EMPOWERING THE FUTUREAnnual Magazine Issue 1
ContentsAwards and Recognitions Al Ghurair Group launched Arabian Flexible Packaging anti-flu awareness employees showcased theirSuccess through Excellence 5 campaign for employees 12 sporting skills in the cricketfor Gulf Extrusions and basketball competition 18 Wellness Campaign Launched for Employees at 13 SAGG’s Head Office 6 Al Ghurair Group launched 14 ‘Obesity and Hypertension’ campaign to raise awareness on associated lifestyle diseasesBurJuman recognized for retail 18marketing excellence winning 7three awards Good performance of Arabian Packaging teams in 20 AP-CBD 1st Internal Football Tournament Get Active with the Dubai Fitness Challenge 21 14 7 Medical and Dental Campaign Launched forAl Ghurair Iron and Steel Employees at Gulf Extrusions 15receives “Sustainability 4.0Award” for 2017 8 ‘Breast Cancer 21 Awareness’ Campaign atCorporate Social Responsibility Gulf Extrusions 16 SafetyLearning and Training Arabian Flexible Packaging Arabian Flexible Packaging conducted Fire FightingAl Ghurair Group launches launches Medical and Dental Training 22new e-learning programs forits employees 9 campaign for Employees 16Health and Wellbeing Al Ghurair Group in collaboration with MaxTo promote better lung health, Vision launches eye health awareness campaign for theAl Ghurair Group Launches Group’s employees 3017Lung Diseases AwarenessCampaign for employees 10Stress Management, 22Hypertension and CardiacHealth Awareness Campaign Safety Award Program atlaunched at Al Ghurair Groupto promote a healthy lifestyle 11 Arabian Can Industry 23 172
New painting at Arabian Community Airline tickets and holidayPackaging showing packages at best priceswalkways and working areas Al Ghurair Group launched without any hassle 24 ‘Kilo of Kindness’ campaign to Free du SIM cards to 31 workers at Gulf Extrusions 32 help families in need 27 24Employment ‘Kilo of Kindness’ 27 32 generates 1,200 kg of food 27Talex to provide opportunities & 6 boxes of stationary Eventsfor ambitious and talentedemployees seeking to build 25 Al Ghurair Group hosts atheir careers at every level corporate Iftar in the spirit of the holy month of Ramadan 00 34 27Environment 25 Features 00 46th UAE National Day 34 Celebration at Al Ghurair 35Al Ghurair Group 26 UAE-based TALEX to 28 Groupparticipated in the 26 establish warehousing 29environment protection and logistics presence incampaign in association with MelbourneEmirates EnvironmentGroup Gulf Extrusions announces Christian Witsch as new CEOJoin us during Earth Hourfrom 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM 29 35UAE Time on Saturday, 25th Al Ghurair Group Celebratesof March, 2017 and reduce SAP SuccessFactors Go-Live 36your electricity usage 00 26 Al Ghurair Group, in 30 cooperation with the 30 36 world’s leading provider of business software SAP, is launching its new human capital management (HCM) software 3
Welcome NoteAl Ghurair Group has seen many considerable To celebrate the charitable spirit of the Year of 5accomplishments, campaigns, events, Giving in UAE, Al Ghurair Group in collaboration 7achievements and awards in 2017, the most with Emirates Red Crescent, launched ‘Kilo of 21prominent has been for Gulf Extrusions, the Kindness’ campaign to support underprivilegedDubai-based Aluminium extrusion company and children, families in need, elderly people, 27a world first class manufacturing facility, orphans as well as school students. This non- 34winning the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al perishable food and school supply drive invited 35Maktoum Business Award in the manufacturing employees throughout SAGG’s entities tocategory for 2017. simply drop off their donations in the designated area for this campaign at the GroupBurJuman has been recognised for retail Head Office from 5th until 31st October 2017.marketing excellence winning three silver ‘A Kilo of Kindness’ campaign which marks theawards during the International Council of Year of Giving, is part of the Group’s CSRShopping Centres 2017 Middle East and North programs, which aims to give back to theAfrica Shopping Centre and Retailer Awards communities where the company operates.Program on 31 October 2017 in Dubai. We have seen great personally rewardingBeing honoured with these award is an season of employees’ health and fitnessoutstanding achievement for the whole Group, improvement, self-discovery, social interactionand shows our commitment to excellence in and enjoyment for everyone of all ages, abilitiesalignment with UAE’s ambitions and goals. and fitness levels within the Group through our participation in Dubai Fitness Challenge (DFC).As part of the employee health and wellbeingprogram, Al Ghurair Group in collaboration with DFC is a multiactivity citywide initiativemultispecialty hospitals and health care launched by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bincenters, launched its health awareness Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crowncampaigns which includes free check-ups and Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executiveawareness sessions. Council for Dubai Government, which aims to get all Dubai residents to commit to beingWith the launch of health campaigns across active for at least 30 minutes daily for 30 daysSAGG’s entities, Al Ghurair Group reconfirms its from 20th October to 18th November 2017.commitment to improving the lives of itsemployees, through several engaging initiatives Al Ghurair Group participated in DFC initiativethat encourage them to adopt healthier by providing all employees with the chance tolifestyle. register on new inspiring fitness activities completely free of charge throughout theThe Holy month of Ramadan is back again to month in locations across the city, gainprovide a golden opportunity for positive discounts for gym memberships, enter a weightchange, both physically and spiritually, in an loss competition and encouraged everyone toatmosphere for kindness and giving. do 30 minutes of exercise daily for 30 days in Dubai Fitness Challenge.We welcome the month of fasting with a seriesof activities that range from campaigns, visits, December featured many memorableactivities and social gatherings. With the goal of activities, including the celebrations of UAEgathering employees and celebrating the holy National Day and SAP SuccessFactor Go-Livemonth of Ramadan, Saif Al Ghurair Group held which witnessed remarkable attendance anda corporate Iftar for employees and guests at participation from Al Ghurair GroupThe Address Dubai Marina on Monday 12th management and employees.June, as part of its annual ceremonies whichbecame a tradition in the Group. We invite you to read through the various sections of this issue to know more aboutOn this occasion, long service awards were achievements, awards, activities, campaignspresented to 7 employees from GMPA and events held around the Group.celebrating their length of service and loyaltyranging from 20 to 44 years of service while We hope you enjoy our stories and newsalso recognizing employees for the special looking forward to a very exciting year ahead.contributions they’ve made in their respectiveareas and entities. 2017 EMPOWERING THE FUTURE Annual Magazine | Issue 1 For suggestions and contributions, please write to [email protected]
Awards and Recognitions Success through Excellence for Gulf Extrusions Gulf Extrusions Wins Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business Award in the Manufacturing Category for 2017His Highness Sheikh Maktoum Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, presentsthe Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business Excellence Award to Mr. Saeed Saif Al Ghurair, BoardMember of the Al Ghurair GroupGulf Extrusions, the Dubai-based Aluminium Following the event, Mr. Saeed Saif Al Ghurair,extrusion company and a world first class Board Member of Al Ghurair Group, said, “We aremanufacturing facility, won the Mohammed Bin honoured to win the Mohammed Bin Rashid AlRashid Al Maktoum Business Award in a glittering Maktoum Business Award. This prestigious awardceremony held on Tuesday 21st February 2017 at recognises Gulf Extrusions efforts to adopt the bestMadinat Jumeirah Arena in Dubai. The business international standards in our business to becomeaward was presented to Mr. Saeed Saif Al Ghurair, a leading player in the Aluminium industry. It willBoard Member of Al Ghurair Group by His Highness serve as a tremendous motivation for us toShaikh Maktoum Bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al continue with our strategies to demonstrateMaktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and first Deputy outstanding excellence in the field of AluminiumChairman of the Dubai Executive Council. The award extrusions.”was in recognition of the company’s manufacturingexcellence that contributes to the economic “Receiving this award for Manufacturing Excellencedevelopment of the UAE and GCC region. is a testament to Gulf Extrusions commitment to developing products and services for businessesThe Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business and it is another sign that our company hasAward embraces all GCC businesses in the journey of reached the highest levels of businessbusiness excellence, recognising and celebrating the accomplishment.” Saeed Al Ghurair added, “Gulfsuccess of the organisations that are leading the way Extrusions has maintained a high standard ofto establish new business excellence standards, and excellence for more than 40 years and constantwhose continuous and outstanding achievements innovation has been an inherent part of Gulfserve as an inspiration for all like-minded Extrusions DNA.”organisations across the GCC. 5
Mr. Saeed Saif Al Ghurair and the Gulf Extrusions team with the MRM Business Excellence Award in the manufacturing category. The Gulf Extrusions team with the MRM Business Excellence Award in the manufacturing category. Located in Jebel Ali, Dubai, Gulf Extrusions is one of the largest Aluminium extrusion plants in the Middle East. GULFEX is a major asset of the Al Ghurair Group; based firmly in the highly successful Aluminium downstream sector of the UAE economy. Established in 1976, Gulf Extrusions has remained a market leader continuing to earn an international reputation for the manufacture and supply of high quality extruded aluminium products. Gulf Extrusions is a company dedicated to innovation and strives for excellence in every achievement, ensuring success to constantly move forward towards a future of possibilities.6
Awards and Recognitions BurJuman recognised for retail marketing excellence winning three silver awards during the proceedingsDubai shopping destination, BurJuman, has been “These awards acknowledge the hard work andrecognised for their retail marketing excellence, dedication of the BurJuman team not only on thewinning three silver awards during the Unlocking BurJuman, Mind Games and our winterInternational Council of Shopping Centres 2017 campaigns, but throughout the year, deliveringMiddle East and North Africa Shopping Centre and world class facilities and experiences which bringRetailer Awards on 31 October 2017 in Dubai. communities together and celebrate the diversity of the dynamic region we call home,” saidDuring the night, the Mall received a silver BurJuman Management.placement for marketing excellence in the GrandOpening, Expansion and Renovation category for “The International Council of Shopping Centrestheir Unlocking the All New BurJuman campaign, 2017 Middle East & North Africa Shopping Centresuccessfully relaunching the Mall as Bur Dubai’s and Retailer Awards are considered to be one ofcommunity mall. new family destination. the world’s most prestigious recognitions,” said BurJuman Management. “These awards recogniseBurJuman’s unique Mind Games activation from the hard work and dedication of the widerNovember 2016 received silver in the New/ BurJuman team in the delivery of retail excellence.”Emerging Technology category. While, BurJuman’sefforts to establish themselves as a community and Held by the International Council of Shoppingfamily mall were regonised with silver award in the Centres, the Middle East and North Africa ShoppingSales Promotions and Events category for their Centre and Retailer Awards recognises excellencefascinating A Very Brr…Juman Winter campaign. within the region’s shopping centre industry. Designed to honour outstanding achievement in retail, marketing, NOI enhancement and retail excellence, these awards represent the milestones of some of the region’s leading malls and brands. 7
Awards and Recognitions Al Ghurair Iron and Steel receives “Sustainability 4.0 Award” for 2017 Al Ghurair Iron and Steel, the first Steel Cold Rolling and Galvanizing complex in the United Arab Emirates and one of the largest producers of Galvanised Steel in the Middle East and North Africa region, receives the “Sustainability 4.0 Award” Certificate of Merit – Safety Excellence from Frost & Sullivan for 2017. The “Sustainability 4.0 Awards” is designed to honor the efforts made by companies who actively integrate sustainability principles into their business culture. 8
Corporate Social Responsibility Learning and Training Al Ghurair Group launches new e-learning programs for its employees Al Ghurair Group has partnered with Kalleo MENA & GO1 for the provision of the GO1 eLearning portal, which will address current and future online learning delivery needs for our employees.Al Ghurair Group in association with a world-class As a starting point, employees will be enrolled inlearning management system GO1, is launching its eLearning courses according to individual trainingnew e-learning programs at the Learning needs. Progress will be tracked and monitored asDepartment in SAGG Head Office on Thursday, 9th part of ongoing Performance Management. WhereMarch 2017. appropriate, these online courses will be reinforced with traditional training methods as part of aA positive move to support Al Ghurair Group’s blended learning approach.commitment to employee development, growthopportunities and organizational enrichment, the A group of learners will be enrolled as an initialGroup has partnered with Kalleo MENA and GO1 to selection to kick off the launch of the e-learningimplement an eLearning platform with the intent to programs on Thursday 9th March 2017. Employeesbring training to our people, rather than taking will be invited to the launch for the formalpeople to a training event. introduction to the e-learning system that will be hosted by Kalleo.GO1’s portal has been internationally recognised asa leading solution in this space, due to its ease of E-learning programs offer an attractively designeduse, clean user experience, powerful functionality interactive learning environment in which SAGG’sand customisable reporting capabilities. employees make use of the full flexibility of online learning. Without being bound to a place or time,GO1’s learning management system is world class, our employees can actively develop their businesshaving recently been voted the best new training skills and knowledge with the program while theportal for 2013/2014, and is considered in the top employee learning progress will be tracked and10 training portals in the world (from over 580 monitored.solutions assessed). 9
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Al Ghurair Group Launches Lung Diseases Awareness Campaign By taking a step to detect Lung diseases in its early stages and improve the lives of our employees, Al Ghurair Group has partnered with Medeor Hospital to organize Lung diseases awareness campaign across its entities.In collaboration with a premium multispecialty Awareness activities planned for Lung diseaseshealthcare provider Medeor 24x7 Hospital, Al awareness campaign include sessions about theGhurair Group launched a Group wide Lung Diseases causes, symptoms, risk factors, regular screeningAwareness Campaign for SAGG’s employees in methods, health tips and will emphasize on the needJanuary 2017. for early detection to effectively fight the devastating lung diseases. This campaign is intended not only to raise As part of this campaign, education materials on lung awareness about the risks and symptoms of chronic health and diseases from Medeor 24x7 Hospital pulmonary diseases, including commonly found were distributed to session attendees. ailments like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) and pneumonia, but will also provide an opportunity for our staff to learn about the importance of protecting the lungs, problems associated with neglecting the lung health and the possible ways of avoiding lung health issues.10
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Stress Management, Hypertension and Cardiac Health Awareness Campaign launched at Al Ghurair Group to promote a healthy lifestyle With the aim of improving the health and well-being of SAGG’s employees, Al Ghurair Group has partnered with Medeor Hospital to raise awareness of stress related illnesses across entities.By taking a step to identify and This comprehensive campaign is The campaign includes free bloodmanage the stress related diseases intended not only to raise awarenessin its early stages and improve the about the symptoms and risks of pleasure check-up, sugar test andlifestyle of our employees, Al stress-related illnesses likeGhurair Group, in collaboration Hypertension and Heart diseases, butwith a premium multispecialty also provide an opportunity to assisthealthcare provider in the UAE, the employees to identify the causesMedeor 24x7 Hospital, launched a of their stress and provide them withcomprehensive Stress practical tools and tips to addressManagement, Hypertension, and those causes in order to avoid,Cardiac Health Awareness reduce and manage the stress on theCampaign for SAGG’s employees at job and life.Burjuman Centre and GulfExtrusions on March 2017 in body mass index for SAGG’sDubai. employees. As part of this campaign,Awareness activities planned forthis campaign included sessions specialist from Medeor Hospitalabout the causes, symptoms, riskfactors and health tips to provided free counseling to ouremphasize on the need for earlydetection to effectively fight the employees and answered theirstress-related diseases. queries to help them to better control their blood pressure and manage stress, which will be reflected positively on the quality of their life and work. 11
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Al Ghurair Group launched anti-flu awareness campaign for employees Al Ghurair Group in collaboration with one of top quality medical care providers in the country, Imara Healthcare, launched its groupwide anti-flu campaign for SAGG’s entities from 3rd to 22nd October 2017 in Dubai. This campaign is intended not only to raise awareness about the seasonal flu, but also provided an opportunity for our staff to get vaccinated and learn about the importance of getting an annual flu shot. Based on the final reports of flu vaccination from SAGG’s Head Office, the actual number of employees who received the flu vaccine was (60 employee of BurJuman Centre and Reef Mall), (250 employee of Arabian Packaging), (175 employee of Taghleef Industries), (135 employee of Arabian Can Industry), (270 employee of Gulf Extrusion), (85 employee of AGRE, AGBS), (35 employee of SAGT and GMPA) and (198 employee of Refco) during October 2017. “By participating in Anti-Flu Vaccination campaign, we can assure our employees and their families that we are committed to actively fighting influenza infection.” said Al Ghurair Group Management. 12
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Wellness Campaign Launched for Employees at SAGG’s Head Office With the aim of encouraging our employees to adopt healthy lifestyle, Al Ghurair Group, in coordination with Thumbay Hospital, launched ‘Wellness Campaign’ for SAGG’s employees on 25th September at Al Ghurair Group Head Office.Through this eventful healthcare campaign focusingon all round employee’s wellness and dealing withmajor health problems, employees were invited toattend a comprehensive session on Management oflower back pain, check their blood pressure, bloodsugar levels, height and weight, BMI (Body MassIndex) as well as dental checkup with specialists andmedical professionals at the Group’s Head Office.During this campaign, employees at the Group HeadOffice received invaluable medical and lifestyleinformation about health issues andrecommendations on how to actively improve theirhealth and prevent any further problems fromarising.On the day, a dentist from Thumbay Hospitalconducted a dental health care exam of ouremployees’ gums and teeth, asks about changes intheir overall health or medicine use, review howthey clean their teeth and look for oral healthproblems and make treatment recommendations, ifrequired. 13
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Al Ghurair Group launched ‘Obesity and Hypertension’ campaign to raise awareness on associated lifestyle diseases By taking a step to encourage change to food habits, physical activities and lifestyle choices, Al Ghurair Group, in collaboration with a progressive and quality healthcare provider in the country, Prime Hospital, launched a comprehensive one-day obesity and hypertension awareness campaign for its employees, to focus on the combined and increasingly common double threat of obesity and hypertension held on October 3rd at Al Ghurair Group Head Office. Throughout this interactive campaign, awareness activities provided employees with invaluable medical and lifestyle information including health check-ups, consultation with nutritionist and sessions about the obesity and hypertension causes, triggers, symptoms, its effects on the work and life of the individual, risk factors and health tips to effectively fight the obesity-related diseases. To assist in the management of nutrition, specialists from Prime Hospital provided one-to-one consultation to our employees and answered their queries to help them to better control their nutrition, blood pressure and lifestyle choices, which will be reflected positively on the quality of their life and work. 14
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Medical and Dental Campaign Launched for Employees at Gulf Extrusions With the aim of encouraging our employees to adopt healthy lifestyle, Gulf Extrusions, in collaboration with Kims Medical Centre Dubai, launched ‘Medical and Dental Campaign’ for employees at Gulfex on Thursday, 7th December 2017.The medical and dental On the day, a dentist from Kims and recommendations on how tocampaign included tests for Medical Centre conducted a actively improve their health andblood sugar and blood dental health care exam of our prevent any further problemspressure, height and weight, employees’ gums and teeth, asks from arising.BMI as well as dental checkup about changes in their overallwith specialists and medical health or medicine use, reviewprofessionals who provided how they clean their teeth andone-to-one consultation to look for oral health problems andGulfex employees and make treatmentanswered their queries to help recommendations, if required.them to better control theirnutrition, blood pressure and During this campaign, employeeslifestyle choices, which will be at Gulf Extrusions receivedreflected positively on the invaluable medical and lifestylequality of their life. information about health issues 15
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’ Campaign at Gulf Extrusions Understanding the importance of breast cancer screening and early detection was the focus of the campaign’s program at Gulf Extrusions, in collaboration with Medeor Hospital Dubai By taking a step to detect the campaign included sessions about breast cancer disease in its early the causes, symptoms, risk factors, stages and improve the lives of regular screening methods, health our employees, Al Ghurair Group tips and emphasized on the need for in collaboration with multi- early detection to effectively fight specialty and quality healthcare the devastating disease. provider in the country, Medeor Hospital launched a As part of this campaign, comprehensive one-day breast gynecologists from Medeor Hospital cancer awareness campaign for provided free counseling to our employees at Gulf Extrusions on female employees of all ages and 30 October 2017 in Dubai. answer their queries, helping to understand Breast Cancer better. Awareness activities planned for breast cancer awarenessArabian Flexible Packaging launches Medical and Dentalcampaign for EmployeesAs a part of Employee health and wellness program, their overall health or medicine use, review how theyArabian Flexible Packaging in collaboration with a clean their teeth and look for oral health problems andprogressive and quality healthcare provider Belhoul make treatment recommendations, if required.Specialty Hospital, launched Medical and DentalCheckups campaign for all employees at AFP on “With the launch of these awareness campaigns,Sunday 10th December 2017. Arabian Flexible Packaging reconfirmed its commitment to improving the lives of its employees,The campaign included Medical & Dental exam, through several engaging initiatives that encourageCholesterol test, Sugar test, Blood Pressure check up them to adopt healthier lifestyle, which will beand Body Mass Index for AFP’s employees. reflected positively on the quality of their life and work.” said Arabian Flexible Packaging Management.On the day, a specialist from Belhoul Specialty Hospitalconducted a dental health care exam of ouremployees’ gums and teeth, asks about changes in16
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Al Ghurair Group in collaboration with Max Vision launches eye health awareness campaign for the Group’s employees from 8th to 23rd November 2017 in Dubai‘Eye Health Awareness campaign is intended notonly to raise awareness about the importance ofeye health care and risks of eye injury, but alsowill help expand the employees understanding ofpreventative measures they can take to protecttheir eyesight’In its continuing efforts to foster companywidehealth awareness, Al Ghurair Group incollaboration with Max Vision launches its annualeye health awareness campaign which includesfree eye check-up and awareness sessions for theGroup’s employees from 8th to 23rd November2017 in Dubai.Employees at the Group’s Head Office, ArabianFlexible Packaging, Arabian Can Industry, SteelEngineering Development Company and Burjumanhad their eyes checked for early signs of eyeproblems such as glaucoma, cataracts, refractiveerrors including nearsightedness, farsightednessand retina examinations. Employees were alsoprovided prescription glasses and frames atdiscounted prices from Max Vision.This comprehensive campaign aims to highlightthe importance of getting regular eye tests toprotect eyesight, detect eye problems early andmaintain proper vision. 17
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Arabian Flexible Packaging employees showcased their sporting skills in the cricket and basketball competition Arabian Flexible Packaging has kicked off its 2017 cricket and basketball tournament on March 10th at Dulsco Events Arena in Al Quoz area - Dubai, as part of the company’s commitment to promote healthy lifestyle and effective teamwork among its employees in addition to supporting the competitive spirit within the AFP’s employees and departments.Team members of Arabian Flexible Cricket Highlights: Basketball Highlights:Packaging showcased theirsporting skills in a friendly cricket Team Tiger lead by Vivekananda For the basketball match, out ofand basketball competition Nayak clinched the first match in the participating two teams, Teamorganised for employees from the series against Team Bulls lead 36%Marginers won by 2-1 (Best ofvarious business divisions of AFP by Faisal Pottayil, scoring 131 runs 3 games) and gave a toughincluding production, logistics, for the loss of 8 wickets compared competition to Team 400Tonners.quality, maintenance, sales & with total of 107 runs all out for In the second match Teammarketing and finance & Team Bulls. In the semi-final 400Tonners won by 2-1 beatingadministration. match Team Bull, facing Team 36%Marginers. Tiger, scored 144 runs for 10The first two matches for both wickets, beating Team Tiger’s totalgames were played on March 10th of 97 all out.& 17th respectively. Thetournament winning teams incricket and basketball will be thetop scorer in the best of 3matches.18
While speaking on the occasion, Mr. Rohit Garg, With the aim of encouraging our employees toAFP’s Head of Operations, lauded the efforts for adopt healthier lifestyle, Arabian Flexibleencouraging such events and congratulated all the Packaging is committed to finding best ways forteams participating in the tournament. He employees to get active and keep fit and areemphasized on the need to play the game with the delighted by the response of this year’sspirit of teamsmanship. tournament start. All employees enjoyed the tournament and cheered the teams.He further added that these games are organizedto improve the bonding and promote healthy “This event provides a platform for colleagues tocompetition. All the employees enjoyed the take out some time from their busy schedules andtournament and cheered the teams. enjoy a day out.” said Mr. Rohit Garg, AFP’s Head of Operations. 19
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Good performance of Arabian Packaging teams in AP-CBD 1st Internal Football Tournament With the aim of encouraging our employees to adopt healthy and active lifestyle, Arabian Packaging organized its first internal football tournament on May 5th at Al Safa Park in Dubai. The teams put on a great show The tournament was held on a With teams producing some for the spectators present and sunny spring day in Dubai with brilliant goals for the fans to the deluge of goals ensured the Arabian Packaging enthusiastic enjoy, the first season of AP-CBD audience was a captive one. teams competing for the title. In internal football tournament has an action-packed game where exceeded all expectations Team members of Arabian both teams could be hugely proud showing a very high level of play Packaging showcased their of their efforts, the production witnessed from each player. All sporting skills in a friendly team won the first place of AP- employees enjoyed the football competition organized CBD 1st football tournament while tournament and cheered the for employees from various the maintenance team secured teams in this fun-filled interactive business divisions including sole possession of the second sporty and memorable event. production, maintenance, sales, place. planning, quality control, dispatch, administration and safety.20
Corporate Social Responsibility Health and Wellbeing Get Active with the Dubai Fitness Challenge Al Ghurair Group participated in the Dubai Fitness Challenge initiative to help Dubai become the most active city in the world!‘We are delighted to accept the 30X30 Dubai With hundreds of events, fun weekend carnivals,Fitness Challenge, a city initiative of His Highness workout classes, exciting and inspiring fitnessSheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al activities throughout the month in locationsMaktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman across the city, 75 mobile gyms, over AED 1of the Executive Council for Dubai Government’ million in prizes and more – there was something for everyone!Al Ghurair Group participated in DFC initiative byproviding all employees with the chance to registeron new inspiring fitness activities completely freeof charge throughout the month in locations acrossthe city, gain discounts for gym memberships,enter a weight loss competition and encouragedeveryone to do 30 minutes of exercise daily for 30days in Dubai Fitness Challenge.To support the Dubai Fitness Challenge initiative, Al Ghurair Group’s employees exercised and enjoyedactive work-out sessions at Al Ghurair Group Head Office, feeling energized and committed to healthyliving. 21
Corporate Social Responsibility SafetyArabian Flexible Packaging conducted Fire Fighting TrainingArabian Flexible Packaging has successfully conducted Fire Fighting Training for its employees atDubai Police Academy, Umm Suqeim on 18th and 25th February 2017, as part of employee’s health,safety and wellbeing programs at Al Ghurair Group.The Fire Fighting training consisted Apart from lectures, the training “Fire training and drills areof a theoretical and a practical course also consisted of practical essential not only to guaranteetraining. exercises in the open air where that employees know what to do employees learned how to use in case of fire and extinguishingThe training, which aimed at various types of fire fighting fires in their early stages, but alsoupgrading Arabian Flexible equipment. help save lives and minimize anyPackaging’s employees capabilities in damage that a business couldfire fighting, risk assessment, the use Arabian Flexible Packaging has experience as a result of anof fire extinguishers and other fire trained a group of 16 employees from unexpected fire. The health,equipment, is part of the company’s different departments on Fire safety and wellbeing of ouroverall plans to raise the level of Fighting to ensure that the fire safety employees are top priorities at Alawareness on fire safety and security procedure is carried out promptly and Ghurair Group” said Arabianprocedures at its workplaces. efficiently. Flexible Packaging Management.This fire fighting training course The training course on ‘Fire Fighting’included theoretical knowledge as was well received by the participantswell as practical training to ensure who were awarded certificates oncompliance with modern successful completion of the course.requirements of fire prevention,suppression and public safety. Duringthe training, AFP’s employees werelectured about the science of fire, fireprevention, types of fires, preparingfor fire and proper use of fireequipment. They were also explainedabout the basic measures that are tobe taken during the fire emergencies.Identification of the fire extinguishersbased on different classes, theiroperations and their applicationswere all included in the session.22
Corporate Social Responsibility Safety Safety Award Program at Arabian Can Industry Arabian Can Industry organizes Safety Award Program to promote safety culture in the workplace by continuously raising health and safety awareness among its employees and departmentsThe Safety Award addresses the importance for theACI’s work centers and departments to ensure theoccupational health and safety of labourers, whichreflect positively on productivity through theprovision of healthcare, adequate systems and workenvironment free of hazards and accidents. Theaward is presented to 4 departments monthly.ACI created the Safety Awards program to recognizethe efforts of its business units for achievingoutstanding safety records on their job sites.The award program on ‘Corporate Safety Standards”for June and July 2017 was well received by ACI’semployees who were awarded certificates onsuccessful completion of the award program. 23
Corporate Social Responsibility Safety New painting at Arabian Packaging showing walkways and working areas Arabian Packaging utilizes clear floor marking for walkways and working areas to keep employees safe, direct them around a jobsite and alert them to important informationHere at Arabian Packaging, the general idea is that The benefit of implementing floor marking guidesemployee should be able to walk into a certain other than the ones stated above is the increasedworkplace and identify the working areas safely and safety across the whole facility. Green floor markingswiftly. The fastest and effective way to achieve this as an example, areas marked by it means safe path,goal is by marking off pathways and working areas whereas areas marked by red means that theas well as implementing the floor marking guide. location is particularly dangerous and off-limits to unauthorized personnel lacking the knowledge inTo standardize floor markings and enhance the machinery.workflow efficiency, Arabian Packaging utilizes theInternational floor marking color guidelines. This It is an important and essential positive move tocolor scheme complies with the Occupational support the company’s commitment to employees’Safety and Health Administration standard and can well-being and sustainable productivity. This willbe used to visually separate processes, working ensure health and safety is consistently maintained,areas and pathways. In addition, it helps create not just for pedestrians but also for workersorder and pattern of work in Arabian Packaging’s operating vehicles or machinery, and workers onbusy plant floor. foot.Marking walkways and exit paths throughout With the utilization of new floor marking across theArabian Packaging facility helps to emphasize the manufacturing plant, Arabian Packagingsafest path to walk through. This also helps to keep reconfirmed its commitment to improving the livespedestrians and forklifts safe and provide quick of its employees, through several engagingguidance in an emergency. initiatives that encourage them to adopt healthy work environment.24
Corporate Social Responsibility Employment Talex to provide opportunities for ambitious and talented employees seeking to build their careers at every level ‘We at Talex were especially proud of our involvement in DIAC Career Fair 2017 to help guide the potential future employees and job seekers in their future careers through our involvement in DIAC Career Fair by exploring different career prospects as well as discussing the job duties and responsibilities of various positions at our company’The DIAC Career Fair provides employers with This Career Fair allows students with anthe opportunity to attract the talent and to opportunity to start their career in theirexplore career opportunities with the students, respective fields, along with a platform to learngraduates, alumni and community members. to identify and understand their abilities, so that they can target the most ideal jobs.At our booth, job seekers engaged in interviewswith our representatives to learn more about The event saw a huge participation fromthe variety of career options available at TALEX students who were interested in exploringand in the aluminium industry. different career prospects at Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion Company (Talex). 25
Corporate Social Responsibility EnvironmentAl Ghurair Group participated in the environment protectioncampaign in association with Emirates Environment GroupThe campaign demonstrates both internally and externally how the Group’s environmental programssupport future sustainability by creating and maintaining a healthier, cleaner and safer environmentfor everybody on our beautiful planet A team of HR department Through this campaign, collected and sent for recycling employees develop a stronger unwanted papers, magazines understanding of the need to and mixed papers from adapt sustainable practices for employees and different building a better tomorrow for departments. our planet and future generations. They have been able also to collect and send one laptop and The Group spares no effort to one printer in working condition explore and implement new to EEG for this noble cause. This sustainability solutions through environmental campaign saw activities and initiatives to employees from different ensure healthy community departments at the Group’s engagement which creates a head office who positive impact on the wholeheartedly participated to environment and individuals help build a better world. alike.Al Ghurair Group invites you to get involved and act by uniting withmillions of people around the globe to celebrate our amazing planetJoin us from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM UAE Time on Saturday, 25th of March, 2017 and reduce yourelectricity usage The Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE26
Corporate Social Responsibility CommunityAl Ghurair Group launched ‘Kilo of Kindness’ campaign to helpfamilies in needTo celebrate the charitable spirit of the Year of Giving in UAE, Al Ghurair Group, in collaboration withEmirates Red Crescent launched ‘Kilo of Kindness’ campaign in the Year of Giving to support families inneed, school students as well as other people undergoing hardship This food and school supply These collected food materials drive which ran from 5th until and school stationary will be 30th October 2017 invited distributed to disadvantaged employees throughout the communities by Emirates Red Group’s entities to simply drop Crescent to support families in off their donations including need and underprivileged school non-perishable food and school students. supplies at the designated store for this campaign in Al Ghurair Group Head Office, which were then handed over to the Emirates Red Crescent, to be distributed to the needy.‘Kilo of Kindness’ generates 1,200 kg of food & 6 boxes of stationaryThe ‘Kilo of Kindness’ campaign Kindness’ charity campaign, Because of kindness, contributionresulted in 1,200 kg of food materials which ran from 5th to 30th and support of the Group’sand 6 boxes of school stationary October and asked employees employees and management, kilo ofcollected from Al Ghurair Group Head across SAGG’s entities to drop kindness campaign was a bigOffice and SAGG’s entities which were off at least one kilo of food success!then handed over to the Emirates Red materials and school stationary.Crescent, to be distributed to theneedy. ‘Kilo of Kindness’ initiative which marks the Year of Giving, is partThis overwhelming generosity of the Group’s CSR programs,is the result of the group’s that aims to give back to thesuccessful 2017 ‘Kilo of communities where the company operates. 27
Features UAE-based TALEX to establish warehousing and logistics presence in Melbourne UAE-based Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion Company (Talex) has announced its expansion into the Australian market with Melbourne, the first city selected in its international expansion. Talex will initially open a commercial office in Melbourne, with warehousing and logistics services to follow. TALEX has identified Australia as a The expansion will also allow key market reportedly due to its TALEX to invest in key local stability and its ever-increasing industries, including major demand for aluminium extrusions. building systems suppliers for residential projects, big “TALEX’s entry into the Australian fabricators, wholesalers and market is highly strategic,” said Stylianos Tsoktoridis, General engineering application sectors. Manager, TALEX. “The market here is niche, but mature, which we believe “The establishment of multiple will provide both sustainability and warehousing and logistics services long-term prospects. in multiple locations around the country will increase TALEX’s “We believe that there is a substantial proximity to local markets and opportunity for us to promote our enable us to better serve our exclusive hard alloys that are suitable Australian customers by providing Stylianos Tsoktouridis for sophisticated engineering TALEX - General Manager them with shorter delivery times applications and supply the market and faster access to available directly via our soon-to-be- stock,” said Tsoktoridis. established local warehouses and distribution network.”28
FeaturesGulf Extrusions announces Christian Witsch as new CEOGulf Extrusions is pleased to welcome Christian Witsch as the new Chief Executive Officer, responsiblefor all the Metals initiatives within the Al Ghurair Group Product ReviewChristian brings 30 years of extensive business Throughout Christian’s career, he has beenmanagement experience to Gulf Extrusions of recognised as a Manager who is passionate forwhich 25 years have been dedicated to the manufacturing excellence. His extensiveGlobal Aluminium Extrusion Industry with understanding, and experience, of business andleading producers such as SAPA and Hydro industrial manufacturing has ensured hisAluminium Extrusions. continued success. Christian has held various managerial roles within the Hydro AluminiumFollowing the completion of his undergraduate Extrusion organisation including Vice Presidentmechanical engineering studies at Höhere for Operational Excellence for Europe and Asia,Technische Bundeslehr und Versuchsanstalt in Managing Director of Hydro Aluminium PolandBregenz Austria, Christian continued his and Hydro Aluminium UK as well asspecialist manufacturing education with studies Manufacturing Manager of Austria, Germany,for Corrosion Protection and Coating & Painting Argentina and Poland.Technology at Technische Akademie in Germanyand Safety Management. Christian very Following the merger of Hydro and SAPA,successfully completed the Managing Industrial Christian was appointed in his most senior roleBusiness and Environment Program at the IMD as Sapa’s Vice President of Global OperationalBusiness School in Switzerland. Excellence. Christian is a distinguished and talented LeaderPrior to Christian’s entry to the Aluminium who demonstrated passion and capabilityIndustry he spent 3 years as a Design and Project throughout his impressive career. We areEngineer within the offshore and maritime confident that Christian’s joining furtherindustry for Liebheer, in Austria and 5 years with strengthens Al Ghurair Group Metals initiativesthe leading sporting goods manufacturer, HEAD, TOWARDS A FUTURE OF POSSIBILITIES.as a senior process engineer for thedevelopment of new methods for the increased 29efficiency in the production of tennis rackets andskis.
Features Al Ghurair Group, in cooperation with the world’s leading provider of business software SAP, is launching its new human capital management (HCM) software In ensuring that the applications and agility of the human resources systems will meet the Group’s evolving business needs, Al Ghurair Group turned to SAP as a strategic and trusted solutions partner SAP is the world’s leading provider of business As a starting point, a series of training roadshows software with SAP SuccessFactors® solutions throughout May will target employees of GMPA, aimed at helping companies digitally transform SAGT, ACI and FPD with the aim to educate staff HR, enabling them to excel at finding, developing, on changes in the HR policy affected by the new and caring for their people to drive sustainable HRMS implementation. Further training sessions business success. As a web-based service that will provide employees with information on how allows employees to log into a web portal from to use the SAP HRMS with a Q&A session at the anywhere, at any time, managing one’s personal end of each roadshow for clarification and HR related data and requests is now easier than consolidation of learning. ever. SAP applications for human capital management SAP SuccessFactors solutions are designed to and payroll will help SAGG’s entities improve simplify HR processes and engage every productivity for the core operations of its business employee, enabling them to feel supported, while managing talents across the Group by trained, and motivated to achieve their goals. having all systems on a common modern platform.30
FeaturesAl Ghurair Group in collaboration with a leading travel agency,Al Tayer Holidays, organizes a full-day business visit to theGroup Head Office with the intent to provide our employeeswith information about airline tickets and holiday packagesGet the best deal at best prices without any hassle‘We – at Al Ghurair Group - are passionate about If you’re itching from the recent bite from the travelunderstanding our employees’ needs and exceeding bug, we say it’s about time you start planning yourtheir expectations’. next trip.Al Ghurair Group in collaboration with a leading Be it a weekend couple getaway or a month-longtravel agency, Al Tayer Holidays organized a full-day family vacation, let your next trip be planned withbusiness visit to the Group Head Office with the ease on both, your mind and pocket. Head to theintent to provide our employees with information travel office here for the most economical travelabout airline tickets, holiday packages, cruise packages combined with convenience of booking.vacation and exclusive deals to our employees, ratherthan browsing online to figure out where to stay,what to see and what to do, it was all right here. 31
Features Free du SIM cards to workers at Gulf Extrusions In line with Al Ghurair Group’s commitment to In a full-day visit to Gulfex, the benefits of using spreading labor happiness and enhancing the this happiness SIM card other than the ones quality of life for its workers, the Group in stated above have been explained by du collaboration with Ministry of Human Resources representatives. kiosks from du installed in and Emiratisation, following an agreement with Gulfex where laborers received their Happiness Emirates Integrated Telecommunications SIM cards and topped up mobile phones easily. Company (du), decided to grant workers free SIM cards as per the ongoing ‘Happiest Worker’ Al Ghurair Group spares no effort in improving initiative. the lives of its workers by creating unique initiatives and programs designed to cater to its workers specifically made for their needs.32
FeaturesGulf Extrusions celebrated the UAE Flag Day, where people ofthe UAE remember the efforts of the founders of their State,Sheikh Zayed and Sheikh Rashid, and their brothers whosacrificed everything for the sake of the nation.TALEX employees are Joining the nation by celebrating theUAE Flag Day, which coincides with the anniversary of HHSheikh Khalifa Al Nahyan’s accession as President of the UAE,may God preserve him. 33
EventsAl Ghurair Group hosts a corporate Iftar in the spirit of the holymonth of RamadanWith the goal of gathering employees and celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, Al Ghurair Group held acorpPorraotdeuIfcttarRfeorveiemwployees and guests at The Address Dubai Marina on Monday 12th June, as part of itsannual ceremonies which became a tradition in the Group.This year’s glamorous Ramadan-themed iftar and With the spirit of hospitality and togetherness that hasawards ceremony brought together under one roof come to define Ramadan, combined with generousapproximately 400 employees and guests sharing awards and giveaways, the festive atmosphere gavetheir business insights and Group successes through everyone in attendance a truly memorable eveningSAGG’s entities. The Saif Al Ghurair Group iftar took with colleagues as well as guests and was an occasion toplace as part of the initiative to further strengthen its strengthen the bond within our employees who haveties with business associates, subsidiaries and group played a major part in Saif Al Ghurair Group’semployees. continuous growth and outstanding successes. Al Ghurair Group recognizes employees for their exceptional performance, outstanding achievements, length of service and loyalty to the Group at Ramadan Iftar party, as part of the Group's commitment to appreciate and acknowledge the contributions of its people. On this occasion, long service awards were presented to 7 employees from GMPA celebrating their length of service and loyalty ranging from 20 to 44 years of service while also recognizing employees for the special contributions they’ve made in their respective areas and entities.34
Events46th UAE National Day Celebration at Al Ghurair GroupAl Ghurair Group has marked the occasion of the UAE’s 46th National Day with a packedprogramme of activities on 29th November in the presence of senior management and employeesfrom the Group’s various departments.The day’s celebration commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran followed by the UAE National anthemand the National Oath performed by three young girls came dressed in their best traditional attire, a welcomespeech from senior management and a poem that expressed loyalty and gratitude to the UAE was recited atthis dear occasion.This year’s National Day celebration included not only traditional buffet filled with mouthwatering Arabicfavorite dishes and a cake cutting ceremony but also live cooking corner, Emirates traditional food andbeautiful henna drawings on hands with special UAE National Day designs.At the heritage tent where traditional food served, two women sit by their stoves, making Emirati classics suchas delicious golden color lugeimat and freshly baked chubab. Senior management and staff from differentwalks of life, all gathered to celebrate the UAE National Day. 35
Events Al Ghurair Group Celebrates SAP SuccessFactors Go-Live Al Ghurair Group celebrated successful Go-Live of SAP SuccessFactors in the presence of the core team of SAGG’s entities HR Departments, experienced technical professionals from SAGT and all members of the project from SAP on 24 December 2017 at Al Ghurair Group Head Office. The dedicated team of enthusiastic professionals from both companies worked zealously over the past 6 months to enable SAP SuccessFactors implementation across SAGG’s entities. Al Ghurair Group partnered with SAP to inspire and empower its talents for a greater competitive edge by elevating a culture of engagement and collaboration through the use of SAP SuccessFactors solutions. SAP SuccessFactors solutions deliver cloud-based HR tools that help attract and develop top talent and empower employees to perform at their best. By implementing the industry’s leading cloud-based core human capital management (HCM) solution, businesses across SAGG’s entities can better align their people with business imperatives, while managing talents across the Group by having all systems on a common modern easy-to-use platform.36
Al Ghurair GroupTel: +971 4 2623377 | Fax: +971 4 2623388 | P.O. Box: 1, Dubai, UAE http://www.alghurair.com
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