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Home Explore 50 Most Trustworthy Companies of the Year 2019

50 Most Trustworthy Companies of the Year 2019

Published by The Silicon Review, 2019-12-09 00:36:22

Description: ‘Trustworthy’, like, many objectives of a company, is in the eye of the beholder.
Here we present you The Silicon Review “50 Most Trustworthy Companies of the Year 2019.”
The companies that are enlisted are known for their business strategies, customer centric approach, employee centred programs, partnerships/collaborations, customer retention rate, financial stability and moreover ‘credibility’ is the first thing these companies care about.

Keywords: The Silicon Review, thesiliconreview, silicon review, The Silicon Review magazine, trustworthy companies, big data, cloud security, innovative solutions, healthcare innovation, business intelligence.


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Debra R. Schoenberg, Esq., Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C. Founder ‘The Quality of Our Legal Work and Unwavering Commitment to Excellence Shows in the Positive Results that We Consistently Achieve for Our Clients “We are trial lawyers who litigate high-conflict, high-stakes cases.” Adivorce or custody dispute Schoenberg Family Law Group is Schoenberg Family Law Group, we may be the most difficult to preserve our clients’ dignity and are deeply committed to ensuring challenge you ever face, humanity through what can be a that children remain insolated leaving a lasting impact on your very difficult and painful process. from their parents’ litigation. Not children, your finances, and your Our top priority is delivering high- withstanding the raw emotion family structure. While some quality legal services to our clients. that accompanies virtually every variables are beyond your control, Our firm builds relationships dissolution action, we work hard choosing the right law firm can based on trust, integrity and to educate our clients and to assist make all the difference. open communication. One of the them in working cooperatively commitments that I make to my with the other party. We believe In light of the above-mentioned clients is accessibility. I don’t it’s critical that parents work scenario, we’re thrilled to present leave at the end of the day until together so that the needs of their Schoenberg Family Law Group, I have returned every phone call children are paramount. Not only P.C. and responded to every email. are we attorneys but many of us Choosing the right family law firm are also parents. We have a deep Schoenberg focuses exclusively on can have an enormous impact on understanding of the best interests divorce and family law. The firm the outcome of your case. At the of children and strive to meet that was incorporated in 1990 and is Schoenberg Family Law Group, we in every custody and visitation headquartered in San Francisco. believe that knowledge is power. schedule that we coordinate. At We work hard to assist our clients the end of the day, our priority Debra R. Schoenberg, in understanding the road map of is to ensure that the parenting Esq., Schoenberg their dissolution. plan is in the best interests of Family Law Group, the children, to promote their P.C Founder, spoke Moreover, delivering exceptional continuing development and exclusively to The legal services to our San Francisco growth. Silicon Review. Below is and Bay Area clients is our top an excerpt. priority. Family law matters What do you feel are the deeply impact children, family reasons behind your firm’s What are the factors that finances and the family structure reputation? make your firm stand out and thus call for a comprehensive from the competition? approach. We work closely with Family law is a rapidly evolving psychologists, accountants’ legal field. By focusing our What continues to excite and appraisers and other financial resources and expertise, we engage me after practicing family professionals to comprehensively remain current with the latest law for more than 30 years, is that resolve these complex and changes in state and federal the concept of the family continues sensitive issues. law. We develop efficient and to evolve. As society re-defines cost-effective strategies to help family, the law has to grow and What drives you to excel in clients resolve their family law change around it. What sets us your field? matters. Family law is a collegial apart from other law firms is the and collaborative practice. Every pride that we take in our work Children are our most precious member of our team contributes and our unwavering commitment resources. They are quite to the success of our cases. to excellence. Our goal at the literally our future. There is enormous potential for children We represent our clients with to become harmed in the context expertise, efficiency, diligence and of their parents’ divorce. At the understanding. SR 52

Our goal at the Schoenberg Family Law Group is to preserve our clients’ dignity and humanity through what can be a very difficult and painful process.” Debra R. Schoenberg, Esq.: Debra R. Schoenberg, Esq. An Inspiring Leader Founder Debra R. Schoenberg, Esq., has a long and distinguished career. She is the Founder of Schoenberg Family Law Group, P.C., located in San Francisco, California. For more than 30 years, Debra has focused her practice exclusively in the area of family law, handling a variety of matters on behalf of clients in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area. These include contested custody disputes and the division of property in complex divorce cases. Ms. Schoenberg also assists clients with cases involving domestic partnership dissolutions, legal separations, alimony claims, custody and visitation arrangements, child support, restraining orders, paternity disputes, Marvin claims, pre- and -post marital agreements, cohabitation agreements and domestic torts. While making every effort to negotiate settlements whenever possible, she will vigorously pursue her clients’ interests in Court when necessary or advisable. Ms. Schoenberg has established a professional reputation for thorough attention to detail, strategic thinking, loyalty and dedication to the highest level of client service. Long recognized as a leading family law attorney, Ms. Schoenberg frequently lectures on various family law topics. In recognition of her work, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers named her a Fellow and the National Board of Trial Advocacy certified her as a Family Law Trial Specialist. Ms. Schoenberg is also certified by the State of California Board of Legal Specialization as a Family Law Specialist. Extensive and confidential reviews by members of the family law bar have resulted in Ms. Schoenberg’s repeated listing in the Directory of Super Lawyers and repeatedly being named one of the Top Women Attorneys in Northern California. The San Francisco Business Times has repeatedly named Ms. Schoenberg to its lists of “100 Top Women-Owned Businesses”, “100 Fastest-growing Private Companies in the Bay Area, and “Top Philanthropic Businesses in the Bay Area”. Schoenberg Family Law Group P.C. has been also repeatedly selected as one of the top three family law firms in the Bay Area. Ms. Schoenberg is admitted to practice law in California, New York and Vermont. She is also admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States, the U.S. District Courts for the Northern District of California and the Northern District of New York. Debra is the author of a book entitled “Divorce in California”. After receiving her undergraduate degree in Philosophy from the Western College Program at Miami University in 1980, Ms. Schoenberg earned her law degree from the University of New Hampshire in 1985.

Breach Proof Your Business with Comodo Cybersecurity’s Zero Trust Platform Only Comodo’s Advanced Endpoint Protection can provide trusted verdicts on 100% of unknown files, with uninterrupted user experience. Layer Endpoint Detection and Response for increased endpoint visibility to prevent endpoint damage. In a world where preventing vigorous, and tailored to solve Comodo: Active Breach all cyberattacks is impossible, problems without downtime or Protection ComodoCybersecurity delivers an undue stress. It renders an almost Comodo Antivirus 2019: innovative cybersecurity platform immediate verdict on the status • Comodo’s award-winning free that renders threats useless, across of any unknown file, so it can be antivirus provides unbeatable protection from every type of the LAN, web, and cloud. handled accordingly by either malware software or human analysts. This • Lightning-fast cloud scanner blocks malware even if you The ComodoCybersecurity platform shift from reactive to proactive is don’t have the latest updates enables customers to protect their what makes ComodoCybersecurity • Blocks ransomware and zero- systems and data against even day threats by locking them in military-grade threats, including unique and gives them the capacity a secure container where they zero-day attacks. Based in Clifton, cannot infect your computer New Jersey, ComodoCybersecurity to protect all domains of business has a 20-year history of protecting AV-Test Certifies Comodo Internet the most sensitive data for both activity and threat—from network Security Premium 10.1 As to web to cloud—with confidence “Top Product” The Company’s and efficacy. Internet Security Premium product is one of the top-rated products businesses and consumers globally. This fast and competent technology based on the Feb 2018, AV-TEST report. You are now guaranteed ComodoCybersecurity’s technology provides seamless user experience with complete protection against is precise, and promotes ongoing customer all types of malware and a secure environment for carrying out trust. And, it recognizes an your banking, shopping, and other online activities. As a important reality: “Top Product”, Comodo Internet Security Premium 10.1 auto while you cannot protects against phishing and malicious websites in all browsers. “Comodo prevent 100% It also monitors the activities of malware of processes running on your Cybersecurity provides – you can computer and sends you alerts if render they take actions that could possibly Active Breach Protection malware become a threat to your privacy. in a single platform. No useless. one can stop 100% of threats from entering their network and Comodo takes a different approach to prevent breaches.” 54

Melih Abdulhayoğlu Founder & Chairman How Comodo Antivirus Belaud Software Works? the Brilliance Comodo Antivirus uses a unique multi-layered approach to protect Melih your computer from malware. Abdulhayoğlu, Founder & Chairman: • Known malware are identified using a “blacklist” Under Melih’s direction, the signature file and deleted or Comodo companies have grown quarantined since 1998 to a worldwide presence acclaimed in the industry for innovation and trust. Today, the Comodo companies have • Known valid files are used that success to build complementary product lines assuring identified as safe using a financial growth and worldwide name recognition. “whitelist” of valid files and run safely Melih actively advocates higher standards throughout the security industry. As the originator of the Certification Authority • Intrusion Detection and Browser Forum (CA/B Forum), a consortium of Certificate Behavior Analysis (Heuristics) Authorities and Internet browser providers, Melih brought are used to identify potential industry leaders together to establish new authentication threats from other files and standards for Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates. Melih deal with them has also initiated the Common Computing Security Standards Forum (CCSS), a voluntary organization of security software • Any file not verified as vendors, operating system providers, and Internet browser safe will only run in a safe software creators who are working together to mitigate the risk isolated system area called of malware and protect consumers worldwide. the Sandbox where it can do no harm to your files or In 2008, Melih’s efforts to promote Internet security earned operating system him the Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year® award in Information Technology Software for New Jersey. He is a frequent All that for free, plus a user- speaker on Internet security issues and has appeared as an expert friendly interface. You can also on various media outlets, including Fox TV and USA Today. upgrade to our subscription version and receive world- Melih earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic class customer support and Engineering from Bradford University, United Kingdom. the industry’s only virus-free guarantee. The firm is the winner of the CNET Editor’s Choice Award and has been rated Perfect for Protection by the independent test lab AV-Test Labs.SR 55

Enabling leading healthcare systems to improve access to care in today’s value-based reimbursement and population-based environment: Adeptus Health Our satellite emergency departments have earned the prestigious Press Ganey Guardian of Excellence Award for superior patient experience four years in a row. Adeptus Health is a leading technology, on-site laboratory, supplement their population health patient-centered healthcare and staffed with board-certified strategy, and ensure consistent organization expanding physicians and emergency trained delivery of patient-centered access to the highest quality registered nurses. For the last four care while building competitive emergency medical care through its years, Adeptus Health has exceeded advantage. network of freestanding emergency the 95th percentile in patient rooms and partnerships with satisfaction according to patient Services offered premier healthcare providers. feedback collected nationwide by Adeptus Health owns and operates Press Ganey Associates Inc. Adeptus Market Analysis & First Choice Emergency Room, Health also was named a 2016 Development the nation’s largest and oldest Best Workplaces in Healthcare by network of freestanding emergency Great Place to Work® and Fortune Adeptus Health is the leading rooms and owns and/or operates Magazine. developer of ambulatory care hospitals and freestanding facilities networks in the U.S., having built in partnership with Texas Health Adeptus is owned by affiliates freestanding emergency room Resources in Texas and Dignity of Deerfield Management, an networks to expand the continuum Health in Arizona. investment firm committed to of care for premier healthcare advancing healthcare through systems in the U.S. Its proprietary All Adeptus Health freestanding investment, information, and Market Analysis & Development facilities are fully equipped philanthropy. Leading healthcare process is responsible for scaling emergency rooms with a complete systems turn to Adeptus to expand the emergency department footprint radiology suite of diagnostic their ambulatory care network, in the Phoenix, Denver, Colorado Springs and Texas markets to meet Meet the Leader Steven Bussey, President: Steven Bussey brings over 30 years of experience in strategy, performance improvement, finance, sales, and operations from across the financial services and healthcare sectors. Steven is a Managing Director at Alvarez &Marsal and has participated in numerous projects designed to improve the healthcare delivery system. Prior to Adeptus, Steven served as Chief of Ambulatory Care at New York City Health & Hospitals and CFO at a health insurance CO-OP. Steven was also CFO/COO of Apyrous Capital Management and held Director level positions at Merrill Lynch and Credit Suisse. Steven earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania and his master’s degree in business administration in finance and entrepreneurship at the Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester. 56

market demand for emergency managed services company that network. Its structure ensures medical care. partners with leading healthcare that your teams can provide a high networks seeking to outsource the level of care and superior patient Adeptus’ Market Analysis & management of their ambulatory experience. Development team pioneered care networks. A pioneer in the field the integration of retail market of freestanding, satellite emergency By integrating this model within development strategies within rooms, its process rethinks all your clinical ecosystem, Adeptus can the healthcare industry. Its team aspects of operational and clinical navigate patients to the right care at created a healthcare-specific management to incorporate the right place at the right time with predictive analytics platform, lean, efficient operations, while improved efficiency and delivery. named AdeptusNSite, that generates improving patient outcomes and Take a look at what Adeptus can do actionable market insights gleaned satisfaction. for you. from multiple consumer behavioral data sets. Using this tool, its team The firm’s teams integrate with its Staff Structure: Adeptus’ leans of Geographic Information Analysts partners’ clinical and operational staffing model helps its partners set applies these insights to proven site processes to ensure a seamless a staffing structure based on patient performance metrics to develop patient experience. Adeptus volume to ensure the right staff forward-thinking market plans. adapts to your network’s existing with the right skillset are always Using these plans, the company workflows and processes in a way onsite. This structure is comprised has successfully located, designed, that ensures a smooth transition of physician-led, expert staff who built, and managed over 100 retail and upholds your clinical standards operate outside of their typical job healthcare facilities — more than of excellence. responsibilities to function as a any other healthcare company. highly cohesive team. Adeptus can Adeptus’ Roots: Adeptus’ physician help you scale this model to your Through its refined processes, founder drew from clinical expertise unique facility and volume, and the firm has expanded the market and patient safety goals to reinvent maintain the staff ratio needed for presence of its healthcare system emergency department staffing. optimal patient experience. partners with unparalleled speed This innovative model provides to market. From site selection a leaner, more team-oriented Improving Patient Throughput: to facility operation, Adeptus’ and cost-effective way to run an Adeptus has achieved significant partners can begin delivering emergency department – while improvements in patient throughput healthcare services to under served maintaining patient safety. Designed for its partners. The key to its communities in just 14-21 months. uniquely for the freestanding approach is rethinking ambulatory emergency room, the lean staffing care staffing and process — not Operational & Clinical model yields more efficiency than being bound to the old ways of Management a traditional hospital emergency doing things. department but can be applied Adeptus Health is healthcare to any facility in your ambulatory SR “We are the nation’s leader in Steven Bussey, President 57 siting, developing, operating, staffing and marketing satellite emergency departments and smart-sized hospitals for leading healthcare systems, as well as our own branded facilities.”

The best way to deliver trust is to surprise and delight customers: Transplace Transplace was started customer base that is pleasantly Frank McGuigan, CEO in 2000 by merging the surprised when we exceed their non-asset-based logistics expectations in our engagements. CEO Corner services of J.B. Hunt Transport More than 50% of our customers Services, Werner Enterprises, have come from our competitors, Frank McGuigan is Swift Transportation, M.S. Carriers, and they have mentioned the CEO at Transplace U.S. Xpress Enterprises and that these trust attributes are Covenant Transport. The joint differentiating. and has more than 25 initiative was intended to be an years of experience in Internet-driven “transportation What kind of responses executive, operational and supermarket,” offering shippers have you received from commercial leadership. and carriers mega-purchasing your consumers? Prior to his role as CEO, power for transportation services Frank served as president and supplies. The company then Our customers are living in a and chief operating officer pivoted to a broader mission to changing world that requires at Transplace, where he led provide a logistics technology more insight, visibility, data sales and operations for the platform and execution services and cost savings. This drives us company’s transportation for global shippers. Transplace to constantly seek growth and management, international has become the premier and technological advancements, as and brokerage businesses. largest North American provider of well as partner closely with our Frank joined Transplace managed transportation services customers to drive continuous via its acquisition of SCO and technology and continues improvement throughout their Logistics in April 2011, to expand its offerings through supply chain. Transplace strives where he was president and technology enhancements and to develop deeper, collaborative CEO. Prior to SCO Logistics, strategic acquisitions. partnerships with our customers. he was with Penske Our investments in infrastructure, Logistics for more than In conversation with data science, engineering and eight years. Frank has GE Frank McGuigan, CEO: technology process improvements certifications in Six Sigma leverages a shippers information and Project Management. He What do you think with the our scale and create is a graduate of the United propelled Transplace actionable data and reporting States Merchant Marine to be recognized in the through the Transplace Think Tank, Academy at Kings Point and 50 topmost trustworthy a group of transportation experts is a retired Lieutenant in the companies? and data scientists. Strategically United States Naval Reserve. important is our commitment Transplace’s origin and DNA and investment in human capital, has been focused on providing which allows us to bring in the shippers value through transparent industry’s best and brightest and collaborative relationships. supply chain practitioners as This has resulted in strong well as develop talent through relationships, as well as loyal our Professional Development and longstanding customers. In Program. By establishing quarterly addition to this, Transplace has business reviews and a customer never oversold its size or capability advisory board, we’re able to along the way. This has led to a solicit insightful feedback for continuously improving our

“At Transplace, processes, tools and services thanks to transformative to provide greater benefits to transportation technologies we do more our customers. like drones, self-driving trucks, than simply and hyperloop technologies what is asked Is it true that striving to name a few. The details are for by our for both ‘ethics’ and still taking shape, but what I customers. ‘success’ in a business is can say is that in several years We do what a tough feat? future transport systems is expected will be even more highly and then take Not at all. In fact, we believe connected, data-driven, and that to the that culture eats strategy automated. Many will be next level and and that it is so much more preparing for, if not already figure out impactful and natural, and leveraging, some of these new what we can ultimately sustainable, to align technologies. At the same time, do to go above our culture to define success as customs and regulations will and beyond customer improvement in an likely be even more complex expectations. ethical way. It’s an important and globally interconnected. commitment that we make The need for intelligence ” that aligns with our mission will be all the more critical and core values. We challenge to ensure the supply chains ourselves to improve in all are managed effectively and facets of our business through ecologically. metrics, measurements and our continuous improvement Transplace will have a major tools so that we can add value role in providing intelligence, each and every day to both automation, and control tower our business and that of our visibility in this evolving, customers. more digitized, and globally connected world. I am excited What do you feel are about Transplace’s future and the reasons behind your how we will evolve to meet the company’s reputation? future needs of our customers. Our strategic themes or pillars As mentioned in the prior of success over the next several question, Transplace’s legacy years will be customer focus, of success has much to do innovation, and operational with our culture and our excellence. I also believe people. There is a very strong one of our most important commitment to providing imperatives is to maintain our excellent service and speed, agility, and adaptability information-based business to meet unforeseen future improvement every single day needs. Toward this end, we in an environment of trust and will continue to expand our transparency. offerings through innovative technology enhancements What is the future and acquisition strategies roadmap of your to further support our company? commitment to meet the needs of our growing and evolving Modern transportation will be customer base. experiencing major changes SR

Solving Security as a Big Data Problem Carbon Black Patrick Morley, President & CEO Cyberattacks have and innovative vendors like become a growing Carbon Black developed Meet the Torchbearer menace in the era technologies that extended of mobile technology. beyond prevention only. Patrick Morley, Dealing with it requires These solutions look at President, and CEO: sophisticated analytics and attacker behaviors and at the computational power data trends that indicate Patrick has led Carbon and agility of the cloud. suspicious behavior, Black since 2007. Under his Established in 2002, Carbon enabling professionals to direction, the company has Black was founded with the detect, respond to and even grown from a startup into the aim of keeping the world predict attacks, accounting market share leader in cloud safe from cyberattacks with for the full attack lifecycle. endpoint protection (EPP). its new generation of cloud- Today, organizations are The company trades today on delivered security solutions realizing that cybersecurity the Nasdaq exchange under designed to protect is a big data problem the ticker symbol CBLK. against the most advanced and that using the cloud threats. Headquartered in enables security teams to Previously, Morley was Waltham, Massachusetts, gain quicker and stronger president and CEO of Carbon Black has offices insight into attacks by Imprivata Corporation and in San Antonio (Texas), collecting, retaining and has held senior leadership Boulder (Colorado), analyzing critical attack positions with six venture- Portland(Oregon), The data. backed software companies, United Kingdom, Singapore, including three that had Japan, and Australia. As a long-standing player successful IPOs. He earned in the endpoint security a bachelor’s degree in Evolution market, Carbon Black Mathematics and Computer initially developed the Science from Providence The endpoint security industry’s first application College. market has been around for whitelisting product. The about 20 years, and legacy company evolved to include 60 products were initially Endpoint Detection and focused on one thing Response (EDR), Next- only: stopping commodity Generation Anti-Virus malware by building a (NGAV), and advanced perimeter to prevent threat hunting. In recent attacks. But as attackers years, the company has began to evolve they figured made a strong shift to the out how to circumvent cloud, and now produces legacy solutions. The one of the market’s leading market needed to adapt

“We truly want to work with our customers to solve the cybersecurity challenges they face, and our customers recognize this.” cloud endpoint protection platforms Traits of a Trustworthy data is being protected and that it (EPP). The company is trusted by Company has their best intentions in mind more than 5,300 global customers, at all phases of its relationship including 35 of the Fortune 100. Strong Company Culture: with them. This includes the sales process, where it tries to be a Rising Above Challenges Culture is the foundation of building trusted advisor to them, and not a successful company. Great merely sell more software. “We want During the early years, most companies are built by great people to make sure the customer has the organizations were fine with a and teams, all operating within a right solution for their specific use “set it and forget it” security great culture. Carbon Black’s people case. It all comes back to empowering approach, using legacy antivirus and teams are at the core of what our customers to better protect them software to stop attacks that enables it to deliver on its vision, from advanced cyberattacks - that’s leveraged commodity malware. build the products, market and how we measure success,” says It was difficult for businesses to sell those products, service those Patrick Morley, President, and Chief accept the inevitability of a data products, etc. Its culture is about Executive Officer at Carbon Black. breach, and early on, Carbon Black great teams working together, encountered a lot of customers passionately and transparently, Roadmap to Success that simply wanted to prevent and with a belief in what they are cyberattacks. creating. For far too long, the industry has been playing a reactive game, Today, a healthy security posture Customer-centric: Carbon Black staying steps behind advancing requires capabilities for the full attackers as they evolve their tactics. lifecycle of an attack - prevention, provides excellent service to over As per Carbon Black, the best way to detection, response, and even 5,300 customers and helps them get ahead of attackers is through the prediction. Over the last 15 to stay better protected against power of the cloud. The cloud gives years, the company has seen a cyberattacks. What matters the the company an unprecedented dramatic increase in volume and most is how its customers perceive compute and storage capabilities sophistication of these attacks; the company and proud to be called that legacy endpoint security the adversary is consistently and a leader by some of the market’s platforms were constrained by, constantly evolving. As a result, top industry analyst firms, and most making endpoint security stronger Carbon Black has adapted too. importantly by its customers. It is than ever before. The firm learned early on that its working in tandem with them to customers are one of its biggest ensure they have the precise feature Carbon Black delivers on its assets. Every day they are on the sets they need to be successful with promises and has done so front lines of the security battle, their cybersecurity. consistently for nearly 17 years. so it brings them into its innovation There are too many vendors in the process early and often. Ethics: Balancing ethics with market that are simply trying to sell a point product to solve a single It has become quite common for success is an absolute requirement problem. It has a deep heritage a customer to come to Carbon of succeeding in the cybersecurity of leadership and innovation Black with a feature request that is industry today. Ethics in in multiple endpoint security quickly built into its product and cybersecurity can be defined in a categories. rolled out to help hundreds of other number of ways. As data is valuable, customers. Carbon Black makes sure that SR customers know precisely how the 61

Committed to promoting responsible, medically-necessary testing and providing health care providers with evidence-based education to support clinical decision making: Millennium Health We are dedicated to our employees, our customers, their patients and the communities we serve Millennium Health is an services, including pharmacogenetic accredited specialty testing, help clinicians make more laboratory with over a informed medication choices for decade of experience delivering their patients. Processing hundreds timely, accurate, clinically-actionable of thousands of patient specimens information through our nationwide each year allows the company to medication monitoring and drug provide meaningful insights into testing services. emerging drug use trends. Andrew A. Lukowiak, Ph.D., CEO Originally established in 2007, In dialogue with the CEO the company was renamed as of Millennium Health, “Our purpose is to Millennium Health in 2014 and Andrew A. Lukowiak, provide accurate, restructured in 2015. Since then, the Ph.D. timely, clinically company is under new ownership and has instituted a new boardand Is your company a ‘leader’ or actionable an entirely new management a ‘follower’? information to team. Consequently, Millennium help clinicians Health has the experience of a We are an industry leader in company more than a decade old, the diagnostics sector due to improve the yet all the energy and excitement our customer-centric approach. health of their of a startup. Through its renewed As an example, IntelliumSM, our focus on building trust with integrated, cloud-based platform patients. customers on a foundation of helps clinicians perform various clinical and operational excellence, functions, from basic test ordering it has emerged as the leader in the to monitoring the clinical analytics specialty toxicology testing space. of the healthcare practitioners’ practice. Intellium also provides Drug testing is used by substance physicians the opportunity to use disorder and pain management monitor drug use and abuse in local providers as well as many other populations and compare these specialties to obtain objective trends to the trends found in their information about patients’ recent own practice in real-time. use of prescription medications and/or illicit drugs and helps In addition, Millennium Health monitor treatment plans. The has established itself as a leader in company’s evidence-based, clinical intelligence. This year alone, guideline-driven genetic testing

CEO Corner Andrew A. Lukowiak, Ph.D., CEO is a strategic leader in the clinical diagnostics space and is known for creating value through relentless focus, cultural transformation, and methodical execution. With almost two decades of experience in the diagnostics industry and having held a diverse set of management responsibilities in a variety of organizations, his broad experiences have provided him the background to comprehensively assess organizational strengths and establish a productive strategic vision for outcome driven execution. our clinical team conducted two our corporate Mission and Vision and metabolites encompassing nationwide studies on illicit and Statements encompassing the word over 400 brand name drugs, which prescription drug use trends, the trust in both. Our mission statement helps healthcare providers ensure Millennium Health Signals Report™ focuses on the relationship between patient compliance with their and another published in JAMA us and our clients; “to provide rapid prescriptions. This diverse menu is Network Open. Both of which were and reliable healthcare solutions that a direct result of extensive feedback reported on by a wide variety of our employees take pride in, patients from our customers. As drug trends national media outlets including and clinicians trust and payers change, we set a high standard for US News & World Report and USA value.” our test offerings to stay ahead of Today. trends in illicit and prescription Furthermore, to emphasize this drug use through both proprietary Trust is a difficult attribute commitment to trust even further, intelligence and industry data. Most to measure and a delicate we have created a vision statement recently, we updated our fentanyl dynamic to maintain. How that demonstrates our dedication test menu to include 13 carefully do you maintain this with to trust on a more global scale; chosen analogs to offer coverage your clients? “to be the most trusted clinical of those most frequently identified laboratory in the world.” We believe in the recent DEA emerging drug As a company committed to clinical it is essential for every company threats report. excellence and compliance, we to establish unique, purpose-built pledge to adhere to the highest values that set the standard for how To complement our diverse menu standards of responsible and they operate their business, both of tests, we provide on-demand ethical business practices and fully internally and externally. toxicologists for clinical education comply with all applicable federal and consulting to advocate for and health care program requirements Can you tell us how customer communicate with clinicians about guiding the operations of clinical consumer feedback has their patients’ individual treatment laboratories. Millennium Health influenced your product plans. operates an effective and robust offerings over the years? compliance program, including the What is the future roadmap maintenance of policies designed One of our core corporate values of Millennium Health? to comply with all aspects of the is to “Be Customer-Centric.” More laws and regulations governing specifically, we consider every Through our commitments to interactions with health care interaction with our customers an innovation, customer experience, providers, most notably the Stark opportunity to go the extra mile and compliance, Millennium Health Law and Anti-Kickback Statute. and improve our relationships. By is recognized as a leader within listening, we build loyalty and trust the specialty toxicology space Do you formulate your own in an effort to provide personalized today. Years from now, we believe core values? service, tools, and solutions. our organization will be viewed as having set the standard for Yes, by way of example, trust is Today, we provide definitive compliant, medically-necessary the cornerstone of everything we detection of more than 100 drugs testing across the industry. do. Earlier this year we updated SR 63

Servicing your Laboratory Equipment Needs: Zef Scientific, Inc. Mass spectrometry is was to get a harmonized “ Dr. Zoubair El Fallah, President “ a highly technical instrument performance We started with the vision analytical tool that qualification done, as required that a complex LC-MS-MS is widely used in Pharma by FDA and sponsors. Here environment requires a & Biotech research, food again, the coordination highly technical team with testing, environmental and approval of multiple multi-disciplinary knowledge testing, clinical laboratories, documents were necessary. and a strong dedication and academic research. In Zef Scientific’s success was to customers and their the complex environment very apparent, especially applications. This vision of Mass spectrometry labs, with these organizations, and and our strong business the need for a one-stop- its focus was initially on one ethics have led us to be shop was apparent since the specific Mass Spectrometer recognized as a premier majority of LC/MS systems brand which had a large independent engineering were a combination of installed based. The initial and scientific organization hardware from two or three hub of business was in New specializing in state of the vendors, thus rendering Jersey since there were art chromatography and servicing and maintaining significant numbers of CROs mass spectrometry.” this complex set up a established closer to NJ’s challenge for laboratories. traditional Big Pharma. Initial diagnostics were often misleading which resulted A discussion on in extended downtime. Even Zef Scientific, Inc. routine maintenance was a with Dr. Zoubair El challenge, where customers Fallah, President had to coordinate with their respective vendors and How successful was were forced to make their your first project roll system available to them on? for an extended period. This challenge was more Our first major project was pronounced for Contract with a big New Jersey CRO Research Organizations that had a significant number (CROs), as they were making of LC/MS/MS systems. While money running LC/MS/ the initial incentive was cost MS systems in a production saving, they were also very setting, and any extended interested in experiencing downtime was very our harmonized Qualification detrimental financially. Added package which fulfilled a to this situation, another gap in their Quality system challenge did arise which 64

requirement. It was a great entry not only look at the purely economic The Mastermind point for us to portray our knowledge aspect of the relationship but rather and expertise, and to also have them considers and weighs the full aspect Dr. Zoubair El as a reference. We have succeeded of the relation, where ethics do play a Fallah, President: in meeting and exceeding their pivotal role. Hence, we pride ourselves expectations and we are still doing by always doing the right thing no Zoubair grew up in business with them. matter what it cost, and we are an northern Morocco and honest and unbiased adviser, purely was educated in France, What challenges did you face based on our know-how and expertise. obtaining a bachelor’s in your initial years? degree in chemistry What is the global outreach from the University of Being mainly a service company, we of ZefSci today? Grenoble and a Ph.D. in are dealing with non-tangible products. Analytical Chemistry from The customer needed to be assured Global outreach is important. We the University of Pierre that his selection of ZefSci will bring believe that in today’s world, customers & Marie Curie (Paris VI). the value and peace of mind he or she are globally looking for the same thing. After his graduation in is looking for. We needed to project This is why we identified India as the 1989, Dr. El Fallah moved confidence and to make good on our next market for our services and have to the USA and was a promises for fast and high-quality opened an office in the Mumbai area Post-doctoral fellow at the growth service. We had to deliver at last year. The demand for healthcare University of TN-Knoxville all cost and no matter what backend is raising there and local Pharma where he pursued pain we had; enduring that was the companies and CROs are witnessing research in Preparative only option. Without an engaged increased demand. It is shaping up to Chromatography under and committed team to this idea, we be a great market for us already. the late Prof. Georges wouldn’t have survived. Ultimately, our Guiochon. After few years front-end connection to the customers; In Canada, we have struck a deal at Waters as a Sr. Scientist, i.e., our field engineers had to be with Shimadzu Scientific to become Dr. El Fallah established the most responsive and technically their official distributor for their the US operations of capable entities in this challenging chromatography and mass spec LabMetrix Technologies, a environment. equipment, and the market is also harmonized Multi-Vendor increasing due to stringent testing compliance outfit, that Is it true that striving for requirements, notably in the legal was sold to Perkin Elmer. both ‘ethics’ and ‘success’ in a cannabis market there. business is a tough feat? He has published several Where do you see you and papers in scientifically We believe that ultimately when a your company a couple of peered journals and has business is more concerned about years from now? presented many of his the success of its customers than research contributions to just realizing a quick profit, the The market for testing is still national and international results are always positive for the expanding at a very healthy rate (6 to meetings dealing with company. We know that the reward 7% globally). Regulations are becoming separation science and we seek will ultimately come with tougher and tougher, and the limits chromatography. patience and perseverance and that of detection are been challenged all is why our goal is to have a long-term the time. Therefore, we should expect 65 relationship with our clients. This has more technological advances in brought us reputation, steadiness, and terms of instrumentation, and more references. When you are building demand for our services. We have a such a relationship-based business like good base now, and our expansion ours, being ethical and trustworthy through partnerships and adding is a key aspect of gaining the trust of more geographies to our portfolio is your customers. You want to be in a underway steadily. We have now direct situation where your customer does local service in Texas and Kansas. SR

An Interview with BI4ALL Leadership: ‘We’re a Leader in Professional Consulting Services with Expertise in Analytics, Big Data, AI & Data Science, Data Visualizations, CPM, and Software Engineering’ “Our mission is to create value beyond expectations; nurturing a trusting relationship with integrity, transparency, and respect to build an innovative team with clients, vendors and employees.” One of the great benefits of modern data-driven business strategies is the ability to test new ideas quickly. We are no longer reliant on the instincts of a few decision makers and are instead empowered by tools like analytics, A/B tests or behavioural research to evaluate new ideas. The results are clear, with businesses reaching new levels of efficiency and disruption in an increasingly complex market. José Oliveira, CEO “We help organizations maximize the value of their data in order to articulate their business goals and make analytics an integral part of the business model. By working on a subject as sensitive as organizational data, the trust our clients place in us is essential in our work.” 66

In light of the above-mentioned increase, it became necessary Moreover, we value meritocracy and scenario, we are thrilled to present for companies to apply more excellence. We have a team with BI4ALL. advanced analytical techniques different backgrounds and cultures, for better decision-making in all training and interests, skills and BI4ALL is an Information business functions. Data analysis experience. Our culture has always Management and Technology can reveal correlations, patterns been an integral part of who we and Consultancy Company that and predictions, leaving behind are as a company. We bet on the provides its Clients with successful decisions based on intuition: It recruitment of the best talents and and innovative Analytics and emerges as a relevant opportunity on a continuous valorisation of the Big Data solutions. Through a to increase the performance of team. unique experience and extensive companies. This way, BI4ALL was knowledge of several business established in 2004, and we started At BI4ALL, everyone is important sectors and business functions, with the goal of delivering value and vital to our inspiring mission. BI4ALL allows companies to have beyond the expectations of our All BI4ALL employees contribute competitive advantages by turning customers in the data analytics to taking the company to the next their data into insights. Focused on domain. level. Everybody contributes to goals, value creation, innovation empowering the future through and excellence in delivery, BI4ALL What are the factors that market-leading corporate solutions helps organizations to achieve make your company stand for digital transformation. better results by optimizing their out from the competition, organizational structure and Mr. Pinto? Is your company a ‘leader or control systems, allowing them a follower’, Mr. Oliveira? to have disruptive solutions that We pride ourselves on a strong optimize decision-making. track record of delivering successful Our company is a leader. BI4ALL projects – this has impacted our positions itself as a driver of The company is headquartered in clients significantly, who have been change. Since 2004, we have been Lisbon, Portugal. with us over the past several years. totally focused on the success of our clients and share with them Proud Moment We help organizations maximize a knowledge of excellence in the value of their data in order both technology and business BI4ALL has been recognized to articulate their business goals components. We believe a critical with more than 20 national and make analytics an integral component of our success has been and international awards for its part of the business model. By the company culture, which is based excellence in delivering impressive working on a subject as sensitive as on our core values of innovation, solutions to the range of clients’ IT organizational data, the trust our communicating honestly and services across multiple domains. clients place in us is essential in our broadly, and implementing the best work. practices first. We truly believe José Oliveira, Andro this culture is important because Moreira, & Hugo Pinto, We bring together all the tools to it helps to attract and retain top BI4ALL Leadership, create complete and structured people, encourages innovation and spoke exclusively to solutions, appropriate to each teamwork, and enhances our focus The Silicon Review. business sector and to each on achieving corporate objectives. Below is an excerpt. customer reality. We have extensive experience in responding to the Is it true that striving for Why was the company set specific set of challenges and both ‘ethics’ and ‘success’ in up, Mr. Oliveira? business requirements of different a business is a tough feat, industries. We understand the Mr. Moreira? As the volume and amount needs of our clients and add real of data generated began to value to organizations through the A culture of ethical behaviour expertise, details and mastery of is essential for our business. powerful solutions. Our mission is to create value 67

beyond expectations: Nurturing a trusting Leadership | BI4ALL relationship with integrity, transparency and respect to build an innovative team with José Oliveira, CEO: José Oliveira has a clients, vendors and employees. degree in Business Management from ISLA Moreover, it is important to enable and a master’s degree in e-Business from professionals to collaborate with the ISEG. He started his professional career as growth of the organization; make them feel IT Manager at Rhône-Poulenc Agro Portugal like a fundamental part of the company’s for 10 years. In Aventis Crop Science and development. It is necessary to listen and Sinfic, he worked as Business Unit Manager. bet on employees, challenge them, create In 2004, he founded the company BI4ALL, training opportunities that allow them to of which he is CEO and responsible for the constantly update their skills, and to provide development of the business. them an inspiration environment in order to create a well-being, well-balanced and With more than 25 years of experience in collaborative spirit and a culture of trust that the areas of Management and IT, Mr. Oliveira allows growth and development. also wrote the books: “Integrated Model for Effective Management and Risk Control” and Where do you see your company a “Business Intelligence”. couple of years from now, Mr. Pinto? Andro Moreira, Partner: Andro Our objectives are to continue to grow and evolve with our clients, in projects and in Moreira is BI4ALL Co-founder & Partner with teams. We want to be a leader, continuing to a degree in Computer Science Management be recognized, as the trusted partner for our from ISCTE. He started his professional national and international clients. career as a Technology Manager in Novabase and he went through Sinfic as Project The company’s growth pattern has been Manager. In 2004, he was one of the founding unbelievable; we have had a growth in two partners of the company BI4ALL, of which digits year after year. he is Managing Partner and responsible for the development of the company’s business. One of our objectives is to expand our He has vast knowledge and skills in company ‘Nearshore Center’ and respond with our management and customer follow-up, with a excellence services to international clients great focus on the optimization of processes, from Portugal. operations and financial results. In a scenario where details make the Hugo Pinto, Partner: Hugo Pinto difference between the success and failure of organizations, identifying solutions that is BI4ALL Co-founder and Partner and make managers capable of finding the best responsible for international development. way to guide their company’s growth is a He has more than 18 years of experience fundamental asset. Therefore, we want to in the Analytics market, having developed position ourselves as a leading consultant in projects in several areas, mainly the areas of our competencies (Analytics, Big international clients, such as Life Sciences, Data, Artificial Intelligence & Data Science, Banking, Insurance and Retail. Graduated Corporate Performance Management and in Business Management from Instituto Software Engineering). Superior de Gestão, he has a vast knowledge and skills to manage projects based on SR Analytics with the aim of optimizing processes, time, resources and results. 68


Transforming Business with Technology: AVASOFT Driving digital transformation for businesses with solutions that scale along with their evolving business needs and helping them build modern workplaces that work the way they do Radhakrishnan(RK) and his across the solutions they have reinvent company culture and partner co-founded AVASOFT built. With employees and the employee productivity. 11 years ago with the goal way they work as top of mind, of bringing the best solutions to they have always been able to It was this single-minded focus the table and transforming their bring a consolidated focus of on the holistic, across-the-board clients’ businesses by leveraging efficiency through employee-driven transformation that led to the the latest tools and technologies. collaboration, productivity, and development of a unique suite of Understanding that digital data-driven automation of business migration tools to serve clients transformation is the key to drive processes. through their migration journey. business, they started investing in These tools encompass migration Office 365 in order to help clients The origin of the from a variety of source systems build, define, and execute digital migration tool - - from legacy systems like Lotus strategies in the modern workplace AVAMIGRATRON Notes and IBM Connections that actually delivered business to now including GSuite (with value. Expertise with the Office 365 Gmail) and Slack to Office 365. ecosystem naturally led to an And when it comes to these tools With a strong emphasis on building influx of customers needing us to and the migrations themselves, reusable frameworks across help them not just move to Office AVASOFT’s approach has always the solutions they developed, 365 but truly transform their been about understanding business AVASOFT applied this approach digital workplace experience. In first to ensure a full-coverage, when delivering these Office 365 this, AVASOFT found that digital like-for-like approach for all modern workplace solutions. transformation was its competitive features available on any of these Investing in Office 365 products differentiator; it was never just source systems. After handling and employees with Office 365 about the move, it was about numerous migrations of different expertise has helped AVASOFT unlocking the full potential of the complexities, AVASOFT is now able deliver consistency in terms of platform they were moving to and to handle a full range of workplace both custom features and usability using this as a way to completely transformation from simple Radhakrishnan RAV, CEO Meet the CEO 70 Radhakrishnan RAV, CEO: Radhakrishnan(RK) has been managing offshore development centers and product development for the last 20 years of his career at premier Indian companies like Satyam, Virtusa, Hexaware and CG Maersk. Before founding AVASOFT, he worked as a Director, managing a large offshore development unit. Under his leadership, his unit posted record growth, year on year, both in terms of revenue and margins. RK completed his Engineering from the Bangalore University.

automated migration of content to Achieving more with Value delivered brings heavy remediation of native business Microsoft Teams continued success processes with custom element development. With Microsoft Teams, AVASOFT saw “Proving our claims have really another venue to expand modern brought numerous large European Challenges on the workplace offerings, now directly clients in addition to huge American stairway to success focused on improving employee enterprises into our client ecosystem. collaboration and truly bringing Many of these companies had a large AVASOFT was often challenged by people and all of the content and camp of IBM-lovers and so when comparatively larger competitors apps they work on in one centralized change leaders wanted to move to but they have been consistently hub. From a digital transformation Office 365 for the clear enterprise able to stay ahead, especially in standpoint, AVASOFT recognized that benefits, they were worried about user the migration and enterprise understanding Microsoft Teams and adoption and feature matching. This is collaboration space. Constant its many avenues for customization where our platform-centric approach feedback from their close would be critical to drive Teams combined with a clear agile change relationships with clients has adoption in organizations. Whether management strategy gave them the helped them fine-tune the it was a migration of an existing ability to replicate the exact features product even further and push collaboration platform like Slack in Office 365 and allowed them to them into truly transforming the or just the need for a Teams have a full range of control over the space of enterprise collaboration collaboration and governance environment from a data governance and increasing adoption rates strategy, AVASOFT created perspective while improving employee dramatically. In fact, they’ve now numerous custom apps and reusable productivity,” says RK. evolved as the only available tool in components to specifically make a the market that can migrate IBM, G transition to Teams quick and more AVASOFT focuses on creating Suite (including Gmail), and Slack importantly, highly usable. innovative and disruptive to Office 365, providing a seamless, solutions that accelerate the digital like-for-like experience that enables Teams strategy as a central focus of transformation of their clients clients to start being productive from the modern workplace really gave regardless of the environment day one. way to a full process for Microsoft they are in. The firm is driven by Teams implementations. Beginning a philosophy centered on building Migration as a product involves with meetings with the various reusable frameworks that have dealing with constant feature stakeholders of existing business resulted in products and solutions changes and restructuring happening process and the continued emphasis capable of consistently meeting on both the source and target sides. in learning how various teams rapid go-to-market times of clients This requires continual adaptation work, AVASOFT teams create a and keeping the cost of delivery to the product as well as the product detailed high-level overview of these the lowest in the market. Applying team that is kept up-to-date on these processes, ensuring coverage from its decade of experience with a changes and best practices. With the perspectives of all of the roles variety of client business models and that methodology in mind, AVASOFT involved. With these processes in environments, AVASOFT pushes itself has designed their products with mind, solutions utilizing components to go the extra mile while leveraging modularity as top-of-mind and this like the SharePoint Framework the latest technologies to provide has helped in providing support (SPFx), adaptive cards, the Microsoft business transformative solutions to their customers for simple to Bot Framework are proposed to for cloud, collaboration, mobility and complex migration scenarios, integrate things like custom incident data science powered by automation creating reusable customizations management dashboards into and AI. based on recurring needs, and Teams tabs, help manage and govern automating as much of the process Teams with automated archival bots, SR as possible all while meeting project as well as build vertical-specific timelines aggressively. conversational bots for shipment and delivery tracking. “ We’ve always wanted to be able to offer businesses unique solutions when it comes to automating their scaling business processes as well as be on the forefront of revolutionizing the way teams and individuals work. ”

Southpaw Technology Inc., a Toronto-based Company, Orchestrates Enterprise Information and Processes in a Digitally Composed World “Southpaw is unique in its ability to knit together disparate interdependent functions, bridge information silos, and deliver end-to-end transparency for all information throughout its entire lifecycle.” Every organization has them— and media companies—whose sent, stored, and used. Workflow information silos and process primary assets were digital well and process output can be anything “islands” that impede progress before recent enterprise digital from stunning visual effects, feature toward business objectives. For transformation initiatives. Creating, films, and video games to advertising large enterprises especially, siloed using, and retaining digital assets content, engineering models, data and workgroups are no longer introduced an entirely new set of consumer packaged goods designs, sustainable as companies grow and information management challenges onboarding documents, regulatory content balloons to the petabytes-and- for these companies, which Southpaw audit trails, and other enterprise beyond range. Inscrutable processes successfully solved. content. and information flows are not only frustrating and cumbersome, they’re The company developed its TACTIC Southpaw Technology: difficult to track, audit, and secure, Products Overview which adds unnecessary business risk web-based platform for tracking to business functions ranging from Southpaw solutions are built on cybersecurity to product development digital assets throughout complex and service delivery. workflows. Since then, Southpaw the TACTIC platform for each has integrated a powerful TACTIC client’s specific workflow challenge. In light of the foregoing, we’re thrilled workflow engine, production asset Engagements include professional management, and media library capabilities into a powerful, flexible services and support. to present Southpaw Technology. platform for enterprise workflows. TACTIC 4.5.v1 is available to download Today, Southpaw has more than as free open-source software under Southpaw Technology orchestrates the Eclipse Public License for Mac enterprise information workflows into 14 years of proven deployments in OS X, Microsoft Windows and Linux. free-flowing processes that deliver It also can be accessed directly on quantifiable business improvements. household-name companies who GitHub. The commercial version is Based on its open-source TACTIC available as a fully supported license workflow engine, Southpaw delivers trust the company to orchestrate large, complex workflows and deliver quantifiable business improvements. end-to-end visibility and control over Traditional workflow automation through Amazon Web Services. information as it is created, used, is largely based on automating With Python as its programming and changed throughout enterprise manual steps and executing “if-then” language, the Southpaw platform delivers tremendous flexibility. processes. For more than a decade, functions. Southpaw orchestration Python enables easy integration with the company’s technology and service solutions often include automated other platforms, offers large support workflow but go substantially beyond. delivery expertise has optimized The Southpaw platform is the only libraries, and is fast and lightweight. efficiency, reduced risk, and unleashed platform with an end-to-end workflow employee creativity for Fortune engine that handles ferociously Southpaw customers always have complex workflows involving millions 500 and other leading companies. access to their code. Southpaw was incorporated in 2005 and is headquartered in Toronto, of assets and multiple data types, The Southpaw TACTIC platform Ontario. data models, and terminologies. Deployments blend invisibly into incorporates four primary Southpaw Technology: clients’ existing environments Synopsis without disruption or having to components: Project, Media Library, replace enterprise solutions. With Workflow, and Professional Services. robust APIs, Southpaw solutions knit TACTIC Project Elements that Make Southpaw together disparate interdependent Task management: Know Stand Out functions, bridge information silos, exactly what your team is doing. Southpaw began by delivering digital and deliver end-to-end transparency Automatically create tasks in the right workflow and asset management for all information throughout its order through workflows, and track solutions to film, entertainment, entire lifecycle—wherever it’s created, them to completion. 72

Store files with projects: Files are workflows created in the visual David Lowe: stored with the project. Easily track workflow editor. A Formidable Leader which tasks contain what files. Asset tracking: Manage uploaded files David Lowe is the Chief Visual business process mapping in the media library. Work on assets Executive Officer of / Reports and dashboards: Define using work orders and deliverables and workflows using the built-in workflow publish completed assets back to the Southpaw Technology Inc. editor. Visually order tasks and insert media library. where he has spearheaded the automation, approvals, and conditional company’s vision and growth steps to accelerate work process. Data ingestion: Batch import assets since 2011. He leads a highly and automatically extract important experienced team of financial, Integrated workflow engine: metadata. Incorporate information process, programming, and Downstream tasks automatically are from internal creators and repositories service delivery experts. His set to “pending” until dependent tasks and external services, such as fraud 30 years of experience in are completed. Revisions are pushed checks. All information in the workflow building and managing teams, back automatically. is recorded and tracked with the business development, strategy, ability to demonstrate that all required operations, and technology Project Templates: Project templates compliance, approval, security, or other launches is instrumental in can be quickly duplicated with all checks were performed. Southpaw’s growth. In previous relative times adjusted to the start date roles, David drove revenue of the new project. Business intelligence tool: Improve growth to a $100M NASDAQ IPO corporate performance with business for a startup media company TACTIC Media Library process management features like and managed relationships with built-in reports and dashboards. multinational companies such as Asset tracking: Manage uploaded Intel, Hilton, Deloitte, Coca Cola files in the digital media library—a Southpaw Technology and Charles Schwab. Immediately repository of finished assets. Two-stage Professional Services prior to Southpaw, David served validation ensures approved assets are as Managing Director, Canada, visible to searches. Each Southpaw customer solution is for LinkMe Mobile—a U.S.-based tailored specifically for the required company with mobile search Download and conversion: Assets workflow. Southpaw’s process applications and technologies. He can be downloaded in batch. You expertise enables it to transform is a graduate of the University of can crop, resize, reformat images specific process steps and data streams Toronto and the UCLA Anderson and watermarks visually before into coordinated, automated workflows School of Management Executive downloading. that deliver quantifiable improvements Management Program. with full accountability. Southpaw also Keywords: Keywords are automatically offers mentorship to its customers, extracted from uploaded files. Track all providing generous knowledge and searches and keywords used. skills transfer. As a result, Southpaw has earned return engagements with TACTIC Workflow the vast majority of its customers. Work orders and deliverables: Break Southpaw Technology projects into work orders with multiple Clients deliverables. Each deliverable defines its own workflow with tasks, processes A diverse group of customers and digital assets. have trusted Southpaw solutions, including Adidas, Advantaq, Astral Business process mapping: Visually Media, Bell Helicopter, Blohm + Voss, create workflows and connect Corus, General Dynamics, Legend3D, tasks with automated processes, Lockheed Martin, Mayo Clinic, MPC key approvals, and conditional Technicolor, Nissan, Philips, Procter & requirements. Gamble, Teague, Tegna, TransUnion, Turbine, Turner Broadcasting, Ubisoft, Integrated workflow engine: A Viacom, and Warner Brothers. powerful workflow management system that drives projects using SR

IT Support for SME’s - Lucidica Aiming to know your business inside and out and to become part of your company, not just hide behind emails Thomas Jeffs, Founder & Director Lucidica is made up of a client to become part of the team of experienced IT Lucidica family. It is committed The Founding Father engineers and support staff to providing expertise in technology based in London & Kiev, offering to help your business succeed, He has been part of Lucidica a fun, friendly approach to IT it’s not just IT support but for over 20 years and has support for small to medium- ensuring that you know how been guiding the company to sized businesses. It started technology can best help your its success. small as a one-man-band when team. founder Thomas Jeffs began 74 helping businesses in London Services Offered by with computer support. Thomas the Company discovered he loved empowering businesses through technology Lucidica works with you by and turned his passion into a injecting humanity into your business. existing technology to find out what is the best way it can Since then, the company has make your business run more built on Thomas’ philosophy efficiently and protect it from any of fun, friendly and reliable technological issues. If things go IT support in London to help wrong it will answer the phone over 500 businesses to get the within three rings and get things most out of their technology. back up and running as soon as It is growing and constantly possible. expanding to different areas and services. The company offers tailored IT support packages customized In brief, the company offers for your business. This level of more than IT support, it offers a support can vary dependent partnership and a promise that on your requirements and can it will work with you to improve include features such as on sites and maintain your technology. and varied response times. The firm isn’t your standard IT The firm’s IT support contracts company who is just there to are slightly different from its fix a problem, it is a nerdy but competitors; check out what friendly team and wants every makes it different here.

“ We’re a team of friendly engineers based in central London, and we love technology. We realize you might not ”and that’s why we’re here to help. Hardware Supply & Support client base and monitor sales and customer behavior. Buying new equipment is always challenging. With so many options and pros & cons, it can The company implements project take hours to finally decide on what the best management systems and CRM’s to keep purchase is for your company. your business running at its best. Whether that’s creating your tailored Sharepoint That’s why it offers a consultation, purchase system or installing Podio, Salesforce or and installation service. From the second you another CRM, it has the tools and the people decide you need a new piece of equipment, to do it. it will advise you on the best model for you, your budget and your business. If any SharePoint isn’t just for CRMs though, the installation is necessary, it can do that too! company offers CORE (its particular flavor of SharePoint) as a service that can take Web Development the stress and paperwork out of things like & Maintenance holiday booking, supplier tracking, and commissions. Websites are crucial to every business. To build trust, provide content and increase Digital Marketing your leads it is imperative you have a professional, fast website. Digital Marketing is crucial for every business to generate new leads and to gain If you aren’t a secret website magician, it has a trusted online presence. a team of Ukranian Lucidicans who would be more than happy to help. The firm can do anything from setting up Whether it’s through social media marketing, your domain name, hosting your website SEO, blogging, email campaigns or all of to physically building it, designing it and them combined; the firm can help your making it fit your branding requirements company get the exposure it needs to thrive. and expectations. Lucidica works with clients from a selection Sharepoint and Salesforce of industries and also at different stages of their companies’ life, so get in touch and let Customer relationship management tools it know what you want out of marketing. are vital for businesses to understand their SR 75

Securing software, together – Semmle A code analysis platform for finding zero-days and automating variant analysis Semmle believes security is The People Rapidly interrogate your a shared responsibility. Its code mission is to secure all software The firm believes the sky is the by bringing the security and limit when people with different QL is the most efficient way to development communities together. backgrounds and skill set work explore your code and identify By combining expertise in the as a team to solve big challenges. even the most complex semantic fields of databases, programming Guided by a strong strategic vision, patterns. QL is easy to learn and languages, data science, and its leadership team is committed to quick to iterate. Write and execute security, Semmle is making cultivating strong company culture, QL queries locally using QL plugins software truly searchable, allowing unleashing the full potential of every for your favorite IDE. Use the LGTM deep meaningful questions to be member of the team, and making its Query Console to write QL directly answered, and insights to be shared. customers and open-source teams in your web browser and query A problem that it needs to solve successful in creating secure and your entire portfolio for security together, with developers, security trustworthy code. vulnerabilities. researchers and the community at large. The firm enables this Product: QL Scale security analysis collaboration by providing, for the first time, a technology that QL helps you explore code With QL, you can run out of the helps automate variant analysis: quickly to find and eradicate all box or custom queries on multiple the process of finding all instances variants of vulnerabilities before codebase to get accurate and of a coding mistake that caused a they become a problem. By relevant security analyses, allowing security incident. The company automating variant analysis, QL you to focus on the most critical treats the source code itself as enables product security teams issues. Each QL query represents a database, and deep semantic to find zero-days and variants of a piece of security knowledge — analyses can be expressed as simple critical vulnerabilities. codified, readable, and executable — queries. ready to be applied to any number The Unknown of projects. QL is a high performing This helps bridge the divide Vulnerability code analysis engine that analyses between developers and security the largest and most complex teams, because now security teams QL allows you to quickly perform a applications in the world. can share their knowledge with variant analysis to find previously every developer, in the form of unknown security vulnerabilities. Community-powered automated queries, that can be QL treats code as data allowing you security applied near time zero in every to write custom queries to explore pull request. Developers love the your code. QL ships with extensive Scale your security expertise by results because they’re accurate and libraries to perform control and tapping into the Semmle security relevant. The same sharing happens data flow analysis taint tracking community. With over 1600 QL at a larger scale in the community: and explore known threat models queries contributed by the Semmle security teams contribute back without having to worry about Security Research Team as well as their queries to an open-source low-level language concepts and its growing customer community, repository curated by Semmle, compiler specifics. Supported your security team is instantly so best practices are shared. languages include C/C++, C#, extended with the capabilities of Java, Javascript, Python and more. the top security researchers on 76

the planet, working to secure your “ software. Give back by sharing your security analyses and helping it At Semmle, we believe that security work together to secure the code is a shared responsibility, a problem that runs the world. that we need to solve together, with developers, security researchers and Open Security the community at large. Nowhere is this more important than with open-source software. ” Every company developing software today is critically dependent on the Oege De Moor security of the open-source software CEO & Founder underpinning their applications. Checking for dependencies and 77 known vulnerabilities is a good start, but it’s not enough. Securing Open Source Software Securing open source software requires a shift in the open-source community. Only the largest organizations in the world have the necessary resources to secure their underlying components, and most of this security research is not shared with the wider community, leading to a duplication of effort. Sharing its collective security expertise is imperative if the company is to succeed in securing open-source software. Making security expertise shareable is central to the Semmle mission. Its security analyses are publically available in its open-source QL repository. Each QL query represents a piece of security knowledge — codified, readable, and executable — ready to be applied to any number of projects. To date, over 1600 queries have been contributed by Semmle and its customers and partners in the fight to secure open-source. SR

Andrew Richards, CEO Delivering standard programming models SoC - Codeplay Codeplay is internationally and Vulkan®, and leading the based parallel software can run recognized for expertise in creation of new System Runtime and on the widest possible range of Tools standards through the HSA platforms and devices. By being Heterogeneous Systems, and Foundation, Codeplay has earned a modular and standards-based, reputation as one of the leaders in software developers can mix and has many years of experience in compute systems. match components to ensure that their software runs anywhere the development of Compilers, The vast expertise gained in and exploits the full power of the building optimized close-to-the- underlying system. Runtimes, Debuggers, Test Systems, metal technology for customers has been utilized in developing Throughout its history, Codeplay has and other specialized tools. The Codeplay’sComputeSuite™ also participated in international product. It combines the high- research projects, with partners company has delivered standards- level ComputeCpp™ easy-to-use from the largest hardware vendors C++ standard development tools, to the most cutting-edge start- compliant systems for some of the with the low-level ComputeAorta™ ups, and the expert academics heterogeneous runtime technology in its field. The focus of these largest semiconductor companies in to ensure that open standards- projects has covered optimizing the world, focusing specifically on high-performance heterogeneous processor solutions for CPUs, GPUs, DSPs, FPGAs and other specialized imaging and vision processors. Working within The Khronos™ Group to define new open standards such as OpenCL™, SPIR™, SYCL™, 78

The Face of the Firm high-performance graphics Khronos™ Group is for techniques at low power for developers who want to take Andrew Richards | CEO mobile and embedded devices, software written using C++ ensuring that performance single-source programming He started Codeplay with his co-founder, is portable and investigating models like CUDA® or C++AMP Uwe, to enable as many programmers as its impact across a variety and port to a wide range of possible to accelerate their software and of different heterogeneous OpenCL™ devices. The current reduce power consumption on parallel systems, and analyzing early-access ComputeCpp processors. Together, the two have built up whether new compilation Community Edition release the company to be a world-leading team of techniques can assist in provides pre-conformance engineers for high-performance, low-power making software faster and SYCL v1.2 support for AMD® systems. He also chairs a few standards more power-efficient. The and Intel® OpenCL GPUs groups so that the whole industry benefits results of this research provide and CPUs. Further operating from collaboration and its innovations. As the drive for products that are system and device support a video-game developer, before starting made available to customers is on its way. This version Codeplay, he produced some of the earliest and associated developers. will let developers work physics engines in videogames. The whole on acceleration of open- industry now accepts what the firm The ComputeAorta™ source C++ software such as pioneered: moving software onto highly TensorFlow, Eigen and the parallel graphics processors saves power ComputeAorta is Codeplay’s C++ 17 Parallel STL. and increases performance. He is very multi-target, multi-platform proud of the team he has built up here at toolkit for rapidly enabling The Company’s Codeplay, who take on some really tough delivery of the OpenCL, SPIR offering technology challenges in a friendly, helpful and Vulkancompute standards. and professional way. He can often be seen Codeplay build, optimize playing football with my highly-intelligent Currently supporting Linux®, and verify compilers for border collie. Windows® and Android™ the full range of processor operating systems across x86, architectures, from CPUS “ We enable SoC ARM®, and MIPS® targets, to GPUs, DSPs, and other manufacturers ComputeAorta can also be customer accelerators. to unlock their easily customised to your Working together, Codeplay hardware’s hardware. Bringing C++ can help you build, optimize potential for applications to a wide range and test your compiler, ”developers. of OpenCL accelerators using ensuring high performance SYCL™ and standards conformance across the board. Codeplay believes that the full performance of today’s The firm has developed a highly parallel devices should number of compilers based not be locked down to one on the open-source Clang/ platform, but be available to LLVMtechnology and for all programmers by using over a decade with its legacy open standards. That is why VectorC proprietary compiler it is giving developers free, technology. Whatever your early access to ComputeCpp™, choice, Codeplay has the its implementation of the experience and skill to make SYCL™ open standard. The your compiler a reality. SYCL standard from the SR 79

An Interview with Allan Camaisa, Calidi Biotherapeutics CEO: “We are Disrupting Traditional Cancer Treatments.” “Our mission is to eradicate difficult-to-treat cancers, through enhanced oncolytic viruses potentiated and delivered by stem cells which is a breakthrough for cancer patients.” Conventional therapies for viruses. The company is advancing tumor from being unrecognizable cancer such as chemotherapy its cell-based oncolytic virus by the immune system (Cold) to and radiotherapy remain a delivery platform for the treatment recognizable by the immune system mainstay in the treatment of cancer, of difficult-to-treat cancers. The (Hot). but in many cases, a targeted company has announced an approach is lacking, and patients exclusive veterinary worldwide What challenges did you face can be vulnerable to drug resistance, license for the development and in your initial years? What side effects, and cancer recurrence. commercialization of its lead can your peers learn from it? In recent years, novel concepts have drug SuperNova1 (SNV1) with begun to emerge to improve the VetStem, an industry-leading Funding: This is the main challenge traditional therapeutic options in biopharmaceutical animal we faced in our initial years. We difficult to treat cancer types. health company. have had to educate state and federal organizations, investors, In light of the foregoing, Calidi is headquartered in San Diego, and the pharmaceutical community we’re thrilled to present California with additional offices about our mission: We are a pioneer Calidi Biotherapeutics. outside Munich, Germany. in our cell-based approach to curing cancer. Calidi is a clinical-stage Allan Camaisa, Calidi biotechnology company with Biotherapeutics CEO, We take time to do things right while a proprietary technology that spoke exclusively with ensuring that we provide a positive overcomes the challenge of the The Silicon Review. patient experience. effective delivery of oncolytic Below is an excerpt. Is your company a ‘leader or “ What’s the factor that makes a follower’? your company stand out Our solution has Our company is a leader in the the potential to from the competition? delivery and potentiation of have a global oncolytic viruses utilizing a novel footprint providing Our stem cell platform acts stem cell-based platform. To be a low-cost cancer as a ‘Trojan horse’ hiding good leader you have to be a good treatment solutions the virus, preventing the follower. Allowing others to lead for many patients. oncolytic viral elimination within the organization regardless of by the patient’s immune the title is a hallmark of excellence. ” system, and facilitating initial viral amplification What’s your most important 80 inside stem cells. The stem asset? cells then release the active oncolytic virus and promote We have people with passion in the replication of the virus at what they do, because they believe the tumor sites. Our treatment in our mission to eradicate cancer kills tumor cells and changes the using a novel approach (stem cell delivery of an oncolytic virus into solid tumors). Our timing is

excellent when it comes to disrupting medical and scientific communities that traditional cancer treatments. are aligned with business leaders who do business ethically. More importantly, we have aligned ourselves with leaders within immuno- In addition, our cutting edge scientific oncology and they have come alongside advisory board has had a significant role us in carrying our message to the in helping us to frame our roadmap. community. Where do you see your company What do you feel are the a couple of years from now? reasons behind your company’s reputation? Our solution has the potential to have a global footprint providing low-cost The foundation of our reputation: cancer treatment solutions for many People see we have leaders within the patients. SR Allan Camaisa: A Proven Leader included the Center for Allan Camaisa a serial entrepreneur, investor, Medicare and Medicaid, and technologist, with proven leadership skills in the Department of bootstrapping start-ups. He has had three successful exits, which were sold to publicly traded Fortune Homeland Security and 1000 companies. Mr. Camaisa has always created tremendous return for his shareholders. He has several medical device proven operational experience in recruiting the right team, creating a culture of trust, and collaboration. companies including Since taking over as Chairman and CEO, of Calidi Boston Scientific and Biotherapeutics, he signed an agreement with National Institute of Health (NIH), recruited top immunologists EntraHealth. Anakam to the Scientific Advisory Board, and entered license negotiations with large pharmaceutical organizations. was recognized by INC Allan Camaisa, CEO 500 as one of the fastest Prior to Calidi, Mr. Camaisa was the CEO and Chairman of Parallel6, Inc., a creator of a digital mobile software growing companies in platform which engaged clinical trial participants and powered the enrollment, management, and retention the U.S. and was acquired by Equifax in 2010. of those participants on behalf of pharmaceutical organizations. Parallel6 was sold to PRA Health Prior to Anakam, Mr. Camaisa founded High Sciences in 2017. Their clients included Sanofi, STSI/ Technology Solutions (HTS), a software systems Genentech, Johnson & Johnson/Janssen, Abbott/ integrator which he grew from just two colleagues to Abbvie, PPD, PRA Health, Pfizer, Roche, and the NIH, over 500 employees and $50 million in revenues. HTS among others. was recognized as an INC 500 company three years in a row and was sold to Wireless Facilities, Inc. (now In 2005, Mr. Camaisa founded Anakam, Inc., a Kratos Defense) in 2004. software security company, focused on healthcare, which safeguarded digital medical records through Before entering the business, Mr. Camaisa served eight a platform which delivered government level years as a surface warfare officer in the United States multifactor authentication and security. Anakam sold Navy. He currently owns seven U.S. patents and has a global license to the Veterans Administration (VA) received many personal awards including the Deloitte to secure access to the VA’s primary patient portal FAST 50, the Governor’s Small Business of the Year called My HealtheVet. Other notable Anakam clients Award and the Ernst and Young Regional Entrepreneur of the Year. He also received awards from the San Diego Asian Business Association, Tech America, and the U.S. Small Business Association, which honored him as Small Business Person of the Year. Mr. Camaisa is a graduate of both the United States Naval Academy and the prestigious Owners Management Program at Harvard Business School. 81

Aiding Through the Universal Score of Patient Condition PeraHealth Turning Loss into Meaning physicians who saw her over time, where their mother passed away was the initial phase when despite the wealth of data captured and request EMR data for research a personal story turned into in the EMR. It became clear to purposes. They wanted to determine PeraHealth’s founding purpose – to Michael and Steven that the data if a health score could be developed transform healthcare through the was essentially stored in the EMR, that would synthesize EMR data into intelligent use of data. After the but not synthesized into meaningful meaningful, actionable information death of their mother, Michael and information to actively help for care providers. Steven Rothman felt that while clinicians. They wondered the doctors and nurses who cared why there wasn’t a simple way From Research to for Florence had been competent to use the wealth of clinical data Discovery and attentive, the system itself available for each patient to see had failed their mother. Her slow deterioration or improvement Florence Rothman’s sons analyzed deterioration overtime was not over time. That initial idea led the EMR data and made several apparent to the many nurses and brothers to approach the hospital key discoveries, leading to the development of the Rothman Index: Greg White CEO 82

Nursing Assessments: Nurses “We Simplify Data in the EMR to Transform the capture a large amount of detailed Clinical and Financial data on patients. Michael and Steven found that there is a strong Efficiency of Healthcare” statistical correlation between the findings from nursing assessments and lab values to an elevated and intervene sooner, improving completed at admission with the risk of mortality allowed these patient safety and outcomes. likelihood of in-hospital mortality. heterogeneous data elements to At the same time, the last nursing be placed on a common scale. In From Product to assessment taken before discharge turn, this enabled, a single Platform correlates with post-discharge aggregate score of risk to be mortality. This underscored calculated which can be trended The team expanded to include the inherent value of nursing over time as input values change. industry experts across software assessments and supports the development, research, clinical inference that nursing assessments From Discovery to services, and other functions. Today, gathered throughout the patient’s Product PeraHealth offers a range of clinical stay contain important clinical surveillance solutions. Over 80 information that can help in After concluding the initial research, leading hospitals and care providers assessing overall condition. Rothman Healthcare was founded use the Rothman Index, including to further validate the RI model Yale-New Haven Health System, Estimating Risk: Extensive and develop a software solution for Houston Methodist, Memorial healthcare providers to utilize the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and statistical analysis helped to predictive capabilities of the RI. The Mission Health. Rothman Index quantify the relationship between first version of PeraTrend™ software solutions are integrated with all the values of various parameters was developed. Early customers major EMR vendors, enabling care (such as vital signs) and the leveraged PeraTrend to visualize providers to monitor patients at associated risk to the patient as and trend patient conditions, the unit, hospital, and system-level. these parameters deviate from unlocking the potential of existing Building on the Rothman brother’s normal values. This provided the data within their EMR. Care founding purpose, PeraHealth is basis for a rigorous method to providers were able to detect the continuing to transform healthcare estimate and aggregate the risk subtle signs of deterioration earlier through the intelligent use of data.SR associated with each parameter. All on a Common Scale: Relating the values of a range of different metrics, including vital signs, nursing assessments The Leading Man Greg White | Chief Executive Officer Greg is working closely with existing and future customers to help create a safer, more effective and predictable care environment for patients. Greg came to PeraHealth from PerfectServe, a clinical communications company, where he served as chief operating officer. PerfectServe has maintained 100 percent client retention of enterprise relationships throughout its history of serving clients. Previously, he was senior vice president and general manager of Allscripts Healthcare Solutions’ TouchWorks EMR Division, where his team focused on serving their client base as they engaged in Meaningful Use regulatory compliance, ICD10 conversions, and increased clinician workload. Greg also served in various domestic and international leadership roles at Cerner Corporation. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in finance from The University of Alabama. 83

The Platform for Care Pathway Automation – Lumeon High Performance, Personalized, Predictable Lumeon is a digital health operational as well as clinical sense company leveraging Care because all the parts in the system Pathway Management (CPM) to have to interact perfectly to deliver take a fresh approach to healthcare the best outcome at scale. Its goal delivery. By looking across the entire is to work with providers to create continuum of care, it sees the bigger care pathways that not only achieve picture and addresses the system better clinical outcomes but also put – not just the symptom – behind predictable demand on resources healthcare transformation. and significantly lower costs. Robbie Hughes, CEO & Founder The Lumeon Care Good healthcare should be Pathway Management orientated toward value-based “We work with Platform enables outcomes which are transparent and healthcare providers to: easy for all patients to comprehend. providers to Underpinning this should be design and • create and automate their data- excellent care pathway models that automate driven care pathways are predictable, measurable and replicable; on a global level. care pathways • unify clinical and administrative that deliver data Starter Solutions measurably better • use advanced analytics to Lumeon’s Starter Solutions are outcomes at a measure and refine services the perfect way to get started with lower cost.” pathways. Healthcare providers • share ‘best practice’ pathways can mix and match from its suite on its Marketplace of rapidly deployable smaller pathways that reduce bottlenecks For more than 10 years, the in the patient journey and generate company has been spearheading a rapid ROI. Starter solutions are quiet revolution in healthcare. The designed to immediately tackle firms now count most of the world’s specific problem areas, from largest providers as their clients and beginning stages of the journey e.g. are deployed across 12 countries referral management and patient globally. preferences, right the way through to follow-up and recall. Together it is creating state of the art care pathways that generate the When you are ready, you can easily best possible outcomes at the lowest add additional starter ‘lego’ blocks cost. or branch out to one of its more extensive ‘signature’ pathways. The company approaches care pathway management in its wider

Choose from a Lumeon template Introducing its Care software such as EHRs, to keep or engage one of its business Pathway Management everyone on course, presenting analyst experts to help you design (CPM) platform a ‘care-traffic control’ view of your own. patient progress and automating Lumeon’s Care Pathway tasks where possible. Signature Solutions Management (CPM) platform allows healthcare providers Explore the solutions Lumeon Signature Solutions to create digital pathways that by market are designed for longitudinal optimize care delivery and fluidly management of your care process, guide patients and care teams Whether you are part of a often involving many more people. throughout the continuum. large integrated network or a The solution that’s right for you standalone setting, Lumeon’s will depend on the nature of the Using the CPM platform, Care Pathway Management (CPM) business problem you are trying providers can leverage intelligent platform can help you join the dots to solve. automation and orchestration in care, uniting people, process to manage a shared plan of and technology. All Lumeon Signature Solutions care across multiple teams and can be adapted to your unique settings, automatically adjusting Enabling providers to automate operational processes and the activities and deploying the and orchestrate a longitudinal plan people that support them. Many of right resource required for each of care, the firm offers a broad its clients find that starting small individual. range of solutions for enterprise- and evolving works for them, level healthcare organizations while others choose to focus on The platform uses real-time data to help them deploy pathways solving a particularly broader captured from patients, care teams that lower operational costs and problem such as post-acute care or and bi-directional integration with improve the patient experience. chronic disease management. SR The Leader Robbie Hughes | CEO and Founder Robbie is the Founder and CEO of Lumeon. An engineer by training, he started the company after the first-hand experience of the impact that fragmented care delivery processes have on patient experience. Taking a step back to develop a fresh approach, he built the award-winning Care Pathway Management platform to connect care teams, patients and technology across the care continuum. The platform enables healthcare providers to automate and orchestrate end-to-end processes by creating their unique pathways. Under Robbie’s leadership, Lumeon has grown to an enterprise- level solution, currently in use by 65 major healthcare providers across the US and Europe managing over six million patient lives. This year, Robbie was named Best Digital Healthcare CEO by GHP Magazine. 85

An Interview with Kristjan Novitski, CCaasshh OOnn GGoo LLttdd Founder: ‘Our Mission is to Provide UK Customers Easy to Use Financial Services that Help Them Through their Real Life Unexpected Situations and Cash Management Needs’ “We’re a FinTech company aiming to pioneer the modern financial world.” Bank leader, by and large, Kristjan Novitski, Cash Building a culture of saw the arrival of financial On Go Ltd Founder, sustainability inside technology companies as a spoke exclusively to The an organization is very Silicon Review. Below is important to maintain a challenge. Lately, though, they’ve reputation in the global market. How is it true for started to see things differently. your company? Traditional bankers are becoming an excerpt. Our team is the heart of our business–it is what everything is increasingly open to the idea of A company’s behavior is as built around. We owe every piece important as its economic of the success that Cash On Go has collaborating with FinTechs of performance or the quality had recently to the people that of its products. How do you have stood beside it through the all types, with an eye towards turbulences in the industry and improving their own firms’ offerings difficult times that we have had. and accelerating growth. Our culture is built around caring, ownership, and joy. Everyone in The timing is right. As the lending interpret this saying? our team is passionate as well as FinTech world enters a more concerned about the wellbeing of mature phase, FinTech leaders I believe it’s true. Our company the business. We care about our are also looking beyond their own is built on a 3E strategy – customers, partners, and each organizational boundaries for new Expectations, Exceeding, Experience other. At the same time, we focus on ways to better the odds of their – this is what echoes through every ideas and expect high output; we companies’ long-term survival and aspect of our activities and services. get energy from the work-related success. Honesty and personal approach is challenges and are nourished by what makes us successful. We have a balanced life. My role as the always been open and honest with leader is to make sure that we have a destination and we are In light of the foregoing, we’re our customers and with each other. constantly progressing towards that thrilled to present Cash On Go Ltd. We are a positively competitive destination. and very result-oriented small What challenges did you face The company’s line of business team. Each member of the team in your initial years? What includes Federal Government and feels that their work matters and can your peers learn from it? federally-sponsored credit agencies what they do is constantly offering It hasn’t been always easy and primarily engaged in guaranteeing, new personal challenges and smooth with Cash On Go. With the first brand we insuring, or making loans. developments. How could we be started off with a “big bang”; we grew by leaps and bounds. the best for our customers, if we In four years, we were standing among the top seven best-known Cash On Go was incorporated in were not offering a positive and 2010 and is headquartered in motivating environment for our London. employees? “ Our vision is to be a financial services company that is leading and profitable without ”compromising our core values.

Kristjan Novitski: An Aspiring Entrepreneur Kristjan Novitski is the founder of Cash On Go Ltd, one of the leading innovators in the lending space. For the last nine years, he and his team have presented several innovative solutions to the industry. He has been exceptionally successful in integrating innovation to the most traditional financial services world without compromising on customer satisfaction and responsible lending. In 2010, at 27, he set up his first short term credit brand He came up with the name ‘Peachy’ because of its positive connotations – “life is peachy!” He wanted “to create a feeling” and with a name like Peachy it opened up the potential for diversification under this dynamic brand, to match the dynamic world we live in. Kristjan believes that a sustainable lending business can only be built around Kristjan Novitski, Founder the ethos of offering responsible, tailor-made, easy to use, and affordable loans to the consumers. It is not about quantity but always about quality. short-term credit brands on the industry has shifted to since then. of potential in new technology, UK market; we were doubling our Since 2018, we have invested a lot in but the customers do not adapt growth year after year. Rapid growth big data in order to be more targeted, to it, sometimes a new solution with tightening regulation was the more personal in each department as emerges all of the sudden and reason why at one point we had to well as become the first online lender changes the way you were used to take a step back and turn our focus in the UK to offer instant loans to our running your business. to the other side, slightly. During this customers 24/7 365. fast-growing phase, we had lost our We have always operated in a way focus on the other very important What do you feel are where we were honest to ourselves aspects of business such as stability, the reasons behind your and our values; not sacrificing them sustainability, and long-term vision. In company’s reputation? for short-term profits. 2017, Cash On Go was one week away from filing for administration. I would like to think that it has been Where do you see your our genuine and sincere approach to company a couple of years Regardless of that, we can say that everything we do and how we would from now? we have had our ups and downs and like to be treated. We are completely some really difficult times but we did open and honest with our customers During the last 12 month, we have not deviate from our goal. Set your and partners – this is what we are been growing as a business again goals and stick to them. Have trust and that is what we do, no faking or more than three times and our aim in your team and lift them up when wearing any masks. is to keep that kind of growth intact needed. for the months coming. Growing Moreover, there are several factors double-digit percentage on a monthly Is your company a leader or that have played key roles in shaping basis puts a lot of pressure on every a follower? Do you formulate our organization’s road map, single nut and bolt in the business, your own core values? including and not limited to these: but with such a great team, we have been able to pull this off and We like to keep us very tech-savvy • Regulation – There are constant do it in a sustainable way, without and are eager to test new solutions as changes in the regulatory compromising the interests of our well as bring new technology to the environment for financial service customers as well as the wishes of our lending market. In 2011, we were the providers. team. For a company to grow at such first company in the PayDay lending a pace on a saturated market means sector to introduce apps and a mobile • Political pressure and media we have to excel in every aspect of the website. In 2012, we were the first attention – One company in the business and continuously challenge online installment lender, offering industry can earn a bad name for everything we do. loans online to be paid back in up to all the players. 12 months-- something the whole SR • New technology – It can be both ways. Sometimes you see a lot 87

Helping You Manage Your Own Health: ConnectWell Andrea Bloom “We transform the most trusted source of health and wellness information Founder & CEO into an engaging digital consumer format and make it available to our partners for use with their populations.” A Brief Background on Some of the most important habits. Many of the most common the Healthcare Leader aspects of healthcare are chronic conditions such as diabetes, wellness, prevention, and chronic hypertension, high cholesterol, Andrea Bloom is the disease management. It is important heart disease and obesity are caused Founder & CEO of for everyone to work consciously on not by viruses, bacteria or physical maintaining their health, yet most contact with people, but by unhealthy ConnectWell and guides the people don’t know the intricacies lifestyles. ConnectWell’s suite of company in being a trusted, of wellness, healthy lifestyle habits, health and wellness content provides comprehensive source of disease prevention, and chronic comprehensive education on managing digital content to empower disease management. Because our a wide range of diseases and lifestyle people in managing their health health system is not geared toward habits that help in treating those and well-being. Andrea is a educating people on the important conditions and in helping people seasoned healthcare executive aspects of maintaining their health maintain their overall health. and entrepreneur with 25 and managing their chronic conditions, years of experience in product people tend to go to the Internet for In Conversation with development, marketing, information. This is problematic as the Founder and CEO international strategy, business the Internet is full of unsubstantiated of Connectwell, Andrea development, and consulting findings or misinformation that can Bloom roles. Prior to founding lead people down the wrong path and ConnectWell, Andrea worked for can affect whether people decide to What was the motivation to leading healthcare companies see a doctor, which one they see, and launch ConnectWell? (Johnson & Johnson, Roche), what other interventions they might medical device start-ups pursue to protect their health. This ConnectWell was founded to provide (Metrika, iCare, Calibra Medical) is why it is so important for people an add-on service to complement and health-related nonprofits to have digital access to a trusted healthcare benefits so that employees (Institute for the Future, source of health and wellness could engage in healthy lifestyle Juvenile Diabetes Research information that is expertly vetted, practices to manage and improve their Foundation, American Heart comprehensive, and current. own health and well-being. Access Association, Diabetic Youth to healthcare benefits and doctor Foundation, and Institute for ConnectWell is a leading-edge provider visits are not enough by themselves Responsible Nutrition). Andrea of digital health and wellness content to keep people healthy. The ten-plus received a BA in Economics that is academically sourced and years I spent in the diabetes device from the University of designed for a consumer audience industry left a profound impact on California, Berkeley and an MBA to engage people in their total health me. Disease management practices from Harvard Business School. and well-being including: disease for people with Type 2 diabetes management, disease prevention, are very similar to healthy lifestyle and the adoption of healthy lifestyle

practices everyone should follow. technology tools that are part of • Wellness Initiatives: Wellness For example, eating whole foods, everyday life. Digital technology education with strategies and minimizing added sugar, maintaining enables people to access information tools to help in the adoption of a healthy weight, exercising regularly, anytime, anywhere. And with so many healthy lifestyle practices adding movement to your daily people working remotely, wellness activity, sleeping eight hours a day, programs delivered onsite excluded • Healthy Recipe Collection: and managing stress are all helpful a large segment of the workforce. We Healthy recipes that are tasty, to remaining healthy. People need realized that digitizing our offering easy to make, and made from to learn self-care practices well in would allow us to reach many more whole foods and healthy advance to prevent chronic disease in people with our health and wellness ingredients order to stay healthy. resources and ultimately empower more people to engage in their health. The content suite enables seamless Please describe the early integration into digital health stages of ConnectWell How has your company grown platforms and employer or benefits over the years? portals through ConnectWell’s I first assembled a team of experts Application Program Interface (API), to form ConnectWell’s Scientific While we were scaling our Wellness hosting ConnectWell’s site directly Advisory Board to support a wide Initiatives digitally, I met with on their platform, or by a seamless range of disease, health and wellness leadership at the UC Berkeley School redirect to our site. The companies topics including: healthy eating, of Public Health to bring their that license our content for use with nutrition, diabetes, metabolic extensive collection of health and their employees, members, patients, syndrome, physical activity, stress wellness publications to a wider and users are raising the health management, sleep, and maternal audience. Their publications were the education and engagement levels of health. The ConnectWell team, along ideal complement to our Wellness their populations by providing them with our Scientific Advisory Board, Initiatives. Given that several of our with an independent, trusted source developed Wellness Initiatives for Scientific Advisory Board Members of expertly vetted health and wellness the workplace as part of an overall were on the faculty at UC Berkeley resources. A healthier population is worksite wellness program. Wellness and UC San Francisco Medical School, more productive and cost-effective Initiatives included experiences it was a great match. for employers, providers, payers, and designed to engage employees in their society as a whole. health and well-being through the use In 2017 ConnectWell formed a of walk-through Exhibits, and onsite public-private partnership with the How are your products and take-home Challenges and Tools. UC Berkeley School of Public Health important today? to “consumerize” and “digitize” Our Wellness Initiatives were very its vast collection of health and The healthcare sector is almost 20% well received, and we wanted to wellness content for distribution of GDP, and healthcare premiums and find a way to scale our offering to through a wide range of health costs continue to outpace inflation reach more people with the new delivery platforms. These include each year. This share of healthcare worksites, benefits providers, does not include other expenditures “We educate, engage, healthcare providers, insurance plans, related to health that people invest in and support people telemedicine and health coaching for their well-being: food, over-the- to integrate wellness providers, and wellness engagement counter medications, supplements, into life through platforms. athletic and health club memberships, expertly vetted, up- exercise equipment, wearable devices, to-date digital health Can you explain the contents massage treatments, alternative and wellness content of ConnectWell’s offerings? therapies (acupuncture, chiropractor, and integrative medicine), and that is science based.” ConnectWell’s Digital Health counseling. & Wellness Content offering is comprehensive and includes three Sixty percent of Americans have one content areas that work together to chronic condition and 42% have two support total health and well-being: or more. Because chronic conditions • Health & Wellness Digital are long-term health issues, people must get involved in managing their Library: Extensive coverage of care in order to maintain their health. health, wellness, and disease topics from A to Z SR

Reinventing Freight Management: Vantage Point Logistics (VPL) VPL provides customized a reputation in the industry for its fee pricing model. With an extremely freight management honesty, accountability and desire loyal and satisfied customer base, solutions for healthcare to ensure that its customers always demonstrated by VPL’s Net Promoter and academic institutions. With receive the best shipping services for Score of 65, it only made sense for the years of experience, leading-edge the lowest possible price. company to build the same features technology and proactive account into its latest self-management management, the company is making Challenges Faced in the technology innovation, VPL Surpass™. supply chains smarter, easier and Initial Days better. VPL’s customized solutions, VPL Surpass easy implementations, guaranteed A major challenge for the company savings, and new self-management was rapid growth. Demand for its VPL Surpass is a cutting-edge, platform, VPL Surpass™, lead the way services skyrocketed, making it cloud-based technology platform in innovation and advancement of the necessary for the company to adapt that provides users with all of the freight management industry. quickly and make organizational resources of an advanced freight changes. Additionally, VPL had to management program at their VPL has long been ahead of the curve increase its talent pool, an effort fingertips. Its design and functionality when it comes to inbound freight which required the time and are in direct response to the growing management. Its co-founders, Eric capital to find the right teammates. number of health systems seeking McGlade and Scott Crow, were part of With this expansion, the company an alternative to the full-service the founding team of HLS MedFreight, started outgrowing its office space, programs currently offered by the first company to introduce the necessitating a search for a new venue traditional freight management idea of inbound freight management that would accommodate future companies. VPL Surpass is the first to the healthcare industry in 2001. growth while providing a comfortable technology platform that allows HLS MedFreight quickly became the atmosphere. Presently, VPL is in the customers to bring their freight market leader, serving more than midst of transforming itself from management program in-house. 1,400 hospitals. In 2010, the company a full-service freight management was sold and, while they were thrilled program to a SaaS technology VPL Convey™ to see the original concept take off, company, needing to supplement their pioneering spirits needed more. their development and project VPL Convey provides customers with Six months after the acquisition, they management departments. This again a simple, effective solution for their formed VPL in order to continue creates the challenge of having to find Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) shipping discovering new opportunities in the smart, driven teammates in a short needs. This up-to-date, leading-edge industry. period of time. service allows the customer to find the most competitive rates, manage The company’s first undertaking was Products the Company freight transport and gain complete to create a freight management model Offers control of, and visibility into, their for higher education, developing a supply chain. sophisticated billing system required VPL has built its reputation on by grant-funded colleges and providing its customers with the VPL Percept™ universities. This industry’s strict most robust full-service freight accounting rules led the company management program available in VPL Percept provides users with to create its outstanding billing and the healthcare market. Designed real-time information that they need reporting system, renowned by its to promote transparency and to quickly transform data into an customers for its transparency and partnership, the company’s program actionable strategy for improvement. ease of use. When the time was right, delivers greater savings through a It provides clear, colorful graphs and VPL resumed its work with hospitals combination of enhanced supplier charts from across departments, and health systems and quickly gained compliance, customized invoicing and facilities, and vendors and puts reporting and a flat-rate transaction them in one place. Just log in and get everything needed in an up-to-date and easy-to-read format. “Our ultimate goal is to become your trusted partner, providing you with the services and support you need to enjoy true total supply chain visibility and enhance patient care.”- Eric McGlade

The Leading Trio Eric McGlade, Chief Strategy Officer, and Co-founder: His diverse 20-year background in freight management, supply chain, consulting and finance for higher education and healthcare makes Eric uniquely suited to help VPL customers maximize savings in numerous areas of operations. As a founding member and principal of VPL, Eric is committed to ensuring that VPL is wholly focused on its customers, day in and day out. Eric McGlade, CSO, & Co-founder Scott Crow, Chief Innovation Officer, and Co-founder: For more than 25 years, Scott has been on the leading edge of technology, consulting and working in product development and process re-engineering for the retail, financial, credit, utility, telecommunications, healthcare, and aviation industries. As a founding member and principal of VPL, Scott is focused on business strategy, operations, data analytics, IT, planning and customer experience, but admits his favorite part of the job is hiring the best, brightest, and most forward-thinking players in the industry. Scott Crow, CIO & Co-founder Rob Doone, President, and CEO: Almost the entirety of Rob’s career has been spent in the technology sector with the past decade having been focused specifically on the healthcare supply chain. That makes him a perfect leader for VPL as we sharpen our focus on developing leading- edge technology to reinvent freight management. As the President, Rob helps VPL to grow and scale, overseeing all day-to-day operations and strategically driving the company forward. Rob Doone, President & CEO VPL Traject™ continue to grow its team and has their working years risk not having plans to triple its workforce within sufficient financial resources to As points of patient care within the next year alone. VPL will also maintain a middle-class lifestyle health systems continue to expand, look to expand its headquarters in during their retirement years. VPL’s health care employees often don’t Columbus, OH to accommodate the leading-edge services are designed know where their supplies are, or company’s ongoing growth. to help healthcare providers where they go, once within their significantly reduce their freight own network. VPL Traject will Connecting to Larger expenses, thereby contributing allow users to move and track Societal Issues to their overarching mission of product within their own network. providing high-quality, affordable It provides healthcare systems Rising costs for health care services patient care. VPL’s products and with complete visibility into what and insurance premiums represent services are making a marked products are coming in and going a growing burden for individuals impact on the industry. The U.S. out and helps them make the best across the country. The growth in healthcare provider market realizes choices as they move supplies across health care spending is crowding an estimated $2.9 billion per year their entire continuum of care. out other important priorities such in direct and indirect freight costs. as saving for retirement or for VPL provides its customers with The Company’s Plans for children’s education. Furthermore, the technology and insights to the Future employers have responded to higher reduce that expense by 15 to 20 health care costs by scaling back percent. The company is poised to As the healthcare supply chain wage increases and by increasing develop even more ground-breaking industry evolves, VPL continues to employees’ cost sharing. If these solutions to continue to close the develop innovative solutions that trends continue, many people who gap on freight costs and reduce will allow it to meet the needs of had been middle-class throughout waste. its customers. The company will SR 91

An Interview with Karim Smaira and Kamel Ghammachi, Genpharm Co-founders and Managing Partners: ‘At Genpharm, we are bound by a higher purpose, hence the Focus on Rare Genetic Disorders and Orphan Drugs” “We Commit to Patients, We Connect innovative Pharma with the Middle East Region to make treatments available and Cure patients living in the region” Rising drug spending and It also offers regulatory, medical, We had both worked together increased desire for and logistical expertise. Armed with indirectly since 2004. Based on expenditure controls are the knowledge of the local business the chemistry that existed and the consistent themes across the US, culture and the vast network of strength of the combined experience Europe, and emerging markets. trusted partners, Genpharm’s and expertise, the idea of building With healthcare systems under expertise allows it to create market something together started taking increasing pressure to fund high- opportunities for innovative shape in 2008. cost, innovative therapies, payers multinational organisations. are looking towards new and The timing became appropriate by enhanced reimbursement processes The company’ current partners the end of 2011 when I left Merck which align drug funding with include Novartis, AveXis, Sarepta, and Kamel was thinking of exiting patient value. For pharmaceutical PTC, Santhera, Ultragenyx, Sintetica, his previous venture. companies, success will require Admedus, ABiotics, and many more. increasing flexibility to adapt to When we did our market analysis, new access scenarios brought about Genpharm was incorporated in 2012 we identified a significant gap in by changing access dynamics and and is headquartered in the Dubai the rare disease space. Access to geographical differences. Science Park (DSP), U.A.E. It has an orphan drugs in the MENA region additional office location in Boston was cumbersome. There were In light of the foregoing, we’re in the heart of the Biotech hub. several challenges along the way thrilled to present Genpharm. such as the overall lack of awareness Karim Smaira, CEO amongst the general public. The The company provides fast-track and Kamel Ghammachi, patient pathway was complex, and market access to innovative and Chairman, spoke the diagnosis age compared to the specialty pharmaceutical companies exclusively to US and Europe was significantly looking to expand into the Middle The Silicon Review. higher. Genetic diagnosis is not East and North Africa (MENA) Below is an excerpt. easily accessible and there were region. It focuses mainly on orphan very few experts dealing with rare drugs, rare and genetic disease Why was the company diseases. therapies and specialty products. set up? And how did you expand your company At the same time, based on the Operating through evidence- and its offerings over the heavy research that was being based medicine and high ethical years? conducted by pharmaceutical standards, Genpharm provides companies with a clear focus on its strategic partners with fast Genpharm’s set up was a fortunate rare and pediatric diseases, with and sustainable market access encounter between several factors. the number of drugs receiving solutions into the MENA region. The Let’s take a look. orphan drug designations and company employs highly qualified accelerated pathway by the FDA and experienced MSLs and KAMs. and EMA, we were convinced that 92

this will lead to a high number of patients are the biggest satisfaction stakeholders. Our leadership though newly approved therapies in this we have, far more rewarding than is on the Market Access side since we space. any financial incentives. are not an R&D or a manufacturer. We take great pride nevertheless in The high rate of consanguinity in the How successful was your being the first company to introduce Gulf region and the large family size, first project roll on? Share Gene therapy to the Middle East. lead inevitably to a relatively higher the experience. This means that we are at the prevalence and incidence of genetic forefront of innovation as a service disease. Moreover, we decided to Any entrepreneur will tell you that provider and as a strategic partner. focus early our efforts and resources success is never guaranteed. It on this geography, based on the takes hard work, sacrifices and luck. If you have to list five universal healthcare coverage We invested all of our savings in factors that have been/are provided by the GCC governments Genpharm while knowing that the the biggest asset to your to their nationals. We felt that these road to profitability can be longer organization, what would facts combined with the existing gap than in the other industries. The they be and why? in access to treatments which was high personal stakes, the numerous reduced by the progress in treating naysayers and doubters, the size of • Our passion and drive to and managing these diseases, the risk we took kept us awake most genuinely support patients and would be the foundation of a strong nights for the first three years. business opportunity. “We strive to On the organizational side, There was also a significant lack of despite having a strong personal be the partner awareness amongst multinational reputation in the industry, of choice for companies, about the business Genpharm was a new player. You multinational potential the Middle East region still need to build the corporate healthcare and presented. Although growing, the identity, the trust with all the pharmaceutical MENA pharmaceutical market stakeholders and attract the companies represents only two percent of right talent into the start-up, expanding into global pharma sales. Understandably, while managing the operation. the Middle the region sat as a very low priority Trust is difficult to build and East and North for multinationals, particularly for easy to lose. We got our first Africa region. the typical small biotech and rare important partnership in 2013 disease companies. Their resources when Genzyme trusted us ” are focused on the larger markets of with their innovative Multiple 93 US, Europe and Japan. We took it on Sclerosis (MS) portfolio. The us to educate these companies about success of this partnership the prevalence of these diseases, the helped us tremendously in early access opportunities that exist building our brand equity with for their drug in the region and how regulators, physicians, and Genpharm’s expertise and business multinational companies. model can generate early revenue for them without taking risks and Is your company a ‘leader deploying their own resources. or a follower’? Do you formulate your own core Finally, like with every values? entrepreneurial venture we were driven by a larger purpose. We In a very short period of time, wanted to create a unique and we have established a leadership differentiated business while making position in the MENA region in a positive impact on the people we the rare disease space. Our brand touch. The letters and testimonials is well-recognized amongst we receive from families and the many local and global

their families – ‘We Always atmosphere to Genpharm. We can do so much more, Put Patient First’ is one of our We have been able to promote help more patients, support three core values. Our values from within and many of our more companies in launching and mantra have been created employees have appreciated successfully their innovative by our employees. They live the early risk that was taken drugs. Although we have been approached recently by more by our mission of Commit. on. We have introduced a than a couple of entities and individuals interested to acquire Connect. Cure Employee Share Option Plan us or buy equity, we feel that since we have become profitable, • The complementarity of to reward and retain our best we can still grow organically and generate value for our early management – Each brings a performers shareholders without diluting set of skills and expertise • The trust and patience anyone’s capital. • Our Focused approach on of shareholders and the For every entrepreneur, being the rare and genetic disease boardroom – We are very fortunate to have segment – This has positioned shareholders that have taken the long-term view with us us as the primary experts and a supportive board in the field in the MENA region. Many companies are approaching us for either a Where do you see your able to grow a company from the commercial partnership or company a couple of years strategic advice ground, turning into a sustainable and profitable business is a huge • Our staff – We have been able from now? success. We firmly believe that to create a bond with our We feel we are only at the once this stage is reached, the rest staff that brings a family-type beginning of our growth potential. will take care on its own. SR Leadership | Genpharm Karim Smaira Kamel Ghammachi Co-founder & CEO Co-founder & Chairman 94


An Interview with Don Ritzman, Ghost Systems, Inc. CEO: ‘We’re Committed to Creating a Positive Impact’ “We continually strive to change the fundamental dynamics of the war between cyber-criminals and the good guys by reformulating the fundamental structure of the Internet.” It’s not a question of if – but when The company was incorporated in interest. This dramatically enhances – an individual or organization January 2014 and is headquartered the data availability, confidentiality, will experience a serious security in Nevada, USA. and integrity while preventing breach. Cyber criminals are using unauthorized access or theft of more sophisticated and targeted Don Ritzman, Ghost digital information – whether in- attacks to steal everything from Systems, Inc. CEO, spoke flight or at-rest. valuable intellectual property exclusively to The Silicon to the sensitive personal and Review. Below is an Ghost – in cooperation with several financial information of individuals, excerpt. bellwether companies – developed customers, partners, and employees. industry-specific workflows. Each Their motivations run the gamut Ghost Systems’ SafePlace workflow is easily added into from financial to political to Ecosystem™ is designed from the existing enterprise environments, retaliatory. With enough time ground up to be resilient and providing an economical way to and money, they can breach the “Secure by Design”. The tightly ensure all information shared and security defenses of even the largest integrated Ecosystem – with its stored is absolutely secure. Fork-lift enterprises. And, a poorly contained Jibberish™ network mesh is designed upgrades to add cybersecurity into breach and/or botched response to mitigate the nine primary attack your organization are not necessary have the potential to cost millions to vectors, eliminate security breaches with SafePlace Ecosystem’s workflow a business or perhaps kill it entirely, and provide the foundation for “The templates. ruin personal and professional Internet of Trust™.” Ghost’s secure, reputations, and even take down an flexible, and user definable interface, It’s safe to mention that “The Internet entire country. which has been third-party tested of Trust™” employs proprietary and is impenetrable – virtually technologies to provide a highly In light of the foregoing, we’re guarantees network infrastructure resilient and secure network and thrilled to present Ghost Systems, and the information that is communications ecosystem. Inc. transported across it is secure. Mr Ritzman explains the firm’s Ghost Systems was established to When installed into an organization, overall mission, the steps Ghost support the Financial Services and the SafePlace Ecosystem undertake to ensure the clients Banking; Legal; Healthcare/Pharma; “Ghostifies™” the network and receive the best possible outcome, Critical Infrastructure and Energy; creates a SafePlace™ in which the and what differentiates the company Mid-Market Enterprise, and The organization can safely communicate from competitors. Internet of Things (IoT) markets with its customers, partners, or – the most vulnerable markets for entire communities of common “Here at Ghost Systems, our mission cyber-thefts today. is to authoritatively develop and 96

About | Don Ritzman Don Ritzman, CEO Don Ritzman serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Ghost Systems, Inc. “Ghost continually builds cybersecurity solutions capable of preventing attacks. We invest heavily in R&D, constantly updating cyber-defenses using modern techniques and technologies to mitigate cyber-attacks.” maintain a holistic, future-proof successfully executes programs that Mr Ritzman provides us with an cybersecurity infrastructure – the meet our customers’ requirements.” overview, going into detail about the SafePlace Ecosystem™. It’s built to challenges and outside influences the very highest modern standards “As for what differentiates us that are affecting it. by a team of highly experienced from our competitors, staff and specialists, using the best-in-class technology are Ghost’s two primary “Cybercrime is the new pandemic. patented technologies that are robust differentiators. Ghost has a world- Sophisticated cybercrime malware and secure.” class business and technology is available to virtually anyone team including several of the who wants to use it for nefarious “To ensure we succeed in our finest developers of cybersecurity purposes – it’s become a destructive mission, the company uses six-sigma technologies in the world today. and potentially deadly commodity. processes. Where six-sigma doesn’t These team members include a Five minutes on the dark-web and fit our business processes, we use co-author of the Orange Book, a you too can become a cyber-thief for company-developed processes distinguished cryptography and $1.40, a common-off-the-shelf (COTS) specifically tailored to our business, identity expert, and the designer computer with a dark-web browser instead.” of the first-ever distributed OTP. downloaded from the Internet at It’s genuine to mention that our no charge and a standard network “Our key to successful execution technology is unmatched in the world connection.” is smart, hard-working people today.” throughout the organization. With “Adding to this problem are the these people in place, Ghost functions When discussing the worldwide “nation states” which are investing like an efficient machine and cybersecurity industry currently, $billions to create new, more 97

powerful and highly destructive against these powerful cyber- large cyber-thefts costing billions cyber-weapons to use for nefarious weapons. Security architectures of dollars in damage and personal reasons as well as for use against largely grew organically over the losses to hundreds of millions of their enemies in this new cyber- past 10 years, as organizations individuals. This continues to get war which the world is facing with addressed a variety of new threats worse as they gain more knowledge greater frequency each day. We’ve and tactics. This resulted in an and experience.” already seen large portions of army of deployed technologies like entire infrastructure dramatically firewalls, IDS/IPS, network proxies, “Existing cybersecurity problems impacted and, in a few cases, gateways, sandboxes, endpoint telegraph what’s needed for entire continents shut off from suites, etc. Over time, this patchwork security in the future. Specifically, communications with the outside approach became more difficult enterprises need a comprehensive world. And this is just the opening to manage and significantly less solution that offers scalability, salvo of what could become an all- effective at blocking legitimate protects against both known and out cyber-centered slug-fest – one threats. You cannot cobble together unknown threats, automates that ends with dire consequences for a comprehensive cyber-security manual processes, and replaces a the loser in the war.” solution using any of the current patchwork of ineffective tools with tools available and expect to an integrated set of security services The Internet was never designed succeed against the sophisticated – in short, they need the Ghost built to do what the world does with cyber-weapons being deployed by SafePlace™ Ecosystem.” it today. As a result, the very the bad guys. The real proof of this fabric of the worldwide web is that the cyber-thieves are winning “Ghost continually builds is fundamentally incapable of the battle and unfortunately will cybersecurity solutions capable providing even the basic security continue at greater frequency and of preventing attacks. We invest for transactions and so is the main at more destructive levels if nothing heavily in R&D, constantly updating reason for such a dramatic rise of changes.” cyber-defenses using modern cyber-attacks and cyber-thefts. techniques and technologies to And it’s only getting worse. Looking ahead to what the mitigate cyber-attacks.” future holds for Ghost Systems, Conventional cyber security Mr Ritzman reveals what “We continually strive to change solutions are fundamentally developments he foresees within the fundamental dynamics of the “Hackable by Design.” It’s the industry, and how the firm will war between cyber-criminals and impossible to construct a cohesive adapt around these changes. the good guys by reformulating secure environment using a the fundamental structure of the hodgepodge of “point solutions.” “Cybersecurity as a whole is Internet. Our “The Internet of ever-changing. Cyber-criminals Trust” is built to make a difference, “The challenge is the security continually invest billions of dollars providing a safe environment for tools in the market today do not developing malware. As a result, individuals and businesses alike.” provide adequate protection they are very successful pulling off SR 98


Developing Apps that Capture the Market AppsChopper The smartphone revolution in it. After an initial struggle for a Majorly among them is the problem ushered in by Apple founder couple of years, the company has of scaling. As an application grows Steve Jobs has now made it been immensely successful with in popularity and usage, the crucial, decisive even for medium applications being developed for server traffic is bound to increase. and large sized companies to clients from an extremely diverse Moreover, it needs to be compatible have an app. Apps make it easier range of industries that consists of with a number of devices across for customers to operate and hospitality, fast food, socializing, both Android and iOS platforms. the vendor to serve better. Any travel and living, entertainment, Any kind of improvising requires corporation that caters to a vast shopping, e-learning and automobile timely updates and AppsChopper number of customers is infinitely services to name a few. Moreover, takes care of it all. In addition to the better off with a highly engaging AppsChopper develops apps for handling of the back-end operations, mobile application. both the Android and iOS platforms. this corporation provides experienced developers only on AppsChopper, a company based Making forays into a rapidly growing contract basis, who are responsible in New York City, specializes in industry with major competitors for taking care of back-end needs developing apps for all kinds for was not easy. Like all companies, and work accordingly to deliver the business requirements. Founded in AppsChopper initially struggled good outcomes. 2011, it has a deep understanding with hiring talent, managing of the current market scenario and projects, delivery and most of all, Application Analytics delivers applications that are user- funding. The next was searching for Service friendly and cater custom business clients. In a densely crowded sector needs. such as application development, Another major function that this upcoming startup needed to AppsChopper provides is Origin of Application prove that it is more than just a application analytics. It is extremely Development mere cut above the rest. For this to important for an internet services be accomplished, utility, in addition company to analyze its usage The introduction of the iPhone to interface had to be emphasized metrics. Analytics is an integral part and the app store unveiled a upon for the simple reason that an of every type of online marketplace. massive global market for mobile app is bound to fail if it is attractive Only after a careful assessment applications for a plethora of uses, but not helpful and vice versa. As of the app usage, type of users, thereby kick-starting a highly more and more kinds of services commonly used features, individual competitive industry. continued to be offered on the user preferences, can service internet, the company’s clients grew providers improve their services Not wanting to miss out on the in number and size. and bolster customer relationship. opportunities, AppsChopper, Additionally, it is an excellent tool as a part of the larger Webby Application Support to enhance customer retention by Central LLC recognized globally Service allowing the company to deliver for web design/development, was tailor-made content that suits the incorporated with the sole purpose Anyone who has ever used a mobile needs of individual customers. of tapping into the huge market application knows the importance AppsChopper provides top-notch and capturing a significant space of application support services. analytics services for companies 100

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