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Home Explore Painel Abramed 2021 - O DNA do Diagnóstico - inglês

Painel Abramed 2021 - O DNA do Diagnóstico - inglês

Published by administrativo, 2022-02-10 13:50:32

Description: Painel Abramed 2021 - O DNA do Diagnóstico - inglês


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Dasa Dasa is the largest integrated health network CHN - Integrated Medical Solutions, which in Brazil. It is part of the lives of more than 20 provides consultations, exams and outpatient million people a year, with high technology, care in more than 40 specialties, promoting intuitive experience, and a cutting-edge an integrated line of care for patients. attitude. With over 40,000 employees and 250 thousand medical partners, it aims to the This year, there was the debut of the new healthcare that people desire, being present brand in which Dasa, Ímpar and GSC at every stage of caring. became a single ecosystem, under the Dasa brand. Other important highlights in Dasa looks at health management in a 2021 were the launch of Genov, a scientific preventive, predictive and personalized way. project of surveillance by sample sequencing It integrates diagnostic medicine, hospitals, of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil; the realisation of genomics, oncology, care coordination, re-IPO; the deployment of NAV, a digital emergency care, telemedicine, clinical platform that accompanies navigation, research, and science. empowers and facilitates people’s lives, with the aim of creating design and experience In 2020, the network introduced Dasa solutions for each individual and providing Empresas, a hub of solutions for the society with a more predictive, personalised, corporate market. In addition, it created efficient and accessible medicine; in addition the Emergency Diagnosis Centre (CDE), in to seven acquisitions, among which those of partnership with the Ministry of Health, to Grupo Case, Hospital São Domingos (MA), donate human resources and infrastructure Hospital da Bahia, Clínica AMO, Hospital to provide 3 million RT-PCR exams to do Paraná and Hospital 9 de Julho (some detect covid-19; and the creation of SER deals are still under regulatory approval). ABRAMED MEMBERS 301ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 2011 Areas of expertise: anatomy, molecular biology, biochemistry, cytogenetics, flux cytometry, cytopathology, colpocytology, electrophoresis, elisa, genetics and personalised medicine, hematology, hemostasis, hormones, immunofluorescence, immunohematology, immunology, markers, mycology, microbiology, neonatology, parasitology, toxicology, urinalysis Geographic coverage: AL, AM, BA, CE, DF, ES, GO, MA, MG, MS, MT, PA, PB, PB, PI, PR, RJ, RN, RO, RS, SC, SE, SP and TO Accreditations: PALC, ISO 9001:15, DICQ Number of Units: 6 and more than 40 regional support units Number of employees: 1.700 Number of patients treated per year: 7.427.161 exams in 2020 Number of brands in operation: 4 302 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

DB Diagnostics To offer increasingly accurate diagnosis a high level of agility and precision, the and deliver results with agility, DB has unit offers the safety and credibility decentralized and mirrored clinical analysis that partners expect, going beyond units that encompass all areas of laboratory expectations through a reliable service diagnosis and a capacity of 20 million tests focused on the real needs of each per month. In addition, three specialized laboratory. units provide a differentiated service in the areas of molecular, pathological, and The DB Toxicology is a unit dedicated toxicological diagnosis. to the area of occupational toxicology and the examination of wide window of DB Molecular is the division exclusively detection. It also has an extensive menu dedicated to molecular biology, genetics, of tests focused on clinical analysis, such and cytogenetics. A cutting-edge unit, as: vitamins, biogenic amines, metals and where technical-scientific knowledge walks therapeutic drugs. hand in hand with the evolution of DB. The DB also relies on the support of 40 DB Pathology is dedicated exclusively to regional units responsible for receiving, anatomopathological, cytopathological sorting and sending the samples to the and immunohistochemical diagnosis. With units that will perform the analysis. ABRAMED MEMBERS 303ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1981 Areas of expertise: clinical analysis Geographic coverage: SP Accreditations: ONA III Number of Units: 12 Number of employees: 230 Number of patients treated per year: 338.000 Number of brands in operation: 1 304 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

DMS Burnier The name DMS comes from the initials of the We are partners of Fundação Dom Cabral three founders of the first unit in the city of (PAEX for Excellence) in the professional Valinhos-SP in 1981. With the acquisition of career development programme for DMS Laboratório Dr. Rogério Burnier in Campinas Burnier employees. in 1995, it was renamed DMS Burnier. In 2020, DMS VIDA E AÇÃO was created, Today, there are 12 units in 7 municipalities an action led by DMS Burnier, where clients in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas and employees take part in social actions in (MRC): Campinas, Hortolandia, Monte Mor, the cities covered by DMS. Paulinia, Sumaré, Valinhos and Vinhedo. DMS Burnier works in the name of Health, Quality and patient care is the mission of because Life is the Best Result. DMSBurnier. All of its employees are trained day by day for excellence in service. In 2000, we started with a Quality Management System with ISO 9000 Certification, and in the search for improvement we migrated to ONA Accreditation and we are now certified ONA III - Excellence in Management. ABRAMED MEMBERS 305ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1926 Areas of expertise: Medicine & Health Geographic coverage: SP, ES, RJ, RS, PE, BA, PR, RN, MA, DF Accreditations: ISO 9001; ISO 14001; CAP; Palc; CBR; ISO 14001; ISO 31000 Number of Units: 250 Number of employees: 11,242 Employees and 2,700 Doctors Number of patients treated per year: in 2020, there were more than 2.7 million clients and 79.2 million exams Number of brands in operation: 15 306 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Fleury Group With its 95-year history, Fleury Group is one Saúde iD, a pioneering digital platform, of the most respected medical and healthcare currently has 25 million lives. In the first phase, institutions in the country. A benchmark for this marketplace was only B2B and was available technical, medical, and service excellence, it is to operators and companies that hire health also a leader in best ESG practices. services for their employees. The next stage will be the B2C marketplace, already in pilot phase Headquartered in São Paulo, Fleury is present of operation, offering subscription healthcare in eight other states and the Federal District, services directly to the end consumer. This with more than 250 service centers. In addition initiative represents an option of access to to diagnostic medicine services, Fleury Group quality health care for people who do not have has a broad range of integrated services that a health care plan - today almost 75% of the seek to meet people’s needs for better health Brazilian population. management while generating sustainability for the health system through better use of In 2021, Fleury Group held the first debenture invested resources. These solutions reflect issue by a healthcare company in Brazil with the Company’s strategic positioning to be ESG targets, worth R$1 billion. This issue an integrated, preventive and hybrid health is connected to the Company’s strategy to ecosystem, combining physical and digital accelerate growth and its ambition to build services. a sustainable healthcare ecosystem with integrated solutions for the benefit of patients, In 2020, with the pandemic, the company’s physicians, healthcare insurance providers and flexibility and adaptation was fundamental to society in general, in line with the best ESG maintain, enhance and improve the customer practices. experience in the use of its services with the application of its strategic positioning. The year was also marked by the implementation of more than 160 new products, progress in the offer of services in the Genomics area and the introduction of the digital platforms Saúde iD and Pupilla. ABRAMED MEMBERS 307ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1959 Areas of expertise: laboratory support (lab-to-lab), customer service units (CSP), personalized medicine, pathological anatomy, toxicology, hospital support Geographic coverage: all states Accreditations: CAP Accredited; DICQ; ISO 9,000/9,001; ISO/IEC 17,025; ONA 2; PALC; SBPC/ML; COLLEGE OF AMERICAN PATHOLOGISTS; CONTROL LAB PROEFICIENCY; program ASQUALAB; INT Forensic Science Blood Lead Proficiency; PICQ; PNCQ Number of Units: 148 Number of employees: 6.000 Number of patients treated per year: 11.799 million patients in 2020 Number of brands in operation: 14 308 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Pardini Group The Pardini Group is among the largest players - First THN (Technical Hospital Nucleus) in Diagnostic and Personalized Medicine in in the city of Belo Horizonte, establishing Brazil. With 14 brands, the institution has the entry of Grupo Pardini in the segment of the purpose of taking healthcare to those in Premium Hospitals and high specialization need, wherever they are. Whether through its with an anchor in oncology. 148 own units in Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Goiás and Pará, or the laboratory - Partnership with Speedbird Aero to study support service for almost 6 thousand the feasibility of transporting biological laboratories, located in 2 thousand cities material using drones. across the country. - Development of PrevCOV, a Covid-19 The company reached this level by investing Infection Prevalence Survey in Brazil. The increasingly more in health technology, Group collaborated with the Ministry of innovations and seeking improvements in the Health in the responsibility of collecting customer experience. In Brazil, the Group is a blood samples from survey participants in the pioneer in setting up an automated laboratory defined regions. production platform (Enterprise). In 2021, Pardini announced the acquisition in Since the beginning of the pandemic, Pardini PSC of Laboratório Paulo C. Azevedo, which has executed more than 30 projects and is a market leader in Diagnostic Medicine initiatives that reinforce the group’s purpose in the state of Pará; and the acquisition of and the importance of diagnostic medicine. APC - Anatomical Pathology Laboratory, Some of them are: a reference laboratory in the country in immunohistochemistry and “in situ” - Drive-thru and home care, enabling the hybridization panels, performed in biopsy of growing flow of patients to be served safely. surgical specimens with a broad spectrum of diagnosis in oncology. - Understanding the importance of updating epidemiological data to confront the disease, Pardini began publishing the Covid-19 Weekly Bulletin. ABRAMED MEMBERS 309ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1955 Areas of expertise: emergency care, hospitalizations, surgeries, consultations and exams Geographic coverage: SP Number of Units: 2 Number of employees: 2.800 Number of patients treated per year: 166,002 (outpatient), 45,688 (surgery), 138,478 (emergency room), 29,995 (inpatient) Number of brands in operation: 1 310 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Nove de Julho Hospital Established 65 years ago, 9 de Julho Hospital Exercise and Sports Medicine; Women’s is today one of the country’s main references Clinic; Longevity and Inflammatory Bowel in high complexity medicine in oncology, Disease. gastroenterology, urology, cardiology, neurology, and bone marrow transplant. In 2019, H9J consolidated itself among the It belongs to the Ímpar Network, which country’s leading hospitals and amassed includes 7 hospitals in São Paulo, Rio de several achievements: investment in the Janeiro, and the Federal District. It has 470 7th Intensive Care Unit; partnership beds, 22 operating rooms (three for robotic with brain4care for non-invasive brain and two hybrids with hemodynamics and complacency monitoring technology; had Magnetic Resonance) and 102 ICU beds. its Clinical Care Program in Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) internationally certified A forerunner in the adoption of new by the Joint Commission International technologies, H9J was one of the pioneers in (JCI) - the only one in the world with performing robotic surgeries, reaching over this certification; implemented medical 4,000 performed since 2012. Today, it has two residency in Hematology and Intensive robots, three operating rooms, two of which Care; adopted automation solutions to are intelligent, allowing two procedures to be intensify efficiency in communication performed in sequence, and a simulator that with doctors and patients and created the allows the training of surgeons and assistants Safe Living Space to rehabilitate elderly at the same time. patients before discharge. It also promoted important international events, such as the It boasts a Specialised Medicine Centre with Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine more than 50 specialities and 12 reference Symposium and the 3rd International centres: Centre for Pain and Functional Robotics Congress. Implemented the Neurosurgery; Kidney and Diabetes; Ímpar Teleconference and completed Renal Calculus; Cardiology; Oncology; 10 years of the International Trauma Gastroenterology; Weight Control, Infusion, Conference. ABRAMED MEMBERS 311ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1976 Areas of expertise: cardiology, neurology, oncology, orthopedics, diagnostic medicine, clinical medicine, among others Geographic coverage: nationwide operation, through the PROADI-SUS projects Accreditations: in 2021 - Epimed and AMIB Recognition Seal; Joint Commission International; IAM and IC Certification (fourth cycle); Joint Commission International; ATJ/ATQ Certification (second cycle); Hospital Seal - Friend of the Elderly (intermediate). Number of Units: 6 Number of employees: 5.342 Number of patients treated per year 524.749/Year Number of brands in operation: 1 312 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

HCor Hospital of the Heart Hcor offers care in more than 50 In 2020, with the arrival of the pandemic, specialties, including Neurology, Hcor implemented the segmentation of the Oncology, Orthopedics and Cardiology hospital in Flu Syndrome and Hcor Mais - an area in which it is nationally and Seguro, ensuring the safety of patients and internationally renowned - and also has collaborators, certified with the Seal of Best its own Diagnostic Medicine centre. The Practices for Prevention and Response to the hospital has various accreditations and Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid Free Seal). certifications and has been a partner of the Ministry of Health in the Support In addition, the institution adopted Social Program for Institutional Development Responsibility initiatives towards fighting of the Single Health System (PROADI- the pandemic and participated in clinical SUS) for over 10 years. researches published in the main scientific journals on potential therapies against Besides the healthcare services, covid-19, working with the group Covid the hospital has an internationally Brazil Coalition. recognized Research Institute (IP- Hcor), which coordinates multicentric In2021,thehospitalreachedthebestoperational clinical studies with publications in record in its history. R$110 million is being the most prestigious scientific journals. invested in hospitality and modernization of It is also heading a Teaching Institute the existing structure. Hcor also announced its (IE-Hcor) that trains and qualifies rebranding, based on the concept of presenting thousands of professionals annually itself as a modern and updated institution, and is certified by the American Heart that operates in an easy and positive manner, Association. aligned with the current needs of Medicine. ABRAMED MEMBERS 313ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1929 Areas of expertise: clinical analysis, imaging (USG, mammography, and bone densitometry), cardiology tests (Holter, ABPM, ergometric, echocardiograms, ECG) Geographic coverage: Santos and surrounding Cities – SãoPaulo State Accreditations: PALC and ISO 9001 Number of Units: 16 Number of employees: 450 Number of patients treated per year: 361,874 (January to December 2020); 312,870 (January to August 2021) Number of brands in operation: 1 314 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

IACS Since 1929, IACS has been more than just a The implementation of a test for rapid business, it has also become a mission passed detection of diseases caused by the Aedes on from generation to generation. aegypti mosquito: dengue, chikungunya and zika, contributing with science to Specialists in Diagnostic Medicine, IACS expedite the fight against diseases caused keeps care truly close to all patients, by arboviruses, viruses transmitted understandingtheirneedsandparticularities, by the bite of arthropods, such as the with unique treatment. Aedes aegypti. The laboratory offered a triplex PCR test that simultaneously From the conception and management to detects the three pathogens of Dengue, the presence in each step of all processes of Chikungunya and Zika viruses. IACS, medical excellence is one of the pillars that made them reach a new level of service. Implementation of Drive Thru for sample collection to detect covid-19 on Even in the face of a pandemic that has one of the main avenues in the city of transformed the planet’s reality, IACS Santos, offering convenience, fast and achieved outstanding results during this exclusive service for covid-19-related biennium, such as: exams. ABRAMED MEMBERS 315ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 2000 Areas of expertise: laboratory support Geographic coverage MG, ES, RJ, SP, GO, DF, RS Accreditations: ONA – Level III, PALC, DICQ Number of Units: 1 Number of employees: 67 Number of patients treated per year: 1,118,885 patients from 138 laboratories. Number of brands in operation: 1 316 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Lab Rede Having 21 years of history and more than 200 TRUSTFULNESS, CREDIBILITY - Being partner laboratories, Lab Rede is a support recognized by independent accounting audits laboratory that offers benefits an innovative as a reliable and trustworthy company, thanks concept of Laboratory Network, by prioritizing to a responsible, transparent and faithful sustainability through quality in its processes, performance in compliance with fiscal and tax development of its team and high-level medical regulations. At Lab Rede, data security, even and scientific support. before LGPD, has always been a priority. When it comes to quality, Lab Rede is proud Programs such as end-to-end monitoring (from to be recognized by the main accreditation the registration of the sample to the results programs, being the first support laboratory delivery) providing more security throughout in Brazil to receive ONA level III certification, the process. in addition to being accredited by PALC and DICQ. In 2020 Lab Rede was recognized and awarded as Outstanding National Laboratory MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC - Quality and Technology in Laboratory Medicine Solutions by ASSMERCOSUR CONSULTING - Lab Rede has a team of with the Marketing and Business trophy. In addition, it introduced the assistance program specialists recognized by their differentiated for Network members during the pandemic with marketing, legal and financial support, and proactive service, highly qualified and and webinars; it also created the DIGITAL NETWORK - a platform for continuous multidisciplinary that offers support and education and laboratory training; and the automation sector ensured that more than technical solutions for the entire Network. 97.45% of the exams were delivered before the deadline. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Network members can rely on the specialized support (remote or in-person) of professionals specializing in information technology solutions with skills in systems and integration. ABRAMED MEMBERS 317ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 2019 Areas of expertise: pathological anatomy, genomics and innovation focused on oncology Geographic coverage: SP Number of Units: 1 Number of employees: Not disclosed Number of patients treated per year: Not disclosed Number of brands in operation: 2 318 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

OC Precision Medicine Oncoclínicas, one of the largest oncology, The somatic panel at Oncoclínicas analyses hematology, and radiotherapy groups in alterations in the tumour DNA sequence, Latin America, has inaugurated, in 2019, such as deletions, insertions, and fusions. The OC Precision Medicine, the first Pathology, same sample is also evaluated for Microsatellite Genomics and Innovation laboratory focused Instability, MSI, valuable marker for treatment on oncology. decision. OC Precision Medicine offers a wide range The finding of alterations that affect gene of diagnostic exams, with the methodologies function indicates a better response rate to of immunohistochemistry, FISH, molecular target drugs or immunotherapy. In other tests, and next generation DNA sequencing words, the treatment of each patient is (NGS/ SPLE). Genomic studies in oncology modelled according to the profile of the allow a better understanding of the etiology genomic alterations found. and progression of the disease, providing the patient with an accurate diagnosis and assertive The evaluation of the material is undertaken and personalized treatment. using bioinformatics tools, very accurate in the analysis of gene variants, resulting in a complete The role of Pathology in Precision Medicine and instructive report that will contribute to is to integrate microscopic findings with the assertiveness of the oncological treatment. data from genomic tests, in addition to ensuring the quality of the material for this OC Precision Medicine has oncogeneticists analysis, monitoring pre-analytical factors, who can assist in the interpretation of genetic standardizing, and automating internal tests and in the discussion of more complex processes in histological processing and cases. Precision Medicine in oncology is a providing anatomopathological information medical approach that proposes to prevent and in order to guide clinical decisions in the treat cancer based on the genetic profile of the investigation of biomarkers. patient and the genomic profile of the tumor. ABRAMED MEMBERS 319ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1992 Areas of expertise: diagnostic imaging (imaging exams, radiology, and cardiology exams) and home care, with imaging exams and consultations at home Geographic coverage: CE Accreditations: maintenance of ONA certification - Level 3 Number of Units: 6 Number of employees:300 Number of patients treated per year: approximately 100 thousand Number of brands in operation: 1 320 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Omnimagem Founded in 1992, Omnimagem became the Today, the clinic is a reference in diagnostic first high complexity diagnostic imaging imaging in the North and Northeast, centre in Ceará. The clinic was created developing and training its employees, to meet the needs of the society of Ceará personalizing a humanized service, and through more accurate and safe radio striving for excellence and quality, in order diagnostic exams, using state-of-the-art to provide respect and safety to patients, technology and a highly specialized team. as well as the most modern technology for accurate diagnosis and a team of highly With an entrepreneurial and innovative qualified technicians to perform and vision, the company’s purpose is to promote interpret examinations. healthcare and well-being for people, offering all its customers, partners and the Omnimagem has six units, five located in medical society, high level technological Fortaleza and one in the city of Maracanaú - diagnosis with precise results. in the capital’s Metropolitan Region. Each year, Omnimagem has been exceeding In 2021 another unit of the company was and surpassing the expectations of all inaugurated, providing low and high its clients and partners in a gratifying complexity exams for Ceara´s society. manner, with highly modern, fast and comfortable equipment and facilities and also certifications that attest to the quality of the company’s processes, such as ONA - Level 3 (Excellence). ABRAMED MEMBERS 321ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1997 Areas of expertise: support laboratory Geographic coverage: Brazilian territory Number of Units: 1 Number of employees: 7 Number of patients treated per year: 73.000–tests carried out for Number of brands in operation: Not disclosed 322 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Quest Diagnostics Quest Diagnostics is the “reference laboratory that is broad and innovative: from routine for reference laboratories” in many countries biological testing to molecular, complex around the world. Serving one in three genetic, specialty and pathology testing. Americans and half the physicians and hospitals in the United States annually, To serve the Brazilian market, it provides Quest is a global leader in providing the information technology and logistics diagnostic tests, information, and services solutions that enable integrated support to that patients and physicians need to make healthcare professionals and their patients. better healthcare decisions. In 2019, it was named to Fortune Magazine’s Quest provides innovative, state-of-the- World’s Most Admired Companies list in art tests to improve patient care and turn the “ Pharmaceuticals and Other Services” information into knowledge and insights, category for the third consecutive year. having delivered more than 20 billion test results over the past decade. It offers physicians an industry-leading menu of tests ABRAMED MEMBERS 323ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1984 Areas of expertise: clinical analysis, diagnostic imaging, immunization, pathological anatomy, executive check-up Geographic coverage: AM, BA, DF, GO, MT, MS, MG, PA, PR, RR, SC, SP, TO Accreditations: CAP; PADI; PALC; ONA; ISO 9001; ISO 14001; ISO 31000 Number of Units: 296 Number of employees: 5.700 Number of patients treated per year: 5,7 Millions Number of brands in operation: 8 324 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Sabin Founded in Brasília by entrepreneurs Janete directly supported the application of more Vaz and Sandra Costa, the Sabin Group is than 58,000 doses of the covid-19 vaccine. present in 54 cities, covering 12 states and the Federal District. Clinical analysis, diagnostic Sabin introduced Kortex Venture, an imaging, vaccines, and executive check-up investment fund created to accelerate services are offered in 296 units that serve national and international healthcare over 5.7 million customers in Brazil each year. startups in partnership with Fleury, and It has 5.7 thousand employees, engaged in created Skyhub.Bio, the Group’s innovation the purpose of inspiring people to take care hub that already incubates seven startups of people, and an award-winning Diversity and promotes access to the healthcare & Inclusion Program. know-how of the company’s professionals, strengthening entrepreneurship in the The Group led actions to combat sector. the pandemic through the in-house development of the RT PCR for SARS- With the proposal to increase access to CoV-2 and expanded its service channels to healthcare, the Group recently opened its the population from north to south of the Digital Health Centre, Rita Saúde, a 100% country, integrating units, e-commerce and digital service that integrates coordinated drive-thru. It was also the first company to care, telemedicine and the healthcare integrate COVID-19 notifications into the marketplace into a platform based on a new National Health Data Network (RNDS) of funding model. the Ministry of Health. Through the Sabin Institute and its volunteer program, the The acquisition of the Bioclin Laboratory, in company has carried out various welfare Tocantins, was the 28th in the Sabin Group’s actions to support social organizations journey of national expansion, consolidating and communities, fostered social impact its operations in the northern region of the initiatives and, in the Federal District, country. ABRAMED MEMBERS 325ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1972 Areas of expertise: CSF and covid-19 tests Geographic coverage: SP Accreditations: ONA Level of Excellence Number of Units: 2 Number of employees: 70 Number of patients treated per year: 11.471 in 2021 Number of brands in operation: 1 326 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Senne Liquor For over 45 years Senne Liquor Diagnostics And this is done by continually seeking has been a reference centre in Brazil for to incorporate and implement new CSF collection and analysis, focusing on technologies, always having as a cornerstone comprehensive patient care. “science at the patients’ service”, who need this exam, playing an essential role in quality, It stands out for its agile, safe, and reliable speed, diagnostic accuracy, and patient care service, carried out in a humanized and in order to assist in the best treatment, uninterrupted manner, 24 hours a day, 7 days avoiding hospitalizations and inadequate a week. For over four decades in operation, treatments, which generates cost savings for it has contributed to the development of the whole chain. assistance and innovation in this area, for example, being the first laboratory in Brazil In the last year, Senne Liquor published to map the covid-19 in cerebrospinal fluid. 12 international scientific papers in the areas of covid-19, NeuroCovid and The quality of Senne Liquor Diagnostics is Multiple Sclerosis, molecular diagnosis recognized nationally, because the laboratory of neuroinfections and neuro-oncology, receives samples from patients in various including the publication of the world’s regions of Brazil and also is consulted by first sequencing of SARS-COV-2 in CSF. In doctors from many locations to discuss cases addition, it expanded its product portfolio in which the CSF is critical to the diagnosis with the introduction of covid exams (RT- of the patient. PCR, Serology, Neutralizing Antibodies); and also expanded the Support to several The team, led by Dr. Carlos Senne, is tirelessly Laboratories and Hospitals throughout dedicated to providing the best diagnosis Brazil through a partnership with a through CSF, respecting the principles of company specialized in the transportation best medical and laboratory practice. of biological samples. ABRAMED MEMBERS 327ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1987 Areas of expertise: radiology and diagnostic imaging Geographic coverage: RS Number of Units: 20 Number of employees: 375 Number of patients treated per year: Not disclosed Number of brands in operation: 1 328 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Sidi With 34 years of history, SIDI - Imaging To offer services in an even more complete Medicine, has been synonymous of pioneering way, SIDI Cardiovascular was born, allowing and competence in imaging diagnosis the physician and the patient to perform all since the beginning of its activities. The imaging tests in a single place. The advantages company seeks to structure itself with the of this possibility go far beyond the best equipment on the market, and the most convenience for the patient because the exams qualified professionals to offer high standard can be assessed and discussed immediately by services to customers. the specialized medical team of SIDI, which interacts in systematic scientific meetings and Another important differential is the in the daily routine of the clinic, increasing integrated logistics service, where patients the quality and accuracy of medical diagnosis. can perform and pick up the test results at the unit of their choice. Conscious of the needs of its clientele, SIDI created a unit in the Menino Deus SIDI stands out for its investment in state- neighbourhood, with the mission of of-the-art technology, one of its differentials, welcoming particularly the female public. This an example of which is the Revolution HD unit was the pioneer in three-dimensional Tomograph, which produces images with an (3D) ultrasound and is equipped with the only unmatched degree of fidelity with extremely digital mammography device in Rio Grande low radiation levels. do Sul. It is important to emphasize that this equipment is the only one in the state and it Besides this, the units are equipped differs from the digital mammography ones, that digitize the image from film. with X-ray, Holter, electrocardiography, SIDI has a significant volume of image-guided echocardiography, mammography, interventional procedures, such as biopsies and thyroid, breast, prostate, lung, liver, densitometry, nuclear medicine, and the kidney, pancreas and lymph nodes punctures; needling of breast lesions and drainage of largest park of Computed Tomography (CT) liquid collections. and Magnetic Resonance (MR) equipment in the state, with eight CTs, five closed MRs and one open MR distributed throughout the units. ABRAMED MEMBERS 329ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1997 Areas of expertise: radiology and diagnostic imaging. Geographic coverage: RS Number of Units: 6 Number of employees: 410 Number of patients treated per year: 1.065.000 Number of brands in operation: 6 330 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Sir Radiology Founded 24 years ago, in Porto Alegre, by ultrasonography; R4 and Fellows have trained radiologist Dr. Armando Abreu - former more than 150 doctors, including 32 radiologists president of the Brazilian College of Radiology from Portugal, Angola, Uruguay, Colombia - SIR began its activities with the Institution among others. Hospital Mãe de Deus and, over the years, has grown significantly in the field of Imaging The company works with technological Diagnosis. innovation as one of the pillars of its operations. To this end, it constantly invests in start- With approximately 160 specialized physicians, ups and research/partnerships with artificial the company provides services to public and intelligence companies in the MRI and breast private hospitals, with radiology services, field. for which it has conquered important accreditations, with operations by the Joint Commission Int., ONA III and the American College of Radiology, performing about 1 million annual exams in a system that includes 12 MRs, 9 CTs, 45 Echographs, 2 PET/CTs. SIR provides ID and Teleradiology services to 9 hospitals and several clinics. It also has a residencyandspecializationprogramwithCBR (Brazilian College of Radiology) certification. The courses in the areas of radiology and ID; ABRAMED MEMBERS 331ABRAMED PANEL

Founding year: 1921 Areas of expertise: Clinical Analysis, Diagnostic Imaging, Pathological Anatomy and other Diagnostic Methods Geographic coverage: SP and DF Number of Units: 7 Number of employees: more than 10.000 Number of patients treated per year: Not disclosed Number of brands in operation: 4 (Sírio-Libanês Hospital, Sírio-Libanês Corporate Health and Sírio- Libanês Social Responsibility Institute) 332 ABRAMED PANEL ABRAMED MEMBERS

Hospital Sírio-Libanês Sociedade Beneficente de Senhoras Hospital and scientific meetings. With translational Sírio-Libanês, a philanthropic institution research, knowledge from the laboratory founded in 1921, works daily to offer excellent bench is taken into clinical practice, fostering medical and hospital care, always with a new discoveries that benefit patients every humanized and individualized view, in over day. 60 specialties. It also develops teaching and research activities and carries out projects As part of its healthcare services, there are that consolidate its true social responsibility. Diagnostic Centers at three locations in São Paulo and two in Brasília. In these Centers it Maintaining the commitment undertaken is possible to perform more than 2 thousand 100 years ago by its founders, it carries types of imaging exams and clinical analysis, out social initiatives in four cornerstones: from the most complex to the simplest, always Integration with the Community, Outpatient with highly qualified professionals, state-of- Clinics, the Sírio-Libanês Institute for Social the-art equipment and infrastructure that Responsibility and Projects Supporting the offer comfort and safety to patients. Unified Health System (SUS) - the latter through the SUS Institutional Development In the Population Health and Primary Health Support Program (PROADI-SUS), which Care area, the institution was a pioneer with spreads knowledge and good health practices the creation of the Sírio-Libanês Corporate throughout the country. Health program, which unites companies, healthcare providers and medicine in qualified ThroughSírio-LibanêsTeachingandResearch, care and health monitoring. The service is it promotes knowledge in lato and stricto directed at organizations from various sectors sensu post-graduation programs, medical and and serves more than 180 thousand lives, multiprofessional residencies, update courses, helping to ensure better coordination and distance learning, internships, seminars continuity of care. ABRAMED MEMBERS 333ABRAMED PANEL

Brazilian Association of Diagnostic Medicine Mailing address: R. Oscar Freire, 379 - 9th floor, Cerqueira César | SãoPaulo | SP 01426-900 E-mail: [email protected] Telephones: (11) 98831-5092 | 94062-9056 | 4305-4880

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