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Published by Mariana Mejorado, 2020-09-25 15:46:56



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Medical Terminology Flip- Book Mariana Mejorado LSHS Mrs.Kabertski 4A

The Integumentary system Key Terms: Function: The integumentary system ● Derm/o, Dermat/o; Skin consists of hair,skin,nails,and nerves. Its ● Kerat/o; Hard main function acts as a barrier to protect the body ● Xer/o; Dry ● Xanth/o; Yellow Healthcare Careers: ● Erythr/o; Red Dermatologist- A physician who diagnoses ● Pedicu/o; Fingernail, Toenail and treats conditions and diseases of the ● Onych/o; Nail hair skin and nails. They often treat specific ● Myc/o; Fungus disorders and offer treatments ● Pil/o; Hair Dermatology Nurse Practitioner- ● Lip/o; Hair A nurse who performs many of the same ● Rhytid/o; Wrinkle tasks as a dermatologist. Nurse practitioners ● Albin/o; White may prescribe medicine, order lab work, and treat minor illnesses Diseases/Conditions: Vocabulary: ● blepharo/plasty; Eyelid surgery Keloid- An abnormally raised, thickened ● Blephar/-itis; eyelid inflammation ● diaphoro/hyperr/osis;excess sweating scar ● ichthy/derm/osis;Dry skin condition condition Macule- Small flat,discolored, brownish ● hidr/osis; sweat condition lesion on the skin, freckle ● Jaundo/derma- yellow skin ● sclero/derm/osis- condition of hardening of the Ulcer- An open sore or erosion of the ● immuno/hypo/iasis- above normal skin skin mucous membrane Vesicle- A small raised skin lesion filled immune system abnormal condition ● pedicu/myco- toenail fungus ● necro/hist/osis- dying liver condition

The Musculoskeletal system Define: Function: Movement, Protection of the body, and ● My/o; Muscle produces heat ● Myel/o; Spinal cord ● Oste/o; Bone Healthcare careers: ● Cost/o; Rib Certified fitness trainer: serves as a leader ● Crani/o; Skull and instructor in exercise programs and ● -Pexy; Surgical fixation helps people achieve and maintain a ● Chondr/o; Cartilage healthful lifestyle. Exercise physiologist: a healthcare ● Arthr/o; Joint professional who performs exercise stress ● -plegia; Stroke test and evaluate a person's physical ● Kinesi/o; movement condition, focusing on cardiovascular health and metabolism Diseases and conditions: Tremor- Involuntary repetitive shakingVocabulary: ● Ten/o,dys-, -esthenia; feeling pain in the Adhesion-injured tissue sticks ● electr/o,hyper-, -esthenia; feeling of excess electricity together as it heals tendon ● muscul/o,dys-,-ic; pain pertaining to the Atrophy-shrinkage of muscle ● myocardi/o,-algia; heart pain muscles Hypotonia- Loss of the muscle ● sacr/o,hyper-,-asthenia; excess connective ● tens/o,-esthesia; tight feeling ● neur/o,-dynia; nerve pain tone tissue is causing weakness ● cardi/o,brady-,-dynia; slow heart pain ● plant/o,hyper-,-algia; excess pain in the sole of the foot ● fibr/o,dys-, -ethenia; feeling pain in the fibers

Nervous system Key terms: Function: 1. Sensory input- electrical impulse sent ● Neur/o; nerve from sensory organs eyes, ear, nose, tongue and skin to the central nervous ● Encephal/o; brian system ● myel/o; spinal cord, bone marrow 2. Integration- Cns processes and ● ambul/o; walking interprets information received through ● -esthesia; feeling, sensation sensory organs ● mening/o; meninges 3. Motor output- Cns transmits messages ● psych/o; mind to effectors; muscles/ glands generate response in the form of motor output ● concuss/o; shaken together, violent Diseases and conditions: Healthcare careers Vocabulary: TBI- somatic disease, aka a concussion Physician anesthesiologist: a doctor who ● anixi/o,-esthesia; uneasy feeling Dementia- somatic disease, characterized by administers general anesthesia or anesthetic ● contu/o,epi-,-um; to bruise upon tissue memory loss. Poor language expression and inability to care for oneself due to to patients before surgery ● crani/o,-algia,-paresis; pain in the skull, leading to progressive mental deterioration. Intellectual disorder-mental disorder, below Neurosurgeon- specializes in the diagnosis weakness average intelligence that causes one to be undeveloped for daily living on their own and surgical treatment of disorders of the ● Encephal,-ic,-paresis; weakness pertaining to the brain Phobia- exaggerated fear of a specific object central and peripheral nervous system ● tramat/o,cerebr,-ic; injury pertaining to the cerebrum or substance including congenital anomalies, trauma, ● Lexo,-dys,phasia; difficulty with works and speech ● Hist,-ema,ic-,dys; tissue condition pertaining to pain tumors, vascular disorders, infections of the ● Pulmono,-centesis; surgical puncture to remove fluid from brain or spine, stroke, or degenerative the lungs diseases of the spine. ● Hyph,dys-,-ia: difficulty sleeping condition ● neur/o,con-,-algia: pain when nerves stick together

Special Senses Key terms: Function: 1. Eyes; sight ● irid/o; iris 2. Ears; hearing ● -cusis;hearing 3. Touch; to feel ● -opia; ear condition 4. Nose; distinguish smell ● ot/o; ear 5. Mouth; digestion, taste ● tympan/o; tympanic Healthcare careers: membrane, eardrum Optometrist- responsible for performing ● opthalm/o; eye eye exams and diagnosing any injuries ● -metry; process of of the eye measuring Ophthalmologist- performs eye exams and diagnoses various eye diseases Diseases and conditions: and impairments. Prescribes glasses, contact lenses or medication to treat Hordeolum- inflammation in the eye conditions eyelid gland aka Sty Amblyopia- impared vision in one or ● conjunctiv/o,-itits; inflammation in the inner surface of the eyelids both eyes resulting from Vocabulary: ● cor/o,-scopy; visual examination to see the pupi development ● Acos, -en,-ia; hearing condition within ● olfact/o, hypo-,-osmia; loss of smell due to smell Cataract- deficiency in early ● Blephar,-itis; eyelid inflammation condition ● mi/o,opia; less eye condition,improvement childhood; lazy eye clouding of the ● ocul/o,-en,-oma; eye tumor ● olfact/o,opia-less smell condition, improvement lens that results in decreased acuity; ● cerumin/o,hyper-,-ia; large production caused by accumulation of protein of ear wax Glaucoma- pressure in the eye ● cochle/o,- itis; inner ear inflammation causes damage to retina

Cardiovascular System Key Terms: Function: ● cardi/o; heart Primary function is to circulate ● angi/o; vessel, blood oxygen rich blood throughout the body ● hem/o, hemat/o; liver Healthcare careers ● Brady-; slow ● Tachy-; fast Cardiologist- a physician who specializes in the diagnosos and treatment of the ● thromb/o; clot heart disease and conditions ● -emia; blood condition Cardiothoracic Surgeons- generally ● leuk/o; white blood cells perform surgery of the heart and chest. ● erythr/o; red blood cells ● arteri/o; artery Diseases and conditions: Aneurysm-localized, balloon-like dilation of a Vocabulary: blood vessel, usually an artery 1.angi/o,anti,-ive; blood vessel against destruction Angina- Condition characterised by severe, 2.arter/o-ac,-trophy; artery pertaining to growth constricting pain of pressure in the chest:often 3. cardio,tachy-,ia; fast heart condition referred to as angina pectoris 4. anther/o,hyper-,us; fatty buildup under the tissue Cardiac tamponade- pathological condition in 5. tens/o, hyper-,itis; tension beneath inflammation which excess fluid accumulates in the 6. phleb/o,-ac,itis; vein pertaining to inflammation pericardium 7.pulmon/o,-itis; inflammation in the lungs Atherosclerosis- condition of the plaque buildup 8.systol/o,epi-,-trophy; contraction on condition of growth in the arteries 9. constrict/o,brady-, phleb/o; narrowing of the veins slowly

Respiratory System Key terms: Function: 1. Inhaling fresh air ● bronch/o; bronchus 2. Exchanging carbon dioxide for the ● cyan/o; blue life sustaining oxygen between the ● laryng/o; larynx tiny air sacs of the lungs and ● Oxy-; oxygen bloodstream 3. Exhaling old stale air ● pleur/o;pleura, serous Healthcare careers: membrane that enfolds the Respiratory therapist-care for patients who lungs suffer from health conditions and diseases ● pneum/o; lung, air that affect breathing ● pulmon/o;lung Pulmonologist-A pulmonologist works with ● thoraco/o; thorax patients facing serious or chronic breathing ● trache/o; trachea problems. Diseases and conditions: Vocab; alveol/o, -itis; inflammation in the alveoli Anosmia: Impairment or loss of the angi/o, -ism,-hypo; deficient condition in the blood vessels cardi/o, emia-,capnia-; blood condition that gives off excess carbon dioxide to the heart sense of smell. cyan/o,-centesis,-ia; blue surgical fluid removed condition dialat/o, emia; expanding of a blood condition Atelectasis: Caused by an obstruction pneum/o, brady; slow air flow laryng/o, -dys; pain near the lyrynx in the bronchial tree; aka - collapsed lung. nas/o, -ion, dys-; painful nose condition dysphonia:Hoarseness epistaxis:Hemorrhage from the nose; aka - nosebleed.

Digestive system Key Terms: Function: The function of the digestive ● cholecyst/o; gallbladder system is to ingest, chew, ● enter/o; small intestine digest, absorb, eliminate food ● col/o, colon/o; large intestine ● hepat/o; liver Healthcare careers: ● gastr/o; stomach Gastroenterologist- a physician who ● or/o; mouth specializes in reflux disease, ulcers, ● -pepsia; digestion colon cancer, liver disease ● chol/e; bile, gale Registered dietitian: supervises the ● proct/o; rectum, anus preparation in any serving of food in any of a variety of settings including hospitals and schools Diseases and conditions: Hernia- the protrusion of an organ or Vocab: 1. Hepatitis: liver inflammation 6. Dyspepsia: painful digestion structure through the muscle that 7. Peritonitis: peritoneal 2. Colectomy: process of cutting the inflammation normally contains 8. Appendicitis: appendix gall; bile inflammation Diarrhea- a condition characterized as 9. Hematemesis: vomiting blood 3. Proctologist: someone who 10. Dysphagia: painful by abnormally frequent elimination of swallowing specializes and studies the anus loose or watery stools 4. Glossoplasty: surgical repair of the Emesis- vomiting tongue Ulcer- open sore or an erosion of the 5. Gastorointesalgia: stomach and skin or lining of mucous membrane small intestine pain

Urinary system Key terms: Function: filter urine, waste storage and excretion ● -cele; hernia, swelling, protrusion and hormone production ● Lysis; breakdown, separation Healthcare careers: ● cyst/o;cyst, fluid sac, bladder Urologist- is a physician who specializes in ● nephar/o; kidney disease of the urinary system and the ● ren/o;kidney males reproductive tract ● -uria;urination, condition of urination Case magnet nurse- a registered nurse ● -Pexy;surgical fixation who can work in a variety of settings, from ● -ectasis; dilation or expansion hospitals to home health care to clinics ● -pyel/o; renal pelvis coordinating patients care with physicians Diseases and conditions: Vocab Cystocele- herniation of the bladder 1. albumin/o,dys-,-lysis: difficult breakdown of protein through the viginal wall in females 2. baceri/o, in-,-us: bacteria in the tissues Cystolithiasis- calculi of the urinary 3. calcul/o,poly-,-sclerosis: many stones hardening bladder; bladder stones 4. cyst/o,dys-,cele-: painful hernia near the bladder Nephrolithiasis- renal calculi; kidney 5. glyc/o,hyper-,-osis: abnormal condition where sugar levels are too high stones 6. nephar/o,dys-,-tripsy: intense pain in the kidney due to crushing Nephrosclerosis- a disease in which 7. olig/o,hypo-,-uria: urine condition where very small amounts of urine come out arteriole walls in the kidney become 8. ren/o,dys-,-pexy: surgical fixation in the renal pelvis due to pain narrowed and thickened, often due to 9. ur/o,hyper-,-uria: condition of excess urine hypertension (high blood pressure) 10. vesic/o,dys-,-iasis: abnormal condition in the urinary bladder where there is pain

Reproductive System Key terms: Function: To produce offspring, produce sperm or eggs, facilitate ● cervic/o conception or fertilization ● slaping/o ● ov/o Healthcare and careers: ● orchid/o Surgical technician: assists physicians and nurse in the ● oophr/o operating room ● men/o Pharmacist: healthcare professionals who focus on ● mamm/o safe and effective medical use, they answer patient ● gynec/o question ● colp/o ● prostat/o Diseases and conditions: Vocab: ● Candidiasis- Infection of the skin or mucous 1. cervic/o,peri-,-itits; inflammation around the cervix membrane caused by species of candida 2. cyst/o,dys-,lysis; pain in fluid sac due to breakdown (yeast); localized in the vigina 3. py/o,endo-,-algia; pus causing pain ● Mastalgia- pain in the breast; may signal a non 4. vagin/o,-peri, itis; vagina experiencing inflammation cancerous breast condition; mastodynia 5. vener/o, -megaly,-pathy, sexual contact that causes a disease ● Toxic shock syndrome- a severe bacterial 6. cry/o,genesis-,-iasis; cold formation in the body infection characterized by high fever 7. plast/o,-cele,-plasty; formation of a hernia that results in s surgical repair headache...prolonged use of superabsorbent 8. mast/o,-itis; inflammation near the breast tampons 9. olig/o-uria; scanty urine 10. test/o, -itis; inflammation near the testicles

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