --- Men became true monsters; putting effort to be cruel, as blinkered were they mightily under satan\u2019s atrocious rule. --- Perversion was their language, their nature; in their genes, for they were simply vectors of hell\u2019s ravelled war machine. --- And bedroom after bedroom became distorted with sodomy, making great revelry for lucifer\u2019s sorority.","--- Thus the Lord was drained, and anger quaked his fists, and so he made the choice to make Gomorrah a dry abyss. --- In the unstirring blazing morning, in the hot deserted sun, the sky dried of all its colour and violent winds swept and spun. --- The sun became bloody red and the moon flew far away, whilst the stars fell from the sky in the most harrowing of displays. --- Waves and waves of broiling sulfur descended on their heads, slaughtering their young and frying all their men. --- The screams of their judgment made way to Gallile, and miles of sorry ashes piled in the black and tattered sea. --- The Angel of Death and her guardians came to see, the fury laid on Gommorah for all its iniquity. --- And thus the Lord so formidably proved sovereignty that day, for all those wicked sinners laid now dishevelled in the grave. [March 14th 2022]"]