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Home Explore LN-202112026 - Memo เรื่อง Cost of support project RMUIT students training

LN-202112026 - Memo เรื่อง Cost of support project RMUIT students training

Published by i_ Thanavisit, 2021-12-17 08:39:42

Description: LN-202112026 - Memo เรื่อง Cost of support project RMUIT students training


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fl:vr:tq Memo Notice No: LN-202112026 Date : Dec. 10th,'2021 [-_-l Comrnand Report O Normal C urg.nt TO : K.Somsak CC : Mr. Chung,Ms. Saranya,Mr.Jarun :Frcm Mr,Thanavisit Youyod Subject r Cost of support project RMIT students training (JINPAO WIL Project) Contents Dear K.Somsak.,, According to our operating JINPAO Wil project with RMUTI that training student 's would like to approve on new creating project for support production line so, we will support about equipment for making them projects. Objectives : 1 . To help production line solving problem. 2.To Bulid benefit to production line. 3. Increasing efficiency of working in production lnnex I : Plan Schedule of operating piojects RMUTI student's training No. Details Oct,'21 Nov.'21 Dec,'21 Jan.'21 Feb.'21 Mar.'21 1 prffi;tudy and obserye about problems ln the r 2 3 )resentation of problem and selection topic of prcject I ,lanning and deslgn of project 4 vlaking proiect 5 lesting & Try out prototype 6 Improvement f rom suggestion - 7 Summary project 8 Pre*ntation fi nal projects Annex II : Cost estlmate Projects name Responsible party name Cost Remark Projects t,775 THB, 1 Laser cutting process steell plate cleaning machine Ala Mr.Thawatchal Chansri 2 yisuallzation of current in spot welding that out of control Aa Ms,Slrivimon Surlyachai 3,422 THB. 3 y'isualization of Acles machine productlon stops AGAA Mr.Panuwat Kongsombat 2,490 THB. Mr.Theerawut Nondang 4 Manual to Editing & Program for TCR Robouc Application A Ms.Chonthicha Phuphalinin 0 THB. 7,687 7,537 dultrority nv. \\. Manager . o\". l; 11 , :,D, ppt Head. ,aWrittened By. As^fJ /h,*,\"1 7/ ffi'\"\":l[ryi vrlr' t{l @l zr Responsibil$ By. j B r{ i}xi L,: Remark: n {nrdu:Iuflnnaao:sflsrrarnr:lrloru n {atfilfuflnouorr:rloluqrrlufln AB-FM.MR-OI.A

liw#p IAotrddv o 0 [ o t o \\, o fl T La se r t n5 a 0 Yi'l a ? 1 il 6t e o 1 9| tt 9t l,t o s tt n t\\t : a 0 u Bl }$ tfi 6l n (Laser cutting process steel plate cleaning machine) :fralrJrr6er ,J 14%',tt Yl....... :coiu Finat Project dn g nqo6nruu zozr fis ra nqo6nr Et:l\"2021 et:urAi.lUtooUfUfididaUUuA 1. ulur1uxu oilytigi5 :naunfin:Er 63332210359-8 U mi.ail:nt*1 ut.: om fi nr-n ri ro3ruo:-n uI o nr n ?lautrgr 1 . 6n:*r n:s::t unr:gt-o.rr uoir u to tt of 2. 6n prnr::J fi uhtru:r a.: rodo.r ra rryaf i^ 3. oonuuutniatrirn':'rilfl;0'rgrui.r.:fiurjortun:yurunr:oiomuai'rurnuryo{ 4-.u.odoyn rn:o{yt1 fi?1 ru fly0'ro ru.i,rd[u:Jnrlun:ru?unltsr-o.:r uoir u rn rga{ :r-o ntil :r do rfs a oln :o n r l.Ctdfi.aorarqoonuuuttnuoqml[Fr:o.]yr''rn?1ilfl;alorrrutfiurJnrlunrru?un'rrCIer{''r1{ v€ o?ut6tl9tr0: {z. rd a rfi ru :J :s fi m fi n r y{ nr:rir m ur a.r n:, u'l un.r :qr-o n ueir r rn rry a {g. rdad: u n o rTrp ur rd u r riu q runr ru a { it1 rru a { R:ru r un1:oier.:r uo'r u ra rry o uH1,[n'l:ooa1+r}tl[tqr0n15 ut{lat'lu z;64 z;65 r. fi nurri'rdolfl r{ n 1 *rfl u T?u ?xrJdail n ,t.6. lt.u. s.a. 1r.f,. n.u. fl.o U e.ritguorfrqiolfii{nru 3.?'t{ttiluu8300nuuu q.d'eairlfiffiru 5.y1 orsau n 1 rr{lfi uto:ll ru 5.srrrofiau uaurJfu rJ 1 ufftu a.sflnounsdrrfiuToxlru

li*r#g qrJn:n{uac6irtlil:rnou I \\6 4s ;rJd t 1nr:o an uuuqrJn:a[rta;drurJ:gn au?, 0.,:In:.r,mu1 :ranr:qrJn:a[ :'lE n1: :1Gn 789 uuorrqoS Pv $Ar{iail gMS luet-r 152 299 DC motor speed control 65 69 ruarnaf Rszzs 12v u:rfiofl.: 12ooo RpM 120 rou:Jn.,:a'itu 163 rl 1657 risrdrfloilo 2 ?r''r Ac/Dc du e-rrntoz.t d u1[4?{I C d u v tu n{50.. n 6tr, qt''l o? u:J :u rvl' fl n, ?^ 0 14 9t, 1 [ fl 0 l+yt't ri Us to n'149fl{ :?IJ ..qrfr.{g lrindn:*r; nrd0.......... tldl'r-in'd;:n::*;r;y t $/.od,, {-r 2..(,//.......\\.-.)......,,..,,....,(Am,au:n:*'l)

) a- .i J a1u?u :1sn1ta-{60orJn:ai i'rFrl Link 1 ?JO L :ilnrvr https ://www.tazad 1 0- 5-o-qGam ps20o0-h hqpwm-is t? r-s6 5- PMW HHO RC 188 B s6399500.htmt?spm=a2o4m.seaich(ist.tis Battery & Adapter: 1 812 B https'.//wwwlazad a, ery.rechargebte-tr2v. io0p +o o o6ao0s a0-o r soo o2oqDp m ah - R5775-12V 1 .a 191 B https :y'y'www. (azada,co :thy'prod ucts/m o0 I-rs7 7 5. 7 2v- 12000-rpm=diy-i258164 1 08, $- s39813\"0757.htm(?spm=a2q4r,t archtirt. /l ;:. \" l4' DIY Adaptor Dri[ 1 6sB hltp3:,7\\i\\ 1 e6B ^^iVlazada.e6lh/produeb/diy- 4 dAi 6r 1 adaptor-dritt=adaptor-for-grindereut ofF fi?mtLuolllo 2 ?t:t wheel.s.disr-iJ 7 1 7LL6nn6. ACIDC {u E- u cls/x1-Z acdc-e-ten 1021-3x16x54-cm-250w 15a' TENi02r alulvlAWG30 d iy-o g g le-switch-1450v- Wrapping wjre 0.07 s6B https://sh opee. ohElVoBBVo AA%EQo,b -eav\"a2v\"Eo96e896A2%tobiag%A4%Ep,,6B 8%9F-AWG30.Wia ppin g-wire-0-07. atatv,lfifiTnuuuu 1 81 B https://shop ee. / o/6E: 0o/oB896qo/oE}ok douuas 88 % 82% E0 %88 % A2%80%59 a/o84% E 0% B tvfi'ur rulr)16awg 10 8Yo9 F %EAohBBVoBBokEAVoBSokB 4ol6E 0% 88 d u yu d s0B h tt ps :/,/s h O p ee. / o/oE0o/oB8o/o9 9 o/oEOo/o 89 o/o 87 o/oEOo/oB 8o/o ADo/oEOo/oB8o/o9 So/oE 0o/oB uoFrfi'tr.l-alLLlu 9o/o83o/oE0o/oB8o/o9Ao/sE}o/oB9o/o89%oEjo/oB8 1J'tUV'l1J -A 268 httpsTsho pee. e6 7h / %E0E6Ba;969 AahE}% B8%B 2%E0 %88%:9 9 %E0VoBB%9E-%E0 %B 8%Bla/oE0akB8%9.4-

! I 66 o 1 qoB htt ps ://s h o pe e. / o/oElo/oB9 o/o 8 lo/oEOo/o B8o/o9Co/oEjo/oBgo/o88o/oE0o/oB8o/o9gokEj%B ttriuoun:an Laru10 8o/oADo/oE0o/oB8o/oB0o/oE0o/oB8o/o84o/oE0o/oB8 A4 Lviln1?ao.r14rir gN/ 1 e,f 4sB htt ps ://s h o pe e. / (o/oE1 o/oB\\o/o ASo/oEO o/oB8o/o94o/oE0o/oB1o/oA3o/oE0o/oB8o/oB2o/oE0 E'' d. o/oB9o/o94o/oE0o/oB9o/oB2o/oE0o/oB1o/o99o/oE] aa-nnaourj:ym T t2s B https://www. ( ucts/n om etanti-oit-rubbed-bronze-i 170 1720 1 B5- s48 15470956.h1m(?spm=a2o4m.searchIis 5?:J 1775 1Jjy1 */ ......({narnrTn:r*u) dr... A.*.... ( H:fl?r&( rsfs-aibd

l\"tx.rJg orraodu tdaunl:utJI nnr:ilrttutattn5o.t:[n: Acies nt:u6lo.t616uss6u16ut[0tt (Visuatization of Acies machine production stops) u(. d ,d 14U?UVI....... ?146ltu:rO6 :sdu Final, Project t*u a nqn6nrau zozr fi.: t+ nqainr uu zo2t It tilt *lf *li ri lttttt lttf *.tf *lt*llL **** l+ *ta*tt*** tt**** ******* tt lt** *tt,x.{t *.r** *ttttlt* **** *,t ** * ** l+ lt*** * fUrI.iufiotou l.urunruirurjno.ralrifi :rflarinfinryr 633322t0207-o luuurrr2. uruE:srefr :ri'arinfinrcr 63332210246-2 drjinr*r1n:qflu uruiaan uo.rr{rsr^ tloutll0l 1 . lra q { r.i a n 1 : u6'r 16 aur o r r nd o.: o-n : dsrTurTcl 2. uu n:vd'u nr:u{'rrd oucl orrndot6'n: E. o'nlir rifi on r:rrfffl rurarr or rniol6'n: !u inqrJ:varirorTn:qnr: :1-J.dny4u,0y+flAn- u1 tta u ai1.: Lul tt1.: tm 0 ut 0.l un5ot o n z. rdo rfilrl:v8yBn rvr n r:drrruror rntoro-n : 3. u-rllo.d{ nul:nr:1{qreruunSoJqo'-n: :oa< ur.rufl 1 T9t1 tuu [n5{ fl 1 2564 2565 rununr:drrfiuTR:{.r1u r.6. In.n.n.n. v\\l .et. 6.4. ln'.a. r.ilnu, rirdoTalr{,ruuasr?u:rudaua z.rir tauorflrdoIa:t.:ru 3.?1{t[Bruuauoafl[[uu 4.{nlirTn:.:rru tr\"t*,-rd\"firl\"r..* 6.nt2o6au uacdiud:{udts I -z. a qrJ ar a ua ri'n dr { iiola :.:.: r u 8. dr ruaTn :.: m ufr'.:rau s -

t- rixrJs qrJn:aiuavriruil:snau : ;rJ fi t ( n r : o o n r,uu u qrJ n : niua v dr ur.J : y n ou r o{n :rr r u ) :rsnr:arJn:ni :1Un1: :1A',r Wi-fi ESP-32 Modu[e 300 Step Down Regutator Modul.e 60 Retay Modul.e 5V 4 Channel 100 Switching Power supply t2V 5A 300 Tower l.ight12V 650 Wi-fi Antenna 100 Electric Box 200*120\"75 180 ST-PLA Filament 1.75mm 1KG 550 2,240 :?x.t 00dr......*.u.,r{ fow.......(rinfinrgr) (...Y]-e..ql:l.P .LYlgl1.?:.....) uodo..?Cfl4r\\ .......,........(drjint*rTn:wru) ( 6nnr) .nNd?6f, )

ri*r#s n.iFr:1ufi1 :ranr:qrlnral https:/. ivrnnnar\" cybe rtice. com. https: /Anrurw. 3d pri' https: Twww.fromfactory. net/ m'a8udr {ot'tufl'lt trar/uriru n1u'tu tlnltlu tdrJ:snau M0933 Wi-fi ESP-32 Modute 300 1 300 P0007 Step Down Regulator Modute M0004 Relay Modute 5V 4 Channel 60 I 60 P0014 Swltching Power supp[y 12V 54 5K129 100 7_ 100 M0232 PCB Board A0138 Wi-fi Antenna 300 1 300 SK021 Electric []ox 2oo* 120\"7 s Pin Header 40 Pin 60 1 60 100 1 100 rBo 1 180 5 15

SK317 Pln Header 40 Pin rixrJe TerminaI Block sK2t2 Jumper Wire 10 1 10 40002 AC Ptug A0532 AC 25OV 1OA /\\ M3 25+6MM SK493 8 2 16 NBO3O ST-PLA 1.75mm Btack CC.PLA-BL Tower Light 35 7 55 TWLO27 220 I 220 $40 1 40 24 7 24 a 550 1 550 490 1 490 SXtl 2,490

J li*lr#g #rgrgr aruraotnr:udt u6ourim:sudtv,lso{ nT :rdou uuuqrr (Spot wetd in g) d uanur,t{ian1:n?uqil (Visuatization of current in spot wetding that out of controt) :rlaTd:16n ,d :s6'u Finat Project ifu a flqf,Anluu 2021, dt t4 fiutau 2022 14U?UVt....... aUiiiufiogau 1. u'ta1? fiiila aiuvd'u :#arinfinrcr ofiazztozaa-s UU:flU1-i ,< 1. uru o o- i rv:r duEnt'nd ( flau[?,9t1 0{ [n:{{t1u 1. fi nur n:su'lunt:o16mrol nr:idru rruuq Ft (Spot We[din g) :l{rut2. fi nur nr or rndolti: u m:roar un rr uulr{ (Wel.d Checker) 3. o o n rruu : vu u n r : u{l im^ ou ri r n: s rmtv{ t o r n r: rdor rru u n or (s pot Welding) duonuaflonl:n?!nu 4. o'olir:vuunr:u6'lt6ourirn:vuuatilra.rnr:rfloruuunn (Spot wel.ding) fiuanr,ufionr:rnunl inotl:r ar 6ro r nr:lirTn:t sru t. tdooonrtuurtav6'nlir:vunr:tu6'ttfiourirn:vuatrlclo.rnl:udor,uuuqu, (Spot wetdtng) d uonrufronrrn?uql.r 2. ao nr:rfi rrrolrdulun:surunr:zufi nufi ur fi'ufl cpur Spot Drop a. rdodrom:roaouflegurdlfiofiulunr:r.Jfrrio^.:ruudolruuulFr (Spot Wet.ding) rfiurri'unir n:sr,uatil undarfia\"Lun'lrti1{1u 1. Arduino IDE

/ .l\".u..u\"r#g oa+ [[r,lufl 1 :o1 tuu [n:,{.t 1u ttarunrtedr rfi ulo t,otru 2564 2565 1.dnr*rrirdi n.5l. v{.tl. 6.O. u.o. fl.v{. lJ.o. 2. rir rduarXrzlatoro,cru 3.trouaruuevaanuuu 4.{ovirtnt.l'cru 5. ra o dau nrrcir rrf utor{{1u 7. ofir{u'atof\\t\\t1u 8. -h:t,rlu-v-h-tutJs qrJn:niuaudruU:gnau +E*m*iffi5t 6 -r-I r'o: { Spot Wetding Out of cmtrot set up fq cotrol :runr:ailn:oi :runT:qdn:ai :rnr(rnilau) Arduino Mega 2560 4s0 Tower light 12 v 6s0 r53 RS-485 180 nriorqrJn:aI

) .lil-u,r.:i\"g (0.,d..ffi)r. ..............rinfinr*r u.dr........... '/'il .............fu;aurTn:ssru r.. -3rJa5r. s.........Y:1.,.......t

;inzlo slemlsdrSoqtlnsru Froject V-iruolizotion of Spot current ouf of eonlrol: I tO m/nS4e6 duol funciion duol proieclion USB to 4BE module FI232 I 100,00 100 rttos r//www. cvbertice. com/product/3373 2, :lecfuic Box 230'150'60mm 2 200.00 400 rttps://www.cvbertice. com/product/942 3 zgoo nt lil'uul usB 0H340 $ulnd uSou aruusa 520;00 4 lruluhudos 2 l,ol0 5 wire mole io mole ffrduino I 35,00 35 rttps:// 6 Buok 51ry Dovrn flquhtor.Powu tbdub 4-40 to 1,2F30V I 2100 2t I Powasupply 12V5ff 2 I lowa light 85,00 170 https://www, I PhotoBosrd uoSonoao.l I z8o ztqor 10 l!{iu02560 PeB ProlotypeSseW Tsminol Block Shirlld for Frduino t /t90.00 490 httm://www.f romf a* 1/i module 85485 module TTI- fun BS . 485 module 2 48,00 96 httos://www, 12 24nU/G ULiU0{diioiifr ],fr iudaidurs) 3g tt{ (100f}l 1 330 330 tttps://www,arduitronics, com/product/4218 4 4 25 100 rttps://www,cvbertice,com/productf 68/max485 90.00 360 22 lA22 qrJn:ni 'iruau 77) ----] Bcs- 5-tFt'tt?lI 3,422 aix rt' dr.\".\"-..R-P..* f{neu4uInsnruJ, --u.f:f,M'l { ,o*rn6o^( ..J

I r l*Ouino MEGA 2560 Rg ldiil USB cH34O:uluu ufar aruUSB il Arduino MEGA 2560 n3 lE8rr, USA CH34O iulxrl wlau fiUUSB .{a.air rc EE Bn*t&rl - .il 5z0.lrorJ'!$ iffEl,,T fo,toht,rri r1fr.nrttuino 6ulJr @ *5- rr..5!a ,il-r! la*r & m,.t! **trt r-- ,i-:o. r feuiloGirut9?9q!! Arduino MEGA 2560 Rg t?ifitlUSB CH34O:ulul rrfau s:truUSB i: ! tiiilll USB TO TTURS485 dual tunction dual protection USB to 485 modulc FT232 iiuxr Arduino d.Arr 100.OO urrr 6ilJr ..lrh f.a-raa F; \\?r* -\\/rL-' AQy[IoG=sTf9?sg!!

| 3 lTowerlisht t{lryryruurrrro{r.xl 1d(..totrr lDdustrirl Slgnrl Tflcr Satcty Stad( Al.m Uoht hmp lf D Rod cr..n Ydlow t mp f 2V& lri0duo t{lte'!e IHtlalldflU.t r&Lfr rtuE, 16{ (DEiaQ oE&ai atAl 6 6r.rrl@tr &ta.r*lr ar6B [-il: r. u0unosr:nfi lo@U B Df! ,la*\"r.n I ft rr.u r f\") I Qr- tIO G-rl,lOa6€ I c lutzsse GonYerter Buclr Step Down Roqutator power ttfiodule 4-4o to t.2s.Sov sA LM596 Convertar Buck Step Down Roguhrtor power Modulc 4-40 to lrs-30v 3A 85,00 urrr iwiell t iIrh$,$+r$ftiu6rArrlu;nc (il c* I9strog!.tlIgadsr(l

MAX485 module R8485 modute TTL turn RS - 48S modute r. ,.r*.6r.rle . El:.1rr;*r .t 'r@ MAX485 module R5485 module TTL turn RS - 485 module u w-) L.'Efrtntr fuduino/-\\\\./\\ tl9uEOG:reI9?t-TCil arulvlr6rn 24AWc ULI OO7 ,. fitiaitrl$Urd 2alwc(o,.2OS tqmm.) r,ldb (Pe6666&d 666666 Remark:5.0O/unr 22AWG (O.325 s9mm.) aru,,-, .-. l9r.iIcG:aslaOae.C-, - C(l

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