مشروع تطوير وتجهيز المطابخ المركزية مبنى - ١مبنى | ١٩قصر السلام بجدة
Saudi Vision 2030CONTENTS صفحة Page 09 تحقيق ًا لرؤية الوطن About RICHIE Co. صفحة Page 10 نبذة عن شركة ريتشي Project Location ا لـفــهـــــر سصفحة Page 12 Central Kitchens صفحة Page 13 موقع المشروع Bldg No. 1 | Bldg No. 19 صفحة Page 14 المطابخ المركزية Current Situation صفحة Page 16 مبنى رقم -1مبنى رقم 19 Future Vision صفحة Page 20 Equipment Selection Criteria صفحة Page 24 الوضع الحالي Equipment Specifications صفحة Page 26 التصور المستقبلي Scope of fit-out work & terms صفحة Page 74 معايير إختيار المعدات والأجهزة Price Proposal صفحة Page 112 مواصفات المعدات والأجهزة نطاق أعمال التجهيز وبنودها عرض السعر المالي
تحقيق ًا لرؤيـة ’’...ضمــان الحصــول علــى غــذاء آمــن ومغــذي فــي المملكــة العربيــة الســعودية ،وتشــجيع العــادات الغذائيــة الصحيــة والمتوازنــة’’... أحد الأهداف الرئيسية لرؤية صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير محمد بن سلمان بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود 9
عــن شـركـــة ريتشــي تـصـــاميم | إسـتـــشارات | مـقـــاولات م .حـســن هــادي حـســن جـوهــري لـدى شـركة ريتشـي فريـق مميـز مـن ذوي الخبـرة والمؤهـلات العاليـة مـن مصممـي شــركة ريشــتي هــي واحــدة مــن أهــم شــركات الديكـور الداخلـي والمهندسـين المعماريين والفنيين ومديري المشـاريع المتخصصين الهندســة المعماريــة والتصميمــات الحديثــة فــي جوانــب متعــددة مــن التصميــم والبنــاء .والعديــد مــن كبــار المستشــارين ال ُمبتكــرة ،واســتطاعت أن تثبــت نفســها فــي المتخصصيــن فــي العديــد مــن المجــالات المعماريــة وإدارة المشــاريع الســوق المحلــي والعالمــي إلــى حــد كبيــر. إن المهــارات المختلفــة للفريــق القائــم والشــبكة الواســعة مــن الاستشــاريين إن اهتمامنــا الكبيــر بالتفاصيــل بــدء ًا بمرحلــة المحترفيـن وذوي المهـارات العاليـة والحرفييـن وخبـراء البنـاء الذيـن نتعامـل معهـم التخطيــط الأولــى وحتــى إنجــاز المشــروع يضمــن لعملائنـا اسـتلام مشـاريع ومنازل تفـوق توقعاتهم. فــي مشــاريعنا تســمح لنــا بتقديــم تجربــة التصميــم والتنفيــذ البارعــة لعملائنــا. خدمــات إدارة مشــاريع ريتشــي تشــمل كل جانــب. فخـورون بتراثنـا ،ونحـب أيضـ ًا أن نكـون علـى مسـتوى الشـركات المعماريـة العالميـة مـن مرحلـة وضع تصـور للتصميم ،إلى المشـتريات تحقي ًقـا لرؤيـة .2030 والبنـاء والتنفيـذ الشـامل. 10
About Richie Design | Consulting | Contracting Hassan Hady Hassan Jawhari Est. RICHIE is a dynamic, innovative, and RICHIE has an experienced, highly qualified and dynamic team one of the biggest and most influen- of Interior Designers, Architects, Technicians and Project Man- tial architectural firms in Saudi Arabia. agers specializing in multiple aspects of design. Our painstaking attention to detail The combined skills of the team and their extensive interna- from the earliest concept stage right tional network of professional and highly skilled consultants, through to the completion of a project artisans, construction experts and manufacturers of bespoke consistently provides our clients with services allow them to offer the consummate design experi- projects and homes that exceed their ence for their clients. Whilst being proud of our heritage, we expectations. like to be a global architecture f irm. 11
Project مـــوقـــع Location المشروع Al-Salam Palace قصـر السـلام The project is located in the Al-Salam Royal Palace overlooVVVVking the يقــع المشــروع فــي قصــر الســلام الملكــي المطـل علـى كورنيـش مدينـة جـدة عـروس البحـر Corniche of the coastal city of Jeddah in the Andalus neighborhood الأحمــر فــي حــي الاندلــس 12
المطبخ المركزي المطبخ المركزي مــبــانــي 19 مبنى 1 مبنى المشروع الرئيسية Central Central kitchen of kitchen of Project Area Building 19 Building 1 Zoning تجهيز المطبخ المركزي توريد معدات المطبخ نـــطـــاق 1 لمبنى 1 المركزي لمبنى المشروع الرئيسي تجهيز المطبخ المركزي توريد معدات المطبخ 19 لمبنى 19 المركزي لمبنى Project Main Equipping central Supplying central SCOPE kitchen equipment kitchen equipment for Building 1 for Building 1 Equipping central Supplying central kitchen equipment kitchen equipment to Building 19 to Building 19 13
المطبخ المركزي مبنى 1 أقـسـام المشروع التفصيلية مناطق تجهيز الطعام والطبخ مناطق التخزين وحفظ الطعام مناطق الثلاجات و البرادات مناطق الغسيل وتعقيم الطعام مناطق الخدمات والإدارة 14
أقـسـام المشروع التفصيلية المطبخ المركزي مبنى 19 مناطق الغسيل وتعقيم الطعام مناطق الخدمات والإدارة مناطق تجهيز الطعام والطبخ مناطق التخزين وحفظ الطعام مناطق إعداد طعام مستحدثة 15 مناطق الثلاجات و البرادات
المطبخ المركزي مـبـنـى 1 الوضـع الحالي current situation 16
المطبـخ المركـزي مبنـى 1 المطبـخ المركـزي مبنـى 1 المطبـخ المركـزي مبنـى 1 المطبـخ المركـزي مبنـى 1 17
المطبخ المركزي مـبـنـى 19 الوضـع الحالي current situation 18
المطبـخ المركـزي مبنـى 19 المطبـخ المركـزي مبنـى 19 المطبـخ المركـزي مبنـى 19 المطبـخ المركـزي مبنـى 19 19
التصـور المسـتقبلي مــا نطمــح إليــه هــو رفــع مســتوى المطابــخ المركزيــة وجاهزيتهــا .مــع المحافظــة علــى مســتوى اســتهلاك قليــل للطاقــة. 20
FUTURE VISION What we aspire to is to raise the standard and readiness of central kitchens. While maintaining a low level of energy consumption. 21
تصـور تقريبـي للمطابـخ تصـور تقريبـي للمطابـخ تصـور تقريبـي للمطابـخ تصـور تقريبـي للمطابـخ 22
تصـور تقريبـي للمطابـخ تصـور تقريبـي للمطابـخ تصـور تقريبـي للمطابـخ تصـور تقريبـي للمطابـخ 23
معايير إختيار المعدات والأجهزة مرونة البنية التحتية للمطابخ والمعدات وسهولة نقلها وإعادة توزيعها دون الحاجة إلى إعادة تصنيع مرونة إستخدام المعدات والأجهزة وسهولة تشغيلها وصيانتها دون الحاجة إلى متخصص كفاءة المعدات ونسبة توفير تكلفة الطاقة والمياه والصيانة سهولة التنظيف وإمكانية التعقيم 24
Ease of cleaning & sterilization Comfort and Energy Efficiency Kitchen Operational Flexibility and ease of maintenance without a specialist Facility Infrastructure Flexibility of kitchen and ease of transportation and redistribution 25 Equipment Selection Criteria
أعمال التوريد مـبـنـى - 1مـبـنـى 19 الرئيسي | المطبخ العربي | مطبخ الشواء 26
Supplying Equipment Building 1 - Building 19 Main | Arab kitchen | Barbecue kitchen 27
المطبخ المركزي مـبـنـى 1 مواصفات المعدات والأجهزة 28
Central kitchen of Building 1 Equipment Specifications 29
1 المطبخ المركزي مبنى QTY منطقة المطبخ الساخن 02 QTY QTY 01 01 A03 A04 A05 ARISCO S/S ELE HOT MOD BENDONI WRKTBLE COMERCIAL MICROWAVE OVEN CUPBOARD 1600X700X850MM USHLF,BSPL, 200X70X90 CM MENUMASTER MEDIUM VOL 34 LT. MODEL: ESD716S (ARISCO) MODEL: C/P 205 I7 MODEL: MCS10TSSA arisco s/s electric hot cupboard without mod.Bendoni worktable with undershelf and backsplus Made of AISI10/18 304 Cr-Ni type of 100mm High backsplash Quick heating - Consistent results 1.2 cubit ft. stainless steel. Adjustable feet. Entirely made of AISI 304 scotch-brite with sliding doors, without rear upstand stainless steel 1mm thickness (34 L) oven capacity Dimension: 1600X700X850MM 100mm high backsplash Electric Power: 2000 W, 220 V , 60/50 Hz Cylindrical legs diameter 60.3 mm with Accommodates a 356) ″14 mm) platter Made in turkey adjustable feet Structure can taken apart- 10-8 MA TE bolts Easily heats large portions Touch controls Lower shelf with central support Dimension: 2000x700x900 mm 100 programmable menu items, 4 stages custom fabrication. of cooking,5 microwave power levels and Braille .Power Output**1000 W** Microwave Power Source220V, 60 Hz, 13A Single Phase Power Consumption 1550 W, 13 A Dimension:560X400X350 MM 30 MADE IN KOREA
HOT KITCHEN AREA CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 QTY CARTER-HOFFMAN 1-DR HTD 03 TRANSPORT CART... MODEL: PH1830 (CARTER-HOFFMAN) Completely welded turned-in seam cabinet construction All polished stainless steel construction Heavy duty stainless steel base frame 6 nos. polyurethane thread casters, sealed roller bearing Non marking gray vinyl bumper set in aluminum frame High density fiberglass insulation, 1” thick Double panel welded stainless steel door with heavy duty vinyl gasket and concealed stainless steel hinge Dial type thermometer with remote sensing bulb Bottom mounted heating system, side heat ducts Tray capacity: 18) 16”x26”) or 12) 32”x20”) Power: 1650 watts, 13.7 A Tempreture from 0 to 220 F/ 0 to 105 c Supply Voltage: 240V1-Ph60-Hz Dimension: 778x914x1473 mm Made in USA. A01 TECNODOM 3-DOORS COUNTER REF. 187CM QTY A02 MODEL: TF03MIDGN 02 Inside and outside made of Stainless Steel Self-closing doors with magnetic gaskets. Electronic front control panel with NTC probe . 31 Ventilated cooling.Tropicalized Refrigerated chiller counters designed also for remote condensing unit Completely automatic defrosting Net capacity: 460l Working temperature: 10+ / 0 C Gas R404A/R507 Power supply: -220V/1PH/60HZ Dimensions WxDxH: 1870x700x850 mm Made in Italy QUOT NO| 1525
DISH WASH AREA CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 QTY QTY QTY 01 01 01 B09 B10 B11 HAND WASH BASIN WALL MOUNTED HOSE IMC POT BOY BENDONI S/S WALL MTD 50X50X26CM MAXXRINSE - REEL 30FT HEAVY DUTY MODEL: LM 50 EM MODEL: MXR-61C (MAXXRINSE) MODEL: F100/64 Bendoni wash stainless steel wash basin Anti-lock out is standard on all models 1.5m hose reach 360rpm head speed Construction made of AISI 304 scoth-brite Arm adjusts to eight different positions Mounting height: 1.15m above sink Electrical stainless steel Open or enclosed design loading 0.37kW 13 240/220A Moulded basin complete with drain, moplen Two finishes-durable epoxy coated steel or Supplied with 2.5m cable - requires suitable siphon and rotating dispenser hole. stainless steel fused power supply within 2m of machine Timer knee tap with adjustable mixer Roller guides to reduce hose wear 565mm x 265mm x 245mm Supplied with screws and dowels for fixing to Blue spray valve with heat resistant handle (645mm including hose) the wall 30-’of heavy duty blue hose, 8/3” npt female Dimension: 500x500x262 mm Multi-fit bracket for wall, ceiling or under 32 Made in Italy. counter mounting Made in Italy.
HOT KITCHEN AREA CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 QTY A06 ARISCO S/S ELE HOT 02 CUPBOARD 1600X700X850MM QTY 01 MODEL: ESD716S (ARISCO) Description: QTY arisco s/s electric hot cupboard without backsplus Made of AISI10/18 304 01 Cr-Ni type of stainless steel. Adjustable feet. with sliding doors, without rear upstand Dimension: 1600X700X850MM 33 Electric Power: 2000 W, 220 V , 60/50 Hz made in turkey ANGELO PO ELECTRIC SALAMANDER 64X50X47 CM MODEL: 60SME 10-18 stainless steel structure and removable drip tray. Height adjustable heating by AISI 304L S/S armoured heating elements controlled by a -5position switch. Chromium plated steel grid. A07 Working voltage380 V 2N~ / 220V 1N~ / 60 Hz Electric Power: 3,9 KW A08 Dimensions: 64x50x47 CM Made in Italy OFFCAR ELE RANGE 4-SQUARE PLATE W/1-OVEN MODEL: 90CQE14 Work top in AISI 304 stainless steel with watertight anti-overflow so as to avoid dirt 4 radiant plates 300X300 mm for 4 kW 6 position switch for optimal temperature regulation Electric oven GN 1/2 heated by indipendent INCOLOY armoured heating elements controlled by thermostats regulating from °50 to °300C | Safety thermostat with manual reset power: VAC3-400N/60Hz/21,5 kw dimension: 900x900x900 mm Made in Italy QUOT NO| 1525
PREPARATION AREA CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 QTY QTY QTY 01 06 01 C14 C15 C16 HAND WASH BASIN MOD BENDONI WRKTBLE CONTI 40L PLANETARY BENDONI S/S WALL MTD 50X50X26CM USHLF,BSPL, 200X70X90 CM MIXER-FLOOR STANDING MODEL: LM 50 EM MODEL: C/P 205 I7 MODEL: PL40 11 VE (CONTI) 34 Bendoni wash stainless steel wash basin mod.Bendoni worktable with undershelf and Conti planetary mixer, 40L capacity Construction made of AISI 304 scoth-brite 100mm High backsplash Rear safety guard in 10/18 stainless steel stainless steel Entirely made of AISI 304 scotch-brite Removable product conveyor Moulded basin complete with drain, moplen stainless steel 1mm thickness Food safe cam made of aluminum siphon and rotating dispenser hole. 100mm high backsplash Stainless steel utensil shaft Timer knee tap with adjustable mixer Cylindrical legs diameter 60.3 mm with Power assisted bowl lifting lever Supplied with screws and dowels for fixing to adjustable feet WManual controls, 24V control panel the wall Structure can taken apart- 10-8 MA TE bolts Bowl capacity: 40 liters Dimension: 500x500x262 mm Lower shelf with central support Power: 220V1-Ph60-Hz, 1.5 kW Made in Italy. Dimension: 2000x700x900 mm Dimension: 770x900x1600 mm custom fabrication. Made in Italy.
DISH WASH AREA QTY CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 01 QTY QTY 01 01 B12 B13 B13A GEMM BLAST CHILER BREMA FAST ICE MAKER ICE BIN 350 KG SHOCK FRZR”BASIC”12 TRY YLD 86/65 KG AIR COOL, 770 KG/DAY, 125 X 64.5 X 95CM HEAVY DUTY MODEL: BCB/24 (GEMM) MODEL: VM 1700A (BREMA) MODEL: Working cycle: by time, working cycle: by Constructed in AISI 8/18 304 grade scotch- BIN350*C 300/VM1700 probe Temperature display, Time display |On/ brite stainless steel Container: Off, Control buttons, Manual defrost Vertical evaporator system 350 kg With ambient temperature of°32+ C – Air cooling system Weight: load of standard sample of 125 gr. According Temp: 21+ deg C (ambient), 15+ deg C (water) [net/gross]126 / 105 kg to din 8954/8953/ | Max absorbed power: 4550 Refrigerant: R404A Sizes: Yield : °3+/90+ C = 80 Kg °18-/90+ C = 65 Kg Water consumption: 1.4 liter/kg [WxDxH]1250 x 790 x 1000 mm Trays capacity: 12 x GN 12 1/2 x EN (60X80) Production capacity: 770 kg/day (7g ice ) Made in Italy Made in Italy Power: 380V3-Ph60-Hz, 4300 watts, 32A Dimension: 1250x645x950 mm QUOT NO| 1525 35 Made in Italy
1 المطبخ المركزي مبنى منطقة تحضير الطعام QTY QTY QTY 01 02 01 C19 C20 C21 METTLER ELECTRONIC SCALE TECNODOM 3-DOORS SIRMAN MEAT/CHEESE 100G-300 KG CAP COUNTER REF. 187CM GRAVITY SLICER.. MODEL:WS300- (METTLER) MODEL: TF03MIDGN MODEL : MIRRA 300 Description: Inside and outside made of Stainless Steel Mettler platform scale Self-closing doors with magnetic gaskets. Anodized cast aluminum alloy Electronic LCD display Electronic front control panel with NTC probe Capacity: 300(max) Ventilated cooling.Tropicalized Great distance between blade and motor for Includes noise reduction pads Refrigerated chiller counters designed also Dimension: 1219X1219 for remote condensing unit Completely easy cleaning made in china automatic defrosting Net capacity: 460l Ventilated motor temperature: 10+ / 0 C Gas R404A/R507 Made in Italy Stainless steel screws and slice deflector Cast-in body sharpener assembly with 2 standard emery-wheels °25 blade inclination watt/hp:0,29/210 Dimension: 800x600x520 MM Made in Italy 36
PREPARATION AREA CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 QTY SAGI S/S 2-DOOR FREEZER 01 1500L CAP. C17 MODEL: FD150B (SAGI) Sagi -2dr freezer “Freezy range” Internal & external structure in AISI 304 stainless Steel, scotch brite finish Uses R404A refrigerant gas, climate Class 43+ degrees celcius Control board equipped with digital thermometer, Thermostat and on/off switch - Copper/aluminum finned evaporator Automatic defrost and evaporation Volume: 1500 liters Temperature: 15-/22- deg celcius Power: 1100 watts Dimension: 1500x835x2040 mm POWER : 220V 1PH AMP : 4 Made in Italy QTY SAGI S/S 2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR 01 1500L CAP. C18 MODEL: FD150 (SAGI) Sagi -2dr refrigerator “Freezy range” Internal & external structure in AISI 304 stainless Steel, scotch brite finish Uses R404A refrigerant gas, climate Class 43+ degrees celcius Control board equipped with digital thermometer, Thermostat and on/off switch Copper/aluminum finned evaporator Automatic defrost and evaporation Volume: 1500 liters Temperature: 10+/0 deg celcius Power: 650 watts Dimension: 1500x835x2040mm Made in Italy. 37 QUOT NO| 1525
1 المطبخ المركزي مبنى منطقة تحضير الطعام QTY QTY QTY QTY 01 02 01 01 C23 C24 C25 C26 VEG CUTTER MIXER HAND MIXER | SIRMAN KNIFE STERILIZER SANTOSAFE BLENDER R. COUPE S/S 10L CAP, 380/60/3 HEAVY DUTY MODEL: MP 350 U COMBI MODEL: R10E (ROBOT COUPE) Power 440 Watts MODEL: UVA 24W Robot Coupe vegetable cutter mixer Power : VoltageSingle Phase 230v 2200 Watts - Three phase. Speed 9000 - 1500 rpm Mixer, 250 to 1500 rpm Made from AISI430 stainless steel. 2 speeds : 3000/1500 rpm. Delivered with : MODEL: 4 37LI (SANTOS) Knives holder with built in drops collecting - Stainless steel bowl with handles 11.5 litre Motor: 1HP, 750 watts capacity and stainless steel smooth 3 blades Speed: 15,000-0 rpm tray (only on 24W version). assembly. Removable blades. Power: 240/220V1-Ph60-Hz POWER 380V 3 PHASE Mercury vapour lamp UV with wire screen Made in France MADE IN FRANCE protection. A safety microswitch switches the lamps on when the door is opened Power: 24W, No.of lamps and power:3X8W Knive capacity: 20 Dimension:400x300x690x620mm 38 Made in Italy
PREPARATION AREA CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 QTY QTY QTY 01 01 01 C21 C22 C22A MISKA VACUUM PACKING ROBOT COUPE VEGETABLE ROBOT COUPE 220V/1PH PREP MACHINE 550W 8-DISCS/PACK (CL50E,CL52D,CL55) MODEL: SQUARE 400 MODEL: CL50E MODEL: 1933 (ROBOT COUPE) Totally stainless-steel professional item. VEGETABLE PREPARATION MACHINES Robot coupe restaurant 8 disc pack suitable Voltage : 60/220hz Power : 550 Watts. for cl50e,cl52d,r502e,cl55 restuarant 8 Discs Vacuum pump:Q = 20 m3/h OIL Controls: Voltage : Single phase / Three phase pack contains : Digit 9 prg Sealing bar:400mm 1 speed 375 rpm. 2 28063mm Slicer Disc, 5 28065mm Slicer Chamber dimension:410x450x220mm Overall Induction motor. Magnetic safety system and Disc, 2 28057mm Grater Disc, 3 28101 x 3 dimension:510x560x460mm motor brake. Julienne Disc, 10 28112 x 10 x 10 Dicing Disc Stainless steel motor base. Set, Made in Italy No disc included. 10 28135 x 10 French Fries Disc Set. Complete selection of 50 discs available. made in france 39 QUOT NO| 1525
1 المطبخ المركزي مبنى QTY منطقة المعجنات | المخبوزات 01 QTY QTY 04 01 D30 D31 D32 MOD BENDONI WRKTBLE CONTI BENCH DOUGH SHEETER BOWL LIFT STAND MIXER USHLF,BSPL, 200X70X90 CM MM 500-500 V220/1PH/60 6.9 HEAVY DUTY MODEL: C/P 205 I7 MODEL: SF500B500- (CONTI) MODEL: 5KSM7591XBSM mod.Bendoni worktable with undershelf and CONTI BENCH DOUGH SHEETER MM 500-500 Wattage (W) 4.3 ,500AMP POWER:220V 100mm High backsplash V1/220PH/60 Dough Max. rotation speed 200 Entirely made of AISI 304 scotch-brite Sheeter Min. rotation speed 40 stainless steel 1mm thickness The pastry sheeter is made using only Max. mass of mix bowl for flour 2.2 Body 100mm high backsplash specially selected, best quality materials material Zinc Cylindrical legs diameter 60.3 mm with in order to satisfy two main requirements: capacity: 6.9lts DIMENSION:335WX471DX419H adjustable feet simple operator use and reliability over time. Structure can taken apart- 10-8 MA TE bolts kw - 0.26 kw 40 Lower shelf with central support dimension 1170x800x620 mm Dimension: 2000x700x900 mm MADE IN ITALY. custom fabrication.
BAKERY | PASTRY AREA CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 QTY QTY QTY 01 01 01 D27 D28 D29 BLODGETT 2-DECKELEC CONV OVEN W/STEAM HOLDING PROOFING CABINET SIGMA SPIRAL MIXER CARTER-HOFFMAN HTD 70-5/8” X 26-1/2 60KG 400V-3PH-60HZ MODEL: ZEPH240-EPLUS2- (BLODGETT) MODEL: HL18-4N1 (CARTER-HOFFMAN) MODEL: SL60 (SIGMA) Electrically heated with -3tubular heaters Description: Sigma fixed bowl spiral mixer 60kg –Silver Air in baking chamber distributed by single heated holding proofing cabinet line inlet blower powered by -2speed, 3/1HP motor Humidified Holding/Proofer Cabinet-Logix4 Solid and sturdy construction with thermal overload protection capacity (18 (18» x 26» pans solid single pane Widely covered bowl protection 5 nos. chrome plated racks, -11rack positions glass door in extruded aluminum frame, Two motors for spiral and bowl Power: 240/220V1-Ph60-Hz, 11kW, 26A (each insulated aluminum construction, 5» casters Great power reserves, maintenance free section) Dimension: 972x936x1794 mm (2 w/brakes) Minimum working space requirement Made in USA. power:220v/-1/60ph, 2100W, 17.5 amps, Reliable and perfect kneading ability Dimensions: 1794hx800dx673w Minimum quantity of water %50 41 Made in USA Supply voltage: 400V3-Ph60-Hz Dimension: 700x1120x1250 mm Made in Italy.
1 المطبخ المركزي مبنى QTY منطقة المعجنات | المخبوزات 02 QTY QTY 02 02 D36 D37 D38 RATIONAL ELE ICOMBI RATIONAL MOBILE PLATE RATIONAL THERMAL TROLLEY PRO 20-2/1 RACK 20-2/1,120 PLATES COVER FITS 20-2/1 Cooks with steam, hot air convection or a MODEL: 60.22.400 MODEL: 6004.1012 combination of both Can hold 1200 programs The mobile plate rack allows you to complete Insulated Cover Hood with up to 12 steps. previously plated meals using Finishing. for banquet system oven rack and plate rack 5 programmable air speeds and 5 proofing Only in combination with run-in rail for Made in Germany stages displays energy use during each mobile oven rack in table-top units. operation Material:Stainless Steel Grade: 304 Made from high-grade stainless steel and 42 Meals Per Day:500-300 perfectly tailored to the cooking systems. Combi Range:iCombi Pro Power rating For fast loading and unloading from up to 120 (kw):90 Voltage: 380v/3ph/60hz plated plates in the iCombi Pro 1/2-20(up to 31 Temperature range (deg c):300 - 30 cm diameter). Dimension:1082(W)X1117(D)X1807(H) Made in Germany Made in Germany
BAKERY | PASTRY AREA CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 QTY QTY QTY 01 01 01 D33 D34 D35 METTLER ELECTRONIC SCALE NEMOX HARD ICE CREAM MACHINE COLD ROOM DOOR 5G-15 KG CAP 220V/1PH 950X1950MM MODEL:RW4220-DR (METTLER) MODEL: PRO 6K CREA MODEL: Mettler electronic scale The hourly production is about 7 kilos of ice C/COD95-X195 Made in stainless steel with clear LCD screen or 10 liters. Traditional ice cream Made in KSA to read the weight Italian ice cream, Granita, Fast cooling of any Capacity: up to 15 kg max. liquid QUOT NO| 1525 Counter top model highly portable Variable speed drive: 55 to 120 revolutions per Dimension: 220x305 mm minute Automatic temperature storage of Made in China the mix Rapid cooling function Voltage:220v/1ph 43 Dimension: 640x600x630MM Made in Italy
ADDITIONAL ITEMS CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 1 QTY THERMOMIX ITALIAN KITCHEN BUNDLE 01 HEAVY DUTY QTY 01 E01 Mixing bowl complete, Mixing Bowl Lid, Mixing Bowl Base, Mixing Knife, Mixing Knife Sealing ring, Varoma (including Varoma Dish, Varoma Tray and Varoma Lid), Simmering Basket, Spatula, Measuring cup, Motor: Maintenance-free Vorwerk reluctance motor 500 W rated power. Speed adjustable from 100 to 10,700 revolutions per minute (Gentle stir 40 rpm). Special speed setting (alternating mode) for dough preparation. Heating system: 1,000 W max power consumption.Mixing bowl: Stainless steel, with heating system and temperature sensor integrated. Maximum capacity 2.2 liters (9.3 cups). Connected load: only for 110 V 60/50 Hz (TM4-5) Maximum power consumption: 1300 W DIMENSION H 330X W320 X D 320 MM MADE IN ITALY NICEM ELE, GLASS POLISHER W/5 ROAT,BRUSHES 220V/60HZ 1 PH E02 MODEL: ASBC5S235 The dryer glasses five brushes are indicated for the drying of any kind of glass. The drying system provides maximum hygiene, transparency by the glass, eliminating marks and streaks. The glasses presents free from any chemical residue of detergent in optimal condition. Dries glasses productivity max 350 pcs / h Machine dimensions cm. 32,5x30x50H Productivity 350pz / h Rated voltage 220V Rated frequency 60 / 50Hz Rated current 7,9A Rated power 1700W Net weight 15,5Kg MADE IN ITALY 44
Supplying central توريد معدات المطبخ kitchen equipment 1 المركزي لمبنى for Building 1 توريد فوري لكامل المعدات من مستودعاتنا في جدة عند التعميد Immediate supply of all equipment from our warehouse in Jeddah upon approval QUOT NO| 1525 45
المطبخ المركزي مـبـنـى 19 المطبخ الرئيسي منطقة تحضير الطعام الحالية 46
Central kitchen of Building 19 47
19 المطبخ المركزي مبنى منطقة تحضير الطعام QTY QTY QTY 01 01 01 A04 A05 A06 SAP MEAT MINCE HAND WASH BASIN POLYETHYLENE CHOPPING 2.2 HP, 600 KG/HR BENDONI S/S WALL MTD 50X50X26CM BLOCK ON STAND, 60 X 60 X 88 CM MODEL: TC/32 MODEL: LM 50 EM MODEL: CCP8003 (FORCAR) SAP meat mincer (mouth 32) Bendoni wash stainless steel wash basin Description: Structured in cast alloy covered in stainless Construction made of AISI 304 scoth-brite Forcar polyethylene chopping block Self ventilated motor stainless steel Chopping block made entirely of food grade Stainless steel propeller, feed box, Moulded basin complete with drain, moplen polyethylene Self sharpening plate and knife siphon and rotating dispenser hole. Includes tubular stainless steel frame Motor and controls IP 45 protection grade Timer knee tap with adjustable mixer Dimension: 600x600x880 mm Production output: 600 kg/hr Supplied with screws and dowels for fixing to Made in Italy. Power: 220V1-Ph60-Hz, 2.2 hp, 1.7 kW the wall Dimension: 470x300x450 mm Dimension: 500x500x262 mm 48 Made in Italy. Made in Italy.
PREPARATION AREA CENTRAL KITCHEN BUILDING 19 QTY QTY QTY 20 01 01 A01 A02 A03 MOD BENDONI WRKTBLE SAGI S/S 2-DOOR FREEZER EMPERO ANODIZED BONE SAW USHLF,BSPL, 200X70X90 CM 1500L CAP. W/DRAWER FREE STAND MODEL: C/P 205 I7 MODEL: FD150B (SAGI) MODEL: EMP.ETK.02 mod.Bendoni worktable with undershelf and Sagi -2dr freezer “Freezy range” Motor power: 1.5 Kw 1400 rpm 220 V – Band 100mm High backsplash Internal & external structure in AISI 304 length: 2100 mm – Entirely made of AISI 304 scotch-brite stainless Steel, scotch brite finish Usable cut height: 350 mm – Usable cut stainless steel 1mm thickness Uses R404A refrigerant gas, climate Class 43+ depth: 230 mm – Working table: 545×465 mm 100mm high backsplash Control board equipped with digital Emergency stop – Cylindrical legs diameter 60.3 mm Automatic defrost and evaporation Stainless steel working surface and – blade. Structure can taken apart- 10-8 MA TE bolts Temperature: 15-/22- deg celcius dimension:560X545X1565MM Lower shelf with central support Power: 1100 watts Made in Turkey Dimension: 2000x700x900 mm Dimension: 1500x835x2040 mm POWER : 220V 1PH QUOT NO| 1526 49 Made in Italy
19 المطبخ المركزي مبنى منطقة تحضير الطعام QTY QTY QTY 01 01 01 A10 A11 A12 MOBILE MEAT HANGER FUSION CHEF HEATING HAND WASH BASIN S/S HANGER TROLLEY W/HOOKS CIRCULATOR WITH BATH BENDONI S/S WALL MTD 50X50X26CM MODEL: C/MH120-X60X160 MODEL:DIAMOND M MODEL: LM 50 EM S/S meat hanger trolley With 4,casters Temperature stability of 0.01± °C Hygienic Applied arc welding technique anti-fingerprint stainless hood Low-level Bendoni wash stainless steel wash basin Made of AISI 10/18 304 grade scotch brite water alarm,Three timers stainless steel. Core temperature alarm (acoustic and visual) Construction made of AISI 304 scoth-brite dimension: 1200x600x1600mm PC control and recording Custom fabrication High-capacity pump (14l/min) stainless steel Stainless steel protection grid (included) voltage:1/220ph/60hz Moulded basin complete with drain, moplen Protection class IPX4: Protection against spray water from all directions siphon and rotating dispenser hole. M bath (27 liters): up to about 12 kg Timer knee tap with adjustable mixer Supplied with screws and dowels for fixing to the wall Dimension: 500x500x262 mm Made in Italy. 50
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