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Presentation88 [Autosaved]

Published by Fatouma Ali Al Jarallah, 2020-11-08 10:01:49

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Arab Open University – Kuwait- Business Department November 2020 NEWSLETTER #1 Welcome message Tutor article Meet the Quote of the month Business Meet the business faculty Depatment Student talents Student discount Student Business Tutor article Trends in Kuwait Telephone directory Dr. Jarrah AlMansour Fatma Ali Nouf Aloudah

Welcome Message IProf. Naif Al Mutairi would like to congratulate the new comer students for their acceptance in the Arab Open University – Kuwait Branch, It is my pleasure to welcome them all; and would encourage them to be keen on learning for brighter future; in the same time I extend my thanks and appreciation to my faculty colleagues, Director and applaud their hard work and great efforts spent in the interest of our students, which will definitely have positive effects on students’ better performance, and promotion of Kuwait branch. Prof. Mohammed Alsayed Assistant Director For Academic Affairs The economic and social development of a country is based on two essential notions; building strong development plans and good managerial skills built on both science and applied knowledge. Whatever your skill set and interests, there is a business side to the equation, whether private or public — business is part of the language we use when we talk about all aspects of life. s a field of study, it is very practical, hence the Arab Open University offering all the suitable courses in demand. The business administration programs contribute to the society by graduating scientifically and practically trained human resources, qualified in a manner that meets the market requirements in the state of Kuwait and abroad. All our programs have been strategically designed in line with the market needs, to ensure that our students acquire skills and experiences necessary to advance and develop in their career paths, serving the community in the best possible way. To maintain our high academic standards in this ever-changing environment, we are investing in evolving our business administration curriculum to embrace new ideas in terms of student-centered education, high-level research, community participation, building companies at several levels and establishing cooperation with local and international institutions. I am struck by the energy and excitement permeating this major as reflected by the faculty, students, alumni/ae and staff, and I’m looking forward to real big advances to come! Page # 1

Asistant Director for Administrative and Dr. Abdullah AlAjmi Financial Affairs Being resilient, creative and socially engaged is what our graduates said they have learnt during their studies at AOU. Not only that, they learned to acquire skills that enabled them to invest in their own personal experiences before joining our university. I and all my colleagues in the academic body as well as the university staff welcome you all and celebrate your achievement to this stage of your life. Our welcoming to you is not going to be limited to words but by making sure that your experience at AOU is going to be a journey for flourishment, leadership, knowledge, and of course success. Dean Of Business Prof Said Al Hallaq I invite you to explore the largest faculty with its tracks, number of students and tutors and join me in discovering what FBS has made to understand the needs of our students by providing state-of-the-art curriculum to enable them to compete in the labour market, and to learn more why studying at the AOU has always been inherently flexible. Dr. Jarrah AlMansour Business Program Coordinator Page # 2

Meet the business faculty Dr. Jarrah AlMansour Dr. AbdelRazaq Mr. Abdulmohsen Freihat Almutairi PC Dr. Ahmed Dr. Aziz Dr. Azzam AbdelKader Yusuf Alroomi Dr. Faisal Dr. Hany Dr. Hassan AlQaoud Alzahar Sharafuddin Page # 3

Meet the business faculty Dr. Hend Dr. Hassan Dr. Hosam Hassan Aleassa Abdelrasheed Mr. Khedir Mr. Mohammad Dr. Mohammad Hamid Alloughani Alajmi Dr. Peddada Dr. Rashed Dr. Sherif Kameswari Alhaimar Ismail Dr. Sumayya Dr. Salah Dr. Waleed Banna Alhammadi Abidi Page # 4

Tutor article How AOU responded to the COVID-19 pandemic ? By Dr. Sumayya Banna In response to the COVID-19 it proceeds naturally to use the pandemic, as we have witnessed in available ways of learning such as e-learning systems (LMS). Kuwait and around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced Indeed, E-learning platform is educational institutions to shift not new to AOU. Since its inception, its open learning rapidly to distance and online learning to find the solution for its system platform is mainly based sustainability. COVID-19 has forced on a blended educational approach with quality standards universities in Kuwait to declare a state of emergency and explore that revolves around the idea of available options (if any) to adopt tutored independent learning. E- learning system has a significant online learning systems. Hence, the provision and usage of online source of information, due to its learning materials in e-learning ubiquity (availability anywhere and anytime), low cost, ease of system became the main challenge for many universities during COVID- use and interactive features and functions. 19 in Kuwait. Meantime, AOU has not experienced a comparable state of emergency as E-learning system has offered AOU with several fantastic features and advantages that was already valuable for use during crisis too. Through E-learning, students may be texting or engaged in some learning activity with instructors on a laptop or mobile device from their homes and anywhere. Page # 5

Cont. Tutor article Therefore, AOU was highly recognized to possess effective technical capabilities to provide a one-stop shop portal for the instructors and students to foster the educational environment. Moreover, strong senior management and leadership in AOU has smooth out the process for completely digitizing AOU which is crucial for its survival. Since the start, senior managers at AOU have articulated a strong clear vision for its stakeholders to accomplish and move forward. AOU has learned a lot about best practice and priorities from how they responded to the pandemic. Now is the time for all of us to re-imagine the future we want to live and work in and start building it. Dr. Sumayya Banna is currently an assistant professor in the faculty of Business Studies at AOU. Previously, she obtained a PhD in Information Systems from University of Wollongong (UOW), Her Master degree and Bachelor degree from University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) in USA. She has over 10 years of experience teaching undergraduate students from a wide variety of backgrounds in Kuwait, Jordan (Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT)) and Australia (University of Wollongong). She has an intensive research background with a Middle Eastern focus. Her experience is mostly in delivering courses with a focus on business studies. She has published in international peer reviewed journals. Page # 6

What’sCampus News NewOn Campus Dr. Jarrah AlMansour The new Business Program Coordinator We have New Course activated the FIN240 Complaint system Five New Tutors have on the SIS joined our Faculty Dr. Azzam Al roomi Adopted Whatsapp Dr. Salah Alhammadi Business as a way of Dr. Hassan Aleassa Dr. Abdelrazq Freihat communication Dr. Faisal AlQaoud between the Page # 7 departments and students

How We Can Help You… * Recommendation lettersRecoo wasnlWettrRuteeettdcoecipoorecsmrmsooimannmvbtiecdeirnnaeondusadayeedtaoiyotyuionoouwulnerittthers Consultations *AdvisingFwosEritysqunoohduenutiwireotvrscasac.otlocWeuuknnrdetsecienanysunttseoewtqghhueeoatirtyeou Study Plans cWoenbsfugousirvlitneyaeotysiuooseunss *Study Plans sWwepveiletahtpnnrrsatdohcfivoekffisrdestterhueyednotyu WthetoegAahrtcddafaioagvdvkushiueistsreeaesiistnnseytetsgooGtwyuriPmdoiAwteuheriatntnthheodeed Page # 8

Trends In Kuwait The “scooter surge” is sweeping residential areas! Now that the weather started to transition from hot summer vibes to breezy winter nights, we have noticed a new trend in the streets of Kuwait. Citizens of different ages have started using scooters as a means of transportation or their leisure activity. People all over twitter have expressed their liking to the idea of riding scooters in fresh air. However the increasing number of scooter riders has effected car drivers as they disturb traffic movement. Prices of these scooters range from 50 to 150 KD depending on the specifications. Some even go up to 300 KD! The speed of the scooter ranges from 15 to 20 miles per hour. Will air \"scooters\" continue in Kuwait, and will we use them as a means of transportation, or will it remain a ”Trend”, a mean of entertainment, especially in light of the measures of \"Corona\" ?! From your Business perspective, do you think that it is a good business move investing in the scooter market? Or is it just a trend that will fade away? Page # 9

Phone Directory Dr. Jarrah AlMansour 24394334 Mr. Abdulmohsen Almutairi 24394322 Dr. Ahmed AbdelKader 24394272 Dr. Aziz Yusuf 24394482 Dr. Azzam Alroomi 24394339 Dr. Hany Alzahar 24394487 Dr. Hassan Sharafuddin 24394323 Dr. Hend Hassan 24394404 Dr. Hosam Abdelrasheed 24394488 Mr. Khedir Hamid 24394330 Mr. Mohammad alajmi 24394325 Dr. Mohammad Alloughani 24394423 Dr. Preddada Kameswari 24394293 Dr. Rashed Alhaimar 24394339 Dr. Sherif Ismail 24394486 Dr. Sumayya Banna 24394302 Dr. Salah Al hammadi 24394439 Dr. Waleed Abidi 24394292 Admins 24394310 Page # 10 Fatma Ali Nouf Aloudah 24394328

Student Project Support Hermione Doll Name: Najat Ali Track: English Literature Age: 25 years old Amigurumi is the Japanese art of crocheted dolls and toys. I’ve always wanted to learn any type of needlework, so when I saw pictures of crochet patterns I was Immediately hooked. I began learning on youtube videos and later started my own crochet business. Rapunzel doll Tinkerbell doll Newborn headband Page # 11

Student Project Support Mask holder Backpack Bookmarks Olaf Blanket Bear amigurumi Newborn Hat Instagram Crochetgurumi Phone Number 97424024 Page # 12

*students who scored 3.67 GPA or above the last semester

Anar Kanso Fatema Obriwala Valid Mohammad Marah Sami Alhamad Arooj Qayyom Hashami Ahmed Yousef Anfal Ibrahim Hassan Hassan Jaber Bedoor B J Burashed Hafsa Omer Mohammad Doha Othman Fahad A S Alnajadah Hadeel I. (M.H.) Soufan Amel Darvazekh Yumna Emad Ouda Hani Khodr - Zahoui Nagham Dib Lina B J Al Khamoss Maryam Al Sultan Imran Nurul - Islam Huda Khalid Amin Lian Chami Fatooha Abdul Hameed Mohsina Akter Saud A N Alharz Jumana Waleed Ibrahim Marah Khalid Kriez Muhammad Mazz Rahma Adam Ismail Akop Keuork Leen Mhd Mazen Ratiba Almassri Ahmad Younes Fatima Mohammed Aiesha Ashraf Morsey Aisha Mohammed Fadheelah Yousef Ali Mohammad Almousawi Lina Al-Rifaie Fatema Abul Khair Wissam Abdul Razzak Hala Sabbagh Yomna Almriyati Souad Ladjohounlou Suhaila Zeinab Ayyub Abdulaziz M A Alawais Maryam Munir Ahmed May El-Saghir Faisal A H Alkandari Shahed Ali - Asaad Aaliya Qureshi Shadi Al Halabi Reem Sweid Zeinab Abdo - Abou Abbas Sarah Kobeissi Fahad Faisal Mona El Ali Shahid Haider Amira Asif Mehmood Mosammed Fahida Tareq Issa Yousef Aya Khaled Farouk Saad Zeina El Rifa Wesam Abdelmonem Ahmed Hamdan Noor Hossam Fahmy Hassan Alboughobeish Maisa Abrar Abdelmonem Dawood Nour A A Alneamah Zoya Zahid Hamad O A Ward Sakina Fakhruddin Naser Eca Almaayouf Obaida Talal Alzaidi Rawyah A - Qaranouh Yussef Teklesnbet Seyoum Abbas Taiyeb Zahra Ali Abdulbaqi Khalil Ibrahim Khalil Mayar Bassam Massoud Habeeb Mater Alfadhly Nada Sameh Ezzaldeen Saud Z H Alrashidi Hussein Fares Mohanad Mhd Khaldoun Yasin Alsabbagh Naser M S Aladwani Omar Azzam Abdulhaleem

Student: Yara Abu * Work in progress Robert Downey Jr. Halimeh Major : Marketing Age: 21 years old Nationality: Jordanian Instagram: yoshart1 * Painting of Aphrodite * Steps on how to draw Will Smith

* Portrait of Johnny Depp * Drawing of Gigi Hadid * Cute White Dog Drawing Page # 16

Discounts for students MANDARINE Sweets Mandarine Sweets offers a variety of Coffee Sweets, Pastries, Cakes And Appetizers Such as Grape vine leaves and Musakhan. Manadrine is located in Hawally, Beirut Street, Hashem complex , in front of Beirut Complex, Phone Number: 22621211 55300247 15% discount for AOU Students Page # 17

Quote of the month “ Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone. Jorge Luis Borges Page # 18

Parties particpiated in this issue: Student Najat Ali Prof. Naif Almutairi Student Yara Abu Halimeh Prof. Mohammed Alsayed Mandarine Sweets Dr. Abdullah Alajmi Prof. Said AlHallaq Edited by Fatma Ali Dr. Jarrah Almansour Dr. Sumayya Banna See you soon

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