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Home Explore Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Published by kh.worakanya, 2020-05-27 02:15:33

Description: เอกสารประกอบการสอนวิชากลยุทธ์การอ่านและการเขียนภาษาอังกฤษ

Keywords: Reading and Writing Stategies


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กลยุทธ์ในการอ่านและการเขยี นภาษาองั กฤษ (3000 1202) ( READING STRATEGIES & WRITING ) ครู วรกญั ญา ขวญั ม่วง ( 081 7694287 ) จุดประสงคร์ ายวิชา เพอ่ื ให้ 1. มีความรคู้ วามเขา้ ใจเกยี่ วกบั การใชก้ ลยุทธ์อา่ นและการเขียนภาษาองั กฤษ 2. สามารถนาภาษาองั กฤษไปใชเ้ ป็ นเครือ่ งมือในการสอื่ สาร 3. ตระหนกั และเห็นประโยชนข์ องการใชภ้ าษาองั กฤษและการศกึ ษาต่อ สมรรถนะรายวิชา 1. อ่านขอ้ มูลข่าวสารทว่ั ไปและในงานอาชพี โดยใชก้ ลยุทธ์การอา่ นแบบต่างๆ จาก สอ่ื สง่ิ พมิ พต์ ่างๆหรอื สอื่ ออนไลน์ 2. เขียนใหข้ อ้ มูลโดยใชร้ ปู แบบการเขียนต่างๆตามท่ีกาหนด 3. ใชเ้ ทคโนโลยสี ารสนเทศสบื คน้ และฝึ กฝนการอ่านและเขยี น พรอ้ มแสดง

กลยุทธ์ในการอ่านและการเขยี นภาษาองั กฤษ (3000 1202)( READING STRATEGIES & WRITING ) คาอธิบายรายวิชา ศกึ ษาและปฏบิ ตั ิเกยี่ วกบั การอ่านขอ้ มูล บทความ ข่าวสารทว่ั ไปและในงานอาชพี จาก สอ่ื สงิ่ พมิ พ์ โดยใชก้ ลยุทธ์การอ่านกวาดสายตาหาขอ้ มูลท่ีตอ้ งการ ( Scanning) , การอ่านขา้ มคน้ หาเฉพาะขอ้ มูลที่ตอ้ งการ (Skimming) การเดาความหมายจากบรบิ ท ( Guessing meaning from the context) การ อนุมาน ( Inference) การบอกใจความหลกั การบอกรายละเอยี ด การสรปุ ความ จากเรอ่ื งท่ีอ่าน การเขยี นใหข้ อ้ มูล การเขยี นโตต้ อบทางสงั คม การเขียนจดหมาย อเิ ลก็ ทรอนกิ ส์ การเขียนใบสมคั รต่างๆ

เน้ือหาวชิ า 4 คาบ 6 คาบ  Sentence Reading Strategies and writing 6 คาบ 6 คาบ  Reading Strategies 4 คาบ 4 คาบ  Reading Job Advertisement 6 คาบ 36 คาบ   Filling Application Form   Writing Resume   Writing Application Letter   Job Interview  รวม

PARTS OF SPEECH  Noun – a person, place or thing  Singular examples (one): brother, home, sock, mouse Plural examples (more than one): brothers, homes, socks, mice  Mary is beautiful.  Paris is the capital of France.  Freedom is very important.

PARTS OF SPEECH  Pronoun it is a word used instead of a noun  They are good students.  The pencil is hers. 

PRONOUN Subject Object Posessive Prossesive Reflextive pronoun pronoun pronoun noun I me my mine myself You you your yours Yourself/ yourselves We us our ours ourselves They them their theirs themselves He him his his himself She her her hers herself It it its its itself

 Adjective it describes a noun  Examples: colorful shirt, funny story, tall boy  My father is tall but my mother is short.

PARTS OF SPEECH  Adverb – describes other words (not nouns)  Adverb it describes the adjective and / or verbs  Examples: jumped yesterday, talks fast, sings loud, very pretty, luckily for us  The children always talk loudly.  Verb it tells an action  Examples: jump, sit, talk, have  Birds fly.

PARTS OF SPEECH  Preposition it tells the relationship between nouns / pronouns and other words in a sentence My parents will meet me at the station tomorrow.   Conjunction it joins sentences, clauses, phrases and single words  Jimmy opened the door and went in.  Exclamation it tells sudden feeling or emotion Hurrah! We won the football match.

SENTENCE READING STRATEGIES AND WRITING A sentence is a group of words that are put together to make one complete thought.

HELP US BE GOOD AT ENGLISH ifidopracticeenglisheverydayiwill begoodatitiwillhavemoreconfiden cetocommunicatewithforeignersi willreadenglishmagazinesandne wspapersiwillsingenglishsongan dwatchmoviesinenglishiwillhave notonlyagoodjobbutalsoahappylif e

HELP US BE GOOD AT ENGLISH  1. If I do practice English everyday,I will be good at it.  2.I will have more confidence to communicate with foreigners.  3.I will read English magazines and newspapers.  4.I will sing English song and watch movies in English.  5.I will have not only a good job but also a happy life.

BASIC PARTS IN SENTENCE.  Subject – the noun or nouns that perform the action  Example: The dog jumped. The subject of this sentence is the noun, dog, because it is performing the action of jumping. Example: Dogs and cats sleep. The subjects of this sentence are the nouns, dogs and cats. This is called a compound subject because there is more than one subject performing the same action.

 Verb – a word used to describe an action,  Example: The dog jumped. He is sitting under the tree.  I can swim.  I go to school by van.

 Object – the noun or nouns that receive the action  Example: The child drank milk. The object of this sentence is the noun, milk, because the child is drinking the milk. The milk is receiving the action. Example: She is eating bread and cheese. The objects of this sentence are the nouns, bread and cheese. The subject is eating them both.

FIVE BASIC SENTENCE STRUCTURES  1. Subject-Verb  Examples: The boy plays.  Jack eats.  Sara sits.  Jack quickly eats. An adverb is added (quickly) to tell how Jack eats.  Jack quickly eats carrots. An object is added (carrots) to tell what Jack eats.  Jack quickly eats carrots at home. Another adverb is added (at home) to tell where Jack eats.  Jack quickly eats fresh carrots at home. An adjective is added (fresh) to tell what kind of carrots Jack eats.

2. SUBJECT-VERB-OBJECT  Examples: The girl pets the cat.  I love apples.  Bill kicks the ball.  Bill kicks the red ball. An adjective is added (red) to tell the color of the ball.  Bill kicks the red ball hard. An adverb is added (hard) to tell how Bill kicks the ball.  Bill kicks the red ball hard every day. Another adverb is added (every day) to tell when Bill kicks the ball.

3. SUBJECT-VERB-ADJECTIVE  Examples: Lisa is pretty.  They are nice.  I am sad.  She looks pretty tonight. An adverb is added (tonight) to tell when she looks pretty.  Lisa looks pretty tonight. The subject is identified with a name (Lisa).

4. SUBJECT-VERB-ADVERB  Examples: Maria laughs loudly.  The dog jumps high.  Apples are everywhere.  Green apples are everywhere. An adjective is added (green) to describe the apples.  Ripe, green apples are everywhere. A series of adjectives are added (ripe and green) to describe the apples.

5. SUBJECT-VERB-NOUN  Examples: I am the teacher.  Jon is a carpenter.  The boy is a student.  Jon is a student. The subject is identified with a name (Jon).  Jon is a smart student. An adjective is added (smart) to tell what kind of student Jon is.  Jon is a smart student at school. An adverb is added (at school) to tell where Jon is a smart student.

PUNCTUATION MARKS? A punctuation mark is a mark (sign) used in writing to divide texts into phrases and sentences and make the meaning clear.

SOME COMMON PUNCTUATION MARKS ARE:  period (full stop) ( . )  comma ( , )  question mark ( ? )  exclamation mark ( ! )  colon ( : )  semicolon ( ; )  single quotation marks ( ' ' )  double quotation marks ( \" \" )  parentheses ( ), brackets [ ] and braces { }  hyphen ( ‐ )  en dash (–)  em dash ( — )  ellipsis (. . . )  apostrophe ( ' )  slash ( / )

ENGLISH PUNCTUATION RULES  To end a sentence  period (full stop) ( . )  question mark ( ? )  exclamation mark ( ! )  period ( . ) The elephant is big.  question mark ( ? ) Where is the man?  exclamation mark ( ! ) The huge elephant sat on the man!

TO SEPARATE PHRASES OR ITEMS  comma ( , )  Commas are another very important type of punctuation. Commas tell the reader where to pause. Commas also separate phrases, ideas, and items in a list. Commas help avoid confusion.  Sally likes to eat chocolate hot dogs and broccoli.  Sally likes to eat chocolate, hot dogs, and broccoli.  1. It is time to eat David! 2. It is time to eat, David! 

QUOTATION MARKS  Quotation marks are another common punctuation mark in the English language. Quotation marks are used with commas to inform the reader that someone is talking or being quoted. Example:  \"Punctuation is important,\" my teacher said. \"Without punctuation marks, your writing would be very confusing.\" 

APOSTROPHES  Apostrophes are another commonly misused form of punctuation. Apostrophes are used to show ownership and missing letters in contractions. Misplaced apostrophes can cause confusion for readers. Example: it's = it is its = ownership

HERE IS A PARAGRAPH WITHOUT END PUNCTUATION:  Do you like to sing My mom and I sing in a choir that meets every Tuesday Last week we sang Christmas carols at a nursing home The residents of the nursing home enjoyed our visit It was fun Would you like to join us next Tuesday

PAIR WORK  Find a passage from magazines, newspapers or the internet.Analyze the sentences as in the example.Then make 2 questions and answers.

EXERCISE  Our student of the week had a slightly different answer. Chaiya , a diploma student at Thai Austrian Technical College said he would like to be an accountant.  Sentence 1 Our student of the week had a slightly different answer. Main subject : Our student of the week Main verb : had Object : a slighly different answer.  Sentence 2  Chaiya , a diploma student at Thai Austrian Technical College said he would like to be an accountant. Main subject : Chaiya ,a diploma student at Thai Austrian Technical College Main verb : said Object : he would like to be an accountant.

 Question : 1. Who had a slightly different answer? - Our student of the week 2. What did the student of the week have ? - a slighly different answer.

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