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Home Explore What is Cubism_

What is Cubism_

Published by Gissel Gonzalez, 2022-06-29 03:23:10

Description: What is Cubism_


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Pablo Picasso Today's art lesson is about Pablo Picasso

Who is Pablo Picasso? ● Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 and died in 1973 ● He was born in Malaga, Spain but lived most of his life in france ● His father who was an art teacher taught him to paint ● Pablo Picasso was both a painter and a sculptor and was very influential in the 20th century ● He was the the founder or abstract art Whats abstract art? art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and textures. ● He also started an art style called cubism

What is Cubism?

- cubism is a style of art where we are trying to show a person or an object from all different angles at the same time - The most famous cubist painter in the world is pablo picasso

We Will Be Making Our Own Cubism Art We will be using the Cubism art style and we will make self portraits!

What you Need You need 3 simple things - Marker - Colors - Paper

Instructions cubism is a style of art where we are trying to show a person or an object from all different angles at the same time using different shapes - On a piece of paper we are going to use a variety of different shapes and colors to create a self portrait. - You will be creating an image that looks like you using shapes. - With a marker draw out all your shapes - they can overlap -some small some big - Then with whatever colors you have you can then color in and outside the shapes

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Ms. Gonzalez

My Picasso Portrait Nathan


Your Picasso Portrait Kelsy


Ryanngel’s Picasso Portrait





Joseph’s Art

Your Picasso Portrait Asia



Victoria Hand drawing Thurs/6/22 G.4

Soliana’s Picasso Portrait

Aregs Art

Your Picasso Portrait Melania

Your Picasso Portrait Jeremy

Your Picasso Portrait Matt’s slide

Alayna’s Picasso Portrait

Your Picasso Portrait Raquel

Gabriella’s Picasso Portrait BEST DAUGHTER EVER

Katherine Picasso Portrait

Your Picasso Portrait M O S E S


anson Portrait

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