249 Work Methodology
250 ABRAMED ABRAMED PANEL PANEL Work Methodology The Abramed Panel 2019 is the 2nd edition of a observed in the previous edition, considering the successful project for analysis of the diagnostic size and participation of new members. Thus, medicine sector in Brazil, carried out by Abramed’s some indicators present different results from those sectoral intelligence department. Increasingly, the previously reported, however, it was observed that purpose of this study is to make this publication an the trend of the indicators presented remained important support material for the market, protecting unchanged. Finally, the results from 2016 to 2018 information companies that reflect the reality and were maintained in order to maintain the historical challenges of the sector, and even helping them in series. decision making. Nineteen Abramed’s associates and of great Primary sources are data extracted from the National relevance in the Diagnostic Medicine market took Agency of Supplementary Health (ANS), Brazilian part in this research: Alliar - Médicos à Frente; Boris Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Ministry Berenstein Medicina Diagnóstica; BP Medicina of Labor and Employment (MTE), Ministry of Health Diagnóstica; CEPEM - Centro de Estudos e (MS), World Health Organization (WHO) , Federal Pesquisas da Mulher; Clinica da Imagem do Council of Medicine (CFM), World Bank, among Tocantins; Cura - Centro De Ultrassonografia; Grupo others. Dasa; DB Medicina Diagnóstica; Grupo Fleury; Hcor - Associação Do Sanatório Sírio; Hermes In the process of collecting data from associated Pardini Medicina, Saúde e Bem-Estar; Lab-Rede - companies, an online survey form was applied, Laboratório de Referencia; Hospital Sírio Libanês; whose consolidated responses constitute section Omnimagem Millenium Diagnóstico; Sabin Medicina 6 of this Panel. It is important to highlight that the Diagnóstica; Sidi Medicina por Imagem; Senne data presented consist exclusively of companies Liquor Diagnóstico; Sociedade Beneficente Israelita associated with Abramed at the end of 2018. Thus, Brasileira - Albert Einstein and Sir - Serviço integrado the set of respondent companies in this edition de Radiologia. does not correspond exactly to the same group
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