JIS RESEARCH & PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT Library Acquisitions List April - June 2022 The Acquisitions List highlights the latest additions to the library in the Research and Publications Department, and is distributed quarterly. The Department’s specialised collection contains literature covering the policies and programmes of the Government of Jamaica, as well as Jamaica’s history, culture, heritage and politics. The collection contains: • Books & Pamphlets • Periodicals • Newspaper Clippings • Envelope Collection (booklets, pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, etc.) on various topics • Grey Literature (reports, policies, plans, green papers, etc.) • Government Documents • Speeches (past & present Prime Ministers, budget and sectoral presentations, etc.) • Jamaican Laws and Amendments • General Reference Material It is hoped that these acquisitions will provide meaningful support to the work of the Agency. Members of staff can borrow selected materials from the Library for a maximum of three (3) working days. Extensions may be granted depending on the demand for the materials and the number of available copies. Members of staff are encouraged to recommend new publications for the collection. Comments and recommendations can be sent to [email protected]. (Hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click more to follow the hyperlink)
Acts and Amendments Act No. 01/2022: AN ACT to validate and confirm as lawful all acts and omissions related to the approval granted by the Governor-General for the early retirement of officers from the Jamaica Constabulary Force during the period commencing on the 13th day of February, 2019 and ending on the 13th day of August, 2019; to indemnify the Government and all persons acting on behalf of the Government from liability in relation thereto and for connecting matters. Act No. 02/2022: AN ACT to Temporarily Modify the Representation of the People Act in order to postpone the holding of a general election of members to serve on the respective Councils of Municipal Corporation and a general election of Mayors of city Municipalities. Act No. 03/2022: AN ACT to Amend the Sisters of Mercy of Jamaica, British West Indies Incorporation and Vesting Law, 1954 to make provision for the replacement of the offices which constitute Sisters of Mercy of Jamaica, British West Indies to make provision for Sisters of Mercy of Jamaica, British West Indies to be conferred with express powers to govern its management and administration, to validate and indemnify acts by Sisters of Mercy of Jamaica, British West Indies in good faith during the period comment in the 12th day of April, 1954 and ending on the days of commitment of this Act. Act No. 04/2022: AN ACT to apply for a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the 31st of March, 2023 and to appropriate the sum granted in this Session of Parliament and for matters connected therewith and related thereto.
Books Hylton, Cliff. The Jamaican Driver’s Guide. REX Printing & Stationery, 2007 The Jamaican Driver’s Guide is the newly revised Road Code Edition. Maxwell, John. Leadership Handbook. Nelson Book, 2009. The Leadership Handbook offers inspiring lessons which help to build leadership qualities aimed at allowing the reader excel in their profession and personal lives. Palmer Adisa, Opal. Portia Dreams. Carlong Publishers (Caribbean), 2021. Portia Dreams chronicles the dreams and childhood experiences of Jamaica’s first female Prime Minister with the aim to inspire every Jamaican to dream big and to strive to achieve their dreams. Reports/Policies International Labour Organization. Social Dialogue Report, 2002. Social Dialogue Report 2022 focuses on collective bargaining. It stresses the importance of these democratic principles as the bedrock of stable and just workplaces, industries and societies. It describes the contribution that employers and workers can make to the inclusive and effective governance of work [more…]
Grace Kennedy Limited. Annual Report 2021, 2021. [more…] UNESCO. UNESCO Science Report, 2021. Print The UNESCO Science Report assesses the development of scientific innovation in countries throughout the world. The report also outlines the fact that governments must work to ensure that greater effort is made towards strategic technological development to maintain sustainability. Periodicals, Magazines, Journals and Sectoral Debates Ministry of National Security. 2022. Citizen Security Handbook. Print. The Citizen Security Handbook outlines the social activities instituted by the Ministry of National security to combat crime and violence through intervention and preventative measures. McKenzie, Desmond. 2022. Sectoral Presentation. Kingston, Jamaica: Ministry Local Government and Rural Development. May 2022. [more…] Daley, Joyce Denise. 2022. Sectoral Presentation. Kingston, Jamaica: Opposition Spokesperson Local Government and Community Development. June 2022. Print.
Malahoo-Forte, Marlene. 2022. Sectoral Presentation. Kingston, Jamaica: Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs. June 2022. [more…] Shaw, Audley. 2022 Sectoral Presentation. Kingston, Jamaica: Ministry of Transport and Mining. April 2022. [more…] Vaz, Daryl. 2022. Sectoral Presentation. Kingston, Jamaica: Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology. May 2022. [more…] Chang, Horace 2022. Sectoral Presentation. Kingston, Jamaica: Ministry of National Security. June 2022. [more…] Anderson, Antony 2022. Commissioner’s Report. Kingston, Jamaica: The Jamaica Constabulary Force. June 2022. [more…]
Chuck, Delroy 2022. Sectoral Presentation. Kingston, Jamaica: Ministry of National Security. May 2022. [more…] Chang, Horace 2022. A Slate of Accomplishments 2021/2022. Kingston, Jamaica: Minister of National Security. Print. This document provides a summary of the work undertaken by the Ministry of National Security in areas of, but not limited to policy development, research, border protection, community safety and crime prevention in the financial year 2020 - 2021 along with work to be undertaken in 2022. World Bank and Other Digital Titles CARICOM. Caribbean COVID-19 Food Security & Livelihoods Impact Survey: Jamaica Summary Report. May 2022. [more…] For further information on any of the above publications contact the Research and Publications Department at extension 2004 or email: [email protected].
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