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Home Explore Ideologies


Published by marias0104, 2021-06-18 20:17:00

Description: Ideologies


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World Ideologies Written by: Maria Syskakis

Collectivism Collectivism is a widely accepted ideology that is based on the belief that the wellbeing of the group is more important than the wellbeing of the individual. It emphasizes the importance of human interdependence in society, and that humans should not just live in isolation from each other. A collectivist values shared responsibility, co-operation, economic equality, and shared public property.

Communism Communism is an ideology that is extremely collective. A communist believes that the wellbeing of the individual is the government's responsibility, not the individuals. Communism strives for quality by creating a classless society where the government controls the economy and eliminates all private property. A government that believes in communism is built on authority, and does not allow the people to oppose them.

Marxism Karl Marx, with the help of Friedrich Engels, wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1948 which included the ideas later known as Marxism. The book explained their belief that classical liberalism had created terrible living conditions, and that the struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat was the driving force between the struggling society. They believed that a classless society would be the solution, and that the community could share the goods and wealth with each other. Marx believed that communism could be achieved by revolution. ‘“abAcrccucuutmamluiutllaya,ttimioonennootfafmlwdieseaegrlrtyah,daaagttoioonnnye, pole is osapltap-vtoehsrietyeKs, aieagmnrnldeoM”rtiaamnrexce, of toil, at the

Joseph Stalin Miguel Diaz-Canel In the mid 1920’s Joseph Stalin Miguel Diaz- Canel was very recently named the new president came into power in Russia and of Cuba. Although communism put his own twist on often has more cons than pros, communism; his party was more there have been some good things focused on fear that freedom. it has brought Cuba. The nation The government controlled provides free health care and everything and was especially education, even having the highest focused on a collective farming doctor to resident ratio in the world. system. There was no tolerance Although these are great things, for opposition, people were killed Cuban is still well below the poverty or sent to gulags. Stalin's line and its people do not have the communist regime completely freedom of speech or economic rejected any form of liberal ideas freedoms most nations around the or individual freedoms. world have.

Socialism Socialism, like communism, came about because of the harsh living conditions brought about by classical liberalism. This ideology focuses on the collective and equality for all citizens, which usually involves a high degree of government intervention. Utopian Socialism This form of socialism is based on the idea that there could be a “perfect” society where all people could prosper. Although he was an industrialist, Robert Owen is known as a Utopian Socialist, and the textile mill he bought (New “hEtouigmehdatunhcabouteiironsng’ ,…draeeicvlryeeraiystipeoennro,suoagnnhdisfsoelreneatpint.l”yed Lanark) is often called “the birthplace of socialism”. The ideas of utopian socialism quickly spread to the United States, where they also embraced some utopian ideals.

Democratic Socialism Prime Minister of Norway This form of socialism was based on the ideas that political, economic, and social change could be achieved without revolution, and that they could use democratic processes to enforce change. Examples of democratic socialist countries today are Norway, Sweden, and Denmark; even Canada has some democratic socialist values. These countries take care of the collective, offering many government funded programs such as free health care and education. The government is heavily involved while still allowing the people to have a voice and freedom.

Liberalism Liberalism is an ideology that strongly values individual and economic freedoms, competition, private property, and rule of law. This ideology, unlike the previous ones touched on, focuses more on individualism than collectivism, and was based off the belief that individuals are capable of making their own choices. Today “liberal” is placed closer to the centre of the political spectrum due to the fact that modern liberalism allows for government intervention when needed, however classical liberalism was placed further right on the spectrum. Collectivism Individualism Modern Liberalism Classical Liberalism

Modern Liberalism Justin Trudeau Modern liberalism developed after classical liberalism and its Laissez-Faire economy failed to support the people in the community and contributed to a severe income gap. Modern liberalism focuses on providing equal opportunities while still giving the people economic freedoms. Canada is a great example of a nation that would fall under the modern liberalism category. The liberal leader, and prime minister, is Justin Trudeau, and his party creates and maintains social programs such as welfare, free healthcare, and public education. Canadians are welcome to buy and sell what they want, but there will always be programs to helps those who struggle.

Mixed Economy A mixed economy is associated with a modern liberalist nation because it involves a moderate amount of government intervention. Private businesses are still able to make decisions about what to sell and how product would be distributed, but the government steps in to help if businesses are not meeting the needs of the people. This ensures that basic needs of the people are met, the economy is more stable, and still ensures that there is competition and incentive to sell. Liberal = red

Individualism Individualism is an ideology that values the individual more than the collective. It emphasizes self-reliance, competition, and freedom of the individual. conservatism Conservatism is an ideology that values tradition, the “status quo”. It is based on the belief that tradition is best and change in society should be limited and gradual. This ideology focuses heavily on the individual.

Classical Liberalism Classical liberalism developed in the 1700’s when people started to realize individuals were capable of making their own choices. Adam Smith wrote a book called The Wealth of Nations where he criticized mercantilism, and (nation often associated with classical liberalism) described his belief that competition was important to an economy. He also believed that “Tfrhoemcotmheperteiwtiaonrdofofthtehepro-iocrht”AadkaesmaSwmaiyth business owners should have more control and should have the freedom to advance themselves any way they see fit. This ideology focuses heavily on economic freedoms with no government intervention. This allows people to advance themselves in society and not be stuck in a low social class.

fascism Fascist ideology focuses on nationalism, discipline, militarism, and racism. In a fascist state the dictator, and whoever he surrounds himself with, is considered to be “elite” and of way higher importance than the average person. This ideology believes that the good of the nation can be achieved with an authoritarian government. It evolved from the rejection of liberal values of individualism and democracy, it even rejected certain communist values. Today there are no nations that are considered fascist, however there are a couple who have some fascist values in their government; Syria, Venezuela, Bulgaria, and Armenia.

Nazi Fascism Adolf Hitler came into power in Germany in the 1930’s promising a solution to the economic crisis, this solution was a fascist regime. He quickly eliminated his opposition and asserted his authority. His use of indoctrination and propaganda effectively changed the minds of the Germans to believe his ideas. The Nazi regime is one of the best examples of fascism, as Hilter had rascist and elitist beliefs that pushed on the people with the use of force. “iTt hfoergcreseatthsotsreenwghtoh of the ttootaimliittaartieanit.s”tate is that fear it

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