MANAGEMENT- Involves bringing Directing-Involves giving Motivating- It is the process by together all the resources, human directions or instructions to which workers are encouraged or and nonhuman, in an effort to meet workers and ensuring that they influences to take the right action the goals of the organization know exactly what to do and through good compensation how to do it. package and incentives to Functions of management- The complete tasks and jobs Delegating- Is the sharing out functions of management or the Evaluating- this is the process of process of management are of assignments to subordinates. designed to create an environment in They are given the necessary assessing work performance to which the goals of the organization authority so that tasks can be determine how well the tasks have can be pursued in an efficient way. accomplished. been carried out and what steps to take to improve future Planning- Is an ongoing process of Controlling- Involves performance. developing the business’s mission determining whether objectives and objectives and determining how are being met by a system of they will be accomplished. performance appraisal, and institute corrective measures Organizing- Is the process of where they apply. bringing together all the resources Coordinating- It involves such as capital, labor, and technology in such a way that the harmonizing the functions of a goals of the organization can be met. firm so that all operations are integrated. • Involve ensuring that everything is in the right place at the right time so that any operation or activity is efficient.
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