15. Conclusion : In the pages above we have given a brief picture of AE. Our examina- tion of the language has been skelChy but il has revealed the main charac- teristics of the language and proved that AE, like other Semitic tongues, has been derived from CA. This language is immensely old, the language of the oldest civilization in the world, moreover examination of this language has shown that AEI must have been derived from CA at a very early period in the history or rather the existence of mankind. If we add to this the infonnation that CA is the only language we know of based on SS, the only language were individual sounds have significance, then we can grasp how immeasurably old CA is. It is undoubtedly the mother language of Semitic as well as IE tongues and we believe that should research on the lines of the research upon which this book is based is undertaken, we would be able to acertain that olher languages also were ultimately derived from CA. in all probability alilhe different tongues of the world. 1. For further proof concerning the origin of these Asiatic people see W. A. Budge 1985 P. XXXI. 285
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Arabic References d.I~ VoII ~ ~ ~..\".JI ~I.,.A11 - « ~ ~ lJi » ~..\".J I llIJI ~ I\"'; c.~I.J~ - ~)I~I - \",.rJ1 y~\"il ~.Jl1 - «~ui~ o~ »~~I.,raall - « r.J~1 ~J ~I ~ » ~I)I ~I - « ~~ .J~I ~ ~ » #.oHIJ r\"wl W ~..\".JI - 0 c ~I.lI.J I.?? » ~..\".JI WJI ~.Jl1 - « V\"~I ~j » U\"..\".JI fi:.AJ I t! I\".; « ~Li...ll ~.\"..- V\"~ » i\"l.!JlllIJl -
At Al'bnillm f\"no.ss. K~ NIl http://al-maktabeh.com
~)'v-)'~'~ ~~,~~ Classic Arabic as the Ancestor of Indo-Europian Langauages out Origin ofSpeach ti..a.~••'il..,Jt..t...o.~....t.l olilJ/,.i U ... faill ti•.•a'..-rt\"J f\"~I~t, ~L.......I ~)all ¥ ~ .~I ~.::..aU d,,:...... ~ J.>U-I ~ ~ ~ ,:,~I IlA c,;1.lfJ t.~1 ~ ~ ~ ~4- '+-.)~ ..:.>!S c,;J1 ~h i~1 UJJI ~I,,; \"Oft 0ft; i,J ~L.~I4.iJJI,.,.., ~\" ....~.....1I,J ~I ~.ii.:.liJ ~ ~ ~.)WI J\"iZ:! ,:,~I,J. ~I .~.:.l.vJa.. ~ ~I ~ JAU. ~I ~,.,.JI.UJJI..J ~..t..:J1 ~h i~1 ~ ~ ~I -: ~ ~vA4..La &e ~~I UJJI JWI \"\"\" IV0,J I.T.~ J-I \"\"\" ~\"...&.JI UJJI JWI v- IA. Ut : ~,Jl ~ ~ ~I.:.~I ul1ll4,J I.T.~ J-I Anglo-Saxon ..r...)A Latin ..r...)A reg(> wara (S.JJ .p.-) hean curro hwon ~ dicere fit wyrt UJ.A eO ,fij .l.JJ ~t darn .)l...i. cavus ....ap hryre .~jA corns O-.)U hocor ~ cinis .~ he \",. captus heo vA amita ~ hem ,... necesse ~ v-ii :~~-~. -t........tl+/.~~.I ~. ~L.,ilot ~_L.~•I~Li' 1I~i ~I• .J'1~ Woden •1.•l,J Manon • LA..
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I•.JJ-·' lil~.·.l_>j-L f'\"\" (u')..J.,ra IT'.It.KI.l,r·al IT1.i11 ~.- ~' - .I.J·Jl-i'.~..:.~·-oW't:...' .[by dissimilation] t.KIl ~ ~ ~j ..J.,ra ~ Ij! [r] ..J.,ra j! (w)..J,.,.. ~ we t....JiJt.....!J1 j.ald~.·..~.....-... .I...I:·' '__~~·I _ J,:..L...JI cs1-(-:.,-..J•J.:•\"11 ..........u.............. ,~~L·.u, .~ u.'~.J . _~I j! uL.J1 .ui' ..:.IJll. ~j ~ (The Vikings) wi ~ ~ (levels) ..:.~ ~ y.k ~ ~I ~ ~.,.JI UJI V>~ V\"J~ ~ »' 1- -1j ' ~- ~I tu-II UJI u.~ . J..ii..:.L~- t....JI csI.-. ~- . r-IWI ..:.W ~ _.'.}'W ..:...w ~'il ..:.liJJl ~ I ~ ~I ~ SS (sound symbolism) ~\"....JI . ~I ~,.~ ISjJl w-'-ll 1.lA V. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.\"... j.J Vc- iJ4c- ~.,.JI WI ~ ..J.,ra ~ wi ~ d/jJ . wW~IIS.:.\"...JI..:.I..)J1 j.J;! d/4J [trill] rll' Ji,1..I ~~ d~ wWI wi ~ ~ [r] ,,')'..J.,ra \\l...,J..I Ij! i....•.:; II.JLo\"'o ~ csI•- .ll.J:i U• - J i iJ~~•1 J i J I~<'~II csI.-. J.u IT-:\":11 t•u•'-.}'IWI UJlI Jt....iU J I~<'~II IT'I. ·t..lJ 4J ~J (\"..IJ ..J..IJ f:=!\"J: J~..uIjI..J~ . ..•~~.,ra ~'i .~I ~~ ~J u~ ~ ul ~ , ~J IS.J.J ..:.jJ d-J tJ: ~ ~_·.I~- '~I ~I ~•ITItJL.'.J U_.:.>L-li ~\".~_~I ~. ~_ ..J'-..1>-1 1.lA U. I .~'.J return, repeat, repeal, reject : ~ ~ Y:i..!J1 ~ u i ~ ~ SS ~.~ ~ j.J ~~I WI ~..J.,ra.$ w!J j.J _I)I..J,.,.. u! ~J j.....J' •.lA ,:,~I J.,lW..J SS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.\"..JI ~ _L.....'iIJJt....i'i1 wi:\"'! V. WJ ·~4 ~I~ j! ~.\"..JI UJlI ~ ~ Jl..:J1 ~ .~ ~i,JA (phoneme) ..J~I wi Lu..J . uW~1 ~ Jl.W L.. J.,I u+i ~I Sanskirt ~JiII ~~I Ji ~JiII ~U'il Ji ~\";~I ~ UJ lSi ~ ~ ~ dljJ ~.)&-..:.l..JS: ~ Gr. : qualamus r-1i S. Kr: Sapta ~: ~ o H G : burg ~~ Mihhil JJi..
ennu .L.~ t...s:: http://al-maktabeh.com
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