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Home Explore yeonjun lookbook vol1(2022)

yeonjun lookbook vol1(2022)

Published by plengei1201, 2022-01-27 17:26:45

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YEONJUN ' S 티 바이 티 룩북 매거진 choi yeonjun txt 최 연준 daniel LOOKBOOK

intro Welcome! 연준 YEONJUN'S LOOKBOOK YJ 01 Let's get to know Yeonjun 04 2019 TXT ALBUM Lookbook YEONJUN'S LOOKBOOK 2022 1 0 2020 TXT ALBUM Lookbook 20 2021 TXT ALBUM Lookbook 30 Special Event Looks (My pick) hello

ALL ABOUT 최연준 LET'S GET TO KNOW YEONJUN 01 Y E O N J U N LET'S GET TO KNOW YEONJUN YEONJUN CHOI Daniel Choi 최연준 Seongnam, BIRTH ; sep 13, South Korea DAY 1999

LET'S GET TO KNOW YEONJUN 02 투모로우바이투게더TOMORROW X TOGETHER ; POSITION Main Dancer EDUCATION Gumi Middle School Rapper Bulgok High School Actor Korean Arts High School Model Global Cyber University Songwriter (Broadcasting and Entertainment Department)

이투게더 LET'S GET TO KNOW YEONJUN 03 TOMORROW X 투모로우바 TOGETHER 투모로우 바이투게 더 62 kg. MBTI 181.5 cm. Blood Type A ENFP Extraversion (E), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), Perception (P) 최연준 A Campaigner (ENFP) is someone with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting personality traits. These people tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others. Their vibrant energy can flow in many directions.

04 THE DREAM March 4, 2019 CHAPTER: STAR TOMORROW X TOGETHER delivers their story through Blue Orangeade 2019 TXT ALBUM LOOKBOOK ‘The Dream Chapter’.As they transition from childhood to Crown adolescence, the boys have gathered together under ONE DREAM. For TOMORROW X TOGETHER, star is another name Our Summer for dream: the emotions swelling up inside as you look up Cat & Dog at the starry night sky, the growing excitement about tomorrow – chasing the stars mean you are remembering Nap of a star your childhood dreams. ‘The Dream Chapter’ will unfold the stories of what they encountered as they grew. A compilation of 5 tracks in total, the album ‘The Dream Chapter: STAR’ sings out TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s “happiness and excitement of meeting that special someone” The boys’ story opens with ‘Blue Orangeade’, and closes with ‘Nap of a star’, narrating how together they make things possible that was impossible alone.

05 THE DREAM CHAPTER: STAR Our Summer Orangeade 2019 TXT ALBUM LOOKBOOK blue Crown 투이모투로게우더바 Nap of a star Cat & Dog


07 THE DREAM October 21, 2019 CHAPTER: MAGIC TOMORROW X TOGETHER unfolds their story of growth and New Rules 2019 TXT ALBUM LOOKBOOK encounters in this new journey through the album concept The Dream Chapter. While The Dream Chapter: STAR expressed Run Away the “happiness and excitement of meeting that special someone”, The Dream Chapter: MAGIC tells the story of Roller Coaster “magical adventures” that boys encounter together with their friends who are different, yet alike. Through this adventure, Poppin' star the boys share their transformation, confusion and exploding emotions that arise during their transition to adolescence. Can't we just leave with the monster The album includes 8 tracks: “New Rules” that talks about the desire of wanting to create their own rules of the world, . the lead single “9 and Three Quarters (Run Away)”, “Roller . Coaster” which depicts the fearful but also an exciting moment like a rollercoaster ride, and “Angel Or Devil” singing Angel or Devil about the two inner voices fighting endlessly.

08 THE DREAM CHAPTER: MAGIC 20cm CRooallsetrer run run away 투이모투로게우더바 2019 TXT ALBUM LOOKBOOK Poppin' star Cat & Dog


10 The Dream May 18, 2020 Chapter: Eternity “Dream Chapter: ETERNITY”, following their debut album “Dream Drama 2020 TXT ALBUM LOOKBOOK Chapter: STAR” and their first full-length album “Dream Chapter: MAGIC” tells the story of young boys’ experiences meeting friends Can't You See Me? who are different yet alike. While they struggle with reality and rifts sometimes appear among them, the narrative encapsulates their Fairy of Shampoo hope that their time together will last eternally. Maze in the mirror There are six tracks in the album including the opening track “Drama”; title track “Can’t You See Me?”; a remake of “Fairy of Puma Shampoo”; first song written by the five members, “Maze in the Eternally Mirror”; “PUMA” with unique lyrics; and “Eternally” that exudes an experimental vibe. Highlighting each members’ stunning visuals that will capture the hearts of listeners in their teens along with their skills in writing music and lyrics, TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s new album is sure to further cement their status as one of today’s hottest group.

11 THE DREAM CHAPTER: Eternity puma drama fairy eternal 투이모투로게우더바 2020 TXT ALBUM LOOKBOOK shampoo see me? can't you

YEONJUN The Dream Chapter: Eternity

13 Minisode1 : Blue Hour October 26, 2020 TOMORROW X TOGETHER not only reaffirmed their skills and stunning Ghosting 2020 TXT ALBUM LOOKBOOK visuals with their second mini album, “The Dream Chapter: ETERNITY”, Blue hour but also cemented themselves as the new icon of growth by continuously breaking their own records in both album and song sales. we lost the summer They brought themselves to prominence by reaching new heights: they topped “Top Album” charts in 50 countries and regions around the wishlist world; and their song was selected as “2020’s Song of the Summer” by Radio Disney, one of America’s most prominent broadcasters. Now way hame the five members are back as “the kings of innocence.” For their second year of debut in 2020, the members are making their way back into the hearts of fans all around the world with their new album brimming with stories only they can tell, armed with “innocence uniquely TOMORROW X TOGETHER” as the world faces the unique and unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

14 Minisode1 : Blue Hour 2020 TXT ALBUM LOOKBOOK we lost Blue hour sumthmeer 투이모투로게우더바 wishlist way home ghosting

YEONJUN Minisode1 : Blue Hour