BAS 140 - 145PortfolioAkmal Nasimi13405850
Contents PageSelected drawings / Model Week 1Week 2 Model ConceptWeek 2 Selected drawings / ModelWeek 3 Model ConceptWeek 3 Selected drawings / ModelWeek 4 Model ConceptWeek 4 Selected drawings / ModelSelf Directed Model ConceptSelf Directed Selected drawings / ModelSelf Directed Model ConceptSelf Directed Selected drawings / ModelAssignment 2 Drawings and Concepts
PLAN Landscape ModelsSECTION A-A The first 2 models were a challenge as it was the SECTION A-A first time I had worked with this type of restrictions. It also taught me about how to show landscape in architectural models
SOUTH ELEVATION Surface and FormEAST ELEVATIONSECTION This is probably the most beautiful model I made. I made sure all the cuts have 45° cuts and are all neat and clean Through models I learnt to make sure you check twice and cut only once and be patient with the models.
AXONOMETRIC OpeningsAXONOMETRIC This model also need a lot of re-cuts and double checking of the sizes. Through models I learnt how opening bring light in to the building and making sure they are in the right places is very important.
PERSPECTIVE Oblique This model though me about movement and how to create a smooth flowing building that is very different in its approach.
SECTION A-A Self directed model 1PERSPECTIVEAXONOMETRIC My first self directed model looked into surface and form.
PLAN Self directed model 2SECTION B-B My second self directed model looked into PERSPECTIVE movement albeit not in the conventional style.
Plans AllFloorslookingdwonfrom thetop Scale : StructuralSupportStructuralSupport Lugs ConcretefootingBasePlate SectionA-A Scale :MydesignisallaboutmaximizingtheexperiencetheviewsaroundPointWalterandgivingthevisitorshistoryandinformationaboutthesite.Mytoweristwostoriessittingaroundacentralcolumnwithaspiralstaircase.ThispageshowsPlans,Sectionandhabitation.TheflowinghairofDjundaisshownonthefainttransparent.
ElevationE Scale : ElevationE Scale :Acoupleofelevationsshowingdetailsofthespiralstaircasethecenterpieceofthismodel,withthegroundlinedepictionofpointwalter.TheflowinghairofDjundaisshownonthefainttransparent.
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