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Home Explore C4ISRSecure KSA


Published by pm, 2018-02-21 19:27:48

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C4ISRSecure® is a North American OEM producing proprietary RF-PKI Non-iP Based, Radio Controlled Autonomous Military & Public Safety Encrypted Ultra-Reliable Communication GearC4ISRSecure® is a North American OEM producing proprietary RFPKI Non iP Based, Radio Controlled Autonomous Communication Equipment C4ISRSecure® i a in le plat or that i independentl connected to e er concei able ean o iP co unication u in a hado autono ou net or o dedicated C4ISRSecure® Pri ar Unit Portable Unit pro idin a co and control operational capabilit that operates on Ku/Ka-band SATCOM and HFCellular® on HFWideband®SIMULTANEOUSLY while supporting SiP; AS-SiP/UC SiP; SCiP; ISDN PRi; Euro PRi; IPv4; VOiP; TDM; SatCom; Mobile LTE and/or GSM; military and law enforcement land mobile radio (“LMR”); HF; Wi-Fi; WiMax; & Magneto. HF: 400 - 5,000 miles LTE SiP HF HF LTE SiP LMR Trunk Transceiver Transceiver LMR TrunkHF Cellular Equipped Vehicle## : 0 miles Resilient to ammin : 0 miles R: 0-40 miles No iP System to Ha R: 0-40 miles , R SiP run SCR , R SiP run e a y Systems NN e a y Systems C4ISRSecure is fully NCR P a ards om ati le C4ISRSecure ada ts to any le a y and or ne system C4ISRSecure Portable Unit  C4ISRSecure Portable Unit   C4ISRSecure Mobile Unit  C4ISRSecure Mobile Unit  HFCellular Equipped Vehicle##C4ISRSecure - 10622761 Canada Limited2A-114 Dunkirk Road, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2P 3H5 8 The Green, Suite 8 4 , Dover, Delaware 19901-3618 Lovat Lane, London EC3R 8DT United KingdomC4ISRSecure® 1A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRSecure®Command, Control; Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance C4ISRATAK® Ÿ C4ISRSAFEGUARD® Ÿ C4FMI-PKI®Android Tactical Awareness Kit® Ÿ Situational Awareness® Ÿ Financial Market Infrastructure PKI® Building & Sustaining Core C4ISR Capabilities That Assist in Preventing, Preparing for, Protecting Against & Responding To ACTS OF TERRORISM, BORDER SECURITY & SYSTEMIC FINANCIAL MARKET HACKING FIRST MOVER ADVANTAGE C4ISR WIN-T & ATAK Mesh Network Secure®HF-VHF-UHF-Microwave-SatCom Communication 100% Integrated When Failure HFWideband® Solution Is Not An OptionC4ISRSecure®A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRSecure® WHEN SAT CANNOT CONNECT & CELLULAR SERVICE FAILS C4ISRSecure® using HFWideband® on HFCellular® seamlessly FILLS THE GAP FOR WIN-T & ATAK USERSproviding reliable and assured connectivity ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD“The success of national defense missions around Intelligence must be shared and operations must bethe world increasingly depends on timely access to planned across geographically dispersed locations,high-quality data at every echelon and across staff often over disadvantaged communications. The warfighter must produce and disseminate high-qualityfunctions from diverse intelligence disciplines. In a analytic work products on short timelines, whilewar zone, however, circumstances conspire to make remaining flexible enough to perform new kinds of analysis under rapidly changing mission conditions.”this extremely difficult to achieve and maintain.From unmanned sensor data to unstructured Palantir DefensembeeinssgACacCg4oaeInlSlaetdrcRaatfLefSiidmce,imtetchdaeuCkoervreopitol®urhamatioredn afonrdcdoivmemrsaitnydoefrsdatota 3extraCcotninfidseignthiatl farnodmPrtohperieitnarfyormation at their disposal.

C4ISRSecure® In Detail C4ISRSecure® is an innovative solution pairing satellite with the complimentary introduction of HFWideband® that delivers SatCom-like data, voice andstreaming video performance irrelevant of physical obstructions, barriers or adversarial attacks. C4ISRSecure® is a first mover solution to commonwireless/satellite communication interruptions in both urban and remote locations. C4ISRSecure® SatCom and HFCellular® HFWideband® give the user umbrella-like coverage when SATCOM access to the open sky is blocked or unavailable. C4ISR C4ISRSecure® simultaneously transmitsSecure® proprietary multi-layered RF protocols in a fallback/failover system that provides seamless Communication operations supporting widely used existing When Failure communications formats including legacy Is Not An Option UHF-VHF, LTE and any combination of VOiP/SiP trunking systems. C4ISRSecure® is a scalable and autonomous (no man-in-the-middle) solution to provide resilient capabilities for government, military, emergency response, disaster resilience, infrastructure protection and commercial applications that are fully customizable to the particular need or mission.C4ISRSecure® C4ISRSecure® is the only solution that provides Public Safety and the Warfighter withA Canada Limited Corporation RESILIENT CONNECTIVITYConfidential and Proprietary 4

C4ISRSecure® SolutionC4ISRSecure® is the only integrated ATAK communications solution that erases reliance on SatCom solely augmented by commercial cellular. C4ISRSecure® delivers uninterrupted layered, scalable, fallback, failover transmission in both Ku/Ka-Band SatCom and global HFCellular® HFWideband®HFWideband® delivers C4ISR HFWideband® deliversreliable HFCellular® Secure® reliable HFCellular®with SATCOM LIKE with SATCOM LIKE CommunicationUPLOAD SPEED & When Failure DOWNLOAD SPEED &CAPACITY using HF radio Is Not An CAPACITY using HF radio OptionC4ISRSecure® 5A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

End-to-End EncryptionNo Reliance on any one Mode or Zone Ultra-high speed & resilience C4ISRSecure® is independently connected to every conceivable means of IP communication by a resilient wireless receiver transmitter and a non-U.S. llied Mil-Spec soft-switch local session controller. ll bac -hauled by llied Mil-Spec HF NVIS & HFWideband® with eyond ine of Sight global reach. Frequency Tuning NEED FOR SPEED Security FoundInstantaneous wireless frequency Ultra High Speed Wireless Communication security improvestuning providing any signal at any frequency changes in spectrum- when the lin is dynamicallyfrequency using millimeterwave wide tuning range + C4ISRSecure® changing over the widest possibleresilient technology. The faster Proprietary HF-C4PKI use of set of conditions. The morethese frequency changes absolutely unpredictable time irregular and unpredictable thesehappen, the wider the changes zone & ionospheric conditions changes occur, the more inherentin wireless frequency. security is realized. U Resilience < 100k hops/second Problem Sol ed Wireless handsets connected to There are no resonant tuners or With its multi-decade tuning C4ISRSecure® are end-to-end other rate limiting subsystems in bandwidth, the wireless transmitter encrypted. s an added benefit, the transmitter system. Frequency responds to input frequency when combined with a hopping performance is limited by changes in nanoseconds. C4ISRSecure® cognitive the settling time of the frequency C4ISRSecure® wireless wireless receiver, any synthesizer circuits which support transmitter is capable of moving interference that appears is greater than , hop second faster and farther than any quic ly avoided, whether frequency change rates. adversarial interference can follow. accidental or purposeful. 6C4ISRSecure®A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRSecure® Use of NViS HF to Create a 400 Mile BLANKET OF COVERAGEC4ISRSecure® 7A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

What is ATAK & WIN-T ? The ATAK ANDROID® Tactical Assault Kit is the ground control station (GCS) of choice for U.S. Army, USMC OPSEC (Operational Security) scrutiny. Warfighter Information Network (WIN-T) Increment 2 (Inc 2) provides the Army with On-The-Move (OTM) networking capability. The WIN-T Increment 2 network retainscapabilities delivered by WIN-T Increment 1 and by leveraging proven government and commercial technologies, adds greater network throughput and automated Network Management to optimize planning (to include spectrum use), initialization, monitoringand troubleshooting. WIN-T Increment 2 employs Satellite Communications (SATCOM) OTM to extend the network in maneuver Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) to Company- level through FY2018. Using equipment mounted on combat platforms, WIN-TIncrement 2 delivers a mobile capability that reduces reliance on fixed infrastructure and allows key leaders to move on the battlefield while retaining situational awareness and mission command capabilities. Using the Highband Networking Radio, with the Highband Networking Waveform and high performance antennas. The ATAK ANDROID® Tactical Assault Kit is utilized in the WIN-T OTM Network and is limited to ranges of 130 miles by Highband Networking Radio. The Highband Networking Radio™ (HNR) hosts the Harris Corp. developed Highband Networking Waveform™, which implements robust, agile, full mesh, ad hoc networks for terrestrial and airborne applications. The Highband NetworkingWaveform™ (HNW) enables autonomous selection of the best communications path, creating a self-forming, self-healing network where nodes can enter and exit without need for fixed network infrastructure or operator intervention. Highband Networking Radio™ provides high-capacity air-to-air and air-to-ground communications – including streaming video, voice & data – at ranges of up to 130 nautical miles & at altitudes up to 24,000 feet C4ISRSecure® delivers HFCellular® on HFWideband® at ranges of up to 400 nautical miles & at altitudes from 163,680 feet to 3,273,600 feet (the Ionosphere)C4ISRSecure® 8A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRATAK®US DoD ATAK + WIN-T ATAK is a mapping engine developed for the Android Operating System which allows forprecision targeting, intelligence on surrounding land formations, navigation, and generalized situational awareness. ATAK is under continuous development by various government laboratories to include the Air Force Research Lab, the Army Research Laboratory and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. It enables users to navigate using GPS and National Geospatial Agency map data overlaid with real-time situational awareness of ongoing events. The ATAK software represents the surrounding area using the military standard MIL-STD-2525B symbology for iconography and the Cursor on Target data formatstandard for communication. WIN-T was the consolidated General Dynamics program of the US Army that incorporated all of the elements of ATAK – but like ATAK, relied on SATCOM. The U.S. DoD had planned on ATAK being solely reliant on dedicated satellitecommunications that were to be for long range communication, backup, and security.C4ISRSecure® fills the gap when SatCom, Land Mobile Radio (LMR), Cellular and any other forms of communication fail or are denied coverage, HFWideband® exclusively available through C4ISRSecure® HFCellular® delivers an integrated Scalable, Layered, Multiprotocol, Multi-Platform, Multi-Medium, Multi-Mode resilient means of communication that provides LAST MILE 99.999% reliability with simultaneous running of Ku/Ka-Band SATCOM.C4ISRSecure® 9A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRATAK® Allied Militaries Need Reliable CommsC4ISRSecure® allows military operations to provide cellular mesh networks witha range of 5-7 miles & HFCellular® on HFWideband® at distances of 400+ miles.“In the first radio transmission, the Americans said that Team 3212 was inenemy contact, according to military officials. But they did notcall for help for another hour. It’s unclear why. For troops in Niger,radio communications are often plagued by distanceand terrain. Whatever the reason, the team was unable to talk withFrench air support and had to communicate through officers in Niamey,according to a draft report of the investigation.” The New York Times Sunday, February 18, 2018C4ISRSecure® 10A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRSecure® – filling a strategic “gap” C4ISRSecure® runs Ku-/Ka Band Simultaneously on WIN-T and the ATAK ANDROID®Tactical Assault Kit with proprietary end-to-end encrypted HFCellular® on HFWideband®C4ISRSecure® is available in multiple EMP Protected Mobile & Portable Formats with extended range beyond 400 miles in HFNViS and MicroCellular ranges exceeding 5 miles – giving public safety & the warfighter unprecedented flexibility, resiliency & capabilities globallyC4ISRSecure® 11A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRATAK® First Mover AdvantageC4ISRSecure® commercially available Ku/Ka-band SatCom has been commonlyused by the army for real-time data and video communications. It can providevoice-over-IP, dynamic IP, and videoconferencing, as well as access to classifiedand unclassified networks. It is the “go to” networks for Allied militaries.In the absence of SATCOM, commercial cellular coverage on-board radios inAndroid devices were to be utilized for local communications – which hasproven dangerous from Tripoli, Libya to Nigeria.Strategic Apps written to use the smartphone’s radio should be easier to upgradeand transfer to 10,000+ new Android hardware which was deployed in operationsin Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. Ultimately more than 100,000 Android hardwarewere deployed and now G8 ^ Allied countries have implemented correspondingATAK and/or WIN-T Systems – all reliant on SATCOM & commercial cellular.C4ISRSecure® 12A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRATAK®THE APP THAT SAVES LIVES: ANDROID TACTICAL ASSAULT KITATAK Situational Awareness ConnectivityC4ISRATAK® gives the warfighter the tools to chat, share video, map points ofinterest and plan routes, sharing information in real time. US DoD ATAK runson off-the-shelf Android tablets and smartphones.C4ISRATAK®Seamlessly connects the warfighter to SiP; AS-SiP/UC SiP; SCiP; ISDN PRi;Euro PRi; IPv4; VoIP; TDM; SatCom; Mobile LTE and/or GSM; military and lawenforcement land mobile radio (“LMR”); HF; Wi-Fi; WiMax; & Magneto –all operating simultaneously with HFWideband® on C4ISRATAK®.C4ISRSecure® 13A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRSAFEGUARD® Situational Awareness C4ISRSecure® gives “SOS” like warning – informing those closest to theincident rather than relying solely on public safety (9-1-1) access points (PSAP)C4ISRSecure® 14A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRATAK® Tactical AwarenessC4ISRATAK® gives the warfighter the tools to chat, share video, map points ofinterest and plan routes, sharing information in real time. US DoD ATAK runs on off-the-shelf Android tablets and smartphones.C4ISRSecure® 15A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRATAK® ORGANIZATION C4ISRSecure®C4ISRSecure® breathes life into an organizational chart: the ability to report reliably & consistently to the chain-of-command gives users real-time training experience and an edge in live fire actionC4ISRSecure® 16A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRSAFEGUARD® PLANNING C4ISRSecure®C4ISRSecure® gives public safety access to military-grade tactical andsituational awareness tools that can be used in Anti-Terrorism PlanningC4ISRSecure® 17A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRATAK®TRAINING C4ISRSecure®C4ISRSecure® allows Public Safety and Warfighters to conduct real-time Training using methods and procedures previously unavailable in the military and/or public safety equipment supply chain.C4ISRSecure® 18A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRSecure® Engineering C4ISRSecure® provides integrated design, analysis, inspection and audit solutions for “last mile” wired telecommunication infrastructures.•  HF, VHF, and UHF digital radio•  Cable TV (digital and hybrid systems, uni & bi-directional)•  Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) - interconnected and intracomm•  Broadband services•  Wireless Wide Area Networks (WWAN - WiMax) and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN-WiFi)•  Sensor area networks wired and wireless (WiFi, Bluetooth, UWB, Zigbee)•  Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS)•  Broadband Over Power Line (BPL)•  Fiber-optic connections C4ISRSecure® engineering partners were selected as the primary RFDesign Engineers for the 46 facility Tactical Communications Modernization Project Equipment and Services for Rio Grande Valley Sector, US Customs & Border Protection, 2010-2013.C4ISRSecure® 19A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRSAFEGUARD® EQUIPMENT C4ISRSecure®C4ISRSecure® complements Ku/Ka-band SATCOM with HFCellular® on HFWideband® transmitting globally, 24/7/365.C4ISRSecure® 20A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRATAK® EXERCISE C4ISRSecure® C4ISRSecure® gives legacy equipment a “new life” – agencies can use existing systems and get cutting-edge results that only integrated, simultaneous communications can facilitateC4ISRSecure® 21A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

MARINE CORPS TECHNOLOGIESne Corps forcesg in AfghanistanExpeditionarywo related tacticalcations systems to connectivity withlon forces. TheseCommunicationspment are a man-module designeda and video trans-icle-mounted sys-Systems undergoing Marine Forcesrt Commercially based technologiesre By keep expeditionary units connected.d. Henry S.ed Kenyona-S) Switch Moduleents of the Marineworking capabil-h mobility multi-hicle (HMMWV)-used in a shelterhicle. The Marinemprises 14 JECCShed to each Marineccording to Masterl Dyson, USMC,r. to support Marine C4ISRSecure®y providing a first- Portable Unitcapability. Vehiclerator powered, ita, non-secure and C4ISRSecure®mmunications formmand posts. An vsr-controlled com-work management Legacy Systemsorts long haul, tac- s and secure/non- LEGACY SYSTEMS The Joint Enhanced Transition Switch s that allow con- Core Communications Module (TSM) is adized tactical entry Control, TSM, Tactical Data Network System (JECCS) is a transportable modulard satellite commu- Gateway and other systems to support vehicle-based mobile system engineered tosystem also facili- larger follow-on forces. Master Gunnery communications manage and supportcontrol portions of Sgt. Dyson notes that, besides being configuration designed voice communicationse Enabler (JTFE) attached to Marine expeditionary units, to support command in the field. The TSMmobile, vehicular several JECCS units are part of “jump posts and headquarters usually replaces JECCS provides Marine packages”—readily deployable com- at the tactical edge. in a headquarters ackbone connec- munications and command and control Capable of providing environment when ormation Systems systems—designed to support an expe- Internet protocol additional capabilitieservices. ditionary unit’s general in the field. network and voice become available.supports Marine communications links Based on commercialexpeditionary unit, But the primary role for JECCS is to to theater commands, telecommunications or the expedition- assist forward units, says Maj. Edelen JECCS is a first-in hardware and software,eadquarters levels. Parker, USMC, TSM project officer capability used to the TSM also replacesport and seamless- at U.S. Marine Corps Systems Com- support advanced units legacy proprietary Digital Technical mand. He explains that once a for- during a deployment. and analog switches ward headquarters is established and and multiplexers. begins to grow with additional services and capabilities, the role of JECCS is handed off to the TSM while JECCS C4ISRSmoevecsuforrewa®rd to support units close TSM can be upgraded quickly to meet ponents with commercially available ACoCnafnidaednatiLatilomaTtinhthedeedtPaCTrcooStpirMcpraioelrtceaaodtrinygoseni.sts of three major new standards, and it can interoperate parts that could be procured in the fi2e2ld. components, the deployable end office easily with other commercially based He notes that Marine Corps units in suite (DEOS), which replaces legacy communications systems. Afghanistan now can purchase replace- Tri-Service Tactical (TRI-TAC) switch- Chafin notes that all of the TSM ment parts from local suppliers. es that originally were deployed in units requested by the Marine Corps One of the program’s developmental the early 1980s; the remote subscrib- now are operating in Afghanistan. He challenges was locating vendors will-

C4ISRSecure® management are from the U.S. government: Department of the Treasury, IRS Criminal Investigation and United States Air Force Governor James A. Gibbons, LM, DFC Executive Chairman Governor of Nevada U.S. House of Representatives, NV 2nd District Colonel & Vice Commander USAF Nevada Air National Guard Commercial Airline Pilot Mining & Resources Attorney Victor S. O. Song Chief Operating Officer Executive Vice President, Samsung USA Chief, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Investigation (CI) IRS Special Agent in Charge; Supervisory Agent; Special Agent Kenneth J. Hines, EA, CFCS, CFE Senior Vice President, Operations Director of Operations, Policy and Support, IRS CI IRS Special Agent in Charge, San Diego CA and Seattle WA IRS Assistant Special in Charge – Oakland CA IRS Supervisory Special Agent – Portland OR IRS Special Agent – Southern California IRS Revenue Agent – South Portland ME Major General Robert B. Newman, Jr. USAF (ret) Middle East & Special Operations Brigadier General, Deputy J3/J4 Operations & Logistics Deputy Homeland Security Advisor, Governor of Virginia Adjutant General of Virginia National Guard Member, US DoD Reserve Forces Policy Board Board Member, US Army & Air Force Exchange Services Institutional Bond Trader (1980-2001)C4ISRSecure® 23A Canada Limited CorporationConfidential and Proprietary

C4ISRSecure - 10622761 Canada Limited2A-114 Dunkirk Road, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2P 3H5 8 The Green, Suite 8 4 , Dover, Delaware 19901-3618 Lovat Lane, London EC3R 8DT United Kingdom C4ISR Secure® Communication When Failure Is Not An OptionC4ISRSecure® Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industriesa Canada Limited Corporation MEMBER C4ISRSecure® A Canada Limited Corporation Confidential and Proprietary

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